Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1099: God of War (1)

The top strength of the two sides played against each other. In the first round, the monk of the Long family gained the upper hand.

The incense adult is really powerful, and the ability to resist the mid-term of the Yuan Ying does not fall, but the two assistants of Shen Xiang adults are slightly weaker, and it is difficult for the enemy.

At the same time that the dragon could not show the golden snake spear, a small blue flag appeared on the hand of the class, and a white dragon was embroidered on it.

Both Yuan Yuan Zhenjun have made a magic weapon. They look at each other and smile at each other. At the same time, they launch an offensive to the boy.

The snake spear rotates in the hand, the rotation speed is getting faster and faster, the rotating spear tip is turned into a snake, and the air hovering, the dragon can't just take a hand, the spirit snake flies away, the air turns a few turns, and a beautiful curve is drawn. , pounce on the map.

The small class waved the small blue flag in the hand. On the sea, a white sea dragon composed of a huge sea water quickly climbed up from the sea. A **** mouth was big and one fell.

Above the ice peak, Ying Tiansheng loudly reminded: "The Taoist friend is careful, this is the broken snake spear and the water dragon flag. The snake spear can break the shield and attack the hard, the water dragon will corrode the soul and be careful."

Ying Tianyi had a big fight with the two Yuan Ying, and he ate a lot of losses. At this time, it was a loud reminder to avoid Sun Hao’s failure to observe and suffer in the battle.

The first target of the spirit snake and the water dragon is still the eight-armed boy.

The boy shouted in his mouth, his body jumped forward, jumped into the sea, and instantly turned into a body in the sea. The pink body of the hill was like a small island standing in the sea. Eight thick wrists kept flying and swaying. Spirit snakes and water dragons in the air.

The enemy is strong, and the eight-arm pack chart has to be fully prepared.

Turned into the body, based on the sea, the strength of the eight-legged variant of the King of the King can be instantly improved a lot, the sea is his home.

Sun Hao knows the movement, and Shen Xiangjian has a silver light passing through it. It flashes out and blocks the dragon's illegal snake spear. The Luo charm also sways a series of shadows in the air and rushes to Hailong.

Hey... The streamlined agarwood sword hit the snake snake and the snake. There was a burst of crashing sounds of gold and iron in the air.

The illusion of Luo charm rushed into the water dragon. But by the water dragon, regardless of the three seven twenty-one, the students swallowed, and then the shadow came out from the back of the water dragon, and the water dragon kept launching the bite and slamming.

The eight arms of the packer figure also flew up. Do not stop beating, and killing the dragon with the charm.

Sun Hao’s fighting power is extraordinary. The dragon is not right, and it doesn't fall.

The incense sword and the broken snake spear battled to the same level.

On the ice peak, Ying Tianwei slightly nodded and sighed: "You friend. It is not very old, but it is indeed a repair. It is not inferior to the mid-term real, it is amazing!"

Ying Xuanhu and Li Yuncong looked at each other. There are surprises in the heart, but also a bit of bitterness. I think that when everyone played against the ancient magic Luo Pengfei, everyone's strength difference will not be so big.

but now. In the past few decades, when I thought that my progress was great, who knows that the agarwood has grown to such a height, it is not a little bit to pull myself down.

In the mid-term Zhen Jun, whose ancestors could not fight, Shen Xiang actually can fight like a fan.

This is the gap, a huge gap.

Among the sky, the five Yuan Yuan Zhenjun, an instant battle, formed two battle groups.

Sun Hao's war is unlawful, the spirit snake flies, the agarwood hovering, entanglement, and it is difficult to win or lose in a short time.

Another battle group is the Luo charm and the small chapter battle.

The water dragon flag in the hands of the regular class can make a hundred waters, and the magical use of no water, a water dragon climbed up from the sea, attacking the Luo Xiaoxiaozhang.

In the sky, it seems that there is heavy rain. From time to time, the raindrops that the water dragon is broken are splashing around.

The raindrops have magical corrosive ability, and they fall on the small chapter, and they burst into a burst of blue smoke. If it wasn’t for the horror-skinned vestment that Luo Xiang sewed, maybe the small chapter was already riddled with holes.

The charm of the fascinating vest is also magical. It really can change with the body type. Even if the small chapter becomes the body, the outer layer of the body still grants a layer of fear and skin after the refinement of the sorcerer. The guarantee that the small chapter relies on survival.

However, the overall combat strength of the solid class far exceeds the small chapter and the Luo charm. During the battle, the water dragon flag in the hand dances faster and faster, and on the sea surface, more and more water dragons climb up.

Gradually, five or six water dragons trapped the Luo Mei and the Eight-legged Deformation King.

The water dragon flag is still flying in the air, and the face of the regular class also shows a smile.

Although the young monk opposite is powerful, his two helpers are much weaker. As long as he cleans up his two helpers, and then joins the old dragon, Sun Haosun and Shen Xiang are even more powerful, and they only have to escape.

On the ice peak, Ying Tian sighed and shook his head. It seems that the final battle will be quite unfavorable.

The real battle of the king, the sea, the weather is thousands.

The agarwood and the spirit snake circled and danced against each other. The golden light and the silver light intertwined to form a huge light group. Sun Hao and the dragon were indistinguishable and opposite each other.

Sun Hao’s brow wrinkled slightly.

The war situation is indeed unfavorable to oneself.

Only at this time, the dragon is not obviously restraining itself. Once you distract yourself, waiting for yourself, it is bound to be a blow to the dragon.

Of course, the Yuan Ying war is also good for Luo Mei, and for Xiao Zhang, it will be their rare battle experience. Sun Hao also wants to see how far they can do it.

The strength of the small chapter is not very strong, but Sun Hao knows that there is a strong enthusiasm in this kid's bones, but the war situation has not reached when he has to intervene.

Sun Hao was calmly confronted with the dragon, and the imperial agar was entangled with his broken snakes and spears. At the same time, he also divided a **** and closely watched the battle between Xiaozhang and Luo.

The solid class is the Yuan Ying big energy that grew up in the fight between the blood and fire of Nanyang. It is very incomparable in one body, and the ability is even more varied, but it is the best exercise for Xiao Zhang and Luo Mei.

Of course, Sun Hao himself, after experiencing the nine deaths of the ruins of the Tianxu market, is not afraid of any fierce battles. However, after all, Sun Hao has just advanced to Yuan Yingzhen, and there is not much experience in the battle of Yuan Ying, and there is no such thing. Anxious to break out.

On the face of the class, there was a smile.

In the hands, the water dragon flag is gently swayed.

In the air, six water dragons surrounded by Luo Mei and Bao Ketu swiftly danced. In the shuttle, six water dragons quickly formed a black and white yin and yang pattern in the sky above Xiao Zhang and Luo Mei.

Sun Hao sighed and said: "Be careful."

The two yin and yang eyes of the yin and yang pattern slammed brightly.

The two horns of the ang ang were sung, and the yin and yang were turned into one white and one black. Two huge water dragons slammed down from the two yin and yang eyes, and slammed into the enchantment and the gram.

At the foot of the regular class, there was another darkness, with two forks, like a snake letter, the strange sword that swallowed the red mans, silently, and disappeared into the air.

Sun Hao got up and moved, and the dragon couldn't raise his palm. A huge palm print was overwhelming in front of Sun Hao, entangled with Sun Hao, and Sun Haoteng did not come out.

A huge water dragon, slamming down.

Luo charm hands pulled a **** shield on his chest, blocking the water dragon, and his body was quickly retreated by the water dragon.

The eight arms of the packer figure formed a pink shield in the air, and then the huge body sneaked into the sea.

In the bang, the flesh and blood flew, the shield of the wrist and foot frame was blown by the water dragon, and the sea was bright red.

The big octopus made a scream in the sea, and then the whole body disappeared, as if it had completely sunk into the sea floor. The dark water dragons bombarded the sea and stirred up the waves.

In the distance, the size of the sea, the size of the sea, the ship feels the sea violently shocked, and then one wave after another, like the rising tide, huge waves come and go.

The eight-arm pack chart was hit hard and had to sink into the sea floor to avoid the solid class.

The state of Luo Mei at this time is not very good. The blood-colored shield in front of her is under the impact of the white water dragon, and it is getting thinner and thinner.

And the rapid retreat of Luo Mei did not find behind her, a black sword, slammed out from the void.

The black sword of the snake letter is gently swayed, and the whole sword body is divided into two.

I am fully coping with the dragon charm of the water dragon. It is too late to have too many reactions. The two swords have been smashed twice and tied to his left and right chests.

The tip of the sword passed through, and in front of Luo’s eyes, the blood dripped and kept shaking.

Luo charm sullen, a soft hand, **** shield can not stop the water dragon.

The water dragon banged and hit the body of Luo.

A scream of screams rang through the sea.

The body of Luo charm can not withstand the impact of the water dragon, the air, the blast of a blast, turned into a **** day, no bones.

Ying Tianyi’s dark voice was finished.

The Dragon Boat fleet issued a shocking celebration. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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