Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1052: Flash brilliance

The mystery of the old man's agarwood, each chapter is still half-faced, cover-up, mysterious and mysterious, fascinating, but half-understood.

The second chapter, "Differential Steps", describes that Shen Xiang only one step into the main entrance. Why did he deliberately take this step, but did not say that the role of this step was not described.

The third chapter, "Life is like death", very strange chapter name, the content is that Sun Hao has gone through the slogan and contributed a huge heroic deed, but in the end it reflected a problem through the Dengtian list, Sun Hao such a big contribution, why he The previous points did not see any movements?

Well, others are wondering why this is happening, but Lao Jia actually does not give the answer! !

Instead, it was placed there as a mystery.

You have to ask why old Jia is like this? Old Jia will turn his eyes, and smart people can see it.

The fourth chapter, "One More Man", is the fact that one hundred and one Golden Dan monks entered the funeral market.

Still a mystery.

The fifth chapter, "Death and Life", this chapter, is recorded in the soul of the idiot, that is, the story of the soul is not returned.

But the key issue is that at this moment, the name of the soul that has not fallen on the ascendant list has been bleak. Why can it be seen in the funeral market? Everyone expressed puzzling thoughts and was waiting for Sun Hao’s answer.

Good guy, Lao Jia also put it out as a mystery of the ages.

You have to ask Lao Jia the real answer, and he will turn his eyes and say: "Smart people can see it."

It is really anxious to ask, he will also come, you ask me, who do I ask?

The sixth chapter, "Friends of the Friends", is standing in the perspective of Sun Hao, recording and remembering a few monks who fell into the ruins of the Heavenly Market, swords and hundred forging, singularity, auspicious real people, great brave real people, this The volume does not seem to have a mystery, but there are many flaws when you look carefully.

For example, if there is a tacit understanding between Xiangwu Zhenren and Sun Hao, let’s say. The two men targeted Luo Peng in advance, fighting and fighting.

Still only gave the results, did not give the process.

Chapter VII, "Terrorism without teeth"; Chapter 8. "Small Jade"; Chapter IX, "Zhang Guanghua."

The nine chapters of the mystery of the agarwood, each chapter has many mysteries, especially the last chapter, the moment Guanghua.

This chapter. Describes the great change of Sun Hao’s name on the Dengtian list, and the last moment of dramatic changes. In the moment, Sun Hao’s name has gone from being extremely blazing and radiant to being completely bleak, and then in the midst of everyone’s glory, it has completely restored its radiance. .

Behind such a wonderful change, what happened in an instant?

Lao Jia did not give an answer.

In fact, Lao Jia is also really not sure the answer.

Not just don't know the answer. At the time of writing this chapter, Lao Jia also exhausted his efforts and was greatly hurt.

It seems that there is an invisible pressure in the middle of the world, which is suppressed by Lao Jia. It is very difficult for Lao Jia to write a single word.

When the last word was written, Lao Jia even involuntarily spewed out a blood, and fainted for three days and three nights.

When Jia Jia woke up again, he found that he couldn’t remember what he wrote in Chapter 9.

The heart is big.

Pick up the newly formed "Agarwood Mystery" to see. However, it was found that the writings in Chapter 9 have faded a lot, as if they were ancient scrolls that have been eaten by time, and they have a long and vicissitudes.

Lao Jia was shocked. Lift your pen to make up.

Sun Hao appeared, leisurely sighed, said faintly: "Old Jia, you are careful, just hand it in, it is no good."

The Mystery of Agarwood is handed over to the Temple of Heaven. Gong Tianwo took the original version and was fascinated. When I saw the last chapter, the handwriting still faded away from a lot of chapters, my heart could not help but tremble.

To be honest, if you don't see this chapter, he will have forgotten the many changes in that moment.

It seems to be inadvertently, forgetting to be invisible.

Call the secretary of the monk and re-write the writing clearly.

However, it was discovered that the foundation-based monks could not write at all, and Jin Dan’s real people wrote it very hard. When they wrote, they began to vomit blood.

Yuan Ying Zhenjun can write, but after writing, the writing is also rapidly dimming.

This is a mysterious force.

A force of incomprehensible existence of a mainland monk.

After discovering the anomaly, Gong Tianwo’s pen put a few words on the title of the agaric puzzle, “Shenxiang Jiujiu, the Legend of the Ages”.

Then, Gong Sirius respectfully took the old version of Lao Jia's original "Aquilaria Mystery" to the front of the list, and bowed to the Dengtian list. He held the "Aquilage Mystery" and said: "My younger monk, repairing the day. The market, after all the deaths, but hope that its spirit will be passed down through the ages, the people of the future, the inheritance can not be wiped out, the will not be wiped, but also invites the net to open a side..."

It seems that I understand the words of Gong Sirius. On the list, a beam of light shines on the original "Aquilaria Mystery".

An ordinary line of books, after a ray of light, seems to have produced a strange change, every word in the book seems to have become a monument, in the hands of the palace Sirius, full of a long-lasting atmosphere .

When Gong Sirius turned to Chapter 9, it was discovered that the writings in Chapter 9 were clearly visible and no longer blurred.

The voice of Gong Sirius, the action of Gong Sirius, reminded the entire mainland monks to pay attention to it. The warships and the monks on the airships paid close attention.

The "A mystery of the agarwood" illuminated by Deng Tianbang also creates infinite imagination.

In this way, the mystery of Agarwood has not yet appeared, and it has been covered with a mysterious veil, which makes people feel itchy.

Later, Gong Sirius discovered that the original ninth chapter of the agaric mystery was not diminished, but after reading the ninth chapter, it was not a day, and the content of the ninth chapter was forgotten.

Once again, I sighed at the magic of the burial of the sky market. Gong Siwo copied and wrote the "Mystery of Aquilaria" and sent it to each sect. Together with the version of "The Ancient Funeral of Heaven", the sects were familiar and returned.

The mystery of Agarwood is in the hands.

After the tickle monk read it, it was itchy.

The mystery of this mystery is more and more confused!

More importantly, everyone can't propose to amend it. The reason is naturally because the "Aquilaria Mystery" has to be recognized and blessed by the Dengtian list. It is the final version of the mainland.

Good guys, for a time, the mainland’s top strength monks, around the mystery of agarwood, are talking.

Then, the more amazing thing happened.

The mystery of the agarwood that was sent down, written in writing, reads "Agarwood nine mystery, the legend of the ages", but everyone remembers and discusses, but only eight mysteries!

If you want to discuss the ninth mystery, please hold a book to discuss, do not take a book, one will forget what the ninth mystery will be.

But even after this, after two or three days, everyone found that the final ninth chapter of the mystery of Aquilaria had been completely faded, and the repair was a little worse, and the supplement could not make up.

Suddenly Guanghua, can you only remember for a while?

Lao Jia is awesome, how can I write such a chapter?

At the same time, the mainland monks are also very shocked. In a moment, what is Achen’s encounter?

What kind of existence is there, and what kind of deeds will make the supervising monks forget so quickly?

In the past ten days, the monks only remembered the fact that: "In the burial of the sky, Aquilaria has nine mysteries, but what is the last mystery, you need to see the original to know..."

Lao Jia did not think that he would become a book.

Almost one night, the masters of the mainland’s major monks remembered Jia Rudao, and there were good monks who even sealed him as a “magic pen”.

Jia Rudao, who was sought after by many monks and then invited to discuss, is a day when he never imagined that he also has the present scenery.

You must know that in the first half of his life, in the first four decades, it was a refining monk at the bottom of Jinghua City.

Just because I met Wu Youlang and followed Sun Hao, he not only formed Jin Dan, but now he is also well-known in the mainland ~ It is like a dream!

Frequently, Jia Rudao often hangs his words in one sentence: "This monk, do the right thing, follow the right person, that is the chance, what is a person who can get a good dog, you see my old Jia know... ”

As a real person of Jindan, this guy does not seem to have the arrogance and enlightenment that Jindan real people should have. He is proud of himself and is proud of himself.

Lao Jia is smart enough, and people are loyal, knowing what to say, what should not be said, and being a perfect match with Wu Yu, who likes to play pigs and eat tigers.

Sun Hao went with them.

At this moment, when the mainland monks rushed to pass on the "Shen Xiang Jiu Jiu", Sun Hao was standing in the room, and thought of the brick-like spirit handed over by the two disciples Zhu Dezheng.

This thing is actually an "instant microphone."

Sun Hao has the feeling that if this thing can really spread into the monk world, that guy can definitely change the pattern of the monk world. (To be continued.)

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