Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1136: Endless cold

God knows the tide to fly back.

Sun Hao is not slow, and his knowledge has spread over the past.

If there is no land, Sun Hao can even perceive it. It seems that there is still a **** that is as good as himself.

The speed of knowledge is extremely fast, and it is more than a hundred miles away.

Moreover, the speed is not slow, and quickly flies back to the ice and snow world where the Ice and Snow Palace is located.

After entering the world of ice and snow, Sun Hao’s knowledge suddenly felt cool, and the aura in the ice and snow world also added a lot of ice aura, which made the gods have a very unique feeling.

Moreover, Sun Hao can perceive that in this environment, his own gods seem to have been suppressed, and the retreating gods are in this environment, and they have gained a great bonus and increase. The speed of retreat is speeding up in vain. .

After a moment of retreat, Sun Hao almost lost tracking.

When Sun Hao was once again on top of this god, he had already discovered some of the dead souls described in Xue Rujie's mouth in the world of ice and snow.

Some monks are aimlessly moving slowly in the snow and ice. These monks are not weak, most of them are built in the late stage of the building, and even some Jindan period monks have appeared.

Seeing these monks, Sun Hao’s heart immediately compared them with the mask warriors in the real female tomb and found a lot in common.

In addition to the slightly different masks, the action habits are the same, and the monks still maintain their pre-life repairs.

Hastily swept away from the brains of these monks, Sun Hao’s heart was a little shocked, and it was discovered, but it was slightly different from the real female tomb.

The evil spirits in the real female tomb are black and small, small finger size, about an inch of insects.

In the back of this monk, the worms discovered by Sun Hao are more concealed, and even Sun Hao is almost blinded.

The back of the monk. The hidden insects are now white. Close to transparency, the size of the head is also reduced by half. It is very easy to miss without paying attention.

and. Compared with the evil spirits, the smell of this bug also varies greatly.

The evil spirits in the true female tomb give Sun Hao the feeling of evil. But the worms here gave Sun Hao the feeling of chills and the time when the worms were found. Sun Hao could not help but fight a cold war.

Then, Sun Hao couldn't think too much. The follow-up gods suddenly slammed and rushed back.

Just as Sun Hao perceives the mutant worm, he is alarmed by the chased god. This knowledge of God was extremely angry at being chased by him, and an extremely intense icy breath passed from the knowledge of God. It quickly spread to Sun Hao’s knowledge.

Almost instantaneous effort, Sun Hao has produced the feeling of falling into the hail, in the knowledge of God. A piece of ice cold.

It seems that it has to be frozen in the same place, and the cold has spread into the gods.

Yuan Ying’s fighting stick was lightly shocked, and a rush of rushing out of the sky, a bang, hit the chilly gods that Sun Hao spread over.

A loud bang in the air, a few masks wandering here were rushed.

After Sun Hao made a note with the unknown cold consciousness, he quickly retreated.

The chilly consciousness was slightly embarrassed, and was captured by Sun Hao’s unyielding intentions. He did not catch up, and settled down in the ice and snow world.

Just a touch, Sun Hao’s heart is full of horror.

In this consciousness, Sun Hao feels familiar with the silk. If he judges well, this **** is probably the one he had seen in the real female tomb, the two mask generals.

What surprised Sun Hao is that this consciousness has changed and become extremely chilly. Just now, if there is a fighting stick bonus, Sun Hao’s gods may still be frozen on the spot. .

Even the gods can freeze, and Sun Hao has no idea what the evil worms have changed.

Undoubtedly, those wandering masks are the younger brothers released by the evil spirits after the change.

Then, Sun Hao thought in his heart, is Hao Anyyi also hidden in this ice and snow world, and this evil spirit, but after Hao Anyi escaped, re-cultivated new gadgets?

If so, then it is not surprising.

Hao Anyi was suppressed by the real woman in the past and became a bad soul. It has been suppressed for hundreds of millions of years. It is possible to think of things that are inferior and stupid.

It is not impossible to cultivate a more powerful, more chilly evil spirit.

In the mirror of Wei Xinbing's waist, Hao Anyi's voice came out: "When it's over, this worm has been in the cold for hundreds of millions of years, and it has become so powerful. Real women, real women, you really don't let people Peace of mind..."

On the infinite number of cars, the unscrupulous long said to himself: "The Holy Palace is in trouble, but that has nothing to do with me unless..."

Unless he didn't say anything, but looking at his wretched smile, it is not a good thing to estimate.

On the second day, the recruitment order of the Ice and Snow Palace, such as Sun Hao expected to come to the inn in general, a slight difference is that the Holy Palace is actually mandatory, the entire infinitely recruited into the team.

Xue Rujie Zhen Zhen has a word: "Unscrupulous friends, now the old town is difficult, but everyone must cross the storm, the Holy Palace needs to call the fire attribute monk to verify one thing, found that the speed of the road friends are very qualified, so decided to temporarily requisition the speed If the governor agrees, then the task can be arranged now. If you disagree, then you can reserve your opinion..."

Unscrupulously, Chang Zhang opened his mouth and finally sighed: "I didn't expect that one day, my unscrupulous leader was actually recruited by the sacred palace of the righteousness."

However, he still said: "I don't have any opinions. Anyway, I will be one person, one by one. How to arrange it well, but the road friends in the car can't be under my control. You can negotiate with yourself..."

After that, Erlang’s legs were vertical, lying on the infinite speed, and closing his eyes and going to the gods.

Xue Rujie whispered softly: "Xiao Jie thank you very much."

Then, he smiled at Sun Hao and some other monks standing outside the inn. "You, friends, and the Holy Palace, have always been rewarded and punished. If you are willing to lend a helping hand, my holy house will definitely thank you." ""

After that, I added a sentence: "You friends come to the ice field, it must be a pursuit. If you do not understand the old town, your activities are also restricted, security is more insecure, it is better to help the Holy Palace, Everyone will tide over the difficulties together, maybe, what do you need, when the Holy Palace will hand over..."

There are no fewer than twenty monks on the scene. In addition to the monks on the infinite speed, there are some monks who have already lived in the old town.

At this time, see Xue Rujie talking like this, and immediately began to talk about it.

Joining is good, if you can help the Holy Palace through the storm, there will be an incense in the future.

However, the danger of joining is very high. It is very likely that it will be used as a cannon fodder by the Holy Palace. It is very likely to fall into the road.

After talking about it for a while, the infinitely flying speed of the wind gathered first and said: "The gathering wind is willing to do something."

Sun Hao also stood up and had a faint smile on his face: "Zhong Xiaohao is also willing to listen to the Holy Palace."

In the true tomb of the woman who was buried in the market, Sun Hao did not directly kill the evil spirits and buried the roots of the present. At this time, he could not stand by.

Moreover, among the on-site monks, Sun Hao knows the most about evil spirits. After joining, he will avoid more monks and casualties and directly kill the evil spirits.

Although Sun Hao is not very happy with some of the practices of the Ice Palace, but in this big and big, it is not to stand by.

When the output is exerted, the shot will be shot, but it will not deliberately express itself.

Besides, If you do not remove the evil spirits, the defensive posture of the Holy Palace, Sun Hao can not find peace of mind.

Seeing that Sun Hao stood up, Xue Rujie rushed this handsome boy and smiled brilliantly, then shouted: "You friends, see no, this young man, only in the early days of Jindan, but did not hesitate to participate. It is not a matter of our holy house feats. It is not a matter of lows. Our holy house is the **** generation."

Sun Hao also stood out!

Wei Xinbing thought for a moment and took a step forward. He said with a smile: "Jie Xianzi, I am a Wei Xi, a loving person, and I cherish the flowers and plants. I have a problem. I don't know if I participated in the holy After the palace feat, is there a chance to win the favor of the Holy Palace fairy, and to win the Taoist?"

Xue Rujie's face was slightly red, and the heart said that these monks on the infinite speed are still not really normal. It is no wonder that the elders have completely recruited me.

After Wei Xinbing finished, the unscrupulous leader could not help but look at his forehead and make a terrible expression: "This level is simply throwing away my generation, can not chase, rely on the ability..."

Sword unparalleled is a body, very straightforward said: "I joined." (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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