Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1147: Magical Speed ​​Car (2)

After the variation of the great white shark in the ancient North Sea, the ability is extremely terrifying. It can control the ice in the glacier to form a bursting ice spear, which can control the ice cone and form a locking attack. ▽○--`-`---`-`-

After the water rises, the great white shark is also very flexible. In the glacier, it swims freely, and it is very fast. It sinks into the ice water. When the dorsal fins are shaken, it can be shocked. The **** mouth is big and the teeth are shaking. The ability to fight is also heart-rending.

The ice wall erected by the monastic monk can also be bitten by the great white shark, chewing in the mouth like chewing sugar.

Whether it is the mysterious ice spear or the great white shark's teeth, it has full penetration ability, and the ordinary defense can't resist it.

It is very difficult to fight the great white shark. If you are not careful, it will break through the defense and attack the body of the monk.

Fortunately, there is a magical speedless speeding car on the scene.

Every time, when the great white shark breaks through the defense of the disciples of the Holy Palace, it will cause effective killing.

The infinite speed will always be right, just right, so that the great white shark will return.

The unscrupulous commander has been completely speechless. Simply leaning against the speeding car, falsely snoring, this matter has nothing to do with him. The speeder appears in that direction. The great white shark attacks the flying car, and the flying car does not attack the great white shark. That is all. The rule does not seem to limit it either?

The infinite flying dragonfly lay on the ground, quietly blinking halfway, and the heart actually had a sense of crisis. Madame, this speeding car can't move without leaving the blind, and the unscrupulous master should not unload and kill it?

Without the worries of defense, the monks of the Holy Palace gradually gained the upper hand. ○--`-``-`--

The great white shark couldn't fight for a long time, and he was angry and sullen. He sank into the bottom of the sea and rushed up again. After a battle, he was invincible by a speedless vehicle. He could not sneak into the ice water in time and ran aground on the ice.

Sword Musou and Xia Qingyu took the opportunity to explode.

Sword unparalleled Wan Jian returned to one, Xia Qingyu red 缨 gun off the hand. A sword and a shot, the life blasted a pair of dead white fish sharks.

The great white shark screamed into the sea and fled.

But did not escape far, in the ice water. A large piece of nearly transparent silkworms appeared on the wounds of their eyes. In less than a moment, the huge white sharks of the whole body were already like mulberry leaves, and they were eaten by the silkworms. Another meeting, just in front of everyone's eyes, the great white shark completely turned into a skeleton and sank into the sea.

The ice silkworms, who have eaten the great white sharks, have not waited for the monks to start, and they have become transparent, disappearing into the ice water, and disappearing.

The underground glacier world seems to be the vastness of the North Sea in the past, and there are still many hidden North Sea animals like the great white shark. ◇○◇`-`-```-

Xia Qingyu’s brows were deeply wrinkled.

In this case, you have to find and pay for the ancient silkworm. I am afraid that it is very difficult.

Moreover, the infinite amount of flying cockroaches will not be dead, but it can also give you an early warning, but it will undoubtedly greatly reduce the efficiency of everyone looking for ice worms.

After the variation of the ancient silkworm, many changes have taken place. For example, a large number of ice silkworms appearing in glaciers are undoubtedly hatched by the ancient silkworms. Once these silkworms find a monk, they will be terrible.

foreseeable. If the ancient silkworms cannot be eliminated in time, the ice and snow world will face the catastrophe.

The great white shark disappeared, and the unscrupulous face of the face also showed a faint look, with a pair of eyes. A big drink: "Stupid, get up and do things, if you can't find the big bug, be careful, I will stew your whip..."

The infinite flying scorpion scared a big jump, just afraid of the unscrupulous master to unload and kill, now upgraded into a stew whip. This is really a matter of life and death.

I didn’t dare to neglect, I’m flying, I’m running around, and I’m pulling up the infinite speed. In my mouth: “Ah, oh...” In the long scream, pull up the speeding car, fly on the ice, and rush into the glacier. Among them.

The attraction of soy flour, the pressure of the whip being stewed, fully stimulated the potential of the cornice.番○茄☆Fiction Network △▽△-`-`-`--```-

The infinite speed of the car turned into a shadow, flying Mercedes.

Xia Qingyu and other holy monks closely follow, in the glaciers, advancing.

Many times, after their shadows rushed past, on the ice of the place, there will be a giant beast in the sea breaking through the ice, leaping and then falling heavily on the ice.

Among the chilly glaciers, I rushed for more than three hours, and the infinite speed brakes a sudden stop, stopping at a huge glaciers.

The cockroach slammed into the ground and fell to the ground again.

The unscrupulous long eyes flashed a flash of light: "You are careful with your friends, and the ancient silkworm is nearby."

No need for unscrupulous reminders, the surrounding environment has made the monks feel different.

The atmosphere is quite depressed, as if the glacier oppressed everyone.

Cold and biting, Xue Rujie, Xue Ru and men's faces appeared flushed, but the lips were trembled lightly, even if they were disciples of the Holy Palace, they could not bear the cold.

Under the glacier, there are still strange sea waters that are not frozen, but there is a thin layer of ice fog on the sea surface above the sea.番▽茄小说网▽△`-````-

There are silky hoarfrost on the monks who have the body of the gods.

Occasionally exhaled, but also formed an icicle directly in the air, frozen in the air, does not fall.

The entire space seems to have been frozen.

Xia Qingyu knows the movement, the monastic monk is fast-moving, holding a long sword, floating on the ice and slowly moving, while waiting for it, he began to explore everywhere, trying to find the location of the ancient silkworm.

Wangu ice silkworm, full body transparent, is likely to be near everyone.

However, when it comes to this place, the monk can not feel its specific position except to feel the ultimate cold.

In other words, the monks can only be beaten passively.

Among the infinite speeds, Wei Bing’s teeth trembled and trembled and said: “Small men and men, the ancient silkworms have changed in any way, there are always some living habits that are difficult to change. I have some special mulberry leaves here, which should have some effects. Look, can you seduce it..."

After that, the wrists were shaken, and a huge, mulberry-like leaf flew to Xueru.

Wei Bing once again said: "Little man, you use the cold ice, you can see the mulberry leaves to see the difference..."

Xue Ru's face was blushing, and he could not stab Wei Bing's two swords, but he also couldn't help but catch the mulberry leaves.

According to Wei Bing, the real yuan spit and hit the page of Mulberry.

When the mulberry leaves are shaken, there are bursts of fine lines on the page, which seem to be waves, and they are transmitted outwards.

Sun Hao’s heart, a slight movement, this mulberry leaf is not so much a leaf, it is more like a special symbol, I did not expect this Wei Bing, but there are some means.

Under normal circumstances, the spirit of this age of the ancient silkworm has already had considerable wisdom, and the instinct has been able to control itself.

If Wei Bing this mulberry leaf has no special function, I am afraid that there will be no special effect in the end.

Wei Bing's heart, at this time is also playing drums, carefully asked: "Boss, you are not reliable in this stuff? Do not figure out the performance, and then drop the impression."

Hao Anyi’s voice came over: “Reassure, my mulberry leaf is refining the weaknesses of both the ancient silkworm and the evil spirits. If this character can’t make it appear, then you can only wait. Suddenly attacked it..."

The mulberry leaves rippled out, and there was a reaction immediately near the silent glaciers.

On the ice, there was a small bulge, and a large number of transparent ice silkworms broke out from the ice. It seemed to be a food-like meal, and it kept squirming in the direction of the mulberry leaf.

In less than a moment, a dense layer of ice silkworms has appeared on the ice.

However, these ice silkworms seem to be strongly restrained, and they did not rush to the mulberry leaves, but they were a little flustered and squirming on the ice.

The ripples of the mulberry leaves finally swayed over the huge glaciers.

The glacier seems to move. Then the glaciers are half empty, and a pair of blue eyes are open, and they look at the mulberry leaves. In the eyes, they have deep desires and deep jealousy.

The desire from the ancient silkworm instinct comes from the jealousy of evil spirits.

Wei Bing judged very correctly. This silkworm was indeed a variant of the evil spirits invading the ancient silkworm. At this time, I felt the mulberry leaf symbol, the silky compulsory call from the original owner Hao Anyi, and my heart stirred up. Not willing and jealous.

The ice elders' eyes are bright: "Come out, everyone is careful, ready to fight."

On the glacier, a bang, like a large drop, fell on the ice. In an instant, the ice seemed to be a lot higher than the original. The only difference is that this piece of ice has A pair of blue eyes.

Near the blue eyes, left and right sides, several pairs of sword-shaped dorsal fins also broke out of the ice, four or five pairs of dead gray fish eyes, also exposed the ice.

噗噗噗 ...... The surrounding ice surface 6 continues to break open. In an instant, the monks are now, their own surroundings, already dense, all kinds of sea beasts with weak strength.

Look at it. (To be continued.)

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