Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1047: Peerless baby

Among the hustle and bustle space, the bodies of Sun Hao and Zhao Yumo are unclear. Whether the two of them are in the test is not known, but how to compare them is even more curious.

As the heroes open up the battlefield, the Dengtian list directly opened up a special space for them to let them fight.

At this moment when the space picked up, Sun Hao felt his spirit shocked, and then found himself in a strange space.

The two don't want to fight the baby, then fight, the ascendant list is like a hero, and directly pull their Yuan Ying in.

At this time, Zhao Xiaomo just thinks that the Ascension List is really amazing.

However, Sun Hao knows a little bit. It should be Satsuma's shot, control the ascendant list, and open up a special Yuan Ying battlefield. However, Sun Hao also forgot who Satsuma is, but looked at the opposite Zhao Hao.

Not far from the opposite side, a small child-shaped Zhao Yumo, also looked at himself at this time.

Zhao Yumo’s Yuan Ying’s facial features are clear, his limbs are powerful, and his height is about one foot. His eyes are smart and clear, and his posture is free.

According to the records of the classics, the monk Yuan Ying also has a high and low point. It is also a very simple judgment standard. It is: "one inch, one product, three inches and one order; the attitude is control, the power is the root"

In theory, the one-inch high Yuan Ying is the lowest grade nine-yuan infant. Although the theory exists, it is very rare for Jiu Pin Yuan Ying to break Jin Dan.

Under normal circumstances, the monk Yuan Ying is at least "three-inch Ding", three inches are the next product, corresponding to seven to nine yuan yuan infant.

A product of the baby, it will be nine inches tall.

Zhao Yumo’s Yuan Ying’s height reached one foot, but it was beyond the scope of a product. The Tiangong master was really good. It’s no wonder that he proposed to compare with himself.

Three disasters and twelve difficulties, it is not a wave of fame.

Sun Hao looked at Zhao Xiaomo at this moment, Zhao Wei's magic Yuan Ying face, showing a very wrong expression.

Sun Hao’s Yuan Ying is too strange.

As far as the classics Zhao Zhaomo saw, there has never been such a record of Yuan Ying.

The first is height. Actually reached one foot two

This is what the height of the ordinary Yuan Ying’s mid-term monk’s Yuan Ying can’t grow so high. Is it the result of not experiencing the thunderstorm exercise?

Then, even more so, Zhao Wei is strange, Sun Hao’s Yuan Ying. Actually put on a red armor, Yuan Ying armor what state.

Ok, this is not the strangest thing.

It is strange that Sun Hao’s Yuan Ying actually took a stick that was half a foot long and kept on his face.

Yuan Ying actually took weapons.

Zhao Yumo is also drunk.

Such a strange Yuan Ying. Zhao Weimo really saw it for the first time.

Sun Hao saw the strange expression of Zhao Yumo, and he could not help but look at himself.

Sun Hao himself was also laughing.

Then, some information automatically flooded into my mind.

Sun Hao quickly figured out what strange things he had on his body.

The red armor on the body is the perfection of the gods, but after Sun Hao broke the baby, the Tiandao gave a solid magical power, and it was also the very high-end of the Satsuma to Sun Hao: "three heads and six arms" magical law.

Of course, this thing has to be cultivated by Sun Hao. At present, it is estimated that it is difficult to display it.

The stick in the hand is actually a heavenly reward that was obtained after the birth of the baby. It is also a sacred magical power, and it is a more strange sacred magical power, actually gave him a "Doutianshu" in the hands of Yuan Ying.

Not only that, but Sun Hao can still perceive that on his own body, a few of the original secrets that had already been solidified have been solidified in Yuan Ying in different forms.

At the bottom of the right foot, stepping on a pattern of dead wood glows, it is a dead wood.

On the sole of the left foot, stepped on a red egg shell. That is the Aegis of Fire.

In the middle of the eyebrow, there is a lightning pattern, but it is a radius of eight gray strikes.

The monk advanced into the infant period, when the Dan was born. There is an opportunity to solidify one or two powerful, relatively familiar spells for this life.

In order to generate their own unique magical powers, many monks will practice a spell before breaking the baby and create their own unique offensive and defensive means.

Sun Hao has learned a lot, and every spell is more skilled. Plus, he has already solidified two sacred magical powers on the top of Jindan, but he has not deliberately practiced his own exclusive spells.

When the Dan was born, Sun Hao was in a special space in Satsuma.

Satsuma blocked the powerful baby catastrophe, but also stripped the power of thunder and hurricane, gave the great enthusiasm of Sun Hao Xin Yuan Ying, and used special techniques to let Sun Hao solidify the three-headed and six-armed her master. .

At the same time, the most powerful spells Sun Hao learned were also transformed into the shape of the "Big Stick", which appeared in the hands of Yuan Ying.

That is to say, when the baby was born, Sun Hao had more than one other magical monk.

In addition, the three existing sacred magical powers have also evolved in the nectar after the disaster. Good guys, Sun Hao’s Yuan Ying has gained five great powers.

Of course, after the creation of the magical power, what effect, power, but also must be Sun Hao in the future cultivation, gradually familiar, strengthened, and used in actual combat.

Quickly familiarize Yuan Ying.

Opposite, Zhao Yumo also recovered from the shock, and came up with an idea: "Agarwood, you are a baby, the shape is really cool, just don't know if you don't fight."

Sun Hao’s Yuan Ying actually showed a light smile, and a thought passed on the past: “Everyone, the master’s Yuan Ying, actually surpassed one product, and, Yuan Yingcheng, can be able to express the sound, Shen Xiang admire”

Zhao Wei’s demon glimpsed, and the heart said, you just got a baby, but you’re still hot, you can be able to express your thoughts. Isn’t it more powerful, thinking, and there is also a thought: “To each other, each other, now It’s strange that what happened to the agarwood baby was actually so strange.”

Sun Hao said with a smile: "When you go to the rooftops, you will be buried in the market. You may have anything. The master is in the same position."

Zhao Yumo’s Yuan Ying’s momentum rose, his hand was raised, and a huge handprint appeared in the air. In the mind, he laughed: “What is your devil and ghost? I am self-defeating, and Shen Xiang looks at it.”

The handprinted air "snap" and turned into a male lion, tall and mighty, imposing, and rushed to Sun Hao.

The outer lion print can actually be displayed by Yuan Ying. It seems that this should be the life of Zhao Zhaomo.

Sun Hao’s Yuan Ying smiled lightly and came up with the idea: “It’s good,” and the body’s red armor flew out.

In the air, a crimson giant, three-headed and six-armed, appeared on the head of Sun Hao.

This is what Zhao Yumo looked at in the air, actually, the heart trembled.

This should be the sacred power of Aquilaria, but what kind of supernatural power can evolve three heads and six arms.

What is even more terrifying is that his own sacred magical powers, the transformation of the lion to attack, but the giants pressed their hands and gave them to the air, and they could not move.

The giant screamed in the sky, and the other two hands grasped the lion's feet and tore them with strength.

Zhao Xiaomo has not reacted yet, and the lion has been torn into two halves.

At the same time as Zhao Wei’s heart was scared, the two remaining hands of the giant kept slaping their own, as if they were screaming proudly.

A very good command of the gods.

And it is still a move that has never been used by agarwood.

At this moment, Zhao Xiaomo has already understood that Sun Haosun and Shen Xiang’s baby are definitely not on the surface, and it is likely that there is another flaw.

The power of the giants demonstrates that Sun Hao Yuan Ying has an extraordinary fighting power.

However, Zhao Xiaomo is not a vegetarian, and raised his hand again.

Tearing the lion, Sun Hao did not take the opportunity to launch a strong attack, waiting for the next attack of Zhao Yumo.

Zhao Wei's magic Yuan Ying raised his small hand, and there was a huge palm in the air. He caught the sky and caught it. A thought was also passed on: "Agarwood, pick me up again, pick the stars and fall."

This should be the second sacred magical power of Zhao Yumo.

Sun Hao passed a message: "Master brothers are really powerful, two great deeds, all extraordinary, admire."

After that, the stick in Sun Hao’s small hand is slightly up.

To be honest, Sun Hao doesn't know how to use the stick on his hand.

The strange stick of the sky, actually appeared directly in the hands of Yuan Ying, but also unexpectedly beyond Sun Hao.

Now, just right, take Zhao Weimo to try the power of the stick in the hands of Yuan Ying.

Stick in one fell swoop Sun Hao body, suddenly changed momentum.

Originally, the Yuan Ying generated by Sun Hao is quite similar to his own temperament. He is always gentle and unhurried.

However, at the moment of lifting the stick, there was a strong and extremely strong, and the momentum of the battlefield rushed out from Yuan Ying.

A straight rushing into the sky, straight straight into the sky beam, instantly filled out.

Yuan Ying gently waved forward, the light column hula, hula, rushed forward.

Zhao Xie's decapitated star, no time to react, was completely submerged in the golden light.

The heart was extremely shocked. Zhao Wei’s eyes looked at the light column and went straight to himself. He couldn’t think too much. Yuan Ying’s teleport disappeared and disappeared.

There is a lingering fear in the heart. Zhao Xiaomo looks at the direction of the light column. He thinks: "This is a weapon that is so powerful, as if you are not an opponent at all."


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