Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1111: White bone dragon boat

On the distant island of the Soul, Xia Chuan looked at the smiling face of the sacred fox, and his face showed a smile of Mo Ke Nai: "The elders of the fox, what did Yuxi do?"

"Overlord meal, she ate a meal of the king," said the full sacred fox, Zhou Yuxi, but also a helpless face.

Wanshen Mountain is very strict. For many years, the disciples are very disciplined. Occasionally, some disciples are special, and the disciples who are cheaper in Wanshen Mountain are within the scope of the rules.

For example, when Sun Hao took away the physical source cream and went to the scale of the palace scale, although it was a little bit ridiculous, it was allowed.

But now, there is an unreasonable disciple on the Wanshen Mountain.

The name is Zhou Yuxi.

Enlightenment wall enlightenment, this girl shoveled the broom of the old drunken man, threw it away, and then shouted out loudly: "The pretense, the beautiful girl hates the pretense, nothing to stay while, for fear that others do not know that you are Like a tall man..."

The soul was not drunk and suddenly drunk, really staying on one side, and then stunned and witnessed the little girl to understand the four walls of enlightenment, and went away, throwing a sentence far away: "What breaks this? Wall, pretending to be a ghost, no new ideas, this beautiful girl does not play."

The soul is not drunk and this sentence is unclear.

Soon after, Zhou Yuxi killed the physical source pool, fat smashed a look for her duty to pay for the disciples, from their own hands in the physical source pool for more than half a month.

The sacred fox asked her to take credits, was shackled with a beard, and threatened loudly: "The old man, look for me to take credits, you are looking for the wrong person, who is this beautiful girl, you don't ask about it..."

It is accustomed to telling people that the sacred fox is really not used to being bearded. For a moment, he did not react. Zhou Yuxi has already grown up.

After smashing the sword room of Master Luo, he grabbed the spirit of Master Luo and blocked the eye of the Soul...

The invincible beauty girl is eating a big meal everywhere.

Xia Chuan followed her **** and said good things everywhere. More than three disasters such as Luo Mei in the past. More exhausted, a bit depressed.

Some disciples, especially the disciples who were detained, were all four, accusing Zhou Xixi of his actions. But the result was another meal.

The above said that it was purely an accident. It means that such things will not happen again.

Soon after, he was blindfolded and beaten again, and he again complained. The swearing swear is the sultry stick of Xia Chuan, but the whole Wanshou Mountain said. A good old man like Xia Chuan will never do such awkward things.

The second slang has been teaching his heart to this family descendant who has only one word difference with himself: "I said four sorrows, that week, Zhou Xixi was born into the sea god, Fei Yu two halls. It is also a young master, even the ancestors The beard is dare to pull. What is your strength with her?"

Then, after four squats, it was said that he had hit the rock wall and caused a bruise on his face.

Xia Chuan is very righteous. Supported a few credits, and was highly praised by Wanshen Mountain.

Therefore, the invincible beauty girl eating the king meal became the norm, the entire Wanshen Mountain is extremely lamentable, Xia Chuan is really not easy!

In this case, the full fox has found Xia Chuan: "Ogawa, in fact, you have a way to get rid of the bitter sea."

Xia Chuan suddenly got a spirit: "Please enlighten the elders."

"Like your master, participate in the soul of the soul, break the soul of the twelfth house," said the holy fox, laughing: "You can go far away."

Xia Chuan suddenly shines: "Elder, come, tell me, tell me, how did my master perform in the past..."

On the Wanshen Mountain, Xia Chuan carefully asked the full fox to ask about the time when Sun Hao was in the past.

Sun Hao led the fleet and came to the depths of the Black Dragon Sea to feel the existence of the Dragon House.

The fleet speed has dropped.

Sun Hao was silent and appeared on the mast of Fengyun.

The power of the water array is fully open. Once again, the monks on the ships of all sizes have a wonderful feeling of being a whole.

Knowing that the enemy is in front of you, all the monks suddenly felt a shock.

Almost at the same time, everyone looks ahead.

Then, in front, at the end of the boundless red tide, I saw a huge island that resembled a huge, lifelike dragon.

At the end of the red tide, it reaches the roots of the island.

The huge island seems to have cut off the sea and stopped the fleet.

The island is very wide, and it is not the ocean that is still on the side of the island. It gives people the feeling of seeing the coastline.

The island is longer and it is not known whether the island is actually connected to the land.

However, the Black Dragon Sea is located in the middle of the South Ocean and is connected to other seas. Therefore, the coastline in front of us is definitely an island, but there is no doubt that in the depths of the sea, this huge island is likely to be a rare big in the South Sea. island.

In this way, the original large island without land reclamation, after the land reclamation, its harvest may be considerable.

Among the ships, many monks have begun to get excited.

I am looking forward to the harvest in the island.

Of course, the premise is that the Dragon family failed to complete the real land reclamation.

Judging from the situation along the way, the Dragon family has found a shortcut to break into the depths of the sea. The possibility of complete land reclamation is relatively small, and everyone's chances should be great.

As for the Dragon House, all the monks of the fleet are full of confidence.

If there is no accident, the size of the fleet will be ten times that of the Dragon family, and the incense adult is even more capable of smashing the dragon. Everyone does not think that the dragon family can play with any tricks.

The bigger possibility is that the dragon has already escaped.

However, Sun Hao’s heart is not easy. Standing on the Fengyun, he looks at the huge dragon-shaped island from a distance.

Following Sun Hao’s gaze, the monks saw the white bones of the beach.

Like the islands seen on the route, the beaches of Long Island are also white bones, and it seems that there are not many abnormalities.

However, when the fleet slowly stopped at the surface of the sea, it formed a confrontation with the beach.

The white bones on the beach slowly rose, and the higher the height.

Then, the monks were shocked to find that the beach stood up from the edge of Long Island.

To be precise, this is not a beach, but a huge, sea-going ship made of white bones.

The entire beach is actually a super sea boat moored on the edge of Long Island.

The Bone Sea Boat is similar to the Dragon Boat, but the size is more than ten times that of the top dragon boat.

Parked on the edge of Long Island, like a giant.

A huge, unnamed sea fish made of white bones slightly curved backwards on the mast, the dragon could not stand alone, facing Sun Hao.

Under his foot, a huge white cloud golden dragon flag floated up and screamed.

When all the monks saw the Bone Dragon Boat, they could not take a deep breath.

This ship is too big.

It is not only far larger than the top sea boat, but it has also surpassed the ordinary battle boat.

A huge sea boat, next to Long Island, completely exposed the hull, actually has a third of the entire fleet.

Next to it, there are three top dragon boats.

And its large white bone deck also displays no less than two hundred modified, small, shuttle-like small spaceships.

The dragon is not afraid to face Sun Hao.

The Dragon family did not intend to retreat.

The reliance of the Dragon family, no doubt, is this huge white-boned dragon boat.

There is a strange smile on his face. The dragon can't stand on the white bone mast. Facing Sun Hao, like a friend, he whispers in a whisper: "Agarwood, you shouldn't come, you are leaving now, maybe you still have time. ""

Between the talks, on the top three dragon boats that are a little shorter than the Bone Dragon Boat, the three white clouds and golden dragon flags fluttering in the air, and there are so many white clouds, and the three top dragon boats have completely covered up the white clouds. Among them, and the Bone Dragon Boat, which has been surrounded by white clouds, seems to be a flying boat in the sky.

At this moment of the emergence of Baiyun, the small flame in the heart of Sun Hao slammed.

A strong desire to emerge from the small flames.

Looking at the white-bone dragon boat covered by the white clouds, Sun Hao remembered the scene that was very familiar in the ancient seas of the year. He felt the desire of the small flames, and he couldn’t help but move his mouth. He said in a loud voice: "There is no law, the dragon family lurks in the island of Heilongjiang. In the midst of the misfortune of Nanyang, Shen Xiang has to eliminate the damage to Nanyang today and remove the root cause for the mainland."

The dragon can't look up, haha ​​laughs: "It's a big joke, it's a joke, Sun Hao Sun Shen Xiang, I have already felt your desire, haha, naked, desire for resources, my generation of monks, desire is not terrible, terrible It’s your hypocrisy, fake hahaha. Today, we rely on our own skills to see if you have destroyed my dragon family, or if I take your fleet and sacrifice the dragon god..."

After that, the arms are on display.

Hey, under his feet, among the white clouds, a small spaceship emerged, like a bomb, rushing to the Fengyun ship. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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