Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1110: Red ghost

At the time of the Battle of the Dragon Island in the sea of ​​ice fire islands, Luo Mei once charmed the dragon family Jin Dan, letting his **** forged Baiyun Golden Dragon Flag, but took the opportunity to display blood secrets.

Therefore, after a half-day rest in the Black Dragon Sea, Luo Mei once again found the navigation route of the Dragon Family according to the blood breath, and pointed out the navigation direction for the ship array.

After moving to Nanyang, Sun Hao showed an unparalleled ability to pursue.

In the Black Dragon Sea, Sun Hao’s ability is still very strong.

After half a day, on the Fengyun, the flag fluttered, and the ship’s formation slowly adjusted its course. Then, the dragon boats of the Luo and Bao Ketu were still in front of them, and the ship’s array once again set sail.

The action of the ship’s array told all the monks that Aquilaria had discovered the enemy’s trail.

The violent thunderstorm storm can't interfere with the pursuit of agarwood. Many strength monks can't help but feel that in the future, you must not offend the incense.

Otherwise, when you enter the earth, there is nowhere to escape.

The black sea area was originally the original sea area without land reclamation.

However, since the Dragon family can be active in it, this sea area should belong to the semi-opened waters.

The original sea area is often of great danger. If you don't know how to plunge into it, you may be wiped out by the whole army. However, following the Long family, the pursuit of the route of the dragon family is undoubtedly safe.

Half a day of sailing, in the front of the sea, began to change.

A large area of ​​red tide, flooding the sea, makes the whole sea tide.

Luo Mei’s nose shrugged, and he took a few mouthfuls of sea breeze, his face showing a very pleasant expression.

On the face of Xiao Zhang, there was a silky taboo expression. Under the foot, the speed of the dragon boat was lowered. The voice said: "Boss, this sea area, the anger of the gas is a few, and I am afraid that the monks will form. The very unfavorable impact is that it has to be rejected."

Sun Hao’s body appeared on the mast. Stars sweep forward. The face showed a dignified weight, oh, a little mast under the foot, the water array defense was fully opened. The fleet slowly entered the red tide.

In the history books, about the emergence of red tides. There are many different opinions, but the more consistent view is that the red tide is actually a large number of red seaweed that has soared. Surrounded by the sea, the spectacle of the scene.

only. Because the red tide often appears, it will cause a large area of ​​extinction in the sea, so. The red tide is also known as the "red ghost" in the South Sea.

According to legend, the red ghost is present. A large piece of sea will be destroyed by the red tide.

The sea in front of you was so dead, only a blood red was seen. I don't see half a living thing.

It is the "red ghost" that mortals call the sea gods anger and the big posters.

Many monks saw the sea of ​​Yinghong, and there was a sense of uneasiness in their hearts. In the heart of Sun Hao, they felt very bad.

In the sense of Luo Mei, the dragon's route is crossing the red tide.

Then wear it.

Or, through such a red tide, the feeling of Luo charm is very good, enough to affect the monk's grievances, but for the Luo charm, it is so fresh air.

Standing on the bow of the dragon boat, Luo charm giggles, very proud.

However, Sun Hao has already launched the water array method in an all-round way. The Qingguang will isolate the unspeakable smell and ensure that the monk is not contaminated by this strange atmosphere.

Under the leadership of Luo Mei, the fleet crossed the red tide, and the speed was not slow. It advanced toward the depths of the Black Dragon Sea. It sailed for a long time, and there was not much exception except for a dead silence.

Three days later, in front of the unchanging red sea, far away, it seems to have seen an island.

An island that reflects white light in the sun.

The ship's array slowly slowed down. After approaching the island, the monks found out that it was an island, but a skeleton of a huge, unknown sea fish floating above the red tide.

White bones, the gap between the bones can be seen, the sun shines through the gap, the red sea, leaving a shadow.

The Fengyun ship fleet rushed past the red tide and could not feel the special buoyancy of the red tide.

However, this white skeleton has made the monks feel that the red tide called the red ghost may not be simple.

A little bit trembled, passing through the huge, half-capped sea fish skeleton, the ship continued to move forward.

On the third day, on the sea surface, the area of ​​the red tide was slightly reduced, and the ship’s array crossed the red tide, but it was already able to see the blue sea beyond the red tide.

Luo Mei led the fleet in the red tide, breaking the waves, but did not mean to leave the red tide.

Many monks are hoping that Lozen can leave this unknown, fearful red ghost and drive from the normal sea water next to it.

However, they did not wait for them to say this, but the next change made them feel awkward.

During the voyage of the ship, a huge island, in fact, should be a huge, unparalleled sea beast slowly rising from the sea.

The sea beast discovered the Fengyun fleet.

Then, the general body of the island rushed from a distance and used the fleet as a prey.

The huge sea beast, with half the size of the sea boat battle, broke through the sea, and the momentum was raging, and it rushed over.

The original sea area often has huge dangers.

This sea beast is not good at all, and the impact is terrible.

In the distance, the waves have already set off the old high, flapping on the side of the ship and bumping.

On the Fengyun, Yu did not want to direct the monks to play a series of slogans. The whole team began to prepare for the battle against the sea beast.

The powerful impact force of the sea beast made Sun Hao feel secretly shocked, his face was slightly dignified, and Sun Hao floated in the air, ready to meet at any time.

However, in the next scene, Sun Hao and all the monks were shocked.

After the huge sea fish rushed into the red tide, the huge body was involuntarily, and with the rush, it surfaced.

Without waiting for the boat, the whole body of the sea fish has completely floated up.

Losing the sea, the sea fish can no longer move. On the sea, the sea fish keeps flapping its tail and wants to sink into the sea, but it is in vain.

The red tide seems to be a worm, and it quickly climbs up to various parts of the body of the sea fish.

In less than a moment, the sea fish has floated all over the sea.

I kept twisting and struggling.

The movements are getting smaller and slower.

Sun Hao was the next one, and did not detour. The fleet stopped moving forward and waited on the spot.

After half an hour, the sea fish calmed down completely, like a red island, standing in the red tide.

After half an hour, the red tide is like a tide, and it quickly recedes from the sea fish.

Then, the monks were horrified to discover that a red skeleton appeared again above the red tide, like a white island.

The heart can't help but tremble.

The first island of the bones seen in the front, it must be so formed!

After the red tide receded from the bones, the monks also found that at this moment, the sea covered by the red tide had extended far and wide, and could not see the head at a glance.

The heart is stunned. Perhaps, the legend is really legendary.

Legend has it that the red ghost will spread rapidly with death. Isn't that what?

Seeing the change in the red ghost, the monks immediately understood that the red tide, also known as the red ghost, may be a truly safe route.

Beyond the red tide, there is a great possibility that there will be huge, large numbers of sea animals like sea fish.

Once the fleet leaves the red tide, it is likely to suffer a series of battles.

If you don't experience it yourself, who knows, the strange red tide, the red tide called the red ghost, is the safe route to and from the Black Dragon Sea?

What the monks admire is that Shen Xiang adults seem to have been to the Black Dragon Sea. They have long known that this is a safe route. They directly lead everyone, enter the red tide, go all the way, and use the red tide to avoid many troubles.

It is really amazing that Longjia can find such a route.

And the incense adult can follow the dragon's route straight pursuit, it is even more powerful.

Under the guidance of Luo Mei, the fleet maintained a water formation, and in the endless red tide, deep into the depths of the Black Dragon Sea.

Along the way, the monks saw the real island.

The beaches of the island are completely paved by the forest bones of various sea animals. The island is full of reefs and there is no living thing.

The sea of ​​red tides is dead and dead, and there is no living thing at all.

Except for the buzz of the sea breeze, everyone can't hear any sound.

It is a red ghost.

For more than three months, the fleet has been sailing in the red tide.

Until the charm of the gods, he passed on such a signal to Sun Hao: "Master, just ahead."

On the sea in front of the fleet, there are numerous huge island shadows. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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