Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1051: Agarwood mystery

The strength of the cloud yew is not very strong, but it still succeeds in breaking the baby.

In the process of her baby-bearing, the auxiliary means that are highly targeted and effective, are even brighter for the mainland monks.

In a sense, the cloud purple smoke is equivalent to the auxiliary means that has the best ancestral door, which is the key to her ability to break the baby.

Qingyunmen, when can there be such a means?

The mainland elites, their eyes could not help but look at the Qingyun battle boat, the floating monk standing, the Yushu Linfeng, ragged young monk.

It is him, Shen Xiangzhen.

Undoubtedly, this is the great change that Shen Xiangzheng brought to Qingyunmen.

Many Jindan monks, at this time, can't wait for themselves to be a member of Qingyunmen. As a result, their chances of breaking the baby are undoubtedly much greater.

I saw the cloud yews and the baby, Sun Hao’s heart, but at this time it also has deep taboos.

The cloud yew knot is still so difficult, and it is conceivable that many monks around you will have a huge difficulty in the future.

Whether it is their own three apprentices or Xiaoyun Tongli, or Master Ziyan, not to mention the summer and summer that are far worse than the accumulation, they, if they want to get rid of the baby, they will be more difficult than the yew teacher.

That is to say, their road to repairing roads is likely to stop before the death of Yuan Ying, or helplessly go old, or should rob themselves. If they do not force interference in the catastrophe, there are several people who can break the Dansheng. Infant, not yet known.

Jin Dan, who has the ability to kill the baby, used the Dengtiantai to try to break the Dansheng baby. Under the arrangement of the Tiangong and the Mingwang monks, some information in the burial sky market gradually began to appear.

The old Jia Wanli was smashed by the Tiangong airship.

Accompanied by the old man, there are two other disciples of Sun Hao and Master Yun Ziyan.

It is said that when the Tiangong airship descended on Qingyunmen, Qingyunmen was shocked and stunned, but then they found that the attitude of the monks was surprisingly good.

A little inquiring, but it is known. His own agarwood, the funeral of the sky, shines in the top of the list.

Hearing such an earth-shattering news, Qingyunmen went up and down. Suddenly boiling, thrilling cheers, resounding Qingyun Jiufeng.

Shen Xiang adults defeated the mainland's four-party heroes, said that the male burial of the sky, stand out.

The mainland is the first. The top of the list.

Glory to the sky, light blue clouds.

The Tiangong airship came to Qingyun, but it was because the agarwood adults picked up the real person Jia Rudao and went to the biography to bury the market.

At the moment of hearing this news, Wu Xiaolang, who has always been wretched, suddenly burst into the weather, laughing and laughing, very happy, and the momentum was like two people.

The little fat man Zhu Dezheng yelled that Daxie was "developed and developed. He had a big tree...", then screwed up a brick-sized iron block and raised it high: "Master, I want you to see me for the first time." God's work..."

Among the beautiful eyes of the cloud purple smoke, the tears of crystal clear, Sun Hao’s record certainly surprised her, but it made her happy, but also made her feel at ease: “Xiao Hao is safe and has nothing to do, from the funeral market. Killed it..."

How many nights and nights, she tossed and turned. It is difficult to sleep, how many nights and nights, she silently prayed for Sun Hao before the blue light, and prayed for the return of Sun Hao's peace. At this moment, her heart is flying to Sun Hao's side, I really want to see if Sun Hao, who has been going for decades, is vicissitudes of life.

Twisted. Wei Wei, Yun Ziyan said softly: "The messenger, I don't know if I can go to the Tianxu, I saw Xiaohao, I haven't seen it for decades, but I miss it very much."

The comparison of the information in the heart, the Tiangong messenger suddenly knows that the pure fairy who does not eat the human fireworks should be the master of Sun Hao, "Ziyan Fairy."

Do not dare to neglect, the attitude of the Heavenly Palace messenger is very good to say: "That is natural, should, should, purple smoke fairy, Jia Zhenren, please..."

Xiao Dezi Zhu Dezheng yelled at Daxie: "The messenger, and me, no, and my brothers and sisters, I also miss the Master, go with me, how about?"

The ambassador of the Heavenly Palace said with a good attitude: "The smashing peak, and the singer, please."

Not to mention the Qingyunmen’s joyful celebration, the Tiangong airship broke through the green, and Wanli, and rushed to the funeral market.

When Master came, Sun Hao personally greeted the Qingyun Battleship.

The cloud purple smoke floated in the air, and the eyes were shining. When I saw Sun Hao, I couldn’t feel the deep breath of Sun Hao’s body. I couldn’t feel the monks around Sun Hao’s heartfelt heart. respect.

In the eyes, there is only a pair of eyes that Sun Hao looks like a lot of vicissitudes.

Some, just the face of Sun Hao, the deep sorrow hidden behind the smile.

The heart is inexplicably sour, and the cloud purple smoke is a thousand words in order to be simple and simple: "Xiaohao."

Sun Hao has a deep glance at Yun Ziyan: "Master, I am back."

Cloud purple smoke smiled, and tears in his eyes said: "When you come back, just come back..."

After the cloud purple smoke, Wu Xian recited Zhu Dezheng.

The little fat man reacted, holding the bricks and ran out: "Master, Master, show you a baby, novelty, absolutely surprise you..."

Sun Hao smiled a little and then said: "Master, CJ, Dezheng, Lao Jia, please."

Then, Sun Hao smiled at the messenger of the Heavenly Palace: "It’s a trouble."

The ambassador of the Tiangong was slightly stunned by Sun Hao, and said with a smile: "It is a privilege to serve the real prince, and the scent of the incense is not polite."

Yun Ziyan, Zhu Dezheng, Wu Xianlang and Lao Jia, the body of the four people were shocked.


Xiaohao (Master, adult) broke Dan's baby!

It’s a pity that it’s a little late, I’m not able to witness the adult’s baby!

Back to Qingyun Battleship, Wu Xianlang and Zhu Dezheng ran a little farther and let Sun Hao and Yun Ziyan get along alone.

Within the quiet room, the smoke is lingering.

Yun Ziyan said quietly and naturally: "Xiao Hao, sit close, let me see, you lost weight..."

In the eyes, a gentle, delicately stroked Sun Hao's face.

Sun Hao felt inexplicable warmth and panic.

At this time, Wu Xianlang and Lao Jia and others have already settled in the battle boat, and called the monks responsible for intelligence collection on the Qingyun Battleship, and began collecting relevant information of Sun Hao.

Lao Jia came to bury the Tianzheng. There is a very important responsibility, that is, to make a biography for Sun Hao and let the mainland sing.

Sun Hao is the first name of the new section of the burial sky market. This is a big event and it is not sloppy.

The monks of the Temple of Heaven and the Temple of the King of the Kings are also extraordinary in writing and burying the basic deeds in the Tianxu Market. They have already drafted drafts and began to serve on various sects. In the hands of Lao Jia, they also got a version for review.

The name "亘古亘葬天墟".

Inside, it is basically a biography of Sun Hao’s main achievements and important contributions.

However, the height of the station, the height of the station highlights the overall ranking of Jin Dan in the mainland, highlights the role of the team, and sings the heroic deeds of the Golden Danes. Although the proportion of Sun Hao is large, there are also Many places are not particularly detailed.

I have seen the ancient burial of the Tianxu, and I have seen Sun Hao with respect and respect. After talking with Sun Hao Mi for a few hours.

Lao Jia caught Wu Xianlang and began to make a personal biography of Sun Hao.

In the funeral sky market, the characters can be single-sentence. At present, it is only the first name of Sun Hao.

To be honest, Sun Hao’s biography is not easy to write.

The reason is that Sun Hao has many unsolved mysteries. The mainland monks hope to find the answer from the biography of Lao Jia.

However, after Wu Lang’s recital, Lao Jia’s wonderful man wrote an immortal chapter that allowed the mainland to sing for thousands of years, leaving countless mysteries and letting mortals relish after dinner.

Lao Jia was extremely fast, and he wrote a book "The Mystery of Agarwood" with his hands and feet.

I got this strange biography of Lao Hao shook his head and smiled, but nodded his approval, but he felt that in this world, it was really a strange number, and the old Jia Xiu was not worthy, but let him Storytelling is a biography, but it is quite professional.

The mystery of the agarwood did not exaggerate Sun Hao.

I did not explain some strange phenomena in Sun Hao. Instead, I expanded it and used it as a mystery for the monks to sing, and to guess and think.

The mystery of the agarwood, the opening is a mystery thrown out.

The first chapter is "Seven Little Masters", which describes Sun Hao's experience of being visited by various majors, indicating that the agarwood is different, but the seven masters of Laojia are not counted as seven.

Moreover, this is the book of Lao Jia, Sun Hao recognized, then, there must be seven young masters appearing around Sun Hao.

Lao Jia gave the result, but did not give the process, and did not give a list of seven major masters.

what? Do you want to question old Jia? Which, Lao Jia said, what are the seven main contenders, and smart people can naturally see it. (To be continued.)

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