Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1089: 0 ship Wan Xiu to see each other

Fengyun has added four Jindan real people.

Moreover, the most incredible thing is that these four people were originally drooping and old, and they are the oldest monks who lived in the bottom cabin.

No one thought that they actually had a chance.

Moreover, six old guys, four knots.

Is there such a ridiculous thing in the world?

There is no doubt that these old guys are playing pigs and eating tigers.

But at the same time, what is incredible is that even if they used to build a great foundation, even if they have been rehabilitated for many years, what is the reason, so that they dare to face the shackles, dare to take risks, and, in one fell swoop?

On the Fengyun, a new generation of disciples, it feels a little unbelievable.

The monk who joined Fengyun earlier had already felt the Fengyun number, and it seemed that there was a familiar atmosphere that slowly awakened.

I remember that when they just joined the Fengyun, there were some legends that made people excited.

The monks of Fengyun have always been expecting something from some people.

It seems that the Fengyun number at that time had a kind of glory inscribed in the bones.

Now, after many years, this glory gives people the feeling of waking up.

There are four more Jindan real people. On the Fengyun, several township Jindan once again gathered together. Congratulations to several Taoist friends stepping into Jindan Avenue. At the same time, after the death of Dan, they can also participate in the decision of Fengyun. Once again, make decisions on the direction of action of Fengyun.

Mu Xiaotian and Xing Taizhen originally thought that the four new Jindans needed to be consolidated and would not hope that the war would continue, and that their proposal would be strongly supported by four new Jindan.

However, the result is the opposite.

The four new Jindan fighting spirits are high-spirited, and they are eager to rush to the ice island.

Mu Xiaotian was annoyed by these guys. The sleeves swayed and said loudly: "Since you insist on doing this, don't blame me for listening. The Dragon House has gathered the strength of Nanyang's top ten islands. The top sea boat is There are more than 20 ships, and the real king can command and attack the ice fire island. We hit it like this. It is purely looking for death, and it is not enough."

Xingtai also echoed: "Yes, the battle of Icefire Island can be said to be the largest sea battle in Nanyang in the past millennium. It is also the big move of Nanyang forces to reshuffle. It is not that we can participate, nor do we need to participate. ”

Really great!

The power shuffle!

See if you dare to be hot.

However, what happened to Mu Xiaotian and Xingtai did not happen.

Yu does not want to have another four new Jin Dan who are in full swing and spirited, and said with exuberance: "How can I get less of my Fengyun, so if you want to shuffle, then wash him up and down."

Ok, I don’t know who gave these two scorpions such great courage and passion, Mu Xiaotian and Xingtai expressed their service.

If they had already penetrated into Nanyang at this time, they all had the heart to leave the ship.

of course. In their hearts, even more dissatisfied is the young monk Zhong Xiaohao who was stationed on the Fengyun.

If it is not Zhong Xiaohao, it is estimated that Yu does not want to want to rush to the ice island.

The sea battle in the sea of ​​Icefire Island has been brewing for more than two months.

Zhong Xiaohao came, and Yu did not want to eat aphrodisiac in general. I wanted to come to be the shackle of Zhong Xiaohao. This is Xiao Xiaohao, and it is not high. But it is definitely a first class lobbyist.

I don't know what soup I don't want to fill, let him listen to it.

For the sake of the present, Mu Xiaotian and Xingtai also can only see the walking steps, **** the scalp. I hope that I can leave the battlefield in time with the Fengyun.

In the vast sea, the Fengyun wave broke through the waves.

The sails are flying and hunting.

The four new Jindan enthusiasm is very high. After a little consolidation, they are actively familiar with the various sea-going techniques of Fengyun.

And actively do their best to start small repairs on the Fengyun.

Mu Xiaotian and Xingtai don't think this kind of repair will have a good effect.

The array structure of Fengyun is very strange and very partial. Many formations and even Daye Island cannot be completely repaired. This is also the root cause of the lack of combat power and the worsening of the situation.

However, perhaps a few old guys are the relationship between the old man, Fengyunhao, under their gongs and drums, actually gradually improved.

Some of the vulnerabilities and disabilities were gradually restored under their repairs.

Then, Fengyun’s long-lost combat skills actually bloomed again.

Other warfare techniques are not to be said for a moment. When Guanke and He Si cooperated to launch the top navigational skills of the sea-going ship, "the wind and the waves break", the Fengyun monks felt very deep.

Fast speed!

If Fengyun has always had this speed and flexibility, there are few sea boats in the South Sea that can catch up.

Mu Xiaotian and Xingtai could not help but be shocked.

I didn’t expect Feng Yunhao to hide such a move. I have this trick. When I can’t beat it, it’s a magical skill. When I suddenly feel, the two think that as long as they are not stared by Yuan’s Yuan Yingzhen. However, the problem is not big.

After two days of fast sailing, after trying to ride the wind and waves, the speed of the Fengyun dropped and began to move slowly.

It’s not that Jindan’s real person doesn’t continue. Now there are seven people in Jinyun’s number, and the power is big. The reason why the speed is slowed down is that the cloud arrow flies back.

Wearing a cloud arrow has an echo.

Wearing a cloud arrow is a relatively different type of musical note, which is characterized by fast speed, strong positioning, and long distance of sound transmission, which is very suitable for the land of Nanyang.

However, the shortcomings of wearing a cloud arrow are also obvious, that is, the sound capacity is small, and there are few words in the middle of the sound.

For example, when Guanke issued a cloud-piercing arrow, there were only five words, the adult ice fire island.

The flying arrow that flies back is only five words. Please wait for it.

To be honest, Guan Ke and others do not know how many former companions have received the Yunjianjian, and they do not know that there will be several seagoing vessels to catch up.

However, since you should pay attention to wearing the cloud arrow, the speed of the Fengyun is naturally not too fast.

In the end, how many monks read the past sentiments, and so on.

Yu does not want to have people on the Fengyun number hanging on the agarwood battle flag.

A huge, red flag, the middle of the flag, is a strange, ugly sword.

Seeing this banner, He Si and others only felt that the blood was boiling.

The incense war flag, Yang Wei Nanyang will soon be again.

I am going to follow the story of the legend again.

But Mu Xiaotian and Xingtai are quite speechless, and the sword is really ugly.

The Fengyun number actually hangs such a flag, it is really crazy.

However, they cleverly did not protest.

A few Jin Dan real people on board, in addition to Zhong Xiaohao, several other people have a crazy passion for this banner, but there is no need to conflict with these fanatics in order to break the sword.

After more than a month, with the sailing of Fengyun.

Mu Xiaotian and Xingtai Yan really witnessed what is called fanaticism.

More than ten days later, a sea boat, a small and famous sea boat in Qingyun Port, caught up.

After a slogan, a Jindan monk flew up on the sea boat, floated in the air, aimed at the agarwood battle flag, bowed and worshipped, while worshiping, while looking up and shouting, tears filled.

In this way, it is like a soldier who has fallen behind, and finally found a large team in the wilderness field, excitedly shouting.

After three deductions and nine prayers, the real person named Jin Long, who was named Wang Long, was closely introduced by Guan Ke.

After half a ring, Wang Long returned to his sea boat with excitement, and the sea boat, after the Fengyun number, became the first sea boat to follow the Fengyun.

Fanaticism continues.

Three days later, another sea boat chased it up.

The same blood boiled, the same downturn and worship, after the Fengyun, there was another sea boat.

For a whole month, large and small sea boats catch up with the team from time to time.

And every time, those monks who catch up are almost the same performance, the same fanaticism.

At this time, Mu Xiaotian and Xingtai Yu felt that something was wrong.

What kind of broken flag, actually has such a big appeal?

Also, do you want to have such a big appeal? Such a great cohesion? Can't see it!

The monks returned to the team, and Sun Hao did not come forward. Mu Xiaotian and Xing Taiqi did not know. The real object of worship of the monks was the seemingly young, seemingly harmless, and the Jindan mid-aged monk who was criticized by them.

In a month, after the Fengyun, it has already caught up with dozens of large and small ships.

Of course, most seafarers do not understand why they will keep up with Fengyun, and some monks. After knowing the goal of Fengyun, they began to drum, and many monks even objected to their own decision.

However, these monks who went out from Fengyun were the backbone of the ship, but they temporarily stabilized the team.

This follow-up was reached at the end of January.

A huge fleet, above the South Sea, the famous fleet, slowly chasing it up.

Seeing the number of the fleet, Mu Xiaotian and Xingtai’s heart was thought that Fengyun was being stared.

The famous Sanshen fleet started the "voyage" acceleration warfare and chased it up.

Just when many monks and Mu Xiaotian and Xingtai were generally thought to have an unpleasant surprise, things that happened to them happened.

The three top seagoing ships lowered the banner, and then, no less than five Jindan Zhenjun, under the leadership of the fleet leader "One-eyed Haosan", appeared in the air, actually like the fanatic monks in front, cheers In the middle, three deductions and nine worships.

After the one-eyed hobby worshipped the agarwood battle flag, Yu did not want this to appear in the air, and said with aloud: "Hao three brothers, you are here, please inside."

One-eyed Haohaha laughed and strode, striding across the sky, falling on the Fengyun, and Yu did not want to look at each other and laughed, and walked into the Fengyun.

At this time, most of the monks still face each other, such as a dream.

Is there such a power in Fengyun?

One wearing a cloud arrow, hundreds of ships to repair each other! (To be continued.)

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