Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1145: Secret shot

At the bottom of the tiankeng, there are huge, slanting and spacious ice caves.

After the infinitely speeding car entered, it stopped in the ice hole and stopped moving forward.

The fear of death is not determined to take the lead.

Sun Hao’s knowledge reveals the speeding, under the glance, the ice cave, the ice is very cold, and the gods are also suppressed by the freezing, and there is no way to send it.

The walls of these ice caves are round and round, and they are as clean as a mirror. They don't leave a little bit of ice, like a cockroach.

Xia Qingyu quickly followed, nodded to the flying raft, and the monk of the Holy Palace led the team and quickly drilled into the depths of the ice cave.

Within the ice cave, there are many places where there are ramps.

Like a huge underground spider web.

Every time a martyrdom is reached, the locust is consciously aligning with a scorpion, and it looks like a scorpion. This scorpion is a virtue with its owner. The professional ethics is good, and the beans of the holy palace are collected. Powder, then you have to do your best.

The team is extremely fast, and under the guidance of Hida, it advances quickly.

The ancient silkworm, hidden in the depths of the earth, may not have thought that the Terran monks had a way to clearly perceive themselves. It was a little unexpected, and they could not react for a long time.

Until everyone broke through the three or four ramps, the ice cave finally began to change.

One masked sergeant rushed out of the ice hole and launched a savage attack on the team.

God knows these masks, and Sun Hao can finally say with certainty that the variation of the ancient silkworms is absolutely inseparable from the relationship between the evil spirits, because these masks are really Sun Hao met in the true female tomb. That type, and, should be a monk who passed away in the ancient country.

Their attacks are relatively consistent, and the moves are similar, and several masks can be battled.

There are a lot of masks, and there is a lot of ice in the ice.

Every monk was busy and met his opponent.

The infinite flying is a consistent style. Every time I met the big battle, I immediately squatted on the ground and pretended to die.

I don't know if it is specially dressed or awkward. Anyway, the masked armor never takes the initiative to attack it, and even the unscrupulous head of the infinite speed of the front of the car. Never been attacked.

But the sword is not far from the infinite speed, Wei Bing and the gathering wind is a big battle.

Within the speeding car, the daring of the daring was frightened, feared, and the mouth was smashed from time to time, and it was broken. Actually, I ran down to the ground. Once the holy house monk couldn’t stop it, wouldn’t it be no way to escape?

Sun Hao still smiles, holding a cat and a mouse in his arms, as if to warm them. Actually, he is asking about dark blue, can he feel the breath of heavy water.

However, the dark blue answer has always been ambiguous.

In the end, Sun Hao gradually came to understand, because of the relationship between the ancient silkworms. In the ice cave, there is a chilly ice that is enough to freeze the monk's knowledge. In this case, the perception of the dark blue is generally suppressed with the monk's knowledge. If you want to find heavy water, you must first clear it. The insults of the ancient silkworms are.

The battle within the ice cave was unexpectedly difficult. After breaking through several ramps, the mask armor in the ice cave has been upgraded to become a more powerful mask general.

This thing, when Sun Hao met in the funeral market, it was more difficult to deal with. Although there are quite a few monks on the scene, they are not comparable to the monks who Sun Hao played against, the small palaces of the Holy Palace, Ru Jie, Ru Nan and Wei Bing, Ju Liufeng and other monks who felt the pressure.

Wei Bing did not dare to continue to die. Had to return to the speeding.

After returning, I saw the two beasts in Sun Hao’s arms, and they showed different light and praised a few words, but they did not wear the origins. They only said that they were shocked by their outstanding cold resistance. I am bored.

The wind did not last for a long time, but also had to return to the infinite speed, but the sword was unparalleled, and the sword was arrogant. The body was arrogant, but it was not afraid to attack the mask general. From time to time, he could kill the mask general. His own three-footed Qing Feng directly nailed the ice silkworm of the general's brain, and won the battle.

More than a dozen disciples of the Holy Palace have fought and trained, and they are truly the main force of the team.

In the hands of Xia Qingyu, there was a red dragonfly ice gun, standing in the middle of the battlefield and being in a good position, the command was determined.

In the consciousness of God, Xia Qingyu’s fighting posture was held. Sun Hao’s heart could not help but recall the scene in the burial of the sky. At that time, Xia Qingyu was also fighting with guns. The battle was fierce and the memory is still fresh. .

Sun Hao clearly remembers that in order to cover his own troubles, Xia Qingyu was once pierced by the Luo charm and pierced his chest and abdomen. He was directly nailed to the ground and almost fell directly on the spot.

Thinking of the scene of Xia Qing Yu Pianhua with rain on the spot, Sun Hao suddenly felt that he should not care so much. In fact, he should cherish this life and death.

In my heart, I am gradually changing my mind.

The practice of the Holy Palace does not recognize itself, but it is not the fault of the rain. I am not willing to take care of the Holy Palace, but I cannot ignore the rain.

The heart sighed, and Sun Hao decided that when the shot was taken, he shot and no longer deliberately concealed himself.

Of course, at this time, Sun Hao did not go out to fight directly.

Now, the monks of the Holy Palace are still at ease, and Sun Hao does not need to shoot.

The ancient silkworm has not yet appeared. After the war, Sun Hao can fully recharge his batteries and gain momentum.

Along with the appearance of the mask generals, there are many ice-snow world native spirit beasts in the ice cave. These spirit beasts also launched a siege on the team.

Among the infinite speeds, Wei Bing once again said: "Small men and men, although the ancient silkworms are mutated, they still retain its magical ability as a snow darling, so be careful not to be killed by these. The beast is approaching."

Xue Ru male silver teeth bite, can not tie Wei Jian two swords.

However, as this guy said, he has studied a lot of ice silkworms. Maybe he still needs to rely on some of his strange ability. He can't offend too much. He can only pretend that he didn't hear it. Xue Runan decided. This matter, no matter how busy this Wei Bing helped, he must have a good slap in the face, let him know that the little man is not just anyone who can call.

I don't know that I have completely offended Xue Runan. Wei Bing thinks that Hao Laoda's tricks are really useful. It is more and more prosperous: "The ancient "Picking the Legacy" records that 'Yishan has ice silkworms, seven inches long. Black, there are The horns are scaly. Covered with frost and snow, and then smashed. It is one foot long and its color is multicolored. It is woven into the brocade, it is not in the water, it is fired, and it is not good..."

Sun Hao’s heart is not moving. I think of a record: "The ice silkworm is a eater, it can be changed, fighting and fighting, the two silkworms meet, never die, the dead can be smashed, the smashing is resurrected, nine dead and nine live, ice silkworm cocoon ......"

The team rushed in all the way to eliminate countless ice silkworms. The attackers are mostly monks of the Holy Palace.

This will not intentionally or unintentionally create a group of more powerful strengths: "Ice silkworm cocoon?"

At this time, Wei Bing also screamed fiercely: "Not good, little man, I think of something, the ice silkworm will be smashed by the cold gas, it will be quite difficult after nine deaths, saying that little boy, ice Silkworms are best burned directly into ash..."

Xia Qingyu was slightly shocked, and God’s knowledge swept away, but it was discovered. Many ice silkworms that were picked up by the monks and monks from the mask generals have turned into white silkworm cocoons, which are covered with ice holes that they have killed all the way.

The sanctuary monks are mostly ice water properties, specializing in ice properties, not good at setting fire. If Wei Bing said that it is true, these ice silkworm cocoons are not the more killing the more powerful?

Ice silkworm cocoons, it is not a good thing to think about it.

Among the infinite speeds, Sun Hao’s heart is thinking fast.

Strictly speaking, ice silkworm cocoon is actually a kind of existence similar to the soul of the bead.

Among the ice silkworm cocoons, there are some flesh of the silkworm. And a short sleep to restore their own soul, compared to the soul beads, more part of the flesh.

So, isn’t it, can you do this?

The gods quietly extended out, Sun Hao's heart and soul moved, and the soul-sucking technique in the three souls of the soul-stricken mountain was quietly launched, and an invisible attraction force covered the ice silkworm cocoon.

Then, Sun Hao’s face showed a faint smile. In the knowledge of God, a steady stream of cool souls attracted from the ice silkworm cocoon, enriching and growing his fourth unnatural soul. The star, let this comet hanging high in the sea, with a cold breath.

The battle continued, a large number of mask generals, a large number of ice and snow world spirits rushed out and were continuously killed.

One by one, the ice silkworms fell into the ice hole.

Many ice silkworms that were killed in the early stage even broke out, and once again turned into a more powerful mask, joined the siege team.

Wei Bing's heart was cold, and his heart said: "Boss, this little thing that you gong and drum is combined with the characteristics of the ice silkworm is simply too horrible. This is the rhythm of no solution!"

Hao Anyi's helpless voice came out: "I didn't expect it to be like this. Mother, it seems that we should be careful when doing things in the future. Although Laozi is a bad soul, it can't make too many causes and effects for the body..."

"Boss, what evil are you?"

"Don't know, don't ask."

"Boss, you are not saying, is it a good student to ask if you are not ashamed?"

"Hey, don't sneak into the silkworm cocoons seem to be a bit wrong. It seems that many of them are still dead, and they can't be turned out..."

Wei Bing quickly said: "Boss, you have provided me with unreliable news. If these cocoons cannot be reborn, the impressions of the boys and men will be greatly reduced..."

"Reducing your hair ball is a good thing. If you say it first, you won't be. Don't tell me that you won't be round."

Wei Bing coughed and said: "You don't worry about the little man or the man. I observe that the structural characteristics of the ancient silkworm are different because of the unknown, and many of the scorpions seem to have become stillbirths. Of course, this It’s just my judgment. It’s very likely that another high-ranking person is present. It directly deprives the gods of these scorpions and makes them deadborn. However, this possibility is small, oh, so, boys and boys, you can speed up killing. Speed ​​is..."

Sun Hao’s face showed a faint smile.

This Wei Bing, let alone, basically guessed the facts.

Xia Qingyu's heart moved slightly, and an aura flashed through his mind, but he couldn't grasp what it was. He thought about it carefully, but he couldn't find a clue and put his head in it. Xia Qingyu said softly: "We add Strong." (To be continued.)

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