Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1125: Dead charcoal

Looking at the sky, Yunyun Shushu, listening to the black dragon mourning and complaining.

Many monks have a sense of ruthlessness and sinister human feelings.

Even if it is the existence of the Black Dragon, it is also the end of the game. It is just that the world is unpredictable.

For four or five consecutive days, the Black Dragon screamed at a time.

In other words, even the daring Luo charm seems to recall the unhappy experience, and ran back to the stagnation of the empty tower.

She is also afraid.

I am glad that I did not really annoy myself. This little ancestor, who looks like a smile, harmless to humans and animals, or else, the miserable black dragon is his own example. Be careful of the liver.

Sun Hao was unmoved and made three days and three nights in a row.

Every time, Sun Hao mastered the measurement well, and the fine needles passed in the past, which produced a very strong sense of penetration. However, the power of the stick is not converged, and it does not explode, making the black dragon really uncomfortable. But it does not hurt its origin.

After three days.

In the perception, the tormented black dragon really has a lot of weakness, and even cursing Sun Hao, there is not much power.

Sun Hao temporarily slammed the stick into his ear and then drove the sorcerer again.

Seeing that Sun Hao put away the fine needle, the dragon disk was slightly loose.

Then I was shocked to realize that Sun Hao once again began to strip off his own soul and barely adhered to his mind, but suddenly discovered that after the piercing of fine needles, his mind seemed to be worn out by a small hole. The combination with the body is not particularly strong.

The dragon disk was frightened.

Sun Hao’s face showed a faint smile, and it really worked.

After the penetration of the stick, the soul of the black dragon is really weakened. After the grandson of the grandson, the dragon-shaped black dragon began to appear unstable.

A dragon-shaped shadow seems to be taken out by Sun Hao, and if it appears on the surface of the real inflammation.

The black dragon is really inflamed, but it has begun to change into the body shape of the three golden flames.

After a wicking down, the dragon-shaped soul was almost sucked out by the students several times, but in the end. Still in the tenacious persistence of the dragon plate. Stayed in the body.

The dragon disk is planned for a thousand years, and its will is firm, but it will not be easy to admit defeat.

Actually, I can’t keep it, not the last moment. Never give up easily.

Sun Hao’s face showed a faint smile, and his mouth whispered: “The predecessors offended. Shen Xiang will continue to penetrate the spirits of the predecessors until they can completely separate the predecessors.”

Finished, hand a look. The needle-shaped stick was taken out of the ear, and the **** were one. The Stickman is spinning again.

The dragon plate looked at the stick in the hands of Sun Hao, and his heart was miserable.

I know in my heart that I am afraid that I will not be able to stand for a few more days. If Sun Hao does not lie, this town can really suppress himself for a month. No, even if it’s only ten days, even if you insist on it. It is estimated that the final result will be stripped.

I remembered when I first saw Sun Hao, when I was myself, I killed the Quartet, and forced my companions Sun Hao to blew myself up before I was defeated by Sun Hao.

But now, he is like a bird in a cage, a fish on a chopping board, and he can’t help but have a fish and fish.

Leisurely sigh, the tone of the dragon plate is full of sorrow, and there is no previous madness: "Agarwood, the sin of the dragon disk, was so abused by you."

Sun Hao’s face was positive, and he returned: “What is the sin of the Dragon Family? What is the crime of Wan’s family? What is the crime of Icefire Island? For the sake of the predecessor, Aquilaria is also for the opportunity of the road.”

The dragon disk was silent, and then said: "Agarwood, don't need to take the needle to tie me, I let you **** it out, but it doesn't take a few moments anyway, Shen Xiang, Longpan has several questions to ask you, I hope you can Tell me truthfully."

Sun Hao’s hand, the stick of the earth stopped spinning, and his mouth said faintly: “Ask.”

The dragon plate said: "Dare to ask Shen Xiang, when do you see through the body?"

Sun Hao: "I just saw it when I met."

The dragon plate said: "Sure enough."

Then, the dragon plate asked: "Blood dragon boat is your hands and feet?"

Sun Hao smiled and said: "The predecessors knew that it was my hands and feet, and I didn't swallow the bad friends."

Longpan sighed and said: "There is no way, the dragon disk robbery is coming, can only do everything possible to enhance the strength, one anti-day robbery, but I did not expect that the day robbery I crossed the past, but you are a man, but you can't go. ”

Sun Hao said leisurely: "In order to be born in the world, the predecessors planned and created endless killings. The Skynet was restored and leaked, but Shenxiang was only due to robbery."

The dragon plate said: "That is also true," and then asked: "So agarwood, can you tell me why my catastrophe is so beyond the routine? If it wasn’t for me, the power of the robbery was too strong, my loss was too great. Aquilaria can't be so easily suppressed by me."

Sun Hao touched his shoulder and ignited a small fire. He said with a smile: "The robbers of the predecessors, the annihilation of the small fire, the one plus one is greater than two, but they were all picked up by the predecessors, small fire, still not thank you Seniors help you to thunder."

The small fire looked innocently at the black dragon and screamed twice.

The black dragon’s real body was shocked and instantly deflated: “It’s no wonder that it’s no wonder, it’s the same, so, is it okay for her to swallow the nectar?”

Sun Hao said with a smile: "That is natural, or else the agarwood will not do this that harms others."

The dragon plate sighed: "Agarwood, I served, you come to strip my soul, but Agarwood, I am now actively cooperating with you, can you leave me a lifeline, let my souls linger."

Sun Hao nodded and said refreshingly: "There is a good life in heaven. Shen Xiang seeks only the real body of truth. However, there is really no need to kill it. If you have a secret, Shen Xiang has the secret technique to seal the soul of the predecessor into a soul bead. Used by friends to make a soul..."

The dragon's eyes were bright and bright, and I thought that I couldn't deal with Sun Hao, but I couldn't do Sun Hao. Isn't it still a friend of Sun Hao? Hey, the soul, when I am afraid, I will be born again.

The mouth quickly and sincerely said: "Dragon plate thank you for the incense and raise your hand, come on the incense, I will take the initiative to cooperate."

Although the change of the dragon disk is very fast, but the flash of light has the hidden maliciousness, but can not escape the heart of the hair of Sun Hao.

A sigh in my heart, dragon plate, dragon plate, this is your own death, but don't blame my heart, if you want to win the second hair in the future, but think more.

The strength of the dragon plate is very strong, and it is also a good source of soul. It can be said that it is also one of the choices of Sun Hao's soul. For a moment, Sun Hao even raised the idea of ​​directly turning the dragon disk into the fourth soul.

But in the end, Sun Hao insisted on his own intentions and decided to let go of the dragon plate, or to follow the original plan to transform the soul "ice."

The main reason is that Sun Hao already has the root of the fire, and has given birth to a small flame, but it is really no need to regenerate the soul of the soul.

Among the companions of Sun Hao, if Sun Hao is not expected to make mistakes, the most suitable for the dragons, it should still be a small Wang Yuan.

Wang Yuan’s first soul, the vertical eye dragon is actually a branch of the dragon. Now, the black dragon soul is handed over to Wang Yuan. His fit should not be low. The principle is the same as Zhu Pang.

However, what is different from Zhu Pang is that when the soul of Kang is truly willing to cooperate, it is truly willing to become the soul of Zhu Pang and exists in the world. However, the black dragon is not trained, but it is not intended to be in the air. .

What the Black Dragon does not know is that the island of the Soul of the Soul has a long history, and some are ways to concoct the soul. Once it becomes a soul bead, it still wants to make a comeback and win the monks of the Wanshou Island. That is really much.

Silently, Sun Hao nodded and began to drive the soul.

This time, the black dragon did not resist, and the dragon-shaped body quickly emerged from the real inflammation. Sun Hao drove the secret of the soul of the soul, and a series of hands hit the dragon body, and the mouth screamed: "Coag."

The soul of the Black Dragon felt a dizzy turn, and then God lost consciousness.

In the hands of Sun Hao, there is a dark soul.

Smiled, Sun Hao slammed his wrist and took the soul beads into the empty tower.

The eyes looked at the burning and burning, there were three forked golden fireworks, fighting for a long time, fighting hard, finally got this real fire that can be used as their second flavor Yuan Yingda medicine, now, as long as you Put away this real fire and you're done.

Not easy! Sun Hao’s heart burst into a sigh, then took out a jade bottle and waved his wrist to cover the golden flame.

However, the jade bottle just picked up the golden flame, did not wait to **** the golden flame into the bottle, has been directly in the flame of Jin Yan, turned into liquid, and then was absorbed by Jin Yan.

Then Sun Hao discovered a very important problem. Jin Yan was stripped open, but Sun Hao could not find a suitable vessel to collect Jin Yan.

The fire is too fierce, what to catch what to burn, can not be charged.

Throughout the day, Sun Hao made all sorts of means, and the five elements of the vessel were tried. The result was invariably burned by Jin Yan and turned into ashes, which was absorbed by Jin Yan.

Sun Hao is a bit embarrassed.

In the end, perhaps it is really impossible to see it. It must be condensed in the empty tower. The sound of the old man’s plain voice came out: “Xiaohao, this fire is strong, only the dead charcoal can be charcoal?

Sun Hao’s heart can’t help but what it is. I don’t seem to have it, I have never heard of it.

Then, there was a message from the condensate tower, and Sun Hao saw a strange valley in the condensate tower. The valley was decaying and the grass was not born.

In the valley, there are a few pieces of Sun Hao from Satsuma's dark charcoal.

Sun Hao immediately understood that the original thing was called "yin dead charcoal."

This charcoal is very strange. Sun Hao has been in contact for a long time. There is a feeling of being decayed. The need to condense the empty tower is to make the tower within a hundred miles without any life.

The name of yin death is quite appropriate.

Sun Hao took a handful of charcoal and made a small bottle.

Finally, I collected Jin Yan and threw it into the valley. I waited for it to be repaired in the future, and then refining. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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