Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1068: 1 eye revenge

It’s another year’s spring,

The most beautiful but Du Fuhong.

A cluster of clusters, blossoming red clouds like red clouds, forming a dragon-shaped shape of the wings, fluttering in the wind.

In the sky, one black and one silver two warships are far opposite.

The monks on both sides, the momentum is also distant.

Especially the Zhuji monks, who are looking at each other, are not very convinced and are a bit eager to try.

In a few months, in this confrontation, rushed past.

It’s almost time to test the results of the secrets and decide on the two borders.

Within the quiet room, Sun Hao’s eyes suddenly glimpsed.

In the sky, there was a ripple, and then some monks appeared near the Dragon's Nest.

When they came back, Sun Hao’s knowledge was swept away, and the situation of the young monks was printed in their minds. The expressions of the monks and the monks could not help but let Sun Hao recall some of his own courageous dragons. In the scene, there is a smile on the face.

One monk quickly stabilized his emotions. As the milk swallows nested, they flew to two warships. On the other side of the battleship, the two Jindan monks also stood on the boat and greeted the returning disciples.

What is different from Sun Hao in the past years is that although the Qingyun Menben disciples are also very proud, they are very kind to the disciples of Xia Men attached to Xia Guo, and they have no feeling of arrogance.

Xia Chuan and other Xiaguo juveniles can clearly feel the goodwill of Qingyun monk. In the secret, many of his suggestions for Xiachuan have also been highly valued by the Shangzong. As long as the recommendations are reasonable and basic, they will be given priority.

To be honest, the attitude is good, so that the Xiaguo monks feel that the legend is not reliable, the Shangzong is not proud, and it is very good to talk.

Soon, the monks came back one after another.

After the baptism of the mysterious world, there are indeed many monks who have successfully built the foundation and fallen into the monks. The number is also quite a lot.

Sun Hao did not show up. Hiding in the Qingyun battle boat, there is a trace of memory in his eyes, recalling his past in the mystery of the dragon.

Outside, it is in accordance with the rules. Calculate the scores in an orderly manner and calculate the points.

Sun Hao found it with interest. Today, the Xia Guojun Mountain Hunting King, the young monk Xiachuan and others, have been recognized by the Qingyunmen monks. Xia Chuan is a vague leader, and is in the middle of the right path.

Xia Chuan did not know the greatness of Sun Haosun and Shen Xiang. But the Qingyun monks are unforgettable!

At this moment, come to the dragon's mystery, and think about the incense. Any Qingyunmen monk did not dare to neglect, their masters squatted and stunned before leaving. It must be better for the Xiaguo monk.

The more the upper level of Qingyunmen, the more you know Sun Hao's power, anything related to Sun Hao. Who dares to care?

One monk went up to declare the points.

Coincidentally, the situation of this Dragon's Wonderland statistical score is very similar to that of Sun Hao.

The scores of Qingyunmen Benzong disciples are actually much lower than the five elements of the Mozong.

The scores of Xia Guo's children are higher than those of the five elements of the Mozong sect. The scores on both sides are staggered, but it is difficult to win.

What's even more exciting is that at the last moment, the points reappeared very similarly to the current year.

At the time of the last monk, the five elements of the Mozong had led more than 60,000 points. At this time, a band of monks on the side of the five elements of the Mozong did not dare to care, and the storage bag that was thrown appeared again. With the top inheritance, the points have been raised all the time, and the gap of more than 400,000 points has been opened.

In the end, Xia Chuan played, but also pushed the atmosphere of the Dragon's Secrets to a climax.

Xia Chuan, got a set of secret inheritance: "The Qing Emperor Changsheng 诀", got a million years of elixir.

When these two things came out, even Sun Hao, inside the secret room, was not shocked by the body.

Actually it is "the Qing Emperor's longevity", this practice is not knowing whether it can be cultivated to the Yuan Ying Daxu, if it can, it is very suitable for Sun Hao cultivation.

Moreover, the so-called Wannian Lingyao also made Sun Hao a heart.

This elixir is not the other, but the "Nine-section Mother Grass" that Sun Hao is in short supply. If he can start, Sun Hao can refine a furnace and raise the baby. This is a strategic resource of Zongmen. Nature is more and more good.

Sun Hao’s heart was moving.

The on-site monks were also shocked by the great achievements of Xia Chuan. Many of the monks in Qingyunmen also had a strange heart. The old guys made him feel polite to Xia Guo’s monks. Xia Guo’s place is the place where Shen Xiang adults are such a monk. It really is Talented people come forth.

Xia Chuan’s points rose sharply and jumped to the top of the standings.

However, although his personal points were higher than the final demon, he won the first place, but Qingyunmen’s overall score was slightly weaker than the five elements.

The reason is naturally that the gap in the previous points is too big. After his points go up, he still has a gap of nearly 20,000 points.

At this time, Xia Chuan bit his teeth and threw a storage bag.

When God saw the storage bag, Sun Hao could not help but glimpse.

This storage bag actually gave Sun Hao a familiar feeling. After a little experience, Sun Hao even found out if he had nothing to breathe.

Then, below, the sound of Xia Chuan's clear voice came out: "This is my set of alchemy from the agarwood predecessors in the secret, the brothers help calculate, how many points should be..."

Sun Hao gave a slight smile, and his face showed a light smile. This kid actually killed his own cave with Xuanyuan Red and got the alchemy that he left behind.

The monk who was responsible for calculating the points was also shocked. He did not dare to neglect, reached for a photo, and the storage bag flew to his own hands. The gods swept away and then nodded: "Well, it is indeed a set of alchemy, but, But there is no message from the incense adult, it is difficult to judge whether it is the opportunity left by the incense, and..."

The Zhuji monk hesitated and continued: "And, this alchemy, the highest foundation, the score, should be between 10,000 and 30,000..."

Not far away, the monk repaired the base monk to raise an objection: "Only the base period of alchemy, the value should be less than 10,000 points."

Qingyunmen Zhuji monks naturally do not: "Agarwood adults stay in alchemy, natural value Wanjin..."

The five elements of the Mozambique built the base monk to smile: "That is the Qingxiang of Qingyunmen, but it has little to do with my five elements of the Mozong..."

The two great masters of the foundation began to wander around the sky.

The monks on the battleships on both sides have their own minds.

On the Qingyun battle boat, Xia Guo’s monk saw Qingyun’s perfection of an “Agarwood Man”, but his heart finally knew that Sun Hao’s position in Qingyunmen was not low, and at least it should be a real Jindan real person. Otherwise, it will not be so honored by the great masters of the foundation.

As for whether Sun Hao will become Yuan Ying Zhenjun, I am sorry, they really did not think so. In fact, many Xia Guo’s monks think that Yuan Ying Zhenjun is actually a illusory legend.

Among the five elements of the Demon squad, the killing Lushan is saying: "Four eyes, you must not act rashly, or else we may lose."

The four-eyed field chicken passed the voice slightly dissatisfied: "Lushan, don't think that you are the seal of the South China, you can press me, the battle boat can be based on me, what should I do, it will not come to you. Guan, tell you the truth, the ninth section of the mother grass, four eyes I made it, oh, Xuanyuan crazy woman don't want to stop me, hahaha, look at my four eyes..."

Between the words, in the eyes, the light flashed, a little light rushed out from the eyes, directly to the Qingyunmen air base to build a monk, but was deliberately trying to capture the nine mothers in his hands.

Lushan's eyes flashed The heart said, since you are looking for death yourself, don't blame me for not reminding you.

Grinning, Lushan finally did not speak, decided to watch the show.

There was a sneak attack on the Demon squad. The eruption was still a shadow that was difficult to check. In the air, the building of the Qingyunmen’s foundation monk did not react. The glory had already gone straight to his heart.

Tian Qi is happy in his heart.

But when he thought that he was done and ready to celebrate, he suddenly discovered that his two points of light actually seemed to be blocked by something, and then burst into a burst, his own light was broken up.

The body was slightly swayed, and the four-eyed Tianqi had appeared in the middle of the two battleships. His face was full of anger: "Who? Who is bad? Four eyes are good things?"

The four-eyed Tian Qi appeared, and the five elements of the Mozong monk Qi Qi squatted and shouted: "I have seen four-eyed ancestors, I have seen four-eyed ancestors..."

Tian Qi nodded to the lower Mozong disciple, and then said aloud: "Insane woman, I know it is you, there is a kind, you give me out, fight three hundred rounds, hahaha..." (to be continued.) Enable new URL

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