Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1046: Accidental

Satsuma was a little stunned. I didn’t expect Sun Hao to think about her. My son was a stupid dog, and he made a good friend. He said softly: "Nothing, I am an exception. rest assured."

After saying this, Satsuma said with a slight smile: "It’s just agarwood. After I take care of your cause and effect, your performance in the outside world may be unsatisfactory, but it will be misunderstood by some monks."

Sun Hao said with a smile: "Some of the fame, Sun Hao is not very concerned, as long as the predecessors have nothing to do"

Sun Hao doesn't care, but the monk who is watching the outside is dumbfounded.

In other words, Shen Xiang is a baby, this day is a big robbery, is it too playful?

The first thunder, the chopsticks are fine.

Then, after brewing for a long time, everyone thought it would be a very fierce second heavenly thunder.

But the result, etc., is a red lotus with only the size of a palm.

Well, everyone understands that the awe-inspiring **** of thunder is a silver snake with a chopstick size, which is completely fixed.

Very ridiculous.

It is really a wonder of heaven and earth.

It can be said that the monk's baby, the appearance of agarwood is so unprecedented.

If it is like agarwood, then the monk’s annihilation of the Yuan Ying seems to be a minor problem.

If it is like agarwood, then the monk is even a baby, it is estimated that this baby is also enough.

It is reasonable to say that with the cultivation of agarwood and the accumulation of agarwood, this is not the case.

Is there anything wrong with it?

Well, the slap-sized red lotus has not entered Sun Hao's body, and it seems that there is no harm to Sun Hao.

The ice and snow marks on Sun Hao’s wrists have not started, and the red lotus robbery has passed.

In the sky, the pressure is heavy and it is starting to brew.

The time of brewing is super long.

The pressure is boundless and the momentum is rampant.

But the monks suspect that it will not, the day robbery will return to the hurricane directly.

The monks are right. After a long time, a mini, palm-sized hurricane bird shook his head. Angrily rushed down from the thundercloud.

Sun Hao always sits solemnly on his knees.

The expression on the face is also a wave of ancient wells.

But the onlookers, the feeling at this time is that Sun Hao is a little fussy, such a small hurricane, it is really not even a hurricane, can not talk about how many threats.

Outrageous is. After the hurricane, the thunderclouds in the sky began to slowly dissipate.

In other words, the agarwood baby is actually finished.

Compared with the Zhao Yu magic knot, there is no doubt that the agarwood incubator is like a farce. In addition to the huge momentum of the black cloud, the three disasters are three difficulties, whether it is too simple and easy.

What is the wonder of Yuan Ying, who is made up of agarwood?

Interesting. Expecting a stranger of the monks, there is a sense of powerlessness in a punch on cotton.

At the same time, my heart is even more curious, and what kind of Yuan Ying is formed by Shen Xiang.

Also, Aquilaria and the master’s Yuan Ying’s fight, there is no need

According to past experience, the greater the difficulty of getting married, the stronger the strength of Yuan Ying.

There is no comparability between the master and the grandson of Sun Hao.

The three disasters of the two are completely different levels.

How big is the great power of the grandson?

Really want a ratio. It is estimated that Sun Hao will be abused as an adult.

Inside the demon temple, the big mouse stared at the thundercloud that gradually dispersed in the sky, and the heart produced a serious, incredible feeling.

He noticed that it was not right. However, with his cultivation, he did not see where it was from.

The burial sky market is too mysterious, and some secrets are even more than the monks of this world: "Master, it is better to hit the sun than to choose the sun, and Aquilaria has a request, how can you compare my baby?"

The monks are all in one.

Shen Xiang actually called out.

Just married, actually meet Zhao Zhaomo, than the strength of the test Yuan Ying.

However, the sound of the agarwood scent is so inconspicuous, and he is so courageous from there.

No matter what, there was a good show, and the spirits of the monks suddenly rose.

Above the Temple of Heaven, Zhao Hao’s magic flew up and laughed: “Respect is not as good as death, Aquilaria, I am coming”

A big step and a double arm, Zhao Zhaomo has appeared on the platform, standing in front of Sun Hao, haha ​​smiled: "Agarwood, how do we compare?"

Normally, Yuan Ying is the most important and most secretive source of cultivation for monks. Since history, if it is not a special situation, Yuan Yingzhen has very few acts of Yuan Ying.

The so-called "infant's covenant" should actually be more difficult than when the test is done, and it is even harder.

Compared with this, Sun Hao is obviously not as good as it is.

However, it is clear that Sun Hao did not agree with this result and proposed a real battle.

With thousands of monks onlookers, the mainland's elites are all there, and Zhao Wei's devils are naturally not to be outdone, and they stand up.

People are coming How is it better than the first one to follow, is it really that two yuan infants are born, and then the wrists are not

Sun Hao had a plan to make a slight sigh of the Dengtian list. He said: "There is a way to go to heaven, and there is a spirit in the sky. Please also show your powers and let the younger monks try the power of the baby."

The voice just fell, and on the list of the sky, the names of Zhao Yumo and Sun Hao suddenly ignited.

Two golden lights shine on Sun Hao and Zhao Yumo.

Then, on the roof, it seems that there is a burst of ripples, the space is confused, and the shape of Sun Hao and Zhao Yumo is also in the space. If there is nothing, it is looming.

On the battleship airship, the monks face each other.

Deng Tianbang actually reacted to the words of Aloes

However, for such an important test, Mao did not let everyone watch this Dengtian list, it is a killing of a group of very curious monks. To be continued.


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