Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1121: Make up the sky

Today is the day of the great joy of the birth of Black Dragon.

The real inflammation was completely generated, and with the help of the time and place, the powerful thunder was violently passed.

However, what Black Dragon really did not think was that he was born, and he was angry and resentful. In addition to the catastrophe, there were actually man-made disasters.

Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang is his own fire stumbling block!

Seeing that this little boy's spiritual pet swallowed his own heavenly rewards, Black Dragon was completely angry.

I don't care if my real fire has not yet been fully stabilized, and I can't take care of it. My strength has not fully recovered. On the black dragon's real body, a mini dragon suddenly slammed into the head, aiming at Sun Hao's mouth.

One of the three branches of the black dragon really rushed out, and the golden flame screamed, and Chong Sunhao rushed over.

At the same time, the golden fireworks flashed lightly and continued to rush to the sky.

Even if it is anger, you can't forget the business, and you have full confidence in your own flame. I believe that the flame can stop Sun Hao and try to rush to the sky to harvest the nectar.

In other words, his tyranny is very evil.

The robbery is very difficult, and the number of nectar is also very high.

According to the truth, after he was robbed, the nectar of the heavens should not be intercepted from the sky and fall on him.

But the evil thing is that this day, Ganlu was actually stopped by Sun Hao’s spoiled little fire rat in the air and no longer fell.

Forced him to go up.

I didn't want to understand why this was the case, but the black dragon was really inflamed but felt that it was not right.

The golden flame is full of spirituality, giving Sun Hao a hot and vigorous feeling, like a dragon, but not scatter, rushing.

Sun Hao’s fighting stick is a little bit, pointing to Jin Yan leader.

A slamming sound, the stick of the day was in the golden flame.

The strong fighting trend, the strong momentum of the fighting stick, and the strong break of Jin Yan, Jin Yan's faucet seems to be broken instantly. Splashing sparks in the air.

but. More Jin Yan still followed the two sides of the stick, quickly spread up and rushed to the stick-holder Sun Hao.

Sun Hao’s fighting stick has broken the dragon-shaped golden flame, but. Like a broken bamboo, the stick is in the golden flame. The strong advance, and the broken golden flame, but from both sides. Rushed to Sun Hao.

And, the speed is extremely fast. Sun Hao, who will hold the stick in an instant, is drowned in the golden flame.

Hula, hula is burning in the air.

at this time. The real body of Zhenyan has already rushed out of the white clouds and rushed to the black cloud.

And this time. The golden flame Mars, which was scattered in the sea by the stick of the gods, burned on the huge sea. The flames are soaring, and they are coming.

Looking at the fire, the Dragon family survived the monk, the Fengyun monk, and could not help but be scared.

Fortunately, Black Dragon and the Sun Hao battle in both sides of the sea, or else, by this golden flame, will definitely not be a good thing.

The Fengyun monk looked at the fire in the sea with a stunned look. He was wrapped in a golden flame and was still wrapped in a golden flame. The heart was still praying that Shen Xiang adults could be fine.

Among the flames, Sun Hao is still pretentious.

On the fighting stick, the momentum of the battlefield is still there. Although Jinyan is magical, it is close to the non-sticking stick. Like a layer of outer membrane, the golden flame is wrapped around the outer edge of the stick, and it is burning.

On the body of Sun Hao, several fiery Aegis quickly topped up.

Sun Hao also wants to try the power of Jin Yan.

The fire Aegis was born, and there was basically no obstruction effect. It was immediately assimilated by Jin Yan, and Jin Yan rushed over to Sun Hao without stopping.

However, Sun Hao is holding a stick of the day, and he has a fighting spirit. This fighting spirit is like a protective film, which makes the speed of Jin Yan rush.

The momentum actually has a certain defensive effect.

Sun Hao’s face smiled slightly, and the gods were covered, and the body guards covered the body. Then, the small flames floated out and evenly distributed outside the body of the guard.

A layer of gods, a small flame, a quick effort, Sun Hao has set up two layers of defense, and then gently shocked the body, fighting on the stick, the momentum is converging.

Jin Yan suddenly rose and threw himself on Sun Hao’s body.

In the air, the human-shaped flame of Sun Hao was wrapped, and the fire suddenly burst into flames.

At this time, Black Dragon Zhenyan finally got rid of Sun Hao and quickly rushed to the high altitude.

He has already seen that although the small fire has swallowed a lot of nectar, it is estimated that this nectar digestion is not very fast. There are still many nectar remains on the black cloud.

Looks like a cheer, Jin Yan, the flame screams, rises and rises high, and then does not say anything, rushed to the past.

The small fire did not intercept the golden flame.

Jin Yan suddenly rushed into the nectar, like a long drought in the rain, and began to whale the sea.

However, what I really don’t know is that these nectar are really left to him by a small fire.

The catastrophe of Tiandao was originally a combination of small fire and real inflammation. The number of Ganlin is naturally abundant.

The small fire first started to be strong, swallowed 70% of them, and found that it would be no different from drinking sea water.

She has already taken up huge profits and swallowed up a lot of what was originally a genuine inflammation, which is already saturated.

Then the heart said: "Brother, this nectar has failed for me."

At that time, Sun Hao was holding a stick, blocking the real inflammation, and the real inflammation was furious, and a real blow was made.

So Sun Hao pushed the boat in the water, let the real inflammation suddenly come out, and he himself seems to be surrounded by Jin Yan, and began to test the ability of Jin Yan.

Sun Hao had drafted an operational plan in his heart, and arranged it in the air to wait for the real inflammation. After the small fire absorbed enough saturated nectar, Sun Hao did not prevent the real inflammation from absorbing the nectar to strengthen itself. After all, once it was really inflammatory Being swayed by Sun Hao, the nectar that is now really inflamed is actually laying the foundation for the cultivation of Sun Hao.

Of course, the premise is that Sun Hao must have the strength to take real inflammation.

Zhen Yan does not think that he is already in the calculation of Sun Hao's layers. Now, he is busy strengthening himself.

Really swiftly swam in the nectar, there is a very pleasant feeling.

At the same time, there is also a strong unwillingness in my heart.

His own day is nectar, and sixty-seven percent of the ten percent are swallowed by the little fire rat. It is really unbearable.

When the nectar digestion is completed, Laozi must turn the thief and his spirit into a fly ash, and there is no bone.

Sun Hao, together with his strange gold stick, was covered by his own life, burning, and even if he could block it, he couldn’t stop it for a long time.

The day of the robbery nectar quickly flowed into the real inflammation, the real inflammation felt more and more transparent, I feel that this day reward is like fuelwood or tung oil, so that you burn more vigorously.

The last drop of nectar absorbs it, and the real inflammation has an unfinished feeling.

The heart is thick and unwilling, not good.

Hula burned a few times, and the real flash of light flashed into the fire.

The small fire slammed a pair of small eyes, seemingly innocent.

Seeing the real temperament and rushing to himself, I couldn’t help but open my mouth instinctively.

On the face of a real fire flame, a mini dragon’s face is disdainful and swallowing the sky. If you want to swallow yourself, it’s impossible. Even if swallowed, you can burn through her stomach. Let her know that things can't be swallowed up.

However, after all, swallowing the sky is swallowing the sky. Although it is impossible to directly swallow the black dragon, it is inevitable that the small fire opens its mouth and there is a brief pause in the air.

Zhen Yan only felt that his flame was slightly stiff in the air and was fixed.

According to the truth, this freeze time is very short, even the time of the break is not enough, it should not be a deterrent to the real inflammation ~ ~ However, just revived from the state of the body, the real inflammation, but suddenly horrified It was discovered that there was a golden disc on the sky, and the disc dribbled and turned to the true body of the body, and sprinkled golden light.

This golden light has a kind of energy that makes him feel terrified, and it feels very bad.

In the golden light, the real inflammation seems to be trapped in a quagmire, a little bit of a feeling of not moving.

What is this plate?

The black dragon is really golden, and the body burns, flees and flies, trying to escape from the golden light of the disc.

A stick suddenly rushed from behind.

With a bang, the stick was accurate and pointed to the real body of the real dragon, the dragon dragon's faucet.

"嗷呜", above the sky, the real inflammation broke out with a terrible horror, followed by the roar of the black dragon disk: "The **** thief, you attacked this seat again, ah... this seat fights with you ......" (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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