Nightmare’s Call

Chapter 724 Intensification 1

"Cultivator? What is that?"

The Tiger of Kurokawa was puzzled.

Dukaente didn't say much, just held the knife and walked towards the other party calmly.

The divine power spread all over his body in an instant, greatly increasing his speed, strength, resilience, and defense.

"I'll kill you with one knife."

He raised his hand.


Dukaente's figure disappeared instantly.

In the blink of an eye, he appeared beside Kurokawa Zhihu, and the knife landed precisely on the connection gap of the mecha.

Zheng! !

The crimson sparks exploded immediately.

An invisible energy field shield blocked Dukaente.

"What a fast speed!" Only then did Tiger Kurokawa react.

The opponent's instant burst was so fast that his mecha caught it, but he himself couldn't react.

As a result, he only had time to see the flash of the red warning signal on the screen of the mech.

Then he got stabbed.

"Just with a knife, don't you underestimate me!?"

Tiger Kurokawa's whole body shook, and a large number of barrels behind him spread out and aimed automatically.

A dark red halo lit up in all the gun barrels at the same time.

"Death Cannon!!"

Chi! ! !

In an instant, countless red lights tore apart all the surrounding space.

Dukaente only had time to retreat a few meters before he was caught by the death ray cannon, and two red lights flew towards him.

An unprecedented crisis flooded his heart.

He didn't even have time to think about it, the knife in his hand was suddenly poured with a large amount of holy power, and it shone with a blinding white light.

"Phantom Sword Dance!"

The lore that belonged to the holy sword technique in the holy martial arts was released by him in an instant.

The small black knife in Dukaant's hand swung lightning like a storm with a large number of knife marks.

The silver-gray knife marks cut all the terrain and buildings more than ten meters around into countless pieces in an instant.

The knife mark faced the dead light cannon, and the two passed through each other in the blink of an eye without any stalemate at all.

Both attacks landed on Dukaente and Kurokawa Tiger at the same time.

Neither of them expected it.

The death ray cannon can't be blocked at all.

And Dukaente's phantom sword dance also gave the Tiger of Kurokawa no time to react and dodge.

Boom! Boom!

Sparks exploded on the two of them almost at the same time.

A defensive sacred power light curtain lit up on Dukaente. Offset most of the dead light cannon power.

But the huge heat still instantly scorched the clothes on his chest, leaving a black scar the size of a bowl.

Heichuan Zhihu leaned hard on the force field shield on his body, carrying the Phantom Sword Wu and quickly retreated.

A large number of golden sparks exploded on his body in an instant. The entire body seemed to have been hit by a meteorite, and it slammed into a three-story building.

As the rumbling sound continued.

The Tiger of Kurokawa smashed through countless walls before finally being silent.

"Not dead yet!"

Dukaent's body bowed slightly, and suddenly ejected, turning into a gray shadow and heading straight for the fall point of Heichuan's Tiger.

"Die to me!! Hahahaha!! Cluster cannon!! Maximum power!"

Before Dukaent approached, a black lightning beam with a diameter of more than three meters burst out from the building and hit him head-on.

In the black electric light column, a round of semicircular white light lit up.

But the power of the cluster cannon this time has exceeded the limit that Dukaente's divine power can bear.

He only blocked it for half a second before being smashed into the air by the huge bombardment force.

Boom! !

Dukaent crashed into the cold drink shop behind like a cannonball.

But he didn't wait for the impact force to disappear completely, so he mobilized his body strength, kicked his feet, and soared into the sky.

"Holy Sword Art."

He covered his face with the black knife in his hand, and all the sacred power on his body quickly turned into black feathers, covering his whole body.

"Black Feather!!"

In an instant, all the black feathers fell off at the same time, turning into black beams and bombarding the tiger of Heichuan below.

This is a variant of Holy Sword Art Kuroba.

The black feathers converged into a beam-like bombardment, which was activated with super-speed ability, forming a terrifying lethality like a bombardment.

In an instant, the black feather that exploded from Dukaent flew out a black beam of light with a diameter of two meters, which happened to meet the cluster cannon blasting again from below.

The two beams of light frantically annihilated and consumed in midair.

Massive amounts of energy continue to turn into gray particles and diffuse into the surrounding space.

The first one who couldn't support it was Dukaente.

After all, he used his physical body to fight against the mech's energy furnace. It's okay to burst out for a short time, but after a long time, it is naturally not an opponent.

He sank suddenly, disconnected the black feather beam of light, and his body turned into a phantom again, rushing towards the tiger of Heichuan.

clang! !

One person and one mecha collided with each other in an instant.

The Black Knife and the Mecha Ship Slashing Knife turned into phantoms one after another, crazily docking and staggering.

Sparks continued to explode on Tiger Kurokawa and Dukaente.

Combined with the mecha auxiliary system, the Tiger of Kurokawa is barely qualified to keep up with Duka Ente's speed.

But close combat is only a few seconds. He couldn't bear it anymore.

The consumption speed of the force field shield shocked him.

"What the hell is this!!?" He was forced to this extent by a living person with a tactical knife! ?

Originally, Tiger Kurokawa only sensed energy fluctuations, and the isolated space was unfolding here, so he came to see the excitement.


"I don't believe it!" He growled.

All the gun barrels behind him were overloaded with black and red lights at the same time.

"Extreme Power! The Light of the Red Umbrella!!"

In an instant, a dark red light beam exploded with a much stronger power than before.

Hundreds of light beams are like red pythons, sliding out a zigzagging trajectory in mid-air, all rushing towards Dukaente.


Dukaente was only hit by a beam of light, and the sacred power defense on his body was broken in response.

He spat out a mouthful of blood uncontrollably.


He never expected that there was such a big gap between the Kurokawa Tiger and the previous mechas.

"Alright, let's decide the outcome."

He gripped the black knife tightly. The last divine power was combined with a part of soul power, and he began to truly develop the second ability that he had only comprehended successfully.


The black knife suddenly drew a hexagram-like trajectory in front of him. Block the bombardment of the light of the red umbrella for a moment.

"Super Speed ​​Phantom Sword Dance!!"

Suddenly, over the entire street, all the light seemed to disappear in an instant.

Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi! ! !

The violent knife light flashed across the entire street in an instant.

Countless white line-like knife marks, neatly shrunk to a point, cut through the Kurokawa Tiger mech, cut off all the light of the red umbrella, and cut off all the darkness.

Then re-light everything.

Dukaente landed slowly and retracted the knife. Wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand.

"So, as I said earlier, I'm just an ordinary practitioner."

"Huh, beyond the limits. Humans??"

The Tiger of Kurokawa stood still, motionless.


His whole body armor was suddenly cut into hundreds of small pieces.

Fine pieces of flesh and blood were mixed with the mecha fragments and scattered all over the place.


Dukaente also turned pale at the same time, and couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood.

The move just now put too much burden on him now. So much so that he squandered all his divine power. At the same time, it also exploded the soul and exerted its full potential before it was successfully displayed.

With a puff, his knees gave way and he half-kneeled on the ground.

"Are you OK!!?"

Only then did Hong Rui and Sha Lu react. He rushed over quickly and supported Dukaente.

"It's okay, just go back and have a rest. That's fine."

Dukaente forced a smile. But another mouthful of blood couldn't help gushing from the corner of his mouth.

His condition was not as good as he himself said.

"Let's go to the hospital right away! The nearest hospital is." Sha Lu hurriedly took out his cell phone from his pocket, ready to make a call.

"What a mess, Dukaente."

Suddenly, an indistinct figure flashed behind the three of them.

"If the president sees you like this, I don't know if he will still have high hopes for you as before."

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