Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1106: Clearing Nanyang

Along the way, the higher the Sun Haoxiu is, the more he feels that the world of monks is different. Any monk may have a side that is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Even if you have achieved the power of true king, you need to always be modest and cautious.

Sanyuan heavy water is definitely not so good to find.

Among the world, ternary heavy water is rare.

Even if it is extremely north, it is very likely that it will eventually be found. It is only a binary heavy water. Then, at that time, maybe it is only by relying on the refining method of Emperor Li Yuncong, let the binary become three yuan, and finally consolidate oneself. Practice the foundation and practice the round water.

After staying in the ice fire world for a long time, the four monks began to return to the ice peak.

Ying Tianyi finally said: "Agarwood is assured, I will start from today, and I will go all out to refine the heavy water. If the agarwood needs it, then I will come to pick it up."

Sun Hao smiled and nodded: "So many thanks to Zhenjun, I really have a heart, if you really need it, Aquilaria is not polite."

Who knows how much heavy water is needed for the water, who knows if the heavy water he finds will be just a little bit worse. Since the ice island has the heart, it can indeed help them to refine some heavy water.

Ying Tianxiao laughed: "Yes, it should be, can serve the agarwood, but it is the blessing of my ice island."

As Yuan Yingzhenjun, there should be some channels to know some news. Naturally, Sun Hao’s cultivation is a strength, and his status is right. Icefire Island has such a friend, but it has a lot of security.

Sun Hao said with a smile: "The real gentleman is polite."

On the face of Scorpio, there is sincerity: "It is not polite, the incense is young and talented, the world is peerless, and the future achievements are limitless. Xiaohu Yuncong has a friend like Shenxiang, and it is really a blessing."

Sun Hao smiled and didn't speak.

Ying Tianqi said from his own self: "Hey, this ice-fire island is in a difficult situation, thanks to the agarwood and timely assistance. Otherwise, the ice fire island is also dangerous."

Sun Hao said: "The true king is assured that the Long family will not be able to recover in a short period of time after this war. The Nanyang bandit is also very powerful. Icefire Island is careless."

Ying Tianzhu’s face appeared bitter and bitter, and slowly shook his head: “This is not necessarily true. Although this ice war has won a great victory, the strength is still greatly damaged. More importantly, until now, I still haven’t gotten it. Understand why the Dragon family would be willing to risk the burning of jade, and storm the ice island, I don't know why. I have a hunch that the purpose of the Dragon family will not be so simple. There is deep uneasiness!"

Yuan Yingzhen’s intuition is also called a whim, and it has always been a special standard.

I don’t know why I heard the words of Scorpio. Sun Hao’s heart is also upset.

Suddenly, Sun Hao asked quietly: "What is wrong with the Dragon King?"

Ying Tianyi has not spoken yet, and Xuan Hu has already said: "Agarwood does not know, the Dragon family does not occupy the island, does not seek resources, and leads the team to storm. It seems that it is the enemy of life and death. The purpose of this is really very confusing."

Nanyang Dragon House.


Sun Hao couldn't help but think of the ancient dragon battle, the strange dragon family, and the strange Baiyun Golden Dragon Flag.

The heart can't help but tremble. This dragon family, it's not a moth.

Suddenly, Sun Hao could not help but ask: "Will the ice fire island be conquered, will there be any special consequences?"

On the face of Scorpio, there is a silky ochre: "Hey, no aloes, many Nanyang forces know that it provokes me. At the last moment, I have a way to destroy the balance of the ice and fire world and let this sea area become Ice and fire purgatory, so that the entire South Ocean is not peaceful..."

Sun Hao’s heart was a surprise.

After a little silence, Sun Hao’s face showed a faint smile. Standing on the ice peak, looking into the front, in that direction, the Fengyun fleet is returning.

Above the ice peak, Sun Hao stayed for ten days.

The large and small seagoing vessels that the Fengyun fleet went out to pursue were coming back one after another.

The dragon family is a scourge.

This is the conclusion reached by Sun Hao after thinking.

They are trying to resurrect the strange black dragon.

Perhaps this offensive against Icefire Island is also inseparable from this matter.

If this is the case, then simply do not endlessly, completely eradicate this bane, and solve hidden dangers from the source.

Standing on the top of the ice peak, Sun Hao’s face showed a decisive look. He said: “Zhen Jun, the island owner, the uncle, and Shen Xiang want to lead the fleet to pursue the Nanyang bandit. I wonder if Icefire Island can help me.”

Sun Hao this is to scribble the roots.

Icefire Island can't ask for it.

Ying Tianyi was overjoyed and said loudly: "The adults shouted, and Huo Huo Island naturally followed life, Xiaohu, Yun Cong, and you led the whole of Icefire Island, obeying the orders of the adults, annihilating the Nanyang bandits, and returning to the South China Sea."

Sun Hao smiled lightly and stepped out from the ice peak.

Once again, Sun Hao has been in the air and stood in the sky above the Fengyun.

The Jiucheng fleet has returned to the team, and the clear sea is blue, and the monks immediately saw the beautiful young boy with fluttering clothes.

Many monks, not just the old monks of Fengyun, but many young monks, at this moment, seeing Sun Hao, can not help but emerge a strong worship.

Needless to say, don't want to say hello, no old monks take the lead, many monks have already bent on one knee, half squatting on the deck of Fengyun, cheering loudly: "I have seen Shenxiang adults."

More monks were infected, almost all the sea boats, the monks on the deck invariably, the half-deck, the cheers of "seeing the incense of adults" went straight into the sky.

Sun Hao stretched his hands and lifted it slightly.

On the deck, all the monks suddenly felt a light body and could not help but be lifted up.

When the heart is sighing the great means of the adults, at high altitude, Sun Hao has already said: "Dear friends, Aquila wants to lead the fleet to catch up with Nanyang bandits today, clear Nanyang, and I am a Nanyang Lang Lang, can you help me? ”

One-eyed Hao San does not wait for other people to speak. He has already shouted his arms and shouted: "My Haosan is the sword in the hands of the adults. Wherever the adults point, I will fight where I am, and I am willing to follow the grown-ups and clear the Nanyang."

Above the ice peak, Ying Xuanhu and Li Yuncong also said loudly: "I am willing to follow the adults and clear Nanyang."

The monks were enthusiastic and enthusiastic, and they screamed loudly: "Clear the Nanyang and clear the Nanyang."

The Nanyang bandit, who claimed to be a Nanyang Navy, has been a major disaster in Nanyang for many years.

In the past, many monks were directly or indirectly victimized by bandits. Nowadays, Shen Xiang adults want to clear Nanyang, but they are deeply popular.

What's more important is that adults are supernatural, the battle of Nanyang, the power can be fully demonstrated, the **** of war is in the world, and the power is fierce. It is not a big talk to clear Nanyang.

How can you miss such a grand event?

The **** males are surging, the wind is dancing, the hunting wind, the huge fleet, under the leadership of Sun Hao, along the direction of the Nanyang bandit escape, riding the wind and waves, chasing away.

For more than ten days, the battle of Nanyang Binghuo Island has been introduced to the forces of Nanyang.

However, the sharp changes in the situation have made Nanyang’s forces and powers stand out.

And Sun Hao’s bravery, once again, made the entire Nanyang tsunami.

The famous Nanyang bandit leader, the solid class, actually fell directly on the ice island.

Qingyunmen Sun Hao, the mainland title Aquilaria, Xianban monk.

Hand blade fixed class.

Poor solid class, even Yuan Ying failed to escape, even if it is self-destruction can not be done.

However, the data shows that Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang has just broken Dansheng.

Yuan Ying early Zhen Jun, Li Yuan Yuan Ying mid-term.

This is Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang.

Perhaps a few days ago, the old geeks of Nanyang did not put Sun Hao, the newly-received Yuan Ying Zhenjun in their eyes, nor did they think that Sun Hao’s entire mainland title had much gold, and he believed that Sun Hao was listed as Xian Ban Nai. It’s the ancestors who smoked green smoke.

But now, all the Yuan Ying old monsters, all in my heart are scared.

Can kill the existence of the fixed class, once you are on your own, how many chances do you have? Is there a chance to escape?

Icefire Island War Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang's prestige quickly spread to the various seas of Nanyang.

The speed of communication is far faster than Sun Hao’s imagination.

The results also exceeded Sun Hao's expectations.

The Fengyun fleet did not run for a few days. A fleet of three top-class sea boats appeared on the sea and asked the slogan to learn that it was a sea boat on Baiji Island.

Baiji Island said: "In response to the agarwood feat, join the fleet, willing to contribute to the elimination of Nanyang."

Then, in the following days, every other day, the Fengyun fleet will meet the Nanyang forces on the road to join, there are hundreds of ships, as many as a dozen sea boats, snowballs, the fleet is getting bigger and bigger, gathering together Strong forces of the stock.

Go to clear the Nanyang bandit.

Agarwood feats, a call for all.

These guys, the icing on the cake is very good, and Sun Hao is laughing. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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