Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1135: Evil spirit

Sitting cross-legged in the inn, Sun Hao put his knowledge out.

Silently covered the entire old town of ice and snow.

Soon, Sun Hao found the place where Xue Rujie was.

One building, on the second floor, there is a living room. At this time, there are five or six women in the hall.

There are no people who are familiar with Sun Hao.

Xue Rujie repair is lower in status, and sits face to head in a respectful manner. The top is the first one, and suddenly it is also Yuan Yingzhen.

In the burial of the sky, Sun Hao’s knowledge of the gods has been exercised, especially the entry of the stick of the gods, so that Sun Hao’s gods have been suffering for a long time. In order to restore the gods who have been sealed by the gods, Sun Hao has also been in the giant In the wilderness, I took a lot of dragon grass.

In the end, Sun Hao topped up the fighting stick and restored his strength, and the knowledge of the gods has also made great progress. As far as the coverage of the gods is concerned, Sun Hao has reached and far exceeded the Yuanjun’s mid-term Level.

Moreover, in addition to this, Sun Hao also found that because of the existence of the fighting stick, his own knowledge is particularly sensitive, especially introverted, as if it is always tempered by the fighting stick.

This is also the root of Sun Hao’s former position in the South Sea.

Now, Sun Hao boldly puts out the knowledge to explore the old town of ice and snow, but also has full confidence, confident that the monks can not find their own exploration.

As it turned out, Sun Hao’s knowledge entered the hall, and there was no awareness in the hall. He was still talking.

The first one said at this time: "It seems that although a few monks on the infinite speed are likely to have their own origins, they should have no magic repairs, and there is no body of the dead souls. Xiaojie, well done, infinitely fast. The Holy Palace has some origins, but it is not too harsh."

Xue Rujie gave a slight glimpse and said: "Xiao Jie understands. The white elders are relieved. I know what to do."

Sun Hao’s heart was also moved. The infinite number of speeds in the Wanshouyun Hall had made Sun Hao feel a bit surprised. It seems that this infinite speed may not be simple. The bigger possibility is that it will be passed down from generation to generation. The origins are also extraordinary.

At this time, the white elder looked at another female practitioner with a short hair and asked softly: "Ru male. What is the situation outside? Have you found a way to deal with those dead souls?"

The short-haired female Xiu Xueru male does not have a male voice, and the voice rises. The sound is crisp, but it is also powerful: "Elders, these dead souls are unpredictable. Even if they are slashed, they will be split apart. In less than a while, they will be regrouped again, killing and killing. But it is not found too well. If the method is eliminated, if you can call more fire-monk monks, or you can try to destroy them, it may be effective..."

Sun Hao’s heart, once again violently shocked, the body of the dead body said by the Ice and Snow Palace, very similar to the mask warrior in the real female tomb.

In other words, the true female tomb once suppressed the evil spirits of hundreds of millions of years, Hao Anyi, may actually come out to do evil.

In another room, Wei Xinbing was meditating on his knees, and there was a mirror in his waist. Hao Anyi’s voice came out: “The bugs have also been drilled out? It’s broken, it’s been too long. When there is a change, Laozi’s constraints seem to be of little use. It’s a great disaster, and it’s a big disaster. This cause and effect can be big, no, you have to find a way...”

Xue Rujie’s brows were slightly wrinkled, and he said: “There are relatively few monks in the holy house, and the fire is not good. Otherwise, the alchemy of my holy house will not be relatively weak. Need to be in tune with Tiangong."

The white elders glanced and said aloud: "Xiao Jie, what do you say, you, the Holy Palace, is the pillar of the mainland, and it is always the same, not gibberish."

The white elders sat next to each other, and the elegant woman who had not spoken before smiled and said: "Well, my sister, the juniors are all holding up the rain. They all say that the Holy Palace is unfair to the rain, and we have done a way. Recruit some fire property monks and see if Ru Man’s method will be effective...”

This female repair is also not low, but also a true monarch. The Holy Palace attaches great importance to this incident and sent two real monarchs to come and check.

When Sun Hao’s heart moved, what happened to the rain and rain, how to say that it was unfair to the rain?

Can it be said that the rain will also encounter a scene similar to that of the purple smoke master that was forced to marry...

Just, just thinking of it here, Sun Hao feels that there is a sense of God spreading to this side, and maybe just like himself, I want to inquire about the news.

However, although this **** is not weak, it should not be a monk!

Sure enough, this **** is just getting close, the white elders have a glimpse of their eyes, and they screamed: "Who is watching?"

The gods were shocked, and the speed quickly receded as the tide.

At the same time, the elders of the white elders rushed out, and the law was pinched and hit the air, and screamed: "Don't go."

He was stunned by the snakes, and the white elders showed their secret skills. However, Sun Hao knew that he could not eavesdrop any more, and the gods recognized and moved back.

However, just as Sun Hao exited the attic of the disciples of the Holy Palace, his heart was suddenly shocked.

Almost at the same time, Sun Hao perceives the other three different sacred sacred sensations. At this moment, he also retreated from the attic at his own pace.

There are so many people voyeur?

Sun Hao was shocked, but he did not find them in front of him. If it was not just at the same time, Sun Hao did not know that there were so many peers in the attic.

Three of the gods knew to retreat outside the old town of ice and snow, and the other two strands of the direction of retreat, like Sun Hao, flew back to the inn and disappeared.

Sun Hao thought that the inn was really a hidden dragon and a tiger, and I don’t know that several of them were companions on their own infinite speed.

Since throwing the "lonely fish" to the metaphor, Sun Hao has already felt deeply that the strange things in this world are endless, one day not standing at the peak of the monks, one day can not say that their judgment is 100% accurate.

Don't look at the repairs of several monks who are infinitely smashing the car, it seems that they can be clearly perceived, but that is not necessarily correct.

Not to mention the other, just said that just peeked at this moment, Sun Hao heard the infinite number of cars from the mouth of the monastic monk, in fact, in the Holy Palace, called "infinite speed."

With the essence of the Holy Palace, you will never be wrong. With the pride of the Holy Palace, you will never have a relationship with a monk.

Infinitely speeding, this scorpion may still be the kind of flying locust.

Then a very simple reasoning, I am afraid that unscrupulous real people, is not a simple character, at least, his ancestors have not been simple.

At this time, in the attic, the white elder slowly sat down.

Elegant female repair asked: "Sister?"

On the face of the white elders, a thoughtful expression emerged. After a long ringing, he slowly said: "I didn't expect that there are so many high-ranking people inside and outside the old town of ice and snow. If it was not the last god, it would not come in unintentionally. I really didn't think that there were a few monks who were peeking at our deliberations."

How many monks are peeping?

On the face of the elegant female repair, there was also a faint faintness. The mouth was dissatisfied and said: "These monks are too bold, don't put my holy house in the eyes, and dare to peek at the old town in the snow and ice. The palace is doing business."

Xue Runan also said with a voice: "That is, too disappointing, white elders, who is not traced? They need to give the Holy Palace a saying."

The white elder smiled and waved his hand: "In these few people, the latter should be a sword repairer, but he is inadvertently, accidentally hit and ran over, no malicious and the front has long been lurking Even the gods that I have not discovered, but all of them should not be provoked, and there is only one icy **** that is full of malice, and the malicious gods have also withdrawn from the old town, so we pour Don't be too big, ice master, maybe we can let them help us a lot."

The elegant ice elder said: "What does the teacher mean?"

"Recruiting the monks and recruiting the monks in the infinite speed." The white elder laughed: "The infinite speed has a great relationship with the Holy Palace. At this time, the Holy Palace is difficult. How can you stand by?"

Xue Rujie’s face was slightly red, and he said slightly: “Elder, I feel that the unscrupulous eyes are long, the color is stunned, and what part of the body is there is a little fever...”

The white elders glimpsed a little, then giggled: "This, normal, I was also seen this way."

Within the inn, Sun Hao’s knowledge is still scattered, and he is chasing away the gods who have escaped.

Sun Hao still perceives that this **** has a kind of icy cold, and from outside the old town, Sun Hao also wants to see how this knowledge of the gods will come from. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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