Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1072: Sun family blood

The woman saw the child stop crying, could not help but overjoyed, said quickly in the mouth: "Mu Mu, you finally do not cry, mother is really worried about you..."

Then, the woman saw a flower in front of her, and found that there was a more person inside the room.

I was shocked and opened my mouth and exclaimed. I heard the grandparents whispered: "Li Baer, ​​come and see my grandfather..."

Li Baer’s big eyes swept Sun Hao, and his heart said, this is the ancestor? How can the monks who are earth-shattering in the legend seem to be younger than me?

The doubts in my heart, but the movements are not slow, holding the child against Sun Hao, kneeling down: "Li Barr has seen his grandfather."

In her arms, Zhou Yuxi widened his eyes and looked at Sun Hao. The little face showed a pure smile.

Sun Hao’s knowledge swept away from the yellowed body of his child, his face changed slightly, and he could not help but blurt out his words: “Natural Taoism...”

Sun Hao looked at Sun Hao a little surprised, and asked with amazement: "Big brother, but what is wrong?"

Sun Hao shook his head: "It's not inappropriate, but a good thing. I didn't expect that our grandchildren will have such a great seniority."

Sun Hao was surprised again: "Big Brother, what do you mean by saying that you can also cultivate the immortals?"

Sun Hao nodded: "Taiwanese body, space-based self-built, five elements are not lacking, the five elements are excellent, but it is the best qualification for practice. She is now in this situation, but the five elements are not adjusted. As long as I am slightly skilled, I can recover. But if she is not at the monk's side and does not enter the fairy tales, it will not be long before she will be ill again..."

Sun Hao was shocked and looked at Li Baer.

Li Baer Ying Ying stumbled: "Please also ask the ancestors to be the master."

Sun Hao smiled lightly: "It is the blood of my grandson's family, and it was born when I was enshrined, but it was with me. Xiao Yan, this child I accepted, but you must know that the fairy road is like the sea. If the child goes with me, in the future, I am afraid that it will be as rare as I am."

Sun Xiao said with a smile: "I can follow the big brother into the fairy road, that is her great fortune."

Li Baer looked at the child in his arms, and there was a deep disappointment in his eyes, but eventually the silver teeth bite. A show of the show: "I also invite my ancestors to pity and accept my baby."

Sun Hao smiled and nodded, raising his hand, Zhou Yuxi flew from Li Ba's arms, and a hovering in the air, fell on the back of Sun Hao.

Then, the child "wow..." burst into tears.

Sun Hao is a little dazed.

Li Baer hesitated to look at Sun Hao, and his face was unbearable.

Sun Hao said: "Nothing..."

Then he pointed a shot and the child was already asleep.

Sun Hao hesitated and said: "Big brother. The child may pee."

Sun Hao’s slight glimpse, the knowledge of God, is indeed true.

The face is still smiling, Sun Hao said: "Nothing..."

A finger flicks, a little urine stains, and immediately cleared, clean and refreshing.

Only at this time, Sun Hao’s heart is not very faint.

In other words, he has not taken the child yet, now. It is really difficult for him to carry a milk baby to run around.

This is not a problem.

Among the ancestral homes, I stayed for a few days, and Sun Hao also fully understood the power of the baby. When I woke up, I cried, crying and making troubles. I didn’t even put the deterrent power of his intimate ancestors in my eyes.

The key point is that when Sun Hao used his momentum to shock the baby, the people looked at you in such innocent eyes, and Sun Hao suddenly felt. I have a little big problem.

Fortunately, Sun Hao and Li Baer did not go far. When Sun Hao was uncertain, he could come out and help a few. Otherwise, the invincible Yuan Ying ancestors might be defeated by the milk baby. .

Sun Hao has a cold sweat at the same time.

However, he found that in his own Dantian, the heart of Yuan Ying’s heart was actually in the process of taking care of Zhou Yuxi, and gradually began to grow. Although the process of growth was slow, at least, there was progress.

After Sun Hao couldn’t help but get the secret of Sanweiyuan’s baby fire practice, Sun Hao had been thinking about how to find and refine the first taste of “human touch”, but this trip to Lanlin Town, Qingming ancestor, washing At the same time as the soul, but inadvertently, ignited the fire.

Then, I received Zhou Yuxi, and I was unintentionally developing and strengthening Yuan Ying’s heart.

Sun Hao is now, some understand it.

Human feelings, human touch, it is very likely that you need to experience the taste of the human world, experience the world, and finally let it become a blind drug, refining into the Yuan Ying, so that Yuan Ying is more flexible, laying the foundation for the promotion of the Yuan Ying mid-term.

After thinking about this truth, Sun Hao felt the great value of the Sanweiyuan baby fire cultivation secret.

Many Yuan Ying early monks know that in order to advance to the mid-infant, they must get the basic requirements of Yuan Ying's spirituality. Under normal circumstances, in order to make Yuan Ying progress, the monks have to understand in various ways.

However, because it is illegal, the effect is not very good.

The realization of the word is the most illusory.

For example, Xuanyuan Yaqin grows vegetables and grows for decades. However, it does not necessarily have Sun Hao’s clean and clear washing.

The reason is very simple, the three-flavored baby fire secret technique, this mystery can make Sun Hao very obvious to quantify his own understanding.

During the Qingming period, Sun Hao’s heart was ignited, but after igniting, the realization of the spirit was reached, and the fire was no longer growing. It was obvious that Sun Hao was told that it would not make any sense to continue doing so.

To say white, like a big wooden barrel needs to be filled with water, other monks are blindly loaded, do not know where the water comes from, how much to install, do not know when to fill, and have "three flavors of baby fire" Sun Hao has the standard and scale filled with wooden barrels, and also has the means to perceive the existence of water.

In a hurry, Sun Hao takes care of his children while feeling his own human feelings.

Slowly, after Yuan Ying’s heart grew up, he began to change no more. The Sanweiyuan baby fire reminded Sun Hao that he experienced this and his cultivation effect was not great.

Of course, at this moment, Sun Hao also decided to really bring Zhou Xixi around, ready to take her to one of the most important destinations she wants to go to, cultivate and practice.

Stayed in Sun Jiazu’s house for a few days.

Sun Jiayi, a young and old, learned from Sun Laotaijun that Too Bo had already approached his ancestral home, and he was very cautious and cautious.

The monks who came to visit were even more cautious, full of piety and respect.

Sun Hao still took a little time to meet the descendants of the Sun family.

Sit on the top, smile on the face, grandchildren, come in one by one, and meet too much.

However, it is a bit too much for the younger generation to think that this is too big, too young.

Many younger generations thought that too big abundance should be the kind of white-haired and old-fashioned old-fashioned look, at least it would be a middle-aged look.

But who knows, actually is such a handsome boy.

If there is not Mrs. Sun, who is respectful and standing by his side, who can believe that the boy with a face and a face like a crown is the uncle of his grandparents.

Immortal! Really a fairy!

The method of immortality is difficult for ordinary people to speculate.

What makes them feel good is that they are too big and full of smiles, and they still hold Zhou Jiaxie in their hands, but from his body, they really feel the kind of blood-soluble family.

Sun Xiaohu's wife and sister-in-law, Sun Jiakai branch leaves, generations of people down, old and young, no less than five hundred people, Sun Hao have seen one by one, feeling, with their own memory of Yuan Ying Zhenjun, seems to have not really remembered several.

But what is interesting is that Sun Hao suddenly discovered that he had seen his own younger generation, his own Yuan Ying heart fire, and a little bit, a little increased.

This person's love is really interesting!

Moreover, Sun Hao also unexpectedly discovered.

In addition to Zhou Yuxi, the old grandson’s family actually appeared several children who were living in Linggen. However, they were still young, but they were not suitable for introducing Xiandao at this time.

Seriously analyzing the composition of the younger generation of the younger generation, Sun Hao came to a conclusion, perhaps he was brave enough to bury the Tianxu, and was sealed by the monks of the immortal class, and truly got the illusory air.

Perhaps his own booklet has affected the blood of the entire old Sun family. After that, the Sun family children born, many of the qualifications are excellent, and they will enter the fairy road in the future, but it is not a problem. Of course, how far can you go out in the fairy road? No one can guarantee it.

Sun Hao came along this road and understood a truth. Qualification is only a foundation for cultivation. If a monk wants to go higher and further, the final test is the comprehensive ability of the monk.

Sun Jia’s old house stayed for a few days, and made some small arrangements, leaving some chances and after the hand.

Sun Hao took Zhou Xixi to the sky and floated away. (To be continued.)

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