Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1123: Ruthless suppression

The so-called people are not as good as days.

Sun Hao’s calculations are no better, and the real strength of the Black Dragon Plate is not allowed.

Although Sun Hao tried his best to weaken the strength of the dragon disk and put it under the patch, but did not wait for Sun Hao to completely drive the suppression of the towering tower, the dragon plate has already stepped forward and escaped.

The speed of escape is extremely fast. Seeing that Sun Hao’s singer is not catching up, Jin Hao will soon fall short.

The sound of resentment in the dragon disk came from afar: "Small thief Sun Hao, I have never lived with you, you are waiting, I will come back to find you..."

Xiaolong hula hula hurry to escape.

Suddenly, inexplicably, the escaped dragon body fell in the air, as if it was turned upside down in the air, and the belly was up.

Then, in his mouth, he was still stunned by the screaming dragon plate, and he found that he was flying back to Sun Hao.

The unwilling dragon plate desperately escaped to the back, but the result was more and more rushed to Sun Hao.

Above the sky in front of Sun Hao, Luo charm did not know when, waiting there, with his hands on his hips, standing in the air, his mouth giggled: "Fell, fell..."

Sun Hao saw Luo Mei, and then saw the dragon disk that flew back and flew back. He couldn’t help but think of the last moment in the old burial sky. Before he saw Luo, he appeared so strange. In the inverted space.

Now, a little feeling, Sun Hao can feel it, Luo charm seems to cast a secret technique, so that the front space is reversed.

Originally this secret technique should have little effect on the monks and their own monks.

However, the dragon plate that rushed to escape was not observed, but in the middle of the surgery, under the horror, it fell back to the students.

The heart was overjoyed, and the gods knew it. On the sky, there was a majestic pagoda with a hundred feet high. The golden light flashed and the dragon disk was covered.

Get the help of Luo Mei. Sun Hao finally had enough time. It completely drives the town's character of the condensate tower.

There was a violent mouth in his mouth: "The town."

In the air, a huge town character appeared, and the golden light of the condensate tower was placed over the dragon's dragon-shaped body.

The dragon disk that flew back and did not fully understand what is going on.

I have found myself being firmly suppressed in a huge one. Under the majestic pagoda, the entire flame dragon body is completely bound. Nothing can be moved.

My own sky is over, a huge town word is pressed down.

With a bang, the town word fell. The middle of the dragon plate is in the middle of the dragon's head, above the forehead. Like a placard on it.

The body of the dragon plate was slightly shocked, and then it was set at the bottom of the squirting tower.

Sun Hao’s face showed a faint smile. In my heart, I said to Luo Mei: "Thank you for the charm, if it is not the charm of the shot, maybe let him escape."

The voice of Luo Mei passed over: "Giggle, not the master, let me stop this direction in advance, to prevent this guy from escaping? Charm naturally thinks of the technique of inverting all beings. Giggle, this dragon is eager to escape, really The trick is."

When I heard Luo’s words, Sun Hao’s heart was slightly stunned and could not help but say: “Charming, isn’t you taking the initiative to intercept it?”

Luo Mei inexplicably passed the voice: "Is it not the master who told me to stop it?"

Sun Hao’s heart is full of doubts. To be honest, he really did not think that the dragon disk would escape, and he did not expect to need to stop this direction.

There is no voice to let Luo charm to stop.

However, Luo charm actually received his own voice.

It seems that this thing is very strange.

It seems that someone is helping yourself in the dark, but who is it? If you don't say anything else, you can say your eyesight. This person is afraid that he is on his own.

Are there hidden people in the fleet below?

In the air, Sun Hao shook his head slightly. He did not intend to delve into this problem. He quickly said: "In any case, I still have to thank the charms. There are charms to help me. I finally trapped this group of fires."

Luo charm giggled: "I have reversed the secrets of all beings, and I can only surprise them. Can I win this dragon, and I have to show my master."

Sun Hao nodded and looked at the dragon-shaped real fire that was suppressed by his own magic weapon.

After the war, it was finally trapped by this group of real fire.

Being on the spot on the spot, the bombs were not allowed, and the dragon plate was horrified, but it was also excused. The mouth said: "The thief is a fragrant incense, it is yours, I am suppressed by you, but you don't feel too early. If you want to eat this seat, I don't know if you have the ability."

Longpan thinks that Sun Hao's purpose may still be his own body inflammation, so Sun Hao can't really start, killing his own body, but will try his best to refine his own body.

That is to say, as long as you can hold on to the refining and refining of 燚神炎, things will still turn.

Sun Hao also knows that even if he has a big killer of sputum, it is estimated that it is difficult to refine the black dragon in a short period of time. The bigger possibility is that he has not waited for his own refining and inflammation. The suppression is ineffective, and the real inflammation is once again out of trouble.

Moreover, as far as the current situation is concerned, it is too early for Sun Hao to refine the Shenyan and complete the second taste of his own Sanweiyuan baby fire.

The second taste medicine, the best refining time is after Sun Hao advanced to the middle of the Yuan Ying.

Therefore, Sun Hao took the smuggling tower to suppress the black dragon, but it was another plan.

There was a faint smile on his face. Sun Hao was not in a hurry to sit cross-legged under the Shou Ning Air Tower, and he was pinched out in the hands and hit the dragon.

In the midst of the sky, the war finally came to a close. In the end, Shen Xiang adults once again showed a strange pagoda, and suppressed the dragon-shaped flame under the sky.

Moreover, looking at the appearance of the incense, I am trying to deal with the suppressed dragon-shaped inflammation.

On the Fengyun, Yu did not want to wave the flag of the agarwood, and screamed: "Fengyun, attack, full dragon family..."

Among the ships, the horn sounded.

The monks rushed to the spirits and rushed to the white-bone dragon boat that still had white clouds.

Luo Mei and Xiao Zhang stood upright in the air, one left and one right, standing not far from Sun Hao, but did not participate in the battle.

In fact, the strength of the Dragon family is greatly damaged, and morale is even lower.

When the Fengyun fleet rushed over, the Dragon Boat Fleet did not have a battle at all. Three top sea boats took the lead. Many sea boats rushed out from the white clouds and fled quickly.

Yu does not want to lead the fleet to catch up, the sea, killing the sound.

And Sun Hao and Dragon Shape are really here, but they are quiet.

Sun Hao casts a secret technique, playing on the body of the dragon shape.

The dragon plate did not dare to care about it, tightened the body tightly, waited for it, and strictly guarded it, trying to gain a chance for itself.

The black dragon is really incarnation and the dragon shape. Now the time of refining and chemical is not mature, and it is not enough time to refine. Sun Hao’s plan is to separate the black dragon’s true spirit and the body flame, and completely transform its body into a spirit. Fire, so that you can slowly refine it in the future.

Sun Hao secretly motivated, the dragon disk immediately felt the fissure in the soul, and immediately understood Sun Hao’s plan.

Sun Hao secretly stripped, and the dragon plate was strictly guarded against death.

Sun Hao sat cross-legged and formed a stalemate with the dragon disk.

The dragon disk has evolved over thousands of years, and it is the source of true dragon fire. It has just been born and thundered, and its foundation is very solid.

Sun Hao continued to display the spirit of the soul, trying to strip the soul of the dragon disk, and to make his soul into a soul bead, but, but helplessly found that this is not difficult.

The soul of the dragon disk is integrated with the body, but it is no different from the spirit beast. Although the spirit of the soul is magical, it is quite difficult to absorb the soul of a living beast.

After half a day, Sun Hao did not advance.

The spirit of the dragon plate does not move.

I feel that Sun Hao’s influence on his own soul is not fatal. The dragon disk is a little loose in the heart. He laughs and starts to sneer: "Sun Hao thief, you have little effect on me, waiting for your town law to expire, you The kindness, I keep my mind in mind, there will be a thick report in the future."

His hatred of Sun Hao ~ ~ but accumulated to the apex, once the strength is restored, will be the first time to find Sun Hao, revenge and hate.

Sun Hao always has a faint smile on his face, and he is unmoved.

The root cause of the effect of snorting is probably that the strength of the dragon plate is still there, and the spirit is still strong. If the status quo is maintained, it is really difficult for Sun Hao to separate his soul from the body.

However, since the Longpan was town under the Sumiyal Air Tower, Sun Hao had time and some were ways to concoct him.

After talking about the dragon plate, Sun Hao also said faintly: "Predecessors don't worry, Shenxiang this tower is enough to suppress the predecessors more than a month, and some time is with the seniors, the predecessors are a little safe, Shen Xiang is thinking of ways..."

Sun Hao did not tell lies. In the same year, when Sun Hao had just refining the tower to be condensed, the repair was far less than it is now, and the old man said that the town’s words must be condensed. The suppression of the monks of Xianban, that is, their own ancestors, Sirius, is more than a month.

Now, the strength of Sun Hao has increased greatly, and the suppression of the dragon plate for one month is even more important. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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