Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1097: Legend of the Gods (4)

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But in any case, under the huge fleet of ships, there are still a large number of dragon-ship ships that cannot escape. △¢,

Under the huge shadow, on a large number of sea boats, the monks face dead.

Under the whirlwind, there is a huge deterrent.

They have deep fears in their hearts. Today, they seem to be fish in the sea, and they feel the pressure of the sea-ship warfare.

A little moving.

Especially on the top of the sea boat under the Fengyun No., not only the building of the monk, but even the Jindan monk of the main battle, can not help but be frightened, can not afford to fight, can only watch the huge spin The rumbling rumbling, rumbling and flying down.

This is not just a whirlwind, but even the "pressure of the sea" combat technology is also displayed.

In the sky, Sun Hao’s face showed mercy.

There is no heart in my heart.

However, the monk’s life is like this. Once the war is started, the war will not be transferred by the will of the people.

The heart is slightly horizontal, and the huge fleet is flying down.

Although there is a bonus to the stunned dragon, there are still a large number of sea boats that can only watch, and look at the huge pulp and press it down.

The monks who have been trained to be high-spirited and determined will jump into the sea and escape quickly into the sea. At this moment, they are shrouded in the sky and the only way out in the sea.

Less than a hundred sea-going vessels were shrouded by flying sea-going vessels, and nearly 10,000 monks were shrouded under the fleet.

Rotating ruthlessly, spinning fast.

The sea boat that was touched was instantly fragmented, layer by layer, like tofu. Four scattered flying.

Rotating at this time. Adding to the boundless power of the battlefield. The underground sea boat, including the top sea boat, was completely unstoppable.

The monks who were too late to dodge were even screaming in the air, turning into blood and rain.

In the air, Sun Hao’s heart was slightly unbearable, and his heart moved, and he sighed slightly. The pressure on the sea is weaker.

At the same time, the slewing force in one direction was slightly weakened, and the speed of cutting the sea boat was slightly slower, but it left an escape route for the lower monk.

God has a good life, Fengyun has a big advantage, and Sun Hao does not want to kill.

A large number of monks who were about to be swept away by the singer suddenly recovered from the pressure of the sea, and suddenly found that they were about to be swept by the whirlpool, instinctively, instinctively fleeing along the path left by Sun Hao.

Only that direction. There is room for escape, or else it will sink into the sea. It is very likely that it will be stirred into a powder by a fast-moving sea boat.

Among Sun Hao’s eyes, there is mercy.

However, he did not notice that his shoulders had not been a small fire, and his eyes had been firmly fixed on the direction of the dragon family and the bandit monk, and a pair of small eyes were shining.

Then, just after Sun Hao net opened, only the sea boat was released and the monk was let go. The small fire, the small fire standing on his shoulder, slammed into the direction of the monks running away, a small mouth.

One swallow.

Sun Hao finally discovered the swallowing action of the small fire, and his heart was screaming, and could not help but clear: "Small fire, don't."

But it is already late.

The space in front is empty.

The monks are also good, and the hulls of the sea boats that fly in the air are all swallowed away with the small fire, disappearing without a trace.

The monks who had let go of Sun Hao, without exception, were swallowed up by the fire.

Sun Hao slammed his head and saw that it was a small pair of innocent little eyes.

At the same time, in the knowledge of God, the voice of the small fire spread weakly: "Brother, I see they want to escape, they swallow."

The monks of both sides saw a space that was swallowed up. I thought about the hundreds of swallowed monks here. I couldn’t help but feel the cold in my heart. I looked at the little fire rat on Sun Hao’s shoulder and was very jealous.

Sun Hao’s heart is full of miscellaneous.

Silently, touch the small head of the small fire, Sun Hao said in his heart: "Small fire, in the future, do not swallow the monks."

The little fire "oh", and then asked in the gods: "What is the difference between a monk and a beast? I remember that I seem to have swallowed many beasts."

Sun Hao’s heart stayed for a while, then thought, yeah, what is the difference between a spirit beast and a monk?

Then, Sun Hao looked around and saw the monks' stunned look at the different expressions of the small fire. The heart said in a long way: "Small fire, the human flesh is sour and tastes bad."

Small fire: "Brother, but what I swallow is a taste."

Sun Hao stunned and said: "This, if you swallow more, you will vomit and you will fight..."

Speaking of this, Sun Hao’s heart is suddenly shocked. If one day, the small fire will really find a monk, how will he treat him?

After listening to Sun Hao’s reasons, the fire did not answer for a long time.

Among the small eyes, it was the expression of grievances.

After half a ring, she said softly in Sun Hao’s heart: "Brother, I understand, I will not swallow people in the future."

Sun Hao’s heart was slightly relieved.

At the same time, Sun Hao also thought that when the small fire and the strong mouse were unintentional, they always worried about her, only hope that her character can be strong.

But now, the ignorant little fire character is strong, and everything dares to swallow, but he suddenly discovers that such a small fire is not what he needs.

This person! It is a contradiction.

Sun Hao and Xiaohuo exchanged this meeting. The dragon had already set off his eyes and looked at the little mouse of Sun Hao’s shoulder. He thought: "How is it possible? How is it possible? It is actually a descendant of the heavens! Agarwood, a good poisonous mind, a good means."

In his view, it was Sun Hao who deliberately set up a trap to let his own monks be swallowed up by the swallows.

A few years ago, the mainland rumored ten heroic deeds.

The dragon does not feel that it is so powerful.

Although at that time, Sun Haosun and Shen Xiang felt a little uncomfortable, but the dragon could not feel that he was afraid of Sun Hao, and he did not think that Sun Hao would be his opponent.

But now, in the face of Sun Hao, he is deeply impressed by what is called the Noah under the name.

The reason why Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang can be called the king to bury the market, I am afraid that it is not a name.

Although he is a Yuanjun in the middle of the Yuan Dynasty, he may not want to easily overcome the monk who just broke the baby.

A bang.

The huge fleet of clouds fell to the surface.

The sea was soaring, but the Fengyun fleet was steadily lying on the sea, not moving.

The Fengyun fleet that fell from the sky is still the state of the tyrants before the whirlwind.

Throughout the flying process, the connection is extremely perfect and impeccable.

After all the fleets of Fengyun had completely fallen to the sea, the monks of the Fengyun No. had a loose spirit. They felt that they had broken down from a large ship and returned to normal conditions. They were free to move.

Suddenly, the monks who had resumed their actions, without the guidance of the old monks, burst into a tsunami-like cheer: "Agarwood, Aloes..."

At this moment, even Mu Xiaotian and Xingtai, not to cheer up.

Awesome sea-going combat skills, cool sea-going combat techniques, fierce sea-going combat skills, and awesome magical combat skills.

Now they have finally got the same feeling as the older generation of monks.


Cheering in the sky.

Seeing the overall shape of the Fengyun fleet's morale, the dragon and the illegal class could not help but look at each other.

Sun Hao’s sea-going combat skills are obviously higher than theirs.

These combat skills that Sun Hao is now showing, both in terms of level and power, are difficult for them to look back on.

Sun Hao’s body is likely to have a complete and complete sea-going warfare inheritance similar to Daye Island.

The dragon and the Bangui surged very strongly and Sun Hao than the sea boat combat skills are completely out of a level of feeling.

A simple fact is that, with Sun Hao than the sea boat combat skills, it is simply nothing to find abuse.

If Sun Hao had a few more whirls, it would be hard to say that there are a few sea boats left on his side.

In exchange for a look, the dragon and the class and the two were flying high, and the air disappeared and the body disappeared over the ship.

When it reappeared, it was already standing at a height not far from Sun Hao. The two men were in a corner, and they were surrounded by Sun Hao. Their clothes fluttered and their momentum climbed, locking Sun Hao.

Take your own strength and the enemy's short.

Since the sea-going warfare is not a grandson, it will be repaired.

Both the dragon and the Ban Gu are both in the mid-term, but they do not believe that Sun Hao can stop the two.

Under Sun Hao, Luo Mei and Xiao Bao looked at each other and both vacated, standing on the left and right sides of Sun Hao, and shaking the opposite of the two mid-term Zhenjun. (To be continued.)

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