Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1050: Side interference

Suddenly, Jindan people understand that, don’t look at the ranking of Jindan. It seems that the infant is relatively smooth, but it is the result of the murder of the ruins of the heavens, and the result of the singularity and the tempering. It is not easy.

Jindan’s infants still have ten.

It is a pity that the burial sky market has been repaired as a requirement. The ordinary Jindan is not qualified to enter. Otherwise, those who are full of Jindan’s consummates are willing to take a life.

The Jindans have a smooth baby, but now they want to come, but it is also a matter of course. The strength of Jindan is the strongest one among Jindan.

Then they went through the baptism of the burial sky market and got a lot of chances to bury the celestial market. If you can't get babies, it would be too unreasonable.

Of course, the Yuan Ying robbery is always not easy.

The monk of the demon temple did not choose to transform on the roof, and the monks of the sea **** temple did not move.

Other ranks Jin Dan went up one by one and tried to kill the baby.

But even if it got a lot of chances to bury the market, there are still many rankings in Jindan.

The warrior Xuanyuan, the master of the singer who greeted Sun Hao and Yi Luguang, fell under the hurricane of the Tiantai.

The five monks who stayed in Tianfu, because they did not receive the blessing of the ice and snow, the two were cremated by the red lotus sky for the ashes.

Even the disciples of the Ice and Snow Palace have fallen down on the roof.

Above the Qingyun battleship, Yun Zishan smiled and kicked the door of Sun Hao.

Even if it became Yuan Yingzhen, Sun Hao found that some people seem to have not changed their attitude towards themselves. With a faint smile on their faces, Sun Hao called "Shi Bo".

The cloud yew has come back in a generous manner, and said with a sigh: "Xiao Hao, Shi Bo also wants to have a baby."

The body was soft and the body was slightly stiff. Sun Hao felt that there was a dim sum of horses, set the gods, and avoided a little, then frowned and said: "Shi Bo. The baby will be very dangerous."

The cloud yew twisted a few times in Sun Hao: "But people just want to get babies."

The heart of the cloud yew is very firm, even at the expense of the incarnation of the Luosha, and constantly tempering its own cultivation, of course. Her body of Rakshasa looks like a beautiful, but the actual killing is ruthless, perhaps, only Sun Hao, can really feel the strange gentleness of Rakshasa.

Sun Hao still frowned: "The robbery of the baby. Others can't help much, but Shibo is not forced."

Cloud yew leaned on Sun Hao and smiled and asked: "So Xiaohao, in the future, will my chance of getting a baby better than going to the rooftop?"

Sun Hao gave a slight glimpse and then said helplessly: "It should not be strong."

Perhaps the cloud yew is cultivated to have a solid space, but in the future it will lose the help of the platform. Who is more beneficial is really two.

The cloud yew giggled: "Isn't that just? Xiaohao, Shibo will have a baby, what conditions do you want. Even though I told you"

Qingyunmen does not have a reserve of infants.

Cloud yew wants to bear the baby, but it is necessary to find Sun Hao to Dan.

Sun Hao is slightly indulged.

Sun Hao’s hands are still a few, but only from the situation of the Jindan monk’s infants, their cultivation is not under the cloud yew, and the successful infants are not too many.

Many monks forced the annihilation of the Yuan Ying, and the result was that the body disappeared.

The ending of the cloud yew, ten will also be like this.

So, what can I do to help Shibo?

In the middle of it. Sun Hao clearly remembers that he can not forcefully intervene in other people's Yuan Ying robbery, or else, the consequences of waiting for himself will be very serious.

Can't intervene. But it should be able to help from the side.

Relying on Sun Hao, seeing Sun Hao did not respond for a long time, Yun Zishan sighed deep inside, did not expect Sun Hao still hesitated, hey, the value of Sheng Ying Dan is too great. It is no wonder that Sun Hao is like this.

Silver teeth bite, a blush on the face of the cloud yew, the body leaned softly on Sun Hao's body, exhaled in the mouth like a blue, gently said in the ear of Sun Hao: "Xiao Hao, give Shi Bo a rise Ying Dan, Shi Bo is with you."

Sun Hao only felt that the body was hot. The hot skin of the cloud yew was attached to his body. In the ear, he heard the sound of the cloud yew and dripping. Involuntarily, his face was hot and gently shocked. The cloud yew body shook open, then pressed one hand and pressed it on her shoulder.

Looking at the cloud yew, the eyes of Sun Hao are clear, the face is sincere, and the tone is very sincere: "Shi Bo, you are thinking more, Aloes is just thinking about what to do to improve your baby. Success rate, you sit down with peace of mind and let Shen Xiang think carefully."

After that, Sun Hao sat down on the opposite side of the cloud yew, and closed his eyes and carefully scrutinized it.

The cloud yew was flushed and sat across from Sun Hao. He looked at Sun Hao handsomely and his red face.

After a half-sound, watching Sun Hao, Yun Yeshan sneered and laughed, and gazed at Sun Hao with a glance, and said in his mouth: "German, foreign strong, and scared by the old lady."

Sun Hao’s heart is a bitter smile.

Not to mention that the length is so big, although the confidante is quite a lot, but Sun Hao is the first time to see such a shackle, a little helpless, or else, even if you want to find a way, you can completely mind, and there is no need to be righteous. Meditate and meditate.

Since it was seen through the cloud yew, Sun Hao no longer installed, smiled and shook his head, then his face was positive, and said: "Shi Bo, you listen to me, I am a teacher, and I am afraid that it is not Less than three disasters, then, how to catch these disasters, my idea is this."

The cloud of yews was so beautiful that he did not confuse with Sun Hao. However, he finally calmed down and listened carefully to Sun Hao’s suggestion.

After half an hour, I took over the storage bag that Sun Hao carefully handed over, and swept it away. The cloud yew rose up, but it was two steps. He went to the front of Sun Hao and reached for a pull. Hao’s head is between his own double peaks.

Sun Hao only feels a tight breath.

The cloud yew has been giggling, flying back, far away, the voice of laughter passed into Sun Hao’s ear: "Xiao Hao, Shi Bo’s proposal may wish to consider more, and ah, Xiaoyan, Shi Bo also Take the lead, giggling, waiting for the teacher to return to the baby, hehe"

Sun Hao’s jade face is red, and his heart is very embarrassing.

To be honest, the cloud yew did not regard him as a high-ranking prince, so casual in front of him, let him feel natural, feels good, but the cloud yew is so bold, but it also makes him a bit too much, especially the last Nonsense, let Sun Hao sweat on the forehead.

Seeing the direction of the cloud yew leaving, after half a ring, Sun Hao broke out three words: "Crazy."

At the heart, Sun Hao is still thinking, I hope that Shi Bo can break Dan's baby, and hope that after she breaks the baby, she can return to normal, otherwise, so the state of Luozha leaned over, so that Sun Hao is too embarrassed.

Qingyunmen, Yunzhishan, boarded the platform and tried to kill the baby.

In the past few days, on the platform, there was a sorrowful sorrow. Some of them were not afraid of death. With a glimmer of hope, the Jindan monks who dared to venture into the avenue of opportunity had fallen under the catastrophe.

I don’t know if there are already two new Jinyingmen’s Qingyunmen, and will also have a Jindan monk.

Half a day later, the cloud yew attracted two or nine gods.

The huge Thunder made the cloud yews feel awkward and a little unstoppable.

Fortunately, Xiaohao was prepared, and the jade bowl waved, and a chapter of the paper hit the air. The gods moved and a fine sword flew into the air.

The paper flew to the gods, and under the thunder, it exploded.

Then, the blasted plaque seems to have a special power, and the heavens are thundered and slammed, and a thunder slammed into the air with a fine sword. On the sword, it suddenly seemed to be coated with a layer of silver. Dropped down.

The **** of thunder in the sky, the power is one of them.

Sun Hao’s heart is not sure, but it seems that his own method is still can’t directly interfere with the monk’s world, but Sun Hao feels that he can interfere with the side and put the powerful Lei Shu refines into a symbol, the key moment, the deviation of the Thunder, it really has an effect.

The cloud yew saw the fine sword on the ground, and his face was relieved. Xiaohao’s method was feasible.

The body was injured, and a chapter of the dead wood was healing, and the treatment effect was super good.

The real yuan is exhausted, and a special Ling Hao is eaten. The real yuan recovery effect is particularly good.

The red lotus industry robbed the fire, and the special notes that Sun Hao taught and gave, passed the past.

The hurricane robbery is the most difficult, but the strength of the cloud yew is well preserved. The life magic weapon is not damaged. After the incarnation of the Rakshasa, all the efforts are made. With the help of some special best products of Sun Hao refining, the danger is dangerously blocked.

In the end, Yun Zishan also interfered with the side of Sun Hao, and it was difficult and fortunate to have survived the annihilation of Yuan Ying. To be continued. Mobile phone users please visit


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