Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1107: Blood mold

The reason why the major forces of Nanyang have been dispatched seems to be in response to Sun Hao’s call. In fact, Sun Hao also understands that this is only a huge interest drive.

The pirates of the South Sea have been in trouble for many years, and the accumulated resources are eye-catching.

The solid class is the scorpion, and Sun Hao’s strong killing of the sea in the ice island is equivalent to stripping the most powerful skin of the bandit.

Today's Nanyang bandits have become fat sheep.

Sun Hao is now leading the team to go to the Qing Dynasty. The various forces are not only icing on the cake, but also a piece of cake. Why not?

In fact, it is the wall that pushes everyone.

Of course, the reason why Nanyang bandits can traverse the sea is a disaster for the sea. In addition to the existence of the solid class, their ability to survive, especially the ability to hide and escape, is particularly powerful.

It’s the way to survive in the South Sea pirates.

However, when I met Sun Hao, it was considered that these Nanyang pirates had fallen into eight years of blood.

It is really bloody.

Luo charm is the ancestor of blood, when he was buried in the market, Jin Dan is still designed by her blood secrets, and monks such as Li Min have to blew themselves to defend their pride.

Now, even if Satsuma weakens some of his abilities, his blood abilities are still very strong.

Among the array of ice fire islands, the blood in the sea of ​​Luo charm is contaminated by many seafarers, which is the fundamental reason why Sun Hao can pursue the Nanyang bandit.

There is a blood-sensing guide for Luo Mei, and the Nanyang pirates catch one.

The major forces of Nanyang, who followed Sun Hao, were horrified to discover that Sun Hao seemed to have a pair of eyes, can see through time and space, see through the sea, and grasp the pirates.

After sailing the sea for more than three months, Sun Hao has led the fleet to clear five or six pirate positions.

To be honest, these strongholds, if not pointed out by Aquilaria, many monks can't believe that there are pirates inside.

For example, the stronghold that has just been annihilated is actually a small island where a lot of monks often visit to set up a trade fair city.

When Sun Hao led the fleet to surround the island. Many forces are still skeptical that Sun Hao is not an excuse to clear the pirates. Search for Nanyang resources.

The main things in the city on the island are even more amnesty, plausible words, scolding Sun Hao, asking all forces to preside over justice for the island.

but. Without waiting for him to finish his speech, Sun Hao shook his hand. Destroy the corner of the island, revealing a hidden harbour, within the harbour. Suddenly, several stolen sea boats were hidden, and the bandits on the ships were caught.

Everyone gets it. There is no escape, and the bandits raised their white flags.

Sun Hao left a top-class sea boat to guard the island and take over the city. Announced Nanyang: "Dear friends testify, Baihuo Island is owned by Qingyun. We continue, not far ahead, there is a robbery stronghold."

Killing the pirates will not understand the magical blood secrets of Luo.

Can't stop it.

Sun Hao let Luo Mei's dragon boat lead the team. All the way to clear, wherever you pass, Nanyang bandits are not spared.

In the end, the major forces in Nanyang know that Sun Hao should have the means to fight against the sky, and can accurately locate the pirates, and no doubt about Sun Hao’s judgment.

Among them, they are a mortal fisherman's island, and they feel very deep.

The fishermen on this island seem to have no abnormalities, and they are also respectful to the arrival of the monks.

But it is such a small island, there are actually there, the island is hollow, the island is a huge bandit base, hiding two top sea boats inside, the total number of sea boats has reached nearly one hundred.

Many monks who doubt Sun Hao are not very shameful.

If not Sun Hao led the team, these Nanyang pirates are really hard to annihilate.

Of course, among the sea boats behind Sun Hao, many forces actually secretly play drums.

In other words, many Nanyang bandits are inextricably linked to Nanyang bandits. Many inconvenient shots are often entrusted to pirates.

Nowadays, pirates have been devastated, and a large number of jade letters may reveal a lot of secrets, and may also lead to many sea blood cases to find the answer.

If Sun Hao collects these things and makes them public, I am afraid that there will be a tsunami above the South Sea.

Sun Hao really didn't expect it to be such a situation.

When Yu does not want to put a bunch of jade in front of Sun Hao.

After Sun Hao had seen a few at random, his heart was shocked. He actually saw the entrustment of the ice fire island to the pirates, and also saw the entrustment of Qingyunmen to the pirates!

After thinking about it, Sun Hao waved with his hand, all the jade slips, and the letters were turned into fly ash.

Sun Hao did not look at it and destroyed it all.

Perhaps in the middle, I can find many answers to the blasphemy, or maybe Sun Hao does this, which is unfair to many people, but Sun Hao thinks that perhaps this is the best way to deal with it.

If these dark sides are made public, Nanyang will be in chaos. At that time, it is feared that more innocent mortal monks will be involved in the war and will not be safe.

Sun Hao's decisive treatment has let many forces breathe a sigh of relief, and at the same time, he is also eye-catching to Sun Hao. This kid, young, is a veteran problem, and the water is not leaking.

The Fengyun fleet is like a snowball, and it is getting bigger and bigger.

Among them, there are fleets that have been heard by the major forces of the South Sea, as well as sea vessels and surrendered bandits that have been seized after the pirates were cleared.

Sun Hao ordered that you should not kill at will, and pirates can have a chance to live as long as they surrender.

As long as it is not a sinful pirate, Sun Hao will open the net and give him a chance to re-do it.

The standard of judgment is also very simple, and the grievances in the bloody.

This thing, handed over to Luo charm, one is right.

Luo charm itself is the negative emotions of the burial sky market, the strange creatures that have accumulated thousands of years and are naturally born. The induction of these breaths is like the mouse loves rice, the most accurate and rarely wrong.

However, all the pirates who are aware of the strong grievances and anger, do not need Sun Hao to shoot, Luo charm naturally, suddenly succumb to death, absorb their anger and anger, and grow up, just eat an effect, make up.

And those who have not had much grievances and robbers, Luo Mei is really lack of interest, indifferent.

Luo Mei kills the bandits, rarely explains, it seems to be caused by interest, and it is easy to do.

After the extinction, the bandits still have no bones and the spirits are gone.

This means gives the pirates unlimited pressure.

The pirates fought and trembled, for fear that the devil looked at himself and was not pleasing to the eye, and killed himself with the flesh and bones.

On the Fengyun, Mu Xiaotian and Xingtai often saw the pirates killing the pirates, all of which were slightly frowning.

Although pirates are abhorrent, the means of Luo Mei is even more cruel.

The existence of Luo charm makes Xingtai a very uneasy, and there are many dissatisfaction in his heart. He often blinks with his eyes, and he stares at Luo’s charm, as if he wants to find something from Luo’s charm.

Many forces have also been very vocal about the unscrupulous killing and surrender of pirates, but they have been photographed in the power of Sun Hao, and they have no intention of attacking.

One day, after Sun Hao led the team to clear a pirate stronghold again, Luo Mei was blinded again, ready to choose people.

At last, the monk couldn’t stand it, and his hand pointed to Luo’s charm. He said with aloud: “Agarwood, it’s not right.”

This monk, but a Jindan real person, dare to stand up, repaired as the strength is not weak, the forces behind him are not weak, he knows that he can not stop the Luo charm, naturally can only speak to the Fengyun: "also ask adults to control Your majesty will be."

Luo Mei is the hero of Sun Hao.

But she is full of magic, and the monks call it the magic.

Luo charm stretched out his hands in the air, and his mouth giggled, but waited for Sun Hao to speak.

On the Fengyun, it seems that there is a flash of lightning.

Then, the hull shook a little, a teenager, standing on the mast, with a faint smile on his face, fluttering, silky, and Yushu.

With his hands behind his back, Sun Hao said: "There is no need to explain this in this seat, but since the friend of the Tao has raised an objection, then the charm, you say that you are the basis for killing the bandits."

Luo charm giggling: "晦 怨 怨 ~ ~ ~ is the basis, giggling, if the monk killed the person who should not be killed or the creature, naturally will be angered by anger, the charm of killing, But it is for the people to kill, say, master, I see your fleet, a lot of savvy guys are also angry and sulking, or else, I am gone together?"

Among the fleet, many monks were sweating.

Sun Hao had a light smile on his face, but he said in his mouth: "Nonsense, Luo charm, I warn you, don't be fooled."

On the face of Luo Mei, there is a grievance: "But the master, the sensor of the charm is not wrong."

"Is it right?" The Jin Dan, who stood up, pointed to a short-skinned Jindan monk on the Fengyun. He said, "Who is he? I think many people know each other, why not kill him?"

The accused monk gave a slight glimpse and then stepped forward: "I did not kill it properly. Although I led the pirates, I robbed my family and murdered my name. However, in my life, I only killed the **** and never killed..."

Another monk stood up: "The leader also adopted a lot of orphans and raised adults. I am one of them. The adults know that the leader should not kill..." (To be continued.) Enable the new website

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