Nightmare’s Call

723 Disillusionment 3

Lin Sheng was obsessed with this wonderful feeling that was getting stronger every moment.

Originally, his already huge wish power began to increase rapidly again at this time.

The increase in the supply of wish power brings about the possibility of further sublimation of Shenhuo.

To put it simply, it is to condense the godhead and become a true god.

While steadily improving every day, Lin Sheng is also constantly improving the newly acquired divine armor.

A large number of resources from the Church of the Holy Light were piled up on the divine armor crazily.

A large number of modules were continuously installed, and the load capacity of the divine armor reached an unprecedented fifty.

All kinds of modules don't cost money, and they can be installed quickly.

The actual combat destructive power, defense power, self-recovery and maintenance, detection and evasion capabilities of the God Armor far exceed any other battle helmets.

Coupled with its two major abilities of speed and protection, it further sublimates its combat effectiveness to another level.

But Lin Sheng still only regards it as a big toy.

At this time, the development of the Holy Light Church finally successfully covered the surrounding cities.

With the city of Fen as the center, the three surrounding cities started to promote and preach the Holy Light at the same time.

A large number of priests entered the city, constantly distributing leaflets, giving public speeches, and showing their own experiences.

Under the operation of capital, all kinds of advertisements are overwhelming.

Even government departments have publicly expressed their opinions in support of the missionary work of the Church of the Holy Light.

Thus, in just three days, all the surrounding cities fell.

The number of bishops of the Holy Light Church has increased to five. The number of believers has increased to as many as 200,000. The number of believers in the outermost circle has also reached millions.

Like a snowball, the influence of the Church of the Holy Light quickly spread throughout the entire Cadizman Kingdom along with the Internet.

It's just that the upper echelons of the kingdom have not yet discussed the countermeasures.

The crown prince, Gelsis Kadisman, stood up and publicly declared that he supported the development of the Church of the Holy Light.

The cause was that the Berkshire syndrome that had plagued him for many years was completely cured by a bishop sent by the Church of the Holy Light.

Since then, Crown Prince Gelsis has become a loyal supporter of the Church of the Holy Light.

The development of Holy Light Church is in full swing.

But none of this has anything to do with Lin Sheng.

He threw everything to the Twelve Sons. On the other hand, he put all his energy into the research of Shiyuanhai.

Discovered through research on the Siyuan Sea.

Siyuanhai itself has an incomparably huge system will, which is roughly managed and restrained.

The will of this system has no emotion, no personality, and is just a module composed of some programs.

Lin Sheng tried to analyze this will several times, but all ended in failure.

He searched all the materials and information databases he could find, but unfortunately, he could find very little information about Siyuanhai.

Instead, he found the information about the fifth-level authority.

Right below the Church of the Holy Light.

About three kilometers underground.

In the huge dark void, Lin Sheng floated in mid-air, quietly watching the divine armor that was crazily devouring the wish power in front of him.

He divided the will power into white wish power and black wish power.

Ordinary believers provide the power of white wishes, while in the guardian beads, countless monsters of the Kuroshio provide the power of black wishes.

The foundation of Lin Sheng's real actions is the power of black will.

And now the soul consciousness obtained from Shiyuanhai is also protected to form a guardian bead.

The wish power provided by these soul consciousness can also be called black wish power.

Because of the power of the black wish, there is no possibility of betrayal.

That's why Lin Sheng was so happy.

However, this part of the black wish power is different from the Kuroshio monster. Kuroshio monsters are immortal, so their durability is much longer.

These soul consciousnesses do not know the limit.


Lin Sheng came back to his senses and looked at the core of the divine armor floating in front of him.

He stretched out his hand a little, and a hazy and complicated spell quickly and automatically unfolded around the divine armor.

A large number of surrounding wishes, wishes from this world, were drawn into the divine armor. Crazy strengthening of the material.

Lin Sheng had engraved a large number of runes and spells unique to the Holy Spirit Palace on the divine armor.

At the same time, one of the four major runes he created himself, the Icy Snake, was engraved into it.

The technology of the battle helmet gave him a lot of inspiration.

Lin Sheng intends to remotely control this armor and try the whole process of becoming a god through faith. Let this defective god armor become a real god armor.

In this way, we can study the construction of Godhead.

In the dark underground cavity.

Lin Sheng kept pointing out with his fingers, engraving a large number of spells on the armor.

The power of the yin-turning holy wheel is constantly revolving. Release a huge and powerful auxiliary force.

Soon, as Lin Sheng moved faster and faster.

There are more and more patterns on the surface of the divine armor, and the white light spots around it are becoming more and more dense.

A pair of illusory white wings slowly emerged behind it and unfolded.

There is even a white ring emerging from behind it.

"Next, the last item."

With a flick of Lin Sheng's finger, a ball of colorful flames fell on the divine armor and ignited it loudly.

The impurities are forged with divine fire, and the divine armor will be completely completed in the end.

About ten minutes later.

The divine fire on the divine armor slowly extinguished, revealing a translucent colored fluorescent sacred armor.

Looking at this unique divine armor that was successfully born, Lin Sheng frowned slightly, thoughtfully.

"It's still too weak. Compared with my current body strength, it's only 3%."

Chi! !

A black disc suddenly flew into the sky, completely annihilating the three ghost-splitting mechas that swooped down in a blink of an eye.

Dukaente put away the knife casually, the scene around him shattered, and the original street was restored.

Hong Rui and Sha Lu followed behind him, still full of admiration.

"It's another instant kill. It's too fierce."

No matter how many times he watched it, Hong Rui was surprised and admired by Dukaente's terrifying lore.

"Let's go, it's time for us to go back. Today, we prepared electric whale meat braised chocolate! Absolutely delicious!" Sha Lu looked back and shouted excitedly.

The two women were about to continue shopping when they suddenly saw Dukaente standing there calmly. like a statue.

"What's the matter? Du En?" The smile on Hong Rui's face quickly disappeared, she knew that Du Kaente was not a person who liked to joke.

"Someone is here again."

Dukaente turned around slowly, looking to the right mid-air.


A huge black humanoid mecha suddenly appeared in the sky there.

The mech folded its hands on its chest, its back was like wings, with a large number of gun barrels installed densely, and a string of weird symbols were printed on the side of its head.

From the outside, she is not much different from other ghost cracking mechs. Only the gun barrel on the back and the symbols on the face are extra.

But Dukaent keenly sensed a threat from this mech.

"The Tiger of Kurokawa.!!?"

Hong Rui, who was behind him, had an ugly expression the first time he saw the mecha.

"Oh? I didn't expect that on such a remote planet, there are people who can recognize me?"

An arrogant but natural tone came from inside the black mech.

"I heard from my subordinates before that there is actually an existence here that can fight mechs with their bodies. I didn't believe it at first.

But now I believe it. "

The red electronic eyes of the black mecha stared at Dukaente.

"But you don't look good, don't you?" He said coldly.

A short black knife slipped out of Dukaante's sleeve.

"Sorry to disappoint you. I'm just an ordinary martial arts practitioner."

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