Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1120: The thief is hard to prevent

The black dragon plate is puzzling, and his black dragon is really not a monk advanced. According to the truth, there is no need and no red lotus fire.

But why is there a red lotus in the air?

Moreover, this fierce fire, full of weight, coming to the fore, is not a joke.

Fortunately, the body of his black dragon, the fire of real inflammation, is itself a fire genus, although it may not be able to use the red lotus industry fire as a nutrient absorption, but is not afraid of the red lotus industry fire.

Four red lotus industry fires can not be black dragon.

In the roar of the roar, the black dragon plate survived the fire of the industry.

Then, let the things that the black dragon disk did not think of happen again, after the fire, there is actually a hurricane.

This day, the road is catastrophic, isn’t it funny? Actually, he was born into a real spirit, and the Thunder was in full swing. There were quite a few, and he gave him enough.

The fire that should not have come is coming, and the hurricane that should not be blown is coming.

How could this be?

Fortunately, his black dragon inflammation is not an ordinary spiritual thing, but a heaven and earth fire, not afraid of the wind blowing.

The so-called wind helps the fire, this wind is better, and it can make yourself burn more vigorously.

After three big robberies, the black dragon thought: "This time is always enough!"

However, after the hurricane, there is still.

The black dragon really swears that the swears, the true dragon's memory inheritance, there is absolutely no such strange heaven and thunder.

After the three disasters, there was still a huge Thunder, brewing in the air.

Sun Hao did not expect that after the two robberies were combined, it would be so powerful.

The black dragon has accumulated thousands of years of true inflammation, swallowed a lot of descendants of the blood of the dragon family, and with the help of the dragon-shaped island, they barely cope.

If you let the small fire on, even if you have side interference, it is difficult to get through.

Fortunately, this old guy has a top bar.

Among the white clouds, the dragon-shaped islands that were originally like the coastline have been largely converted into fly ash. Sunk into the sea.

Heaven is hard to kill. It can be seen.

If you switch to a small fire, even if you do not hesitate to bear the cause and effect, it is difficult to resist the mighty robbery.

To be honest, at this moment. Sun Hao would like to write a thank you letter to the Black Dragon Plate.

Really, if not for the black dragon plate means. The fire is in trouble.

Of course, the catastrophe of the Black Dragon Plate has not completely passed.

There is also the last Heavenly Thunder to come.

In the sky, the thunder is abnormal.

A strong one. The huge brontosaurus that blended with the thunderstorm wind snarled. Pounced on the black dragon disk.

Sun Hao quickly said to the small fire: "Small fire, be prepared, after the thunder of this day. There will be a day of nectar, but it is not to be missed."

In the small fire, I asked: "But I didn't have a robbery. Is it not good to get a reward?"

Sun Hao: "Your cuteness has alarmed the sky, and it is also appropriate to get some rewards."

The little fire is happy: "Really, okay. Well, but, brother, I took the Heavenly Reward, what should the Black Dragon do?"

Xiaohuo felt that it was not easy for Black Dragon to rob, and it was really not very interesting to take away the rewards of Heaven.

Sun Hao’s face showed a faint smile, and his heart said in a big way: “This black dragon, repeatedly killing and killing, and doing great things, the brothers will represent heaven, and suppress him, so that he can’t be a disaster...”

There is a full worship in the heart of the fire: "Brother, you are great."

Sun Hao, the war has climbed to the extreme.

Fighting thousands of miles of mystery is fully driven, in the hands, the slanting fingers of the sea, sticking out the stick, sticking out a foot that is more than a foot long and not bulging.

At this time, the last huge Tiandao Thunder, slammed down, and slammed into the black dragon.

Although the accident has not been played again, but the reaction of Black Dragon is not slow, I thought it is very likely that the three-in-one robbery is the last test, the black dragon is no longer hesitant, the real fire is burning, the serial port is awkward, secret The urging is to the maximum, and once again contact the dragon body that has been petrified for many years.

Just angling roar.

Among the white clouds, the dragon-shaped islands, which have been weakened, have been flying across the whole.

The black dragon shook his head and sneaked in, and then from the island rocks, his eyes were exposed and a faucet was placed. Longyan Aurora rushed out and shot at the Thunder.

The tail of the huge rock also rises high and sweeps into the sky.

In the explosion of the rumble, the dragon's aurora was shattered and the body of the rock collapsed in the air.

The gravel is like rain, spilling over the sea.

The black dragon's body emerged from the rock and looked into the pillars of the thunder in the air.

At this point, the overall volume of the thunderbolt has been reduced by a third, but the power is still not small, accurate and incomparably aligned with the golden pillar above the black dragon's horn.

The black dragon body sank and sank into the white clouds and swam rapidly. Under the white clouds, there was a mourning sound of the dragon monk.

In order to insure, Black Dragon Zhenyan once again swallowed up a large number of monks in the Dragon family.

Then, I felt that the strength has increased a lot. The black dragon is really fascinating, and the faucet is drilled out from the white clouds. The giant tail sweeps across the thunder and hits the thunder.

A loud bang.

The body of the Black Dragon sank in the air.

At the same time that the thunderbolt was hit by a fly, there was also a large amount of silver thunder, which was like a silver snake attached to the black dragon's body and swam away.

The black dragon body trembled fiercely.

It seems that he was struck by the thunder and light.

Above the double horns, the gold column began to rotate, and the speed became faster and faster, gradually turning into a golden light group. On the light group, it seems to have a huge attraction, attracting the whole black dragon body, flying fast, with silk Silver light converges quickly on the gold beads.

Sun Hao’s eyes are shrinking. This black dragon is really inflamed. Is it finally necessary to get rid of the dragon body and turn it into a real flame?

Other monks are very respectful to see the black dragons that are generally indented into the gold beads. I don't know why, even suspect that the black dragon has suffered from the thunder of heaven and thunder.

Without waiting for the monks to guess too much, the answer has already appeared in the air.

With a bang, Jinzhu seems to have been smashed by the body of the Black Dragon, and blasted open.

A golden flame, from the cracked gold beads, was born from the thunder.

Jin Yan is only the size of the palm, three fireworks, golden bears, and there are silver flashes on it.

The golden flame shook, and the silver light seemed to fly like dust, and it was shaken into the air.

The laughter of the black dragon disk, from the golden flame, kept coming out: "Ha ha ha, hahaha, Laozi finally came out..."

After thousands of years of growth, through the tyranny of the heavens, the black dragon is really born, and since then, where can't you go?

Just, without laughing, the sound of the black dragon disk was instantly violent: "Damn thief, why are you doing?"

In the sky, Sun Hao took the mountain to catch the moon, holding a stick and rushing over.

Sun Hao will rush, he is not afraid, but also as expected, but what surprised him is that in the sky above his head, the sky that has not completely dispersed, those who should belong to him, are actually again in front of his eyes. People steal and go.

Sun Hao, the little fire rat, is located in the Thunder, big swallow!

What use is this little guy swallowing someone else's heavenly dew? The typical damage is not good for you!

How could this be?

Jin Yan flashed in the air, and quickly flew to the sky, not to entangle with Sun Hao, or to bring his own heaven to the next.

Just, did not wait for Jin Yan to fly out of the clouds.

A golden stick, rushing out of a golden mans, piercing the void, from top to bottom, slammed over to himself.

Above the stick, full of endless fighting spirit, it is also firmly sealed off the way to go.

The black dragon was in a hurry, and quickly said loudly: "Sun Hao, harming others is not good, why? Tiandao Ganlu, your small fire rat swallowed no benefit, not fast, let me go, I promise not to find you trouble."

On the stick of the day Jin Mang masterpiece, the stick tip moves away from the Jin Yan body, one stick and one stick straight down, in the mouth, Sun Hao said loudly: "Is it harmful to others? I am afraid not This day, the road to Ganlu is a big supplement to my family's small fire, and the predecessors are a little bit safe, you and I will fight for 300 rounds..."

Jin Yan flashed a few times and avoided the stick.

Looking at the sky again, the dark thundercloud has been reduced by about a quarter. Obviously, the **** little fire rat has swallowed a lot of instant work.

Looking at the little fire rat, his face also showed a very satisfying expression.

He was stolen by Sun Hao as a thief to steal the key resources for promotion. More importantly, this kind of stealing is still bright and in progress.

The black dragon plate was burned in five places, and it was eagerly indefinitely several times, but it was sealed in the white clouds by Sun Hao’s fighting stick.

I watched the small fire and looked at the big face to swallow up my own chances. The black dragon plate was finally completely ignited, and shouted: "Sun Hao, this is what you forced me, really kills, burns Everything, give me a burn..." (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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