Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1146: Magical speed

(Ten is in place: Thanks to the bookmates for their quiet support and rewards, everyone continues to rise, everyone works hard, Bo Yao hopes, on the road of Jiu Lian, you can see your support, Bo Yao and so on. Support and continue to add more)

Without any worries, the snowflake ice array of the Holy Palace is fully open, and the ice wall rises from the ice hole, and the sharp ice thorns directly pierce the ice-like spirits of the road. Tomato novel network `-```-

Xia Qingyu holds a red scorpion ice gun and is in a slim ice formation. But when the mask is general, it will wave the tip of the gun and shoot an ice arrow very quickly. It will always enter the head of the mask general and will be hidden. The ice silkworms are killed like a bunch of insects.

After the ice silkworm was killed, it would still be degraded, but without exception, Sun Hao was silent and absorbed the soul of the gods.

The overall trend of the ice cave is gradually downward. The more people go down, the more the surrounding climate is getting colder.

The ice is cold and biting. If it is not the ice and snow, the monk will live in the ice and snow world all the year round. It is extremely resistant to severe cold, and the snow ice array also has a strong ability to keep out the cold. At this time, it may not be able to withstand it.

Within the infinite speed of the car, Guo Nalong is selling his own heart fireballs, and, again, the success of the gathering of wind and Wei Bing each purchased a high price, eyebrows open smile.

However, the knowledge of God has always been explored outside, and Sun Hao, who used the sacred spirits, has gradually revealed some strange features of the infinite speed.

The cold in the infinite speed is almost the same as the inside of the ice hole. It seems that there is no abnormality. ``-----

However, Sun Hao’s knowledge is two different feelings inside and outside the speeding car.

The same cold, but outside the speeding car, there is a kind of icy cold, a sense of freezing, but inside the car, it is only cold, less stress.

It seems that the reason why the rain has caught the infinite speed to lead the way, should know how much the speed of the car.

In the case of Sun Hao’s knowledge of the four points, he also slowly learned about some of the formations on the wall of the speeding car. Some arrays, Sun Hao is not very understanding, the material of the speed is also very unique.

If Sun Hao guesses well, the speeding car has a magical effect. The strange attributes that can isolate part of the attack, the strange array method, and the peculiar attributes have aroused the strong interest of Sun Hao.

Sun Hao used the sacred spirit to secretly help the disciples of the Holy Palace. While trying to figure out the array on the wall of the flying car, the team is moving forward.

In the ice cave for three consecutive days, killing a lot of mask generals and ice and snow beasts, the car banged into a huge underground glacier world.

The glaciers stood up like a pillar and propped up a thick layer of ice.

Among the glaciers, there are some ice and sea water, half ice and half water.

The infinite speed of the car rushed in and the entire team stopped at the bottom of a huge glacier. Appeared on the ice.

This place is already located at the bottom of the earth, but the ice above it seems to still have a layer of shimmer, and the entire glacier world looks chilly. □ Tomato □ ○ novel network △ □ ``---``---`

The strange thing is that there is no ice under the conditions of cold weather here. Although there is no ice in the sea, there is no sign of flow, but it is not frozen.

When the gods swept the sea, Sun Hao couldn’t help but move.

outside. Xia Qingyu has said: "This is the remains of the ancient North Sea. I did not expect that the ice and snow world is underground, and there are such large areas of sea surface preservation. It is really a rare natural landscape."

The white elders looked at the glacier world where ice and water blended. I thought about it and said: "The Lord of the Palace, this piece of sea should be covered with snow, gradually forming ice and freezing the ground. However, the sea is not completely After freezing, hundreds of millions of years later, natural creation has produced such natural wonders."

In addition to the infinite speed, the hand-held flying swords, the swords that assisted in combat, are unparalleled. When you see the glaciers, you can see the broken ice mixed with the sea between the glaciers.

The goal of his coming to the north is in front of him. In the bottom of the earth, there are a lot of thousands of years of ice, and you can find it after a little bit of it.

The flying dragonfly has fallen on the ice and has no breath.

This guy is pretending to be dead.

Xia Qingyu looks at the unscrupulous road.

The unscrupulous leader said: "Everyone is careful.-`--"

His words seemed to be a signal, and a pair of huge, dead gray, expressionless eyes emerged from the ice not far ahead.

Xia Qingyu said with a crisp drink: "Connected."

On the ice, countless black ice rushed out of the sea and turned into a huge ice spear, roaring.

Among the glaciers, it seemed that there was a gust of wind and cold, and then the ice spears overwhelmed and rushed over to the holy house.

More than a dozen disciples of the Holy Palace fluttered in white, and the snow fluttered. The white snow fluttered in front of them. At the same time, an ice wall stood in front and blocked the black ice spear.

A series of explosions sounded in front of the sea, a long spear tied to the ice wall, tied to the snow, blasted open, broken ice into a smaller sharp cone, still rushed over.

The ice elders shouted: "Be careful, Xuan Bing broke the defense..."

The voice just fell, and the tiny sharp ice cones in the air suddenly added, and they were under strong control. They slammed into the summer rain in the Holy Palace.

The snowflake had just been broken and the ice wall was destroyed. In a hurry, it was too late to reinforce it.

The disciples of the Holy Palace had a bad voice.番谷茄小说网 ``-``-`

Xia Qingyu’s mouth was crisp and drunk, his body swayed, and he moved in a moment, and once again appeared, he was already out of the line.

However, she did not wait for her body to stand.

The sharp ice cones are turned in a row, as if there is tracking and positioning, the back of the summer rain is urgently attacked.

Xia Qingyu was in a state of sorrow, but it was too late to react.

The sanctuary monk Qi Qi exclaimed: "The Lord of the Palace is careful."

"Dangdang, Dangdang...", a series of crisp sounds came from the air.

I don't know when, the infinite speed has come across the air, blocking behind Xia Qingyu.

The ice cone hit the speeding car and exploded a series of crashes.

However, the flying wire that lie on the ice is not damaged, and it is safe and sound.

Xia Qingyu turned around and saw a long, unscrupulous long face.

Also saw not far away, still pretending to fly.

With a slight smile, Xia Qingyu said to the unscrupulous leader: "Thank you for your help."

Xia Qingyu's smile made the whole glacial world seem to be a lot brighter, and the unscrupulous long only felt that the mood was particularly good.

However, the mouth is still sighing, and the unscrupulous truth is true: "The infinite speed, the gold sign, but only for the customer, in other words, I don't know why the speed is here..."

This must be explained in white, or it will cause big problems.

The infinite speed of the car really can't just shoot.

This is very terrible, and some rules cannot be touched.

Xia Qingyu knows the rules of some infinitely flying cars. He also thinks that it is the infinite number of people who deliberately clarify themselves. He smiled and said: "It’s still a lot of thank you. In any case, the coincidence is that the speeding car is just in this position."

The unscrupulous road is a bit anxious: "This is really not me, saying that the speed of the car is infinite, but the flying dragon can pull, even if it is me, it seems that I can't control it, I am confused too..."

Xue Rujie said over there: "Less Palace, be careful, the big guys are coming up..."

Xia Qingyu had no time to talk to the unscrupulous road and looked at the ice.

A huge, white, white shark with a dorsal fin like a sword emerged from the sea.

"This is a great white shark," the white elder said quickly. "In the ancient North Sea, the most ferocious predatory sea beast, the sea king, has now mutated, everyone is careful."

The great white shark's expressionless fisheye swept away from the infinite speed. A random microwave swept past, and its attack was blocked in this direction. However, it was swept away without any resistance. The traces are very strange.

It is still not happening now.

On the face of the unscrupulous road, there is a smile that is unremarkable. The little shark wants to fly infinitely, which is a bit difficult.

However, the unscrupulous heart is not very calm at this time.

Actually someone can drive the infinite speed, it is really beyond his expectations.

According to the truth, in this world, in addition to the flying dragonfly, the infinite speed should not be able to drive The reason is very simple, the intensity of the gods can not meet the driving requirements.

Driving the infinite speed, two conditions are required. One is the formation of the tactics. At least it must be basically driven by the infinite number of speeds. This is relatively simple. Many of the strategists in this world can do it. The second is the intensity of the gods. However, few people can do this condition.

The intensity of the gods does not refer to the ability of the gods to cover, but refers to the quality of the gods, like the same volume of water droplets, the difference between heavy water and ordinary water, if only the ordinary water-like knowledge, can not promote the infinite speed At the very least, we must reach the intensity of the dual heavy water level to drive the infinite speed.

The intensity of such knowledge is hard to come by!

Within the infinite speed, Sun Hao’s face was a little red.

To be honest, Sun Hao did not expect that the difficulty of driving the infinite speed will be so great that he almost failed to deliver the intended position.

I have to use some strength next time.

I don’t know why the unscrupulous leader has been horrified that someone can drive the infinite speed of the grandson. (To be continued.)

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