Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1124: True inflammation

In the heart of the dragon plate, it suddenly felt very bad.

This kid has a smile on his face, but the words he said are unambiguous. Such a monk is probably the hottest person who really kills people without seeing blood.

The root cause of the black dragon's true spirit is that it is still very good.

Although it was suppressed on the spot, the strength is still there.

This is the fundamental reason why Sun Hao's sorcerer can't build merit.

In this case, it is so simple, first think of ways to greatly weaken the intensity of the black dragon's true spirit, at least let his spirits exhausted, and then do it again.

After thinking about it again, Sun Hao carefully thought about some of his attacking moves against the soul, and began to brew in his heart.

Black Dragon Zhenyan saw that Sun Hao was thinking about brewing, playing drums in his heart, and groaning in his mouth. He only hoped to distract a little of Sun Hao’s attention.

The current black dragon is really inflamed, like the fish on the cutting board. There is no other way than to pray that Sun Hao does not have much to concoct himself.

Heaven and Earth are born out of the world, often experience natural disasters and man-made disasters to truly stand on the ground.

Now, Black Dragon Zhenyan has made Sun Hao the biggest scourge of his birth, only hope that he can survive this robbery.

Sun Hao thought for a long time, and his face showed a faint smile.

The wrists were shaken and the sticks appeared in the hands.

When it comes to dealing with the soul, Sun Hao thinks that the day when the pinnacle of the sea is inserted in the depths of his own knowledge of the sea should be quite powerful.

On the same day, when Sun Hao did not refine the magical stick, the spirit was like being struggling, and the dead and the dead were closed, and the bombs could not be moved. However, one of his best friends, Jian Bai Forg, and Duo was in his own bad state, God. When they were sealed, they died in the funeral market.

Holding a stick, Sun Hao feels a little, can't help but think of those friends who have passed away. Gently stroke the stick. A sigh.

Longpan saw that Sun Hao took out the stick and felt the sorrow on the stick. He couldn’t help but scream: “Sun Hao, Shen Xiang. You can’t take this stick and smash me again, then lick a few times. My The body will lose a lot of damage, and at that time, even if you peel off the soul, you will not get much of the source of the real fire..."

He knows that Sun Hao’s stick is very powerful. In his current state, he really can't stand the endless sniper.

Sun Hao smiled slightly: "The predecessors are a little bit safe, and Shen Xiang knows what to do."

The dragon plate screamed: "Sun Hao. You are too sinister, and you are trying to torture Laozi. You still laugh so naturally, mother, how can I get you so stunned..."

Sun Hao ignored him. God knows what to do, sinks into the Yuan Ying, feels the stick with his heart, and says in his heart: "Small, small..."

The magic weapon of the monk refining will often have some ability to change, but usually, the structure and size of the magic weapon are difficult to change, but the higher the level of the magic weapon, the stronger the magic weapon, there are often some strange magical powers. For example, Sun Hao's Shou condensing empty tower can change the mini tower, and it can also change the huge tower body with a hundred feet high.

The rank of the Stickman is unknown, and the origin is even more a mystery, but it is undeniable that the strongness of the Stickman is definitely not under the empty tower.

Sun Hao thinks that this stick must have a certain ability to change.

Yes and no, I will know when I try.

Among the Yuan Ying, Sun Hao gave the "Little Point, Small Point" idea request to the fighting stick in his hand.

Then, in the eyes, I found out that the stick in my hand really became smaller.

Make a small circle and shorten it.

Sun Hao’s heart was happy, and he kept saying: “Small, small, small, small...”

The stick in his hand has changed and he has been shrinking back and getting smaller and smaller.

Even the black dragon Zhenyan Longpan, at this time also forgot to curse Sun Hao, a bit stunned to see Sun Hao's hands, the sky is getting smaller and smaller.

This stick is so amazing.

Can the monk's life magic weapon change so much?

Also, is the thief's life-threatening magic weapon the **** tower in the air? Or is this strange stick in his hands?

How do you feel that both are like, and both are so powerful.

To be honest, if it weren't for these two magic weapons, his dragon plate would not be suppressed on the spot as it is now.

Now, how does Sun Hao prepare the stick into a toothpick?

After a series of "little little", Sun Hao found that the stick in his hand had reached his ideal state.

At this time, the Stickman has become a thick toothpick, like a large embroidery needle, pinched in the hands of Sun Hao.

Zhao beckoned, Sun Hao called to Luo Mei: "Charming, your female red is good, tell me, what kind of skills should this female red need to pay attention to?"

Luo charm looked at Sun Hao unexpectedly and giggled: "Master, the charm of the female red is the supreme skill of refining the leather, but it can not target the soul of the monk."

The dragon plate glimpsed slightly, then laughed.

Sun Hao said with a smile: "The charm is but it's fine, the female red takes the needle, how to work hard, what are the precautions."

I can't ask for it. Sun Hao took the needle of the embroidery needle. He didn't know how to work hard. If a stick is too fierce, it really hurts the origin of the black dragon.

Luo Mei sees Sun Hao again asking questions, but knows that Sun Hao really needs female red hair skills, giggling and saying: "In the female red, there is embroidery, embroidery embroidery, the most heavy tattoo, master, your thumb and The index finger holds the rear end of the needle, raises the needle, infuse the real element, and slightly squats, the fine needle will rotate, even the scorpion, even the cockroach..."

Under the guidance of Luo Mei, Sun Hao’s fingers are really moving, and the fine needles of the sticks are getting faster and faster.

The dragon plate saw the fine needle that had turned into a golden light and shadow, and the heart was very bad.

Luo Mei mouth boasted Sun Hao: "The master is powerful, everything is a learning, if the owner needs, the charm is willing to teach the master how to refine the peerless leather armor..."

When Sun Hao wanted to take a fine needle to refine the leather, he couldn’t help but smile. He smiled and shook his head: “That’s still, I just need to know the method of the needle, the incense leather, the charm Refining will do."

Luo charm suddenly thought that he really forgot to give Sun Hao a refining of a phoenix vestment, and suddenly said: "Well, I will help the owner to make leather armor when I have time, wait, I Absolutely give your master a refining piece of earth-shaking leather."

Sun Hao smiled slightly: "Thank you for the charm, the charm has a heart."

After the Luo charm was collected into the squirting tower, because it was injured by Satsuma, it lacked some souls and changed its character. Together with Sun Hao’s coming out to bury the market, it was considered to be free and feels good. It is gradually integrated into the collective of Sun Hao.

Now it is proposed to help Sun Hao refine the leather armor, Sun Hao naturally will not damage her enthusiasm, and Sun Hao is also full of expectations for her leather armor.

At this point, Luo Mei looked at the fine needle that Sun Hao’s hand turned faster and faster, and said: “Master, look ahead, find the target, bend the middle finger, play...”

According to Luo Ge’s statement, Sun Hao looked at the reverse scale of the black dragon’s real-shaped dragon-shaped body, slammed the **** and slammed it at the bottom of the high-speed rotating bucket.

The fine needles of the general sticks flashed and flew out.

The dragon disk was frightened and desperately trying to twist the body, but it was suppressed by death and could not move.

With a bang, the fine needles of the sticks of the gods were worn through the scales of the black dragon.

The black dragon's really flaming dragon-shaped body trembled fiercely. In the sky, there was a scream of the screaming "Dragonfly".

The call is far away.

The monks on the big and small ships only felt a horrible horror, and their hearts burst into horror.

The black dragon was beaten up by the agarwood.

How miserable it is.

What is the taste of pain in the depths of the soul? Today, the dragon plate has a deep understanding, the kind of pain, which makes him desperately want to wiggle the body to ease, but his body is not able to move.

He also desperately wants to twist the soul to think about other things to ease, but his soul seems to be sealed, and he can only endure the boundless pain.

Sun Hao reached out and the stick of the dragon penetrated the flame body of the dragon disk. He flew back, and the **** slammed. The stick of the stick re-rotated again, and his face still had a light smile. Sun Hao said softly: "Predecessors are a little more comfortable." Don't hesitate, let's continue."

It hurts into the soul and hurts into the bone marrow.

But the dragon plate knows that he can only bear it.

If you can't help yourself, then wait for yourself, I am afraid that the soul is stripped of the bottomless abyss.

In the sky, the horrible sound of the dragon disk came from time to time.

On the sea monks face each other.

A monk will experience many, many lives.

But like this time, I witnessed the black dragon's toughness, and then I heard the black dragon's screams, and this feeling is really mixed.

Sun Hao's means may be very bad, the monks also vaguely sympathize with the Black Dragon, but there is no monk resentful of Sun Hao, let alone help the Black Dragon.

It’s a failure to become a king.

Moreover, Aquilaria adults may have only this way to truly remove the Black Dragon.

If the Black Dragon really escapes from the sky, maybe in the future, everyone will suffer the disaster.

But it can't be soft.

The black dragon’s screams spread throughout the black sea and resounded for a long time.

This is the world of monks. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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