Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1088: 1 wearing a cloud arrow

At that time, Fengyun was galloping in Nanyang. Under the leadership of Sun Hao and Daewoo, a group of monks had accumulated a lot of cultivation resources and built a great consummation.

Only later, leaving Daewoo and Sun Hao away from the ship, long time no return, after the absence of the town boat monk, the Fengyun number gradually declined.

Some of the monks could not wait for them to return and leave the ship.

Some monks went out to develop their own sea-going vessels.

Some monks died in the endless Nanyang.

But in the end, there was still a part of the very loyal monk who stayed on the Fengyun No., and the Fengyun had gone through many years of ups and downs.

Only a part of them are already dead on the Fengyun.

He Si thought that his final ending would be like a lot of friends, and he would not get a chance to make a decision.

But Huang Tian did not pay attention to it. Finally, he waited for the incense.

Finally, he once again saw the **** of war in his heart, the idol of worship in his heart.

Moreover, Sun Hao actually remembers his name.

You must know that when he was a Fengyun, he was just a young monk in the early days of building a foundation. But Sun Hao still remembers.

In his heart, there is an inexplicable touch.

Finally, he also knows that he has ushered in the opportunity of the knot.

Trembling, excited, he whimpered in his mouth, could not speak.

Sun Hao patted his shoulder and said with a smile: "He, don't worry, you can rest assured that I won't leave in a short time. Would you like to join me, rush to Icefire Island and fight the Dragon House?"

There were tears in He Si’s eyes, but his expression was firm and he nodded. “He Si intended to follow the adults and the South to the north.”

"Well," Sun Hao extended a hand: "Then we will swear and swear."

He four reached out and gently hit the palm of Sun Hao's hand, but his mouth eloquently issued a vow: "Heavenly for the sake of me, I am four years of this life. I am willing to chase who sinks the incense, never give up, absolutely If you don’t go back, if you swear by this oath, you can’t call it on the road...”

With the vows, his body rushed out of the air, and the appearance of the old dragon clock was slightly converging. It turned out to be a lot younger.

And its cultivation is suddenly a great completion.

Sun Hao smiled lightly. With his cultivation, he could naturally see the details of He Si and others. The six or seven old monks who were hiding in Fengyun were all perfected. However, they should have practiced one. A kind of turtle-like keeps the essence and extends the practice of Shouyuan. The purpose is probably to hope that I will wait for my return in my lifetime.

Smiled, Sun Hao said: "He, you go to rest, we talk again in the evening, I will first look at the Fengyun number. In these years, the hull is in disrepair, but I have to renovate it."

When he nodded four times, his body slackened and went backwards. Walked back to my room.

Sun Hao smiled slightly, and then began to diagnose the situation with his heart.

He went back to the bottom of the warehouse and stood in his room and took a deep breath. Then the voice said: "Haidong, can talk, Guji... you are all coming."

After a while, several old monks of the monk slowly appeared in the room of He Si.

The white-haired, white-eyed Haidong whispered softly: "He four, is there anything? Our practice has become more and more difficult, and it is not enough to see Shouyuan. Nothing, don't wander around. It’s better to be quiet...”

He Si raised his hand and pointed it up. Whispered: "The grown-up is back."

The room was quiet.

Gu Quwei whispered and asked: "He, what you just said, I didn't understand."

He was low and said clearly: "The grown-up is back, just above, I just saw it and spoke to me. The adult still remembers my name."

grown ups? grown ups.

On the Fengyun, there is only one that can be called by the old monks as adults.

Sun Hao Sun Shen Xiang adults.

Ke Qing took a deep breath and his eyes flashed a glimmer of light: "What do adults say?"

He Si said: "The adults are repairing the storm and looking for us to talk in detail at night."

There was another silence in the room.

However, the momentum of the six monks gradually grew stronger and the blood became more active.

The adult is back.

There is no need for life extension or not. If adults are pity, there should be a chance of success.

After coming in, the monk Guan Ke, who had never spoken, shook his wrist at this time. A cloud-shaped arrow appeared on his hand and touched the arrow deeply. Guanke said softly: "The adult has returned, and the cloud-headed arrow should be present. It is."

He Si hesitated for a moment, then said: "The brothers went their separate ways, leaving behind the arrow, saying that it is good to communicate in the future, but now it has been a long time, this arrow does not know whether there is any appeal."

Guanke chuckled softly: "There is no appeal, just try it."

After that, a serial port was smashed out, and a mouthful of blood was sprayed on the small arrow, and it was lightly sipped in the mouth: "Go."

Wearing a cloud of arrows flashing in the sky, instantly appeared in the sky above the Fengyun.

On the Fengyun, Yu did not want to have a slight shock, and then returned to normal. Mu Xiaotian made a fortune, and Xingtai reached out and put him on the deck.

After a few moments of effort, the small arrows have disappeared into the clouds and disappeared.

On the deck, Sun Hao’s face was always filled with a faint smile.

With the strength of Sun Hao, if Sun Hao has a heart to hide, even if Yuan Yingzhen comes, it is difficult to find Sun Hao’s true foot.

Therefore, when Sun Hao inadvertently turned a few laps on Fengyun, some of the wounds of Fengyun and some broken arrays have been repaired unconsciously.

The overall combat power of Fengyun has also recovered from the 60-60% of the peak period to the current 70%.

Sun Hao believes that it will not take long for the strength of the Fengyun to be subtly restored.

That night, Sun Hao came to the bottom of He Si where he arrived.

Six monks, who have been respectful and waiting for a long time, Sun Hao came, they are kneeling on the ground, tears in their eyes, and screaming adults.

These monks were all younger and better qualified in the year, and Sun Hao called them their names and they were flattered.

Sun Hao sat on the top and talked to the monks for a conversation. Then, he smiled and said: "Agarwood, there is no extra gold."

He Si and other people's faces showed a disappointing look, but immediately, Guan said: "Adults, we are waiting for adults, I look forward to having a good chance of a knot, but if there is no chance, I will be willing to follow the adults, vigorously, not in the world. Go white."

Other monks are also flying high and are preparing to express their views.

Sun Hao raised his hand and smiled and said: "You don't worry. In the past few years, I want to come to you and collect some golden remedies. Why not give it to Aquilaria?"

He Si and others suddenly appeared in the eye.

Looking at each other, they took out the storage bag respectfully and handed it to Sun Hao.

Sun Hao smiled and said goodbye.

Three days later, the six great masters of the founding of the foundations once again fell to the front of Sun Hao, and the cultivation resources they accumulated became two kinds of golden dragons.

Accumulated for many years.

The turtle has been for many years.

Just waiting for the return of Aquilaria.

When the incense and adults came back, it was as they expected, bringing the peerless opportunity they had dreamed of.

Moreover, they found that Aquilaria was not only refining the golden dragons for them, but also prepared a few chapters for them.

I am grateful, they worship again.

Sun Hao did not stop them, and smiled and accepted their worship.

At this moment, Sun Hao once again remembered and forgot Satsuma, and he collected several resources accumulated by the great masters of the foundations for decades. From the perspective of their value, they did not weaken the gold they gave them. Dan, even with his own symbols, is slightly inferior to the resources they collect.

Therefore, they are so targeted to enhance their chances of smuggling, but they are not hated by Heaven, and they do not bear cause and effect.

Yu does not want to get the hint of Sun Hao, the Fengyun is close to a small island, supplementing fresh water.

Then, the thunder on the island was booming and it kept ringing.

Mu Xiaotian and Xing Taizhen perceive that the silk is not sneaked into the island and found that Yu did not want to take care of the law, and the old monks who had been lingering on the Fengyun number were actually making a knot.

I am very curious about who gave these monks the timidity of Dan, but even more shockingly, the six monks have led to the robbery of the Dan, four of whom actually formed Jin Dan on this island.

A terrible rate of success!

On the Fengyun, Sun Hao still sighed softly.

Although there are various favorable conditions, but Ke Qing and another person who has always been thinking about it, the never-speaking monk still failed, and fell into the thunder of heaven.

But Yu does not want to be with the other four monks, but at the same time faint sad, overjoyed.

After the death of Dan, he added several hundred years of life.

From then on, it entered the backbone of the mainland's cultivation, the road to repairing the road, and opened a new page.

I don't want you to wait for decades. (To be continued.)

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