Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1105: Round water is difficult

The more cultivating monks, the greater the demand for resources.

Ying Xuanhu’s answer to Sun Hao is not unexpected.

After sweeping the eyes of Ying Tian, ​​Ying Xuanhu said slowly: "Agarwood, I have been harvesting a lot of binary water for thousands of years since the ice island, if we need it, we will all offer it."

Sun Hao has a life-saving grace for Icefire Island. He should be unambiguous and support his grandson.

Sun Hao asked: "Should, how many binary water storage is there in Guidao?"

Ying Xuanhu quickly answered without hesitation: "About one liter or so."

Sun Hao’s face was slightly regrettable: “It may not be enough.”

At this time, Li Yuncong said, "Agarwood, if you really want to be heavy and heavy, our ice fire island can also use the special terrain of the ice fire world to catalyze a batch."

Sun Hao couldn’t help but shine.

Ying Tianyi also expressed support for the two younger generations, and decided to hand over Sun Hao, decided to go all out to help Sun Hao to become a secret.

Think about Sun Hao's power, and then think about the huge amount of heavy water that Sun Hao needs to practice the mystery. It is conceivable that Sun Hao's secret technique will be earth-shattering after it is completed, but it is to help.

Therefore, after the two younger generations spoke, Ying Tian also said with aloud: "Yes, you can see the agarwood, the ice and fire here, the ice and the fire, each other, we can use this unique geography, unique ice and fire properties, will accumulate a dollar Heavy water forcibly evaporates and then solidifies to form a higher level of binary heavy water, if I am going to go all out..."

Ying Tianzhu paused a little, and calculated it for a while, then said: "It should also be able to catalyze the formation of a double liter of heavy water, or two liters of binary can be enough to practice a secret acumen?"

Two liters of binary?

Sun Hao was slightly indulged and then asked: "Is it true that two liters of binary can refine and catalyze into three yuan?"

Refining catalysis, generating ternary heavy water?

Ying Tianzhu was half-sounding and then said: "There is theoretically ok, but in practice, the difficulty is not small. At least. I have never had a monk completed in Icefire Island, the loss will be quite large, one liter binary Heavy water, even if it can be refined to produce three yuan. I am afraid it will be one or two drops."

One or two drops?

In other words, even if it is Icefire Island, go all out to help yourself.

Even if it is to refine all the heavy water. The three-yuan heavy water that I have obtained is only about three or four drops.

This amount, I am afraid it is very difficult to complete my own round of water.

Sun Hao’s heart suddenly felt very heavy.

The practice of the round water. Fear is quite difficult.

Sun Hao’s face is not very good, and there is no consistent smile.

Ying Xuanhu slowly asked: "Agarwood. What do you need is three yuan heavy water?"

Sun Hao nodded: "Well, the agarwood needs at least two. It is best to have three yuan, three yuan heavy water. The number needs about one to two liters, two words..."

Sun Hao did not say how much it would take for dual heavy water.

However, if you convert according to the amount of ternary heavy water, the number is large. It is a huge amount.

Ying Tianzhu’s face was slightly stunned, and there was a smile: “Agarwood, so many heavy waters, I’m going to go all out, I’ll help you to catalyze it all day and night, at least maybe four or five hundred years... ..."

Sun Hao’s face also showed a bitter smile: “The real king is bothered. If it really takes four or five hundred years, Aquilaria does not repair this mystery.”

The real situation is indeed the case. If it really takes four or five hundred years to condense heavy water, Sun Hao may as well cultivate other secrets. Maybe he will advance to the Yuan Yingda Master.

"Agarwood", Li Yuncong held the wicker at this time and shook his own heavy water. He said: "The heavy water of Yun Cong is only binary, but it is formed by condensing the heavy water of less than half a liter. It is as heavy as a mountain. Unpredictable, if the agarwood is used, I am not unequivocal."

Sun Hao laughed happily: "Uncle Huang, if you give me this heavy water, it is just a drop in the bucket."

Li Yuncong’s face showed a smile, and slowly said: “Yun Cong’s hour has a special liking for heavy water, and he has a good cultivation, and he has condensed heavy water as the treasure of life, not astringent, heavy water refining and condensation. The method of refining is the original creation of Yun Cong. If it is really a long-term inheritance of the ice fire island, the accumulation of heavy water in my ice island is far more than the current quantity."

Sun Hao’s heart was moved, and he said, “The uncle is a great man, and Shen Xiang admire.”

Li Yuncong is also an archer. He said with a smile: "It’s just because of interest. There is more research. Right, after my research, I feel that if Shen Xiang really wants heavy water, there is a place, but it is possible to find it."

Sun Hao suddenly got a boost.

The world's monks have their own specialties, and they often have talents. They may not be strong, but in some respects they have extraordinary achievements.

Li Yuncong is obviously a very good research on heavy water.

In the hands of the wicker on the side of the ice column on the side of the stone column, Li Yuncong said: "According to my observation, the formation of heavy water, mostly in the precipitation and condensing, the heavy water generated in the world of ice and fire, is mainly the result of the two forces, one of which is The power of freezing ice; the second is the power of flame transpiration... The two forces repeatedly work, and they are tempered, and they become heavy water..."

Sun Hao and Ying Tianqi three people listened carefully, Li Yuncong said: "There is a reason for the formation of heavy water. In fact, it is the result of two forces pressing and squeezing, and repeatedly tempering. Perhaps in the northernmost land, under the Wanli Glacier, there should be heavy water to survive..."

Sun Hao slowly understood.

According to Li Yuncong's statement, there will be hundreds of millions of years of mysterious ice in the bitter cold of the north.

These mysterious ices are deeply buried in the seabed and have been subjected to enormous seawater pressure all the year round.

If it is a coincidence, there will be water in the ice, and it is very likely that it will become heavy water.

Li Yuncong said: "It is not awkward, this is just the bold reasoning of Yun Cong. The facts are in the end, but it is not verified. The far north road is far away, and it is under the jurisdiction of the Holy Palace. Yun Cong has no chance to go to verify. I hope this The reasoning is true and can help the incense."

Sun Hao’s face showed a faint smile.

If Sun Hao’s judgment is good, Li Yuncong’s reasoning is probably very close to the facts. Some of Li Yuncong’s approach to finding heavy water may indeed be feasible.

Li Yuncong said that he is reasoning, but Sun Hao believes that this is the basic fact.

The reason is that Sun Hao found some clues to heavy water from the records of the Yun Dian.

The land of the extreme north is indeed a record of heavy water being born.

The Ice Palace has a heavy water collection.

Sun Hao is looking for heavy water. The first stop is Nanyang Ice Fire Island.

If the ice fire island is not found, then Sun Hao will go to the northernmost place to visit the Ice Palace, looking for heavy water.

The reason why there is no first choice for the Ice and Snow Palace is that it is closer to the Ice Island; the second is that Sun Hao has a heart for the Ice and Snow Palace. He said that his Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang helped the Holy Palace several times. However, at the crucial moment, the Holy Palace actually supported Zhao Wei’s deity in Xianban.

Even if Sun Hao is a clay figurine, it is also a bit of anger.

The Holy Palace and the Temple of Heaven have always been in a good position. Sun Hao can understand the Holy Palace well, but in any case, Sun Hao has a faint dissatisfaction.

If not necessary, Sun Hao did not want to go to the Holy Palace to find opportunities.

Today, after listening to Li Yuncong’s judgment, Sun Hao immediately understood.

Extremely north may really have heavy water to survive, and you may really need to go to the North.

As for whether or not to disturb the Holy Palace, you can look at the situation.

Although I didn't get enough water, I got the news of heavy water.

Although knowing that even in the extreme north, heavy water will not be easy to find, but Sun Hao's mind is slightly more stable.

Just know the location, even if it is hard, I believe that as long as I work hard, I will not pay attention to it.

Slightly speaking to Li Yuncong, Sun Hao said with sincerity: "Thank you for the uncle, the uncle's judgment is very helpful to Sun Hao. Some of the methods that the uncle provided to find heavy water are to make Sun Hao shine. ~www. Thank you."

In the field he is good at, he was praised by the monks who admired him. Li Yuncong suddenly danced and said with joy: "Agarwood is polite, agarwood is polite, useful, useful."

Ying Xuanhu said with a smile: "It seems that the agarwood is going to the north of the line. Here, I wish that the incense is successful and get three yuan."

Sun Hao smiled slightly: "Thank you for the island's good words."

Li Yuncong hesitated for a moment and finally said: "Agarwood, Yun Cong has something to do."

Sun Hao said with a smile: "Uncle Huang said nothing."

Li Yuncong’s eyes are full of hopes: “If Aquilaria can receive enough ternary heavy water, can it leave some for Yun Cong, and the chance of Yun Cong’s promotion is on the ternary.”

Sun Hao said with a smile: "Well, maybe when the agarwood is still needed, Yun Cong will help, and the binary will generate three yuan. When the time comes, the uncle will not ask for advice."

Li Yuncong immediately said with enthusiasm: "Okay, never give up the incense." (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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