Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1126: Qiqi naturalization

The fierce battle of the Black Dragon Sea fell.

The Fengyun and Ice Fire fleets won a great victory.

The entire dragon family was completely annihilated.

None of the big and small sea boats escaped and was completely shackled in the sea.

There are also very few monks who have escaped.

After the First World War, the dragon family that has been traversing Nanyang for thousands of years has been completely erased.

As the saying goes, one will make a fortune, and with the rise of the incense and adults, his road to repair will be a great stepping stone.

The Nanyang pirates and the Nanyang Dragon family have made the name of Shen Xiang adults in Nanyang.

In the first battle, the first was to kill the thief, and then the murderous black dragon, Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang, shocked Nanyang.

Battle of Icefire Island, Battle of the Black Dragon Sea.

All of them are included in the Nanyang Memorabilia, which is relished for future generations and has been passed down for a long time.

Collapsed the black dragon Zhenyan, Sun Hao is completed a major event, satisfied, after the collection of the condensed empty tower, Sun Hao began to explore the Black Dragon Sea.

At this time, the Black Dragon Sea area has been completely unrecognizable.

The lingering Heilongjiang Island has disappeared, and the huge white bone dragon boat is empty. The white clouds are scattered and steadily parked in Sun Hao.

In the sea area, the chase war has not completely ended. Many places are still experiencing small-scale naval battles. Of course, the gods are swept away. Sun Hao finds that these small sea battles are both wind and ice fire fleets on the Longjiahai ship or The encirclement of the monk of the Dragon Family.

What is different from Sun Hao is that the Fengyun and the ice fire fleet masters are extremely embarrassed, basically not leaving alive, scribbling the roots.

Sun Hao said that he sighed, but he couldn’t manage that much, and went with them.

For more than a month, the aftermath of the naval battle in the Black Dragon Sea was completely over, and the large and small sea vessels were loaded with the fruits of victory and returned from all directions in the sea.

At this time, they found that the huge white-bone dragon boat has disappeared, and it is likely that it was destroyed by the agarwood adults and sank to the bottom of the sea, or else. Such a big sea boat. Who can afford to go?

As the fleet gathered, the battle report was gradually passed back.

What is certain is that there is no fish in the dragon family.

It is not really completely intercepted, but because the Black Dragon Sea has not been abandoned. The crisis is in turmoil, and Heilongjiang Island is deep in the sea. Longjia has been operating for many years and is relatively safe, but after losing the route of the red tide shop. Outside of Black Dragon Island has become quite dangerous.

Those dragon family fleets fled, even if they were not intercepted. It is estimated that it will also be buried in the sea.

Many seafarers who had been intercepted and killed had met powerful sea beasts and had to escape and return. Several sea boats even witnessed the scene of the Dragon Sea boat being swallowed by sea animals.

There are also several Nanyang forces that are too close to chase. I also suffered from the disaster of the pool fish and died in the sea. I can't go back.

Although the Black Dragon Sea is dangerous, the returning fleet is highly motivated and geared up. I am very excited and ready to work hard again under the leadership of Shen Xiang adults.

Open up the Black Dragon Island.

The harvest of an island in the land reclamation is often enough for a monk to eat for a lifetime.

The Black Dragon Sea is dangerous, but it also represents the scarce cultivation resources that are not available in other sea areas. Moreover, with the fighting power of the Aquilaria adults, and the method of manipulating the ship of the Aquilaria adults, it is not the hand to come.

Sun Hao followed the idea of ​​the monk in a good manner, and once again adjusted the ship's array, let Yu do not want to replace the command of the ship's array, and began to fight in the Black Dragon Sea.

The Black Dragon Sea has once fallen through the real dragon. Among them, the cultivation resources, Sun Hao is also secretly moving. Now the most precious resource in the sea area, Black Dragon Zhenyan has been taken away by itself, but there are still a lot of cultivation resources like Dragon Grass. It is necessary to open up wasteland.

Of course, the entire process of land reclamation, Sun Hao shot very few.

Just as a deterrent, sitting in the storm.

The ship’s pioneers are still Luo Mei and Xiao Zhang, and small fires appear to them from time to time to play with them.

The three of them are also rarely shot. The main force of land reclamation is the monks on the sea boats and sea boats.

Of course, according to Nanyang's routine, although Sun Hao did not shoot, he was able to win 30% of the harvest.

As always, Sun Hao chose to harvest psionic power.

There is a lot of energy needed to condense the empty tower. In this war, Luo Mei, Gu Yun, Tong Li played, and the word "town" was launched. The spirit can consume huge, white 绢 this gimmick, oh no, this tigress has already In the grandson of the grandson, he had to reserve again.

Bai Yu and Gu Yun worked hard as a spiritual farmer, and planted rice for many years. Sun Hao spent a big battle and consumed six or seven percent. Can he not feel bad?

Moreover, the small fire has just advanced, and there is a sense of hunger again. After the promotion, the extra-large appetite makes Sun Hao stunned and has to collect a lot of psionic power.

The reason why the small fire ran to the bow of the dragon boat to find a small chapter to play, is actually taking the time to fight the teeth.

Xiaozhang marine hegemony origin, has an incomparable sensory ability to the marine spirit beast, secretly with a small fire and like to watch the lively follower, Luo Mei silently endless several sea animal dens, one mouse and one person, two one Adding five, the autumn wind sweeps the leaves, and divides the sea beast's den, wherever it passes, the grass does not stay.

There are thunderstorms blocking the door, and the black dragons with lurking beasts are very rich.

The monks made a lot of money in the land reclamation.

Even Sun Hao, who stayed on the Fengyun No. to consolidate and cultivate the five attributes of the qi refining method, was stunned by the small flames, Mudan and the soil, and sneaked out several times. .

One of them is actually the refining material required for the second layer of the hollow tower.

According to the old man, the refining of the second layer of the hollow tower is likely to be completed in the upper bound.

Therefore, for a long time, Sun Hao did not deliberately pursue the second layer of refining materials.

But in any case, you can get a kind of refining material, and you will have a lot of trouble in the future.

The deeper the cultivation realm, the harder it is to cultivate resources.

Sun Hao has a deep understanding of this.

The monks in the Black Dragon Sea, the Fengyun, also have a deep understanding of this.

At that time, in the Fengyun number, many monks had been operating for many years, and more or less collected some elixir. Later, after Sun Hao entered the mainstream, he opened the alchemy, and these elixir finally became the golden dan, and also created no less than ten Jindan real people.

This is also the main monk of Sun Hao who is attracted by a cloud arrow.

However, in the past many years, now the land has been enriched to the extreme black sea area, but the collection of resources still allows the monks to know that their own road to breaking the baby, fearing that it will be difficult, nowhere in sight.

First of all, the list of resources that Aquila provides for redemption is not the same as that of the previous year.

Then, Agarwood himself was also purchasing the refining elixir of Shengyingdan.

Of course, Shen Xiang adults are very aptly listed the types of infantile medicine, as well as the standard of identification, so that everyone will not leave.

This is a rare kind of affection.

Shen Xiang adults left a chance for everyone to break Dan.

After Sun Hao thought about it, on the list of his own exchange of resources, he added a message: "To replace the baby."

This simple one made the Jindan monk on Fengyun see his hope of breaking the baby. At the same time, he finally realized that the alchemy of Shenxiang adults may have reached the level of horror, the rare "master" level in this world.

Knowing a great master who can refine the baby, this is a lot of privilege for Yuan Ying, and the monks of Fengyun feel that they are very lucky.

Of course, the question now is whether they can make up a pair of infants and medicinal materials before they leave the Fengyun.

The time of the Fengyun No.1 monk was not long. The repairs were mostly in the early days of Jindan. A few of them arrived in the middle of Jindan. Although they have been in the past for decades, they have been working hard in Nanyang.

However, when everyone really sat down and took the medicine, they suddenly discovered that even if it was the land of the Black Dragon Island, everyone still received less than 60% of the refined pharmaceutical materials.

Many herbs are unheard of. If they are not listed by the incense, they have not really heard of it.

The cruel facts made Jin Dan really cold in the hearts of the people. However, they also understood that this is reasonable. Otherwise, the Yuan Dazheng of the big school will not be so rare.

After some discussion, these people from all corners of the country, the Jindan real people, Qi Qi reached a consensus, naturalized Qingyun, became the real affiliate of Shenxiang adults ~ ~ for their own broken Dansheng, get a chance.

Being able to know the agarwood adults and being recruited by the incense and adults is actually a chance. If you can't grasp it, it is really confused.

But what all Jindan real people didn't think of was.

Among them, they are really confused, their big brother, who has been steadfastly guarding the Fengyun number, for decades, the unchanging metaphor, actually decided not to join them in Qingyun, but chose to continue to guard the situation, of course. Therefore, Fengyun is therefore not able to be a naturalized Qingyun, but only as a vassal of Qingyun Port.

Controlled by Qingyun Port, it is sheltered by Qingyun Port, but it is not Qingyunmen's own fleet.

Although I don’t understand it, people are aspiring and can’t force it.

More than one confused insect, and later joined the Fengyun number of Jindan real people Xingtai, actually chose to accompany the Yu did not want to guard the Fengyun.

It was Mu Xiaotian. This time he became smarter. He did not go back with Xingtai, but he readily agreed to become a citizen of Qingyun. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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