Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1100: God of War (2)

Actually, the Yuan Ying force was degraded.

The Fengyun fleet of monks is silent, and many monks have a burst of regret in their hearts. This is a living life, and it is a peerless beauty.

The Tang Yuan Yuan Zhen Zhenjun, so fallen on the South Ocean.

Blood and rain, falling to the surface of the sea, dyed a large piece of sea water.

Gubanhaha laughed, and one hand, two black swords combined into one, turned into a snake letter sword, flew back.

Foot on the sword, holding the water dragon flag, the solid class looked at Sun Hao.

Just now, when the class was full of power, Sun Hao also had a rescue action, but was stopped by the dragon and failed to lend a helping hand to his companions.

Now, Sun Hao’s two companions, one dead and one wounded, have become lonely, and he does not know that he can stick to several rounds under the siege of the dragon and the illegal class.

Ying Tianyi looked gray and felt very bad.

Most of the Fengyun monks are also very heavy in the mood, the other two Yuan Ying in the mid-term Zhenjun, the strength is extremely powerful, although Shen Xiang adults can block one of them, but in the face of the two together, fear is difficult to rival.

Sun Hao’s face has no smile, but his expression is still calm.

After sweeping away the fascinating sea, Sun Hao said: "The way the brother is so powerful, the water dragon flag, the second letter sword, Shen Xiang admire."

The squad laughed and said: "There is a prize, and as the saying goes, the knife and the gun are not long-eyed. If you are not careful, you will kill a companion of Shen Xiang. Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry."

There was also a smile on the face of the dragon, and a sleeve in the air, smiling and said: "Agarwood is gone at this time, but it is innocent."

As a mid-infant, there are naturally channels to know some secrets.

Both Long and the fixed classes know that Sun Hao is not only a mainland monk, but also a Xianban.

The strength is also extraordinary, even if the two are fully committed, can you leave Sun Hao or two, but at this time do not want to fight against Sun Hao.

The class also laughed and said: "If Shen Xiang is gone. You are behind the fleet. I am not embarrassed. They just agree to join my Nanyang Navy, but I will not treat them badly."

The Nanyang bandit is a self-proclaimed Nanyang Navy, and it is a cross-country Nanyang. Fighting homes, the forces are not weak. Many forces are gnashing their teeth, and they can't wait to be swallowed, but these pirates are very good at hiding. It has become a scourge that Nanyang is difficult to remove.

Now, Gu Ban is eyeing Sun Hao’s Fengyun fleet.

This is the eight top sea boats. If the huge fleet of dozens of sea boats can be swallowed, there is no doubt about their own forces. It will get a rapid expansion.

The dragon said with a smile: "Well, the opinion of the brother is my opinion. As long as the agarwood leaves the fleet, even those monks can bring it back. I have three dragon boats, but they must return to the original. the Lord."

He is reminding the Gu Ban, the idea of ​​playing the three dragon boats of the Fengyun fleet.

The class is ridiculous.

Ying Xuanhu and Li Yuncong looked at each other and their hearts sank.

They and Sun Hao actually just met each other. There was a good comrade-in-arms relationship, but the friendship was not good enough. Sun Hao needed to take the life and fight, and I don’t know if Sun Hao would be good.

Ying Tianyu even sighed.

If he is standing in the position of Sun Hao, it is very likely that he will squat down and he will retreat safely.

However, some things, some monks, are not common sense to speculate.

Sun Hao calmly looked at the two middle-term real princes in front of him. The mouth slowly and firmly said: "The two Taoist friends have hurt the incense of the aroma, and they have smashed the heroes of Sun Hao. Do you want to pass this easily? Not?"

The dragon can't blink.

The smile on the face of the regular class was awkward: "Agarwood should not give a face to face."

Sun Hao’s face once again showed a faint smile: “Who is the face that is shameless, I only know when I’ve played.”

Finished, above the top of the head, Shen Xiangjian's "squeaky" sound of a crisp sword, the sound is not big, but resounded throughout the ice island.

In the crisp sound, on the incense sword, there is a sharp and imposing manner that only wants to pierce the sky.

Then, Sun Hao’s body, the boundless fighting spirit, the battle of the sky, the spirit of enthusiasm.

The right hand is up and one violent drink: "Double, give me out."

Actually still have to start!

I feel the tenacious fighting spirit of Sun Hao. The dragon and the illegal class know that this kid has no intention of compromising and is ready to do a big job.

The two are also a generation of cultivators. Since Sun Hao’s fighting spirit is high-spirited, the two will naturally not show weakness.

The law-breaking snake spear flies and shoots a spoiled snake.

The water dragon flag once again photographed six water dragons, and they danced their claws on Sun Hao.

The black second letter sword at the foot of the regular class is also swallowing up the cold, ready to go.

But in any case, the two discovered at this time that Sun Hao, who had an incomparable masculinity, had a heart-warming spirit at the moment.

Going forward, God blocked the killing of God, and the strong fighting spirit of the magical demon-killing rushed out from Sun Hao.

A golden stick, when this momentum reached its peak, appeared in Sun Hao's right hand.

Dou Tian is in the hand, Sun Hao's hair flies backwards, his body is full of ambitions, his eyes are like a star, and his fighting spirit is condensed into the essence in his eyes. On top of his head, the agarwood sword that breaks through the sky seems to be affected. The traction of Sun Hao’s momentum is another scream.

The golden long stick in his hand lifted slightly and pointed to the fixed class: "You, let the horse come."

On the stick of the sky, there was a burst of golden light, shrouded in Sun Hao, let Sun Hao look, prestige, like a **** of war.

Although the monks who are on the sidelines are far apart, every monk, at this moment, can clearly feel the boundless fighting spirit of Sun Hao in the golden light.

Fengyun monks, especially the older generation of Fengyun monks, were infected by Sun Hao's boundless fighting spirit, and all of them felt the feeling of blood and brain, and it seems to have returned to the **** sea years of that year.

Many Fengyun novices shouted loudly: "Agarwood, agarwood..."

In the cheers, Sun Hao’s momentum is again strong.

The stickman pointing to the solid class actually grew a little more.

With the help of a stick, the body of the squad can't help but sway, and the side is allowed to avoid the stick of the stick. The heart feels unmatched, shaking his head, and screaming at the class: "Ghosts, Give me a die."

The water dragon flag was shaken, and the second letter sword flashed.

The fixed class took the lead in launching a strong attack.

The dragon also took out a huge palm print and released the snake-spirit snake.

Two Yuan Yuan Zhenjun, Qi Qi shot, attacked Sun Hao.

Sun Hao screamed: "It's good."

Lift the stick in the right hand, brush it, and pull out two sticks forward.

Two huge golden beams of light were smashed out.

Two beams of light, each of which is more than twenty feet long, and the diameter is also about half a foot.

The rumbling rumbled, rushing to the direction of the dragon's illegal and solid class.

At this time, the light column is much smaller than the power of Sun Hao when he is fighting for a thousand miles. Of course, the consumption after the exhibition is much smaller.

At this time, the light column is just a regular attack state of the stickman, and it has not launched the battle technique.

This is also the unique attack method that Sun Hao has made in the hands of Yuan Ying.

The special nature of this life is that the consumption will be greatly reduced, or else, with Sun Hao’s current cultivation realm, the Tiantian stick cannot be used as a routine attack.

I have a stick in hand, I have it in the world.

You don't have to fight a thousand miles, just a stick, it has already made Sun Hao have a strong fighting ability.

Two beams of light rushed past.

Wherever you go, you are invincible.

The giant palm of the dragon was broken open directly, the snake was annihilated, and the snake spears, as if it had been hit by gold.

The black and white double dragon formed by the six water dragons was also hit by a blow, and the second letter sword also screamed and flew back.

The two golden light columns are still rumbled, and they have gone to the front and attacked the dragon and the illegal class.

The two mid-term true kings are very incomparable.

What is this stick!

What is this beam of light!

Actually fierce!

I dare not neglect The body is slightly swayed, and the two disappeared into the air.

The golden light column hula rushed over, and on the sea, there was a huge sink like a trench.

Then, the light column rushed into the dragon's ship's array. Wherever he went, the dodge of the sea boat was annihilated and turned into nothingness in the golden light.

The dragon and the illegal class once again appeared in the air, watching the roaring and screaming, attacking a huge golden light column of several hundred feet, and the heart was awkward and speechless for a long time.

I couldn't help thinking of the four words "Sinban Monk"!

What awesome!

Among the array of Fengyun, the sky shouted and cheered up: "Agarwood, agarwood..."

Above the ice peak, Li Ying and the two monks face each other and are stunned.

Sun Hao’s hand sticks up again and points to the fixed class: “Come back...” (to be continued.) Enable new URL

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