Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1137: Wan Gubing

The weakest combat power is actually the result of the business of the foot of the businessman. "The fairy, the younger brother is not enough, can only operate small, but can not join, please forgive me."

Xue Rujie was very familiar with him and nodded and smiled: "Well, you are honestly staying in the old town. I guess if the old town can get through this, there will be many monks looking for you to exchange resources..."

If the dragon's eye shines, suddenly he bites his teeth again: "Fairy, I still want to understand, I joined."

Xue Rujie grinned and smiled.

After half a day, the snow white elders appeared, the snow and ice old town monks concentrated in the town's square, the white elders did not talk nonsense, said: "Little man, you talk about the situation."

Xue Runan was very capable, explaining the precautions in a few words, and then said: "Cultivate the monks who have the fire attribute method, please list them."

Sun Hao stepped forward and stood up.

Xue Runan looked at Sun Hao and others, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and the white elders said: "Elders, these monks have weak strengths, and the strength of those dead souls is very strong, at least Jindan is more successful, they are In the middle of the two Jindan, one is actually the beginning of Jindan, I am afraid..."

Sun Hao immediately understood that the early Jin Dan in the mouth of Xue Ru was referring to himself, and his heart could not help but feel a little ridiculous.

The reason why Sun Hao was repaired as the early stage of Jin Dan was because his appearance was a little younger. He showed that Jin Dan’s mid-to-late revision was probably more interesting, but it was not intentional. But who knows now, it’s actually The straight-minded female repair directly pointed out that the repair was inadequate.

The white elders swept Sun Hao and others, and then said: "Those dead souls have stronger performance, but the speed is slower and the movements are slightly stiffer. Their strengths are only worthy. There is no problem. Who, Zhong Xiaohao is Ok, is your idling okay? Can you show the real fire?"

Sun Hao said with a smile: "Idle speed is OK, it should run off." Finished. As soon as the fingers were stretched, an orange flame appeared at the fingertips of the index finger.


The second turn of the real fire was quite matched with the repair of his early Jin Dan.

The white elder nodded and said to Xue Runan: "That's it. Their task is to try the real fire can not destroy the dead body, and does not need real battle. Ru male, you take the lead, let us go ......"

Sun Hao smiled. A ring of fingertips, 燚神炎收收回回.

just. Sun Hao did not give himself any disguise of 燚神炎, 燚神炎 is really a true appearance.

However, Sun Hao refining the first taste of Sanweiyuan baby fire. After the human touch, the characteristics of the smoldering spirit in the real fire are fully revealed. The true fire of Sun Hao is completely transformed into the true color of sputum, and the orange is slightly reddish. The way it looks is very similar to the fact that the real fire has just completed one turn and two turns.

Perhaps it is coincidence, just in the moment when Sun Hao put away the blasphemy, the infinite speed of the car has not been made, only knowing that the car is pulling, and Sun Hao thinks that the dumb scorpion suddenly looks up "Oh..." Called, the voice is high, and the air is full.

Unscrupulously, he flew up and kicked his buttocks. He said loudly in his mouth: "What is it called? I have never seen two turns of real fire."

After talking, he said to Sun Hao: "Xiaohao Daoyou, this stupidity does not scare you, it likes to call."

Sun Hao has already put away the blasphemy and smiles and shakes his head.

At this time, Xue Runan had already vacated, and a white snow-like flying device appeared at the foot. He said with a loud voice: "You friends, let us go."

Unscrupulously, take a shot of your own speed: "No treasure car, gold signboard, you friends, please."

Sun Hao’s heart is moving, like other monks, and he is also welcome, and has invested in infinite speed.

The unscrupulous road grows a whistle, and the scorpion runs away.

Sun Hao heard the unscrupulous scream of the outside uncle: "Stupid, wrong, here, rely on, then a big beauty flies in front, you actually run biased, Laozi is also served..."

The infinite speed of the car turned and quickly ran up.

Sun Hao’s heart is a slight move.

The direction of the infinite speed of the speeding car is really true, and the icy **** knows the direction of retreat.

The direction of Xue Runan is a bit biased. Of course, this direction will meet the dead soul, but it is not wrong.

After the infinite speed of the car entered the world of ice and snow, it really showed its speeding side. The scorpion stepped on the snow and the speed was fast, but the four hooves were snow-free, like a speeding car.

The faces of Xue Ru and Xue Rujie are also surprised, but the white elders are strange.

The three monasteries led the team, and the infinite speed of the trail followed, and there were several temporary recruits who also took out their own flying instruments, which were fast and fast.

The Holy Palace disciples were divided into two batches. The ice elders and two other disciples stayed in the old town, while the white elders, Ru Nan and Ru Jie came to lead the monks to inquire about intelligence. Of course, their scope of action was not very far, and they There is a way to contact, to Zhenjun repair, but also timely support.

In less than a few hours, it has penetrated into the world of ice and snow.

The entrance is full of snow and white snow.

In the sky, heavy snow is flying.

The whole world, besides heavy snow, is a glacier, a gigantic glacier that radiates bursts of blue light in the wind.

Even if you are sitting in the infinite speed, you can clearly perceive that the temperature inside the car is low to the extreme. With the body of the Jindan monk, you can feel the chill of the body.

Guo Nalong was the first to endure this biting cold, squatting, took out a fiery red bead, put it on the chest and put it on, the look on his face improved a lot.

Showing a smile, Guo Nalong said in the infinite speed: "You friends, you need to divide the water into the sea, the North must have 'heart fire', walk through, don't miss it, sell your heart, five top grades One..."

Sun Hao’s heart moved and took out Lingshi and bought two spares.

The heart fire is the crystal of a special kind of spirit in the north. It has a strong anti-cold effect. It is really similar to the water droplets. However, in normal times, the value of this kind of thing is also two top grades. Lingshi around.

Although Guo Nalong has the suspicion of sitting on the ground, but at this time, it is not too much.

Sun Hao and the icy **** have learned the trick, the deepest feeling is the icy ice of the gods, then, anything that can keep out the cold, may be helpful to themselves.

Anyway, I couldn't spend a few Lingshi, bought two, and kept it with me, let alone Sun Hao suddenly felt that the body was warmer.

After half a day, Xue Runan led everyone to stop in the snow in the snow.

In front, there are several mask monks who are wandering slowly.

Xue Runan shouted: "Ready to fight."

The monks appeared in his side, glanced at the lips that were slightly blue, and the dragon who had a heart on the chest, and Xueru’s brow wrinkled, quickly said: "These souls There are senses between the bodies. There are about five or six waves in this wave. One move will move. After killing this wave, we only have a fragrant time to observe their changes."

After that, the hand pointed to several fire property monks such as Sun Hao and Juliufeng: "At that time, you must try to burn their bodies with fire attribute spells during this time, but if they exceed one Musk, the souls of the dead in all directions will come together, and the destroyed souls will be rebuilt again. It’s hard to be entangled. Are you ready?”

The monks nodded silently.

Xue Runan waved his hand very skillfully, his fingers stretched forward, and a white ice arrow came out and touched it, hitting a dead body in her mouth.

Five apparently not very normal monks quickly discovered the target waving their own weapons, the speed is not very slow, to Xueruo men.

Sun Hao found that the comprehensive strength of these five mask monks is higher than that of the masks of the real female tombs. The strength of the weapons attacked by the hands is at least equivalent to the mask in the tomb. The extent after the outbreak.

It is similar to the strength of the mask general in the tomb.

However, as Xue Runan said, the movements of these mask monks are slightly stiff, but they are not the opponents of these monks recruited by the Holy Palace.

The white elders personally shot, a ice prison, directly came to the two masks monks who were about the same in the late Jindan, the white light flashed in the air, a pair of ice skates appeared, and the two mask monks were cut off by one knife. The ice skates brushed a few times, and the two mask monks had been drawn into a pile of minced meat: "Okay, give it a try and see if you can burn their bodies."

At this time, other monks have already trapped the other three mask monks.

In the heart of Sun Hao’s heart, a little finger, two fire snakes flew out, and accurately, on the broken meat of the brains of the two mask monks. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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