Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1053: On merits

The little fat man is obsessed with the refining device, and he often forgets the time when he refines the refining.

However, his family has a wife, so he is often punished by Jie Jie, kicking his ass.

In order to cope with Jie Bail's call at any time, Xiao Fatzi tried every means to improve the notes.

It’s just that he won’t be able to refine it. It’s accurate that the level of the refining is not high!

So I learned from the refining method. After several decades of gongs and drums, I was really screamed by the first pair: "The sound of the bricks."

What is the principle, as the master of the refining master, Sun Hao understands it.

It is to use the different personalization of the monk's knowledge, the different bands in the fat mouth, set up the expansion device, the receiving device, and then realize a kind of spirit of instant sound transmission.

This thing, at first glance, the level is not high, just the spirit.

However, its role is likely to be transformative.

Sun Hao can feel it. If this kind of spirit develops well, a thousand miles of sound, even a million miles of sound, will be possible to transmit across the mainland.

Of course, at present, the technology of the fat man is not very mature, it is estimated that the top of the day can reach hundreds of miles of instant calls has been very good.

But even if it is only a few hundred miles, it is already very powerful.

Sun Hao took the "transliteration brick" and talked to Zhu Fatzi at the other end. It was as if it was in the ear, and it was able to come at that time. Without too much delay, it was really precious.

I greatly praised Zhu Fatzi's meal, fully affirmed the great invention of the fat man, told the fat man to pay attention to confidentiality, and strengthened the research and development, Sun Hao then focused on the dispute between the monks and monks.

The fat man is happy, the fart is going back to work, and there is no future guy. The idea at this time is: "Hey, Ben Feng led the command of Master Shen Xiang, researching and developing the sound brick, in the future, Jie Bell. My wife, but I can’t beat this peak again..."

The "Ancient Funeral Sky Market" began to be submitted for trial.

The Mystery of Agarwood has been finalized.

Then, along with the process of submitting the trial of "The Ancient Funeral Sky Market". A very important topic is also the time for discussion.

The ranking of the Golden Danes, the ranking of the mainland Zongmen.

The two are closely related to the mainland's patriarchal pattern. Nature is very much concerned.

The ranking of Jindan's points on the mainland list is an important basis for the award of Golden Dan. However, there are still many issues that need to be agreed upon.

Sun Hao was recruited and entered the Tiangong meeting.

After Sun Hao entered the Temple of Heaven, he suddenly discovered it. The on-site monks were all identifiable, and they and Zhao Yumo both stood in the last seat.

Seeing that Sun Hao came in, Zhao Hao Mo Chong Sun Hao grinned.

Returning to the dust also nodded slightly to Sun Hao.

Sun Hao’s hands were slightly arched and he said with a smile: “Sun Hao has seen your predecessors.”

On the first, Ming Erlong said with a smile: "Agarwood, don't come innocent, you have already married, and you have ravaged Zhao Hao, but you don't have to be self-effacing, let us be friends."

Zhao Wei’s brow jumped.

Sun Hao’s heart is very bad. The mouth said faintly: "The dragon king's predecessor has not seen for a long time."

Then, naturally, I sat down next to Zhao Yumo.

At the scene of the deliberation, the top five people sitting side by side were the top five township monks.

Tiangong Palace Sirius, Ice and Snow Palace, frost-free, the main hall of the Temple of the Sea, the Emperor of the Pluto, the two dragons, the demon temple, the multi-treasure.

Then there is the leader of the five continents and the two sides who are returning to the dusty status. They are divided into two rows and sit down in the hall.

Together with Sun Hao and Zhao Yumo, a total of seventeen monks.

Sun Hao sat down, and the single priest smirked: "The situation of the burial of the ruins is extremely special. It is a common break. All joints are perfectly repaired. Therefore, after five consultations, we decided to study together and reward them together. The two incenses of Agarwood and Demon were hegemonic, Yuan Ying was born, and the charter was attended, and they participated in the discussion."

Gong Tianwo slowly blinked and said: "People are all here, then now. We will first discuss the deliberation of Jin Dan's rewards, and give birth to the preliminary plan. Everyone listens carefully. If you feel that you are not The right place, despite the proposal."

Within the hall, the atmosphere suddenly became tight.

After the death of Gong Sirius, a monk has sent a thick piece of information.

The business students walked out, smiled at Sun Hao, took the information and began to read it.

At this moment, the business students have also achieved Yuan Yingzheng Jun, the broken arm has also been re-connected, holding the information, as if remembering the experience of burying the market, the voice slightly trembled: "Hundreds of Jin Dan into the market In the past ten years, a few people have returned. First of all, what we need to discuss is the rewards of the British geeks who shed their blood on the mainland and sleep in the ruins of the sky."

In front of Sun Hao, the voices and smiles of one of the companions appeared, and they could not help but take a deep breath and look at the information in their hands.

Judging from the information that Sun Hao is currently in contact with, there are many Zongmen on the mainland, but the pyramid is general, the structure is complete, and there is a relatively complete management system.

Naturally, those Zongmen who have the ranks of Jindan’s fall in the funeral market will not be treated badly.

However, it is said that the ranking of Jindan’s fall is equivalent to the loss of Zongmen’s hopes. Even in a short period of time, it will not be treated badly. However, if time is long, if Zongmen has never had outstanding monks, then Waiting for the Zongmen, there is no doubt that it will gradually decline, even if it is destroyed by the enemy.

The top five strengths will only constrain the general direction. It is really rare to intervene in the battle between the sects of the lower sects, unless the battle smashes the rules and shakes the mainland. Under normal circumstances, no one interferes.

The first item in the data record is a big principle: the two sides of the Tao, the territory is unchanged, and the adjustment is only generated within the two sides.

The reason for the note is: the five nodes, perfect repair, the two sides tied.

Just look at the results, do not look at the process, the Tao and the two sides according to the degree of node repair to divide the sphere of influence, the results are comparable, after some discussion, decided to maintain the existing territory and sphere of influence, the rewards and forces of the two sides Range adjustment, internal digestion.

Seeing this big principle, Sun Hao’s brow inadvertently wrinkled.

Look at one by one.

The great prince, the great brave real person, the auspicious real person, the hundred calories, the singularity...

Every time I saw a name, Sun Hao’s heart was slightly painful.

The mainland has not treated them badly.

Although they have fallen, they have all obtained the title, and all of them are like the heroes of Sun Hao, and they are listed in the hero spectrum.

Although they did not publish their heroic deeds like Sun Hao, they will have their single-person briefs in the "Ancient Funeral of the Ancients", which is also affirmation of them.

Correspondingly, for their rewards, that is, to give them the rewards of their sects, but also a lot.

For example, when Qi Tianzong is in the same place, he rewards the land of ten countries. Among them, there is a large spiritual vein, two medium-sized Lingshi mines and so on, and some very real interests.

The information is recorded in great detail. Tiangong has done enough homework for these things. It took more than a year to get them out, but it was not so easy.

However, Sun Hao found that a large part of these rewards given to Qi Tianzong was drawn from the original one, so Sun Hao had to doubt that these rewards can really be implemented.

The strength of a sect is very strong, and the tyrants of the South China continent, Qi Tianzong has fallen into a singularity. If you want to get back the land of the 10 countries and these resources, it is not difficult.

The Wan Jianzong of Bai Forging is not only about rewards but also similar to the ones, even the situation is almost the same.

With the data in hand, Sun Hao’s heart sighed secretly.

The Taoist and the two sides maintain the basic state, then the South Dalu monk is a bit difficult to settle.

The reason is very simple. The monk of Nanda Road performed very well in the trip to the Tianzheng. The rankings of the solitary and the hundred forgings are all around 50, and the rewards are not small.

Reward a lot of and the site can only be divided within the road repair site, naturally there will be many problems.

After the birth, he finished the important rewards one by one, and then slowly closed the page and said: "You adults, please."

Still living well did not retreat, but two steps back, standing by the side of Sun Hao, a smile to Sun Hao.

Sun Hao nodded to him, and then began to listen to other monks to express their opinions.

The monk has fallen, and the reward is equivalent to compensation. The plan for mutual consultation between Tiangong and Pluto Palace is considered comprehensive and the reward is not stingy.

Most monks in the hall have no opinion.

However, as Sun Hao expected, when he turned to the dust, he raised objections to this proposal.

Slowly took a sip of tea, returned to the dust and dust on the chest, erected a single palm, and slowly said: "This program is more comprehensive, it is fair, but the South China side is a bit not Properly, it is necessary to deliberately discuss the need for deliberation, and it is necessary to analyze the specific situation..." (To be continued.)

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