Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1048: Peerless Baby (2)

In the heart of Zhao Yumo, at this moment, there is a strong sense of frustration.

As a master of the Heavenly Palace, the accumulation is very strong, and the formation of a super-yuan baby, the original is the spirit of the wind, when the mind is full.

However, compared with Sun Hao, I saw the inexhaustible power beam that wiped the Yuan Ying rushing past. Zhao Xin’s heart is full of bitterness.

At this moment, he fully understands.

Sun Hao Sun Shen Xiang's one-foot-two Yuan Ying, but it is a real height, the strange armor and strange sticks on his body, it is the life of the gods.

Only at this time, how can he not be depressed.

Produced a super product Yuan Ying, I thought that I was the ultimate Tianjiao.

But who knows, the Yuan Ying, who was born by others, is a peerless baby. In front of him, he is just a pediatrics.

The huge beam of light rubbed Zhao Yu's magic Yuan Ying into the distance.

Zhao Wei’s horror is floating in the air.

In the eyes of Sun Hao Yuan Ying, the flash of light flashed, and a hint of thought came out again: "Master, pick me up again."

The thoughts passed by, and the little stick in his hand slammed into the hands of Zhao Ying’s Yuan Ying.

Only this time, there is no golden light column with the stick of the sky.

With Sun Hao's crowbar action, the stick in Yuan Ying's hand suddenly extended forward, like a dragon, and the speed was extremely mad.

Zhao Xiaomo did not dare to neglect, Yuan Ying swayed, and a momentary movement, he wanted to get rid of the sniper range of the stick.

However, incomparably, Zhao Xiaomo discovered that no matter how he moves, Sun Hao’s strange stick can accurately find his range in the air. The stick seems to zoom in quickly in his own eyes. It seems inevitable.

What made him trembled was that on the stick, there was a shock and tremendous pressure that made him jealous.

There is a clear understanding in my heart. Once I have been swayed by this stick, I am afraid that waiting for my own will be a big loss for Yuan Ying, maybe. It will also kill the baby on the spot.

For a moment, Zhao Wei’s magic is very regrettable, regret not to provoke Sun Hao, regret not to be compared with Sun Hao. It is so devastating.

In the eyes of Sun Hao, it is brilliant.

The fighting stick is not venting, and it is necessary to hit the top of the sky.

Sun Hao is not a good man and a woman, and is buried in the market. Zhao Yumo has always been vaguely opposed to himself, and he has regarded himself as an imaginary enemy. Although he does not care much, he does not hinder Sun Hao from killing his killer.

If it is extinguished, it will be destroyed. It is normal for the infant to be in danger.

Zhao Yumo’s Yuan Ying closed his eyes.

Sun Hao’s fighting sticks came over unintentionally.

Just after half a ring.

Zhao Xiaomo found himself still not being stunned by Sun Hao.

Can't help but blink.

It was discovered that at this moment, a small stick was stopping between his own eyebrows. Condensed and unmoved, the boundless fighting spirit and infinite momentum of the intrinsic, so that he was frightened and scared, the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

Looking at the stick of the eye, Zhao Yumo said, "Thanks to Shen Xiang for his mercy."

Sun Hao’s face smiled lightly, his little hand shook, and the stick of the sky quickly became smaller, and he shrank back. He came up with the idea: “The monk is not easy to practice, and God has a good life. Master, inheritance”

To be honest, Sun Hao had never let go of Zhao’s thoughts and plans.

The war situation is dominant and active. Sun Hao is eager to reinvent Zhao Wei, or simply kill him on the spot.

But unfortunately, when the stick of the day broke into the heart of Zhao Yu's magic Yuan Ying, Sun Hao suddenly had a clear understanding in his heart, and he did not allow himself to reinvent Zhao Hao.

The invisible binding force also allowed Sun Hao’s fighting stick to go to the fore.

A slight sigh in my heart. Sun Hao shun naturally, and stopped the stick of the day in the middle of Zhao Yan’s eyebrows.

A little thought, Sun Hao also understands that he and Zhao Zhaomo are both ranked Jindan, ranking first and second on the top of the list, is the two biggest heroes to repair the burial sky market, in a sense Said that in the special scene formed by the Dengtian list, both of them were protected, but no one wants to take the opportunity to kill the opponent.

Sun Hao’s heart turned to this meeting. The Zhao Ying’s Yuan Ying seems to have wiped a cold sweat, and then he said, “Thank you for the incense that does not kill, the sorcerer is not arrogant. In today’s world, it is the incense and Yuan Ying. Sheng Ying, really called one inch and one heavy heaven, one inch and one point of strength, Shen Xiang Yuan Ying twelve layers, but the devil is not filming, but the wind is down."

Zhao Yumo is not as good as himself.

Sun Hao had not had time to talk, and felt that his body was suddenly shocked. When he fixed his mind again, he found that he had appeared on the platform.

On the opposite side, Zhao Yumo slowly opened his eyes and looked at himself with a shock.

With a slight smile, Sun Hao said with an arch, said indifferently: "Master, let the inheritance."

The final thoughts of Zhao Yumo finally turned into two sentences, and they rang on the roof: "The devil is not filming, but the wind is down."

After saying this sentence, Zhao Wei’s mind is full of doubts and doubts. It is very secretive.

Just woke up from the Yuan Ying fight, Zhao Xiaomo found that he was quickly forgetting some details in the Yuan Ying test.

Soon, Zhao Xiaomo discovered that he had forgotten how Sun Hao’s Yuan Ying was growing.

Soon, Zhao Xiaomo discovered that he had forgotten the specific process of fighting Sun Hao.

In addition, Zhao Yumo only remembered two things. First, Sun Hao’s Yuan Ying was extremely powerful. Secondly, Yuan Ying was fighting, and he was defeated. In the end, Sun Hao’s mercy was left behind. The end of the elimination.

Like Zhao Yumo, Sun Hao is also quickly forgetting the process of Yuan Ying.

Only compared to Zhao Yumo, Sun Hao is now much calmer.

Sun Hao found that some of his memories of the burial of the ruins were quickly fading.

However, Sun Hao knows that it is only that he has not yet cultivated himself, and that he has recovered, and the memories that disappear will naturally return.

On the platform, the hustle and bustle of the space gradually faded.

The shape of Sun Hao and Zhao Yumo gradually became clear.

Then the monks heard the voice of Sun Hao: "concession, inheritance"

Then, Zhao Yu’s magic heart was filled with gratitude, and the voice of gratitude came out: “The devil is not able to shoot the horse, but he is willing to go down the wind”

The result of the baby fight is instantly revealed.

But this result also makes the warriors feel incredible.

How could it be like this?

Zhao Yumo’s smashing of the baby, how strong the momentum, the three disasters and twelve difficulties, can be described as step by step.

On the other hand, Sun Hao, the three disasters, the symbolic came a few times, and then the baby.

Originally thought that Zhao Hao Mou would ravage Sun Hao, thinking that Sun Hao’s Yuan Ying would not be the enemy of Zhao Yumo.

But the result is exactly the opposite.

The masters themselves have made it impossible to make a fuss.

That is to say, the strength of the two men’s Yuan Ying is that Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang has an absolute advantage.

It is really unacceptable.

Unbelievable feelings

However, some monks, especially the great monks, could not help but doubt.

Agarwood is a baby, is there another flaw, and another mystery.

Is it hidden by people?

Agarwood's real baby catastrophe. How exactly

Yuan Ying fights, Shen Xiang can win a big victory, then a very simple reasoning, Sun Hao's Jin Dan strength is strong, the crown is in the world, then it can be reasoned naturally, Sun Hao's baby robbing, afraid It is not simple.

How exactly

The mysterious burial of the sky, under the magical platform, anything is possible, perhaps, only Sun Haoben knows what happened.

Dim, Zhao Yan's face is gloomy, striding a step and returning to the Heavenly Palace.

Sun Hao smiled lightly and shook his body and disappeared into the platform.

Once again, Sun Hao has stood on the Qingyun battle boat.

The Qingyun monks have not recovered from the unexpected surprise of Sun Hao’s victory over Zhao Yumo, and suddenly saw Sun Hao returning to the battle boat, standing on his side with a smile on his face, unable to cheer up and cheering loudly. : "Congratulations to adults, He Xi adults, breaking Dansheng baby, achieving true king"

On the top of many battle boats, there are also monks who shouted: "Congratulations to Shen Xiang, He Xi Shen Xiang, Deng Tian Avenue ~ and then climb new heights"

At this moment, standing on the sky above, the boat and the boat head, Sun Hao looked around and looked at the monk who gave him a congratulatory message. He smiled slightly and nodded slightly, but his heart was also swaying.

At the age of eight, he entered the mountain and practiced for centuries.

All the way is hard, breaking through.

Today, today, ascending to the top, I have already become a peerless baby, and I have achieved Yuan Yingzhen, the top monk of this monk.

Looking back, I am overwhelmed.

Standing in the Qingyun battle boat Zhoutou, Sun Hao’s body was slightly stunned, his hands clasped, and he smiled lightly: “Thank you for your friends.”

Sun Hao smiled and stood up, his clothes were light and his posture was handsome, and this situation was remembered by many monks throughout his life.

The mystery of Sun Hao’s catastrophe at the time of the baby’s death, the level of Yuan Hao that Sun Hao formed in the end, has become one of the many mysteries of this ruin. To be continued.


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