Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1069: 1 Eye of Enmity (2)

Tian Qi’s voice was gone, and his side, there was a black monk again, and his face full of acne was gloomy.

The five elements of the Mozong monk Qi Qi recognized that this is the ancestor of his new South China mainland, and he could not help but scream: "killing the devil, killing the devil..."

On the Qingyun battle boat, the Xia Guoguo and the various monks could not help but sink.

Opposite the Mozong at the same time, two Yuan Yingxiu are coming, today, I am afraid that the situation is a bit wrong.

Even Xia Wei and Xia Jing’s sisters began to play drums in their hearts and looked at Wu Xiaolang.

They only know that the Qingyun battle boat has a ancestral ancestor sitting in the town, but it is not known which ancestor is a horse. They think that it is more likely to be Xuanyuan Yaqin, and they don’t know if Xuanyuan’s ancestors can get the other two big infants.

However, it was discovered that Wu Xianlang was still floating in the air, with a smile on his face.

A little bit, I don’t know where Wu’s confidence comes from.

The air has already sounded a clear voice that they are very familiar with.

"Sneak attack on the younger generation, shameless, the fight; insult my teacher, export is invisible, the fight; do not know the weight, arrogance, the fight, the four-eyed pheasant, the fight..."

The sound just fell, and the sound of the air "squeaky" sounded loudly.

Tian Qi’s head involuntarily slammed into the side and was slammed on the right side of the face, showing five clear and unmistakable fingerprints.

Actually, he was slap in the face.

Still in the face of the monks of the two generations of the demon, they were slap in the face.

Tian Qi suddenly felt a red face on his face.

The nameless fire started, but at the same time, there was a burst of horror in my heart.

who is it? So powerful?

I can't avoid myself, I am a fan of life, and I am repaired, I am afraid that it is a lot higher than myself.

The face was cloudy and uncertain, and the red and black were mixed. Tian Qi screamed: "Who, give me out, hide my head and tail. Cover me, what a hero."

On the battleships on both sides, the monks were silent and lost their voices.

Yuan Yingzhen is present in the world, and the moment before it is still prestige. But the next moment was actually slap in the face, the contrast is so great that the two monks did not react.

In particular, the monks of the five elements of the Mozong are even more timid, fearing that the four-eyed pheasant will be angry. Take your own knife.

Over the blue sky, a blue figure gradually appeared.

The warrior monk slightly fixed the god, but found that the air has already stood a young monk fluttering in the Tsing Yi, Yushu Linfeng.

The monk's face is like a weak crown, his eyes are deep, his clothes are ragged, his hands are carrying, his hair is flying, his face is graceful and elegant.

Looks like. This monk seems to be just a boy next door.

However, the moment I saw this boy, the Xia Guoguo and the Xiaguo sacrifice, could not help but the body trembled, they instantly recognized the boy.

This is Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang, and Sun Haoxiang, who had not changed much in the image decades ago.

Sacrifice Dongba, also Xia Guohua, seeing the current Sun Hao, can not help but think of the boy who flew out of the eagle. Compared to that time. The current Sun Hao is just more restrained and more graceful, but the same is like a fairy.

Xia Xia Xia Jing looked at him. There was a big smile on his face, and Xia Hao’s nose shrugged and snorted.

Around them, the loose Song Wu’s Wu Xianlang suddenly became serious, and he said deeply: “The disciple is a singer. I have seen the Master.”

Sun Hao smiled and nodded, then looked at the opposite side, a smile: "Four eyes, chicken, long time no see."

Tian Qi's eyes narrowed, and his mind quickly remembered some of the information provided by the killing of the magic, and quickly recognized Sun Hao. Isn't this the Qingyun descendant who had lost the endless fire in Ji Yanshan?

At the same time, Tian Qi also quickly remembered the information that was brought back by the killing Lu Lushan. The information about the funeral of the Tianzheng was shocked. He could not help but ask: "Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang?"

Sun Hao smiled faintly: "It is this seat."

Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang?

Xia Guo’s monk Qi Qi’s heart trembled. Isn’t this the first two-time hunter-hunting king, the Xiaguo legendary monk who made the dragon’s mystery?

Is it just that he is slap in the face of Yuan Yingzhen?

So no, he has at least achieved Yuan Yingzhen?

Xia Chuan and a young monk who originally used Sun Hao as an idol, suddenly put their eyes on the light and worshiped Sun Hao.

Huang Wenmao’s brother and sister looked at each other and they were excited in their eyes.

Engong made Yuan Ying Avenue, Qing Mu Zong undoubtedly rose and the voice was increased.

Not to mention the reaction of the various monks above the Qingyun battle boat.

After hearing the opposite monk is Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang, while the four-eyed pheasant's heart trembled at the same time, but it was also bad, if Sun Hao Sun Shen Xiang is as terrible as the killing of Lu Lushan, today is not bad.

As soon as the eyeballs turned, the body slowly faded in the air, and the mouth said loudly: "Since Agarwood is here, then it is up to you to do things, leave, don't send..."

The sound just fell, the person has disappeared from the place, but it is a momentary movement, trying to look at it.


Sun Hao still has a faint smile on his face, and his body has shook a little and disappeared from the place.

Then there was a loud bang in the air, as if two bombs hit and exploded in the two warships, and the two figures were separated.

The four-eyed field chicken was full of horror and shouted: "How is it possible?"

Then I couldn’t help but say that I turned around and arrogant.

Sun Hao raised his hand and raised a huge cyan wood vine giant net in the air, covering the four-eyed pheasant with a cover, and a bang, the more tightly it was.

Many Xiaguo monks cheered loudly, "Aoki Cage"! This spell is not very rare, but now in the hands of Sun Hao, there are huge powers that cover the sky and imprison the heavens and the earth.

The hostile Tang Yuan Yuan Ying Zhen Jun, actually can not escape and was trapped in prison.

The eyes of the four-eyed pheasant are filled with boundless fear.

Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang, actually more terrible than the description of killing Lu Lushan.

Its strength should have long surpassed the scope of the early Yuan Ying.

His own teleportation was interrupted, without him, Sun Haosun Shen Xiang can accurately grasp his own movement trajectory according to the movement of space, but this must be absolutely superior to his own.

Now, Sun Hao Sun Shen Xiang, a simple spell, makes himself feel unrivaled, but it is also because of the great difference in strength.

Among the wooden vines, the four-eyed pheasant began to desperately release the spell and tried to save himself.

The vines are entangled and stacked.

The genus of the genus is rooted in the roots and vines, which constitutes a tough and incomparable net. Tian Qi even displayed his own magical powers, and his eyes gleamed on the big net, but the speed of its destruction , still can not match the speed of the wood vines.

Not a moment of effort, four-eyed pheasant, the famous five-line magic sect of Yuan Ying Zhenjun was actually wrapped into a huge wooden vine.

The wooden vine scorpion kept swaying in the air and screaming.

Sun Hao’s face showed a light smile, his right hand stretched out, and a white flame appeared on his fingertips.

Bent to play.

Opposite, the killing Lu Lushan finally stopped looking at it, his hands on Sun Hao, and said with aloud: "Agarwood is slow and adult."

The small flame flicked at the fingertips, and Sun Hao looked at Lushan and said indifferently: "What does Lu brother have to teach?"

Lu Shan sincerely said: "Agarwood adults, mainland monks, Jin Dan can be knotted, Yuan Ying is difficult, every Yuan Ying monk is the mainstay of the mainland, the two sides of the Tao, but it is a custom, can not easily kill."

The four-eyed pheasant is quiet and the vine is no longer shrinking. He is now a little scared. Since the murderer has come forward to negotiate, he does not want to be too struggling, attracting Sun Hao to kill.

Looking at Lushan, the flames in his hands fluttered gently, like a smile, and Sun Hao said: "Lushan, do you think that in my capacity, killing a monk in the early days of Yuan Ying, what will be the problem?"

Lushan glimpsed a little, and suddenly understood that Sun Hao was a monk of Xianban. It seemed that there were many privileges. Many things that were customary were not binding on Sun Hao.

Cold sweat appeared on his forehead, killing the magic Lushan face Sun Hao slightly sighed: "Also ask Shen Xiang adults to show their mercy."

Sun Hao and the dialogue of killing the devil.

The strong performance of Sun Hao has already shocked the monks of both sides.

Especially the Xiaguo monk ~ ~ is even more surprising, inexplicable.

The Yuanxing Devil of the Five Elements of the Demon, is not an enemy of agarwood! And Aquilaria, it is the leader of Xia Guo’s coming out, and he is proud of it.

I saw the Xia family sisters Dan, and Xia Guo’s monk has been shocked as a heaven.

Now, seeing Sun Hao’s great demeanor, Xia Guo’s monk has no idea what to say.

Amazement, worship, and excitement that cannot be concealed.

Xia Guo came out of Shenxiang, the Optimus Prime, and the future development can be expected.

The four-eyed pheasant among the wooden vines, at this moment, also remembered the information of Sun Hao, and his heart was even more shocked. Today, I am afraid that there is a danger of corruption.

I don’t care much. In Lushan’s pleading, before Sun Hao’s speech, Tian Qi said in the vines: “Agarwood, I want to cut the land and redeem, right, cut the land and redeem...”

Sun Hao’s heart was moving. (To be continued.)

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