Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1098: True king war

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The sea-going warfare is better than that of the top Yuan Ying.

Although the sea-going warfare skills are fierce, they need to gain momentum, but they are not as flexible as Yuan Ying.

At the level of Yuan Ying, unless it can stop the Yuan Ying attack, otherwise, everything is free.

At the crucial moment, I still cultivated to speak.

Both the dragon and the Bangu are moving in a twinkling position, appearing near Sun Hao, but they are arranging the horses and horses.

Sun Hao did not show weakness, and the three monks appeared in the air and stood opposite each other.

Above the ice peak, Ying Xuanhu and Li Yuncong looked at the ancestors.

Ying Tianzhu’s face was slightly red, and then he said with a little sweat: “Don’t look at me, I was attacked by both of them and I was seriously injured. Now I can only help me.”

After that, Ying Tianyi and the two men should be comforted: "You don't worry too much. I feel that the strength of the girl is not weak. These two are afraid that it is difficult to win easily."

Ying Xuanhu and Li Yuncong looked at the peerless beauty in the air.

The rare real battle of the king is about to begin.

In the end, it is the two masters of the Dragon family, or Sun Hao Sun Shen Xiang is overwhelming, everyone is full of expectations.

To be honest, even if you don’t want to wait for the grandfather of Sun Hao who is full of expectations, at this time, I am not sure that Sun Hao will be able to gain an advantage.

Shen Xiang adults can fight better, but after all, the other side has two mid-term ↙,.. Zhenjun.

The strength gap on the bright side is not small.

Of course, the adult of Agarwood does not have to win. If he can persist in unbeaten and maintain his tie, it is victory.

After all, the Long family’s collection of the bandit’s offensive name is not right, and it takes a long time. The Nanyang Alliance will not always stand by.

In the air. The performance of five yuan baby Zhenjun. The momentum is very different in everyone's eyes.

The dragon family ancestors were unlawful, and it seemed to be the spirit of the emperor. The yellow robes fluttered and there seemed to be a crown on the head. The feeling of giving is that it is awe-inspiring and requires worship.

The body of the solid class is surrounded by layers of black air, and the face has a gloomy and horrible smile. The flesh seems to be completely skinny, leaving only a thin layer of skin wrapped around the skeleton.

The pink boy's eight tender arms or grips or orchids, and a pair of eyes dripping, seem very smart.

Luo Mei body, filled with endless charm, seven of the ten monks fell on her body, reluctant to care.

Finally, the most memorable one on the spot is the young boy.

At this moment, the teenager is floating in the air. The whole body is full of masculine beauty.

Smile with a face. Yushu Linfeng, people seem to see the rising sun.

The five monks are constantly climbing.

Breathing, tangled into a ball.

The momentum collides with each other and tempts each other.

In the air, it seems to be thunder and lightning. From time to time, bursts of explosions burst into flames.

It’s just that the momentum is against each other, and there is such a power.

Fortunately, this is above the sea, really in the mountains, maybe there is already a big fire around.

The explosion of the explosion.

The five monks seem to be fixed in general, and they seem to be constantly turning, standing still and waiting for it.

The momentum continues to climb.

Under them, large and small ships can't stand the huge pressure, and they can't help but avoid them.

At this moment, no one on the two sides of the ship took the opportunity to launch an attack, because Yuan Yingzhen did not score the victory before, even if the sea boat battle to gain an advantage, it is just a mirror.

Unknowingly, in front of Icefire Island, the two sides of the ship lined up in the middle, there was a huge battlefield.

The five monks, in the center of this battlefield, exhibited momentum and brewed a thunder.

As the momentum climbed, the cultivation of strength and weakness gradually emerged.

Among the five people, the eight-armed boy's forehead first appeared silky and sweaty, and the small body gradually shook.

Although Bao Ketu has advanced to Yuan Ying, he has experienced many funeral opportunities. The cultivation has been climbing all the way. It is almost at the beginning of the peak. The general monk in the early Yuan Ying may still have some advantages, but in the middle of the Yuan Ying Zhenjun, but it is totally inadequate.

A bit dwarfed.

Then there is Luo charm, the smile on his face is also unnatural, but it can't be calm again.

Luo Mei itself is a strange creature born in the natural world of thousands of years of burial.

The original Luo charm strength is unmatched, and definitely not under the mid-Minister midterm monks.

However, after being stripped of a small fire by Satsuma and stripping away the flesh-and-blood spirits of Zhizai Shen Changfu, she suffered heavy losses and the combat power dropped. Moreover, the repair was also suppressed by Sun Haoxiu, only in the early days of Yuan Ying, but at this time, Also a little bit can not withstand the huge momentum of the mid-Yang Ying period.

After Luo Mei was completely retired by Satsuma, her peculiar biological characteristics also caused her to make some strange changes in the Sumiyaku Tower. Today's Lohme, the repair will progress with the progress of Sun Haoxiu.

However, it was suppressed by Sun Haoxiu, and the highest can only be compared with Sun Hao’s cultivation.

Such a state of the enchantment, even if it is a high blood means, but also do not want to get rid of the identity of the tower.

The face of the dragon and the solid class showed a smile.

The opposite monk is really only in the early days of Yuan Ying, but it is difficult to block himself.

Exchanging their eyes, the two monks swelled fiercely, then swayed in the air, and launched an attack on Sun Hao and others.

The dragon is not working with the class for many years, and one eye understands the other's intentions.

The bodies of the two men have just disappeared. When they reappeared, they have appeared in the vicinity of the eight-armed chart and launched an attack on the Buktu.

The strength of the Packer chart is the weakest, but it is the object of their first attack.

In the palm of the dragon, a golden dragon rushed out of the palm of his hand, and at the same time, a big foot became bigger and bigger and kicked over.

On the solid class, a black airflow was silently wrapped around, and a white bones of the palm of the hand also rolled over and fished to the Bao Ketu.

The body of Bao Ketu swayed in succession, and the eight arms kept flying, forming a palm print in the air, and firmly covering themselves. At the same time, the strange blood pulse power was pushed to the maximum, the reflex ability was activated, and the self-rescue was tried.

As soon as it sounds.

The white bones hit the middle of a streamlined flying sword.

The huge force of collapse broke the palm of your hand and the flying sword flew to Sun Hao.

The body of Sun Hao, however, has been golden, like a **** of war, and slammed into the dragon.

With a bang, the dragon's unlawful single foot was blocked by the masculine and mighty Sun Hao in the air, and the two men attacked in the air and then dispersed.

Luo charm body swayed, there was a phantom in the air, rushing to the black airflow of the solid class.

The palm print of the packer figure was taken one after another, and the dragon was shot to the dragon.

The five Yuan Yingda’s various means of exhibition, the series of explosions in the air, is like a thunder, and it is shocking.

啪啪啪 包 包 包 包 包 包 包 包 包 包 包 包 包 包 包 包 包 包 包 包 包 包 包 包 包 包 包 包 包 包 包 包 包 包 包 包 包 包 包 包 包 包 包 包 包 包 包 包 包 包 包At one click, Jin Long still hit a few of his arms in front of him.

Suddenly, flesh and blood flew.

The phantom of the enchantment of the enchantment is also falling in the entanglement with the black air of the squad.

After the black airflow destroyed the phantom of the enchantment, it also hit the back of the packer.

The packer figure couldn't help but scorn, and the body rushed forward, and spit out a mouthful of blood.

Five monks played against each other and their strengths were clear at a glance.

The strength of the dragon and the illegal class is obviously higher than that of the grandson, but Sun Hao’s Sun Xiangxiang is not very different from them.

The relatively weak one is an eight-armed pack. Under the first exploratory attack of the enemy, the packer has been injured, and he does not know that he can withstand such a degree of attack.

The dragon and the Ban Gu looked at each other and saw the excitement in each other's eyes.

The eight-armed boy is actually weaker and can be used as a breakthrough for attack.

Only at this time, the heart of the class has a lot of doubts, and his black airflow is not reasonable.

But after the eight-armed boy took a note, it didn't seem to be a big problem, just a spurt of blood, and then there was nothing big.

And the many powerful functions of the original black airflow did not respond at all to this boy.

Only at this time everyone is fighting, not when thinking about this issue.

The class quickly put the problem aside and began to concentrate on how to clean up the eight-armed octopus that has suffered a lot.

In the heart of Packer's picture, there is a rush of luck.

Fortunately, I wore a sneak pecan that was sewed by Luo, and I was able to break the spell damage. Otherwise, I am afraid that I have been trapped by the black air.

The first attack was just a temptation.

The results of the trials show that the strength of the eight-armed boy is indeed weak.

The dragon couldn't go to the sky and shout, then the wrists shook, and a golden snake spear appeared on the hand.

The spear pointed to the packer. (To be continued.)

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