Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1073: Baby boy

The sea is clean and grassy, ​​and there is no green and spring.

The white sands are rising from the clouds, and they feel that they are leaving the town.

In the middle of the night, Sun Hao once again said goodbye to Lanlin Town. I don’t know, after returning from this time, I will come back again, what year and month will it be.

And many of these loved ones I see today can still be alive.

The monk's life, seeking for the road, is not without concern, but there is nothing to worry about, because those who need to be concerned, have been annihilated in time, into the memory of the heart and faint sorrow.

Sun Hao went to Qingmu Zong.

Qingmu Zong is developing very well.

Huang Wenmao arranged for the Zongmen Zhuji monk to dock a large number of sites that had just been assigned, but he himself stayed in Qingmuzong and waited quietly.

He knows that Engong will come.

Sun Hao took Zhou Xixi to the octagonal village of Lushan.

Then drifted away, to the Greenwood Xianshan.

Encourage a few sentences of Huang Wenmao's brothers and sisters, and pass on some cultivation methods and some key cultivation resources. After Huang Wenmao continued to keep the Qingmu sect and handed over to Huang Wenmao's contact, Sun Hao was respectful to Huang Wenmao and Huang Hongying. In the middle, I will go away.

This time back to Aoki, Sun Hao finally made it clear that Huang Wenmao was accepted as a four-disciple, while Huang Hongying was a registered disciple. Once he had condensed Jindan, he could be placed on the wall.

Qingmu Zong is the cultivation place of Sun Hao Enlightenment. Sun Hao will never forget the night and night of Qing Muzong, but it has passed down a pulse here.

Xia Guo turned around and Sun Hao finally returned to the Qingyun battle boat again.

Called Xia Jing Xia Xi sisters and Wu Xianlang, Sun Hao is ready to arrange the return, Sun Hao does not think that the five elements of the Mozong dare to play what tricks, playing tricks better let him have an excuse to kill the door.

However, what surprised Sun Hao was that the five elements of the Mozong had no tricks, but Xia Wei’s small pepper actually broke out in the face of Wu Xianlang and Xia Jing.

At one point, he did not put his Yuan Yingzhen in the eyes of the scene.

Xia Wei akimbo, the other hand, pointing to Sun Hao. The mouth said crisply: "Sun Hao, you stand up for me, why do we stand and talk, you are sitting. Also, you explain to me, what is the child on your back?"

Xia Jing pulled her sleeves.

She waved her hand and said reluctantly: "Sister, don't stop me. I want to tell him clearly today."

Sun Hao’s face was a little awkward.

Wu Xianlang slaps his head: "Yes, Master, the reward of the disciples of the secrets is waiting for you to issue, I will immediately draft a standard, Master, you are busy first."

Then, this guy slid quickly.

After slipping out, he also carefully covered Sun Hao’s door.

Standing at the door of the room, Wu Xianlang’s face showed a smile.

This master is respectful, everything is good, and it is cultivated. The character is good, the wisdom is clear, but the only thing is not good, that is, it is a mess when facing your own emotions.

I don't know if Xia Wei has a small pepper, and I can't let my master feel a little bit.

Fierce woman

Sun Hao saw Xia Wei and only felt that one was the first two.

Sometimes, repairing high is not necessarily omnipotent.

For example, now, Sun Hao really can't help but directly give Xia Wei some color.

Looking at the tigers and tigers, Xia Hao, Sun Hao could not help but think of the first time of the race in the mountains, and for many years. Xia Wei’s sisters waited bitterly.

Even if it is the achievement of Yuan Ying Zhenjun, even if it is only a slight force, Sun Hao has a way to let Xia Shu shut up, but. I don't know why, watching Xia Wei, who is obviously a tiger, but his eyes are full of tears, Sun Hao only feels that his heart is weak, but he has no hands at all.

Standing up quickly, Sun Hao’s face was smiling. The opening said: "Small, don't be so rushing, I am not very busy. I will take you to a place."

After that, Sun Hao knows what to do.

The sisters of Xia Wei only felt that the spirit was slightly embarrassed. When they were determined again, they found themselves in a strange space.

A tall pagoda stands in the air.

And Sun Hao, standing in front of the pagoda, yelled: "Xiaohong, Xiaozhu, come to a friend, you are responsible for greeting, I have something outside."

"Sun Hao, not allowed to run", Xia Wei did not hold Sun Hao with one hand, Sun Hao has already swayed and disappeared before the pagoda.

Xia Yu foot.

At this point, Xuanyuanhong had already squinted and walked out, whispering softly: "Sister Xia, you have come, Xiaozhu, hurry to arrange accommodation for their sisters. This tower is a little more interesting." ”

Xia Jing said slightly: "I have seen Xuanyuan ancestors."

Xia Yuzui: "Xiaohong, even if you become an ancestor, I am not afraid of you."

Xuanyuan red's little face, a smile on his face, rushing to the summer with a vertical thumb: "Well, I know, our little sister is not afraid of the sky, rest assured, this ancestor is not so busy, will not take repairs Bullying you."

Xia Yan shrugged his nose and snorted, then dissatisfied and said: "Hey, run every time."

Xiaozhu said at this moment: "Small sister, this time, the master will not run, we are now in his Dantian."

Xia Wei and Xia Jing looked at each other and their hearts were inexplicably relaxed.

Sun Hao smiled and appeared on the Qingyun battle boat. He just reached out and wiped the cold sweat on his head, but he heard that Zhou Yuxi had already burst into tears.

I am in a hurry.

After the busy work, Sun Hao suddenly found out that after Xia Wei’s trouble, his Yuan Ying’s heart was a little bit more.

Not because of his forehead, Sun Hao’s heart is filled with a clear understanding. The monk is also a human being. The first taste of Sanweiyuan’s baby fire is “human touch”, but it is inseparable from the feelings of men and women.

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Three days later, the Qingyun battle boat vacated and returned to Qingyun.

Above the battle boat, Wu Xianlang kept shaking his head and smiling.

At this time, a Yuan Ying on the battle boat, three real people sitting in the town, but when he went back, he was left with only one loner.

His dear Master, has taken the Xia’s sisters away.

Quietly slipped from the Qingyun battle boat, behind Sun Hao, followed by a ten-year-old, excited face of the baby.

He is Xia Chuan, the first person in this Dragon's Secrets, and Sun Hao has just received five disciples.

I never imagined that I would be accepted as a pro-disciple by the famous Shen Xiangzhen, and Xia Chuan was still full of excitement and excitement.

In front of me, it seems that I can still see the envy and hatred of my companions.

Xia Chuan only felt that he was developed in the future, and he stepped into Dengtian Avenue.

Yuan Ying Zhen Jun true biography, or Shen Xiang Zhen Jun true biography, this identity, this status, this opportunity, how not to be excited to want to shout.

When the degree of excitement reached the point that Sun Hao gave Zhou Xiaoxi a small trouble to him, he was still elated and happily carried Zhou Xixi.

Then, the excited Xia Chuan began to follow Sun Hao to walk around the world.

Sun Hao wants to cultivate Sanweiyuan baby fire, consciously need to experience the taste of life, decided to walk around the world, do not panic to the island of the soul of the soul.

So who will take care of Zhou Yuxi?

So Sun Hao received the five disciples of Xia Chuan.

Of course, the acceptance of Xiachuan is not only a need for a monk to help, but the reason why Xiachuan is accepted is actually several reasons.

The biggest reason is because Xiachuan has a relationship with Sun Hao.

Xia Chuan obtained the inheritance of Sun Hao and Xuanyuan Red in the mystery of Longque, but brought back the second half of the wooden attribute method “The Emperor Changsheng”, which is most suitable for Sun Hao’s cultivation. This is Sun Hao’s decision. Accept the real reason for this disciple.

The secondary reason is that Zhou Yuxi’s natural Tao is the true darling of this world. Especially when she was in her early life, she still needs to keep in touch with this world, but it is not suitable for entering the condensate. tower.

Sun Hao himself has no time to take care of him at all times, naturally he thought of finding a top bar, which is not just a good apprentice for Xia Chuan.

Then, take Xiachuan on the road.

Following Sun Hao, Xia Chuan discovered that his main task became to take care of the children to eat and drink Lazard to sleep.

However, Master did not teach himself the immortality of the Fa, as he did, and did not give himself a slap in the face of his own expectations.

On the contrary, Xia Chuan has a very clear feeling, it seems that Master brought himself, simply to find a free babysitter for the child.

The heart secretly sighed, but immediately, Xia Chuan was attracted by the arduous task of bringing children.

In any case, Master gave the child to himself and he had to bring it with him.

Xia Chuan wholeheartedly, following Sun Hao, began to take the children, do their best, take care of the children in every possible way, and occasionally idle, and only hope that their actions to take the children can impress Master and teach them some practice methods.

Half a year later, Xiachuan has completely died. In the past six months, Sun Hao has rarely talked to him. He just took him with him and walked forward.

I don't know Sun Hao's destination, and I don't know Sun Hao's intention. Xia Chuan can only sink his heart and take care of Zhou Yuxi seriously.

A year is coming down.

The excitement in my heart disappeared completely, and the expectation disappeared Xiachuan was completely super-daughter, and Zhou Yuxi took care of every day and fulfilled his duties.

When Xia Chuan thought that he would become a qualified baby boy, it was very unexpected. In a wine cellar, Sun Hao spoke up: "When a monk has a good life, he often feels fame and fame. Remember that year. After I became the king of the mountain, Master Qing took me back to Aoki and punished me for a year. I know what my feelings and gains were that year."

Xia Chuan glimpsed a little, standing in front of Sun Hao, and respectfully said: "The disciple does not know."

Sun Hao smiled slightly: "Then you will continue to take care of Xiaoxi until you find the answer."

After half a year, Xia Chuan screamed: "Master, I understand."

Then, inhale and stabilize your breath, Xia Chuan sincerely salutes Sun Haozhen: "The disciples are dull, thank you for your hard work."

Sun Hao laughed haha. To be continued.


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