Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1156: Blood stasis

(Thank you for the happy old prince of Dao, the reward of the dragon's eye, the 20th, and Bo Yao continue to work hard, and recommend friends to watch the new book "Feng Xian" in June)

There is no doubt that Sun Hao’s situation is extremely difficult.

The increasingly viscous bloody, the monks in the infinite speed are shocking.

Xia Qingyu has closed her eyes and started to practice on her own, but the unstable breathing makes people feel it. At this moment, her mood is not calm.

Among the flying cars, all the monks who watched Sun Hao had such a thought in their hearts, but those who have great powers must have their own superiority.

Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang looks like a smile, it is like a spring breeze, very elegant, but in the bones, it has the incomparable toughness of ordinary monks.

After more than two months of time, Sun Hao’s unremitting efforts finally saw the effect.

Originally, the infinitely flying car was wrapped tightly by layers of heavy water. It was squeezed in heavy water in all directions. If it was not a special property of the flying car, it would be replaced with other flying magic weapons, and it might have been squeezed into a pastry.

But now, after heavy water has been absorbed by Sun Hao again and again, unconsciously, the infinite speed has become a soaking state, and the roof of the flying car has already revealed heavy water.

That is to say, if you just came in, the ancient silkworm is a heavy water, then now, the heavy water in its stomach has been canceled by Sun Hao sucking a big cut.

The monks looked at the knees all the time, the arms and legs showed the white bones, and the face was a little pale. Sun Hao, while admiring the heart, but also very curious, so much heavy water, and more than two yuan of heavy water, Sun Hao in the end What did you get?

Or, what kind of mysterious secrets Sun Hao is practicing, can actually digest so much heavy water.

At this moment, Sun Hao body. A huge change is taking place.

Hard and refining for more than a month. Sun Hao’s progress is enormous.

First of all, as Sun Hao expected, the side effects of refining and refining heavy water and practicing the water cycle were revealed. Sun Hao’s refining and repairing has made tremendous progress.

Neptune's magical powers are very rare to catch up, and the amount of heavy water refining and refining after the formation of the true gas nourishing. The water attribute of the Neptune's spiritual cultivation has advanced by leaps and bounds. Under the magical adjustment of the five elements of the wheel, the Sun Wuqie four attribute exercises have been pursued. Also reached the beginning of Yuan Ying Zhenjun.

In other words, just over a month. Sun Hao once again promoted a practice of practice to the level of Zhenjun.

This achievement, if you say it, absolutely envied a large number of monks. It is impossible to exclaim.

Usually, even if you have the experience of being promoted. You don't need to break through the bottleneck, you don't need to get through the meridian Yuan Yingzhen, you have to practice a practice from the foundation period to the Yuan Ying period. Not a few hundred years can not do it.

The magical auxiliary effect of the five elements of the wheel is evident.

Sun Hao's own qualifications are not good, but along the way, triumphantly, in fact, the real fundamental, or the five elements of the wheel.

Perhaps there is nothing wrong with this spiritual decision, but there is no doubt that this spirit is still the root of Sun Hao’s life and the roots of Tianbo.

Sun Hao cultivated Sanweiyuan baby fire, and realized the first taste of refining and chemical, after the human touch, did not continue to refine the second taste of medicine, but instead cultivated the round water decision, the root cause, in fact, because the round water has a rapid increase The magical side effects of refining.

The cultivation of Sanweiyuan baby fire, refining the human touch, Sun Hao Jin Yuan Yuan did not have a bottleneck in the mid-term, now, Sun Hao’s plan is very simple, is to use the powerful role of the water-based decision to repair his own refining gas to the yuan quickly In the middle of the baby.

If you can get what you want, you can advance to the middle of the Yuan Ying, that is to say, Sun Hao only spent less than a hundred years, from the early Yuan Zhen, the true monarch, once again crossed the other monks hundreds or even thousands of years can not be completed. The course of cultivation.

The five attributes of the real yuan arrived in the early days of Yuan Ying, and it was already the wish to complete Sun Hao’s first cultivation goal.

Next, the direction of Sun Hao's cultivation is to continue to refine the massive amount of heavy water, and go hand in hand with the five attributes.

Of course, after the refinery and heavy water in the early stage, although the second huge achievement was also harvested.

At this time, Sun Hao’s right kidney has also undergone tremendous changes.

Absorbed a large number of heavy water properties, the entire right kidney became a few laps larger than the left kidney, and the whole body became a heavy blue color.

The coldness of the silk continues to overflow from the right kidney.

Under the internal view, in the crystal clear blue of the right kidney, you can also see the tiny blood vessels of pale gold, the blood vessels, the pale gold of the blood, and the source of the blue water. Walk around.

The two elements of the wood-hearted stone and the ruthlessness of the earth are still greatly suppressed by the formation of the right kidney. The true element of the Yuan Ying Zhenjun is an important support for Sun Hao to continue to refine the heavy water.

The ability to refine and refine heavy water determines an important condition for the quality of the water that Sun Hao can produce.

Therefore, as long as there is enough water, Sun Hao will do his utmost to refine the body as much as possible until he reaches his true limit.

In the process of refining and refining heavy water, the peculiar heavy water environment and the difficult refining process have also created a very unexpected harvest for Sun Hao.

That is the cultivation of the body, and in this refining, there is a miraculous change.

The pale gold of the blood of the life has been slowly driven in vitro, and the proud and sacred spirits of the sacred spirits borrowed the powerful force of heavy water and constantly tempered the body of Sun Hao.

Sun Hao has already become a battlefield in the extreme heavy water environment, and has been greatly strengthened and cultivated.

Unconsciously, Sun Hao still has a good body surface, golden, as if it is a gold-plated body, and can occasionally appear a faint cyan.

Like the black iron, the cyan color with the cool color of the silk, occasionally flashed past.

This is a very unexpected one. It exceeds the expected harvest of Sun Hao. Unconsciously, Sun Hao’s refining practice has gone further and reached the critical point of this world. The golden warfare is perfect.

The appearance of blue color means that Sun Hao’s body began to transform into the ancient iron battle body.

Although there is no experiment, Sun Hao knows in his heart that his physical strength, physical strength, and especially resistance to various powerful spells have been greatly improved.

If you can really cultivate into the ancient iron battle body, then Sun Hao will complete a real life transition that breaks through the critical point of this boundary. Don’t look at the difference between the ancient iron and the black iron, but there are several differences in the middle. grade.

The enormous incomparable cultivation effect is not only reflected in all directions of strength, strength, etc., but more importantly, once ancient iron, the various spells of this monk will be invalid to Sun Hao, and the body of the body can also be hard. Anti-monk's life is flying, it is one of the limits of this world.

Of course, the great golden transition to the ancient iron warfare is also not easy. Sun Hao is not likely to step into the sky. It also requires a long-term cultivation. It also needs a huge opportunity to change from quantitative to qualitative. Within this world, can Sun Hao It’s really a matter of cultivation.

For more than a month in heavy water, one of Sun Hao’s most unexpected changes is the most significant change, and it still appears in the slow-driven blood of the body.

Under the unremitting drive of the arrogant spirit of the arrogant gods, Sun Hao’s blood in vitro was unconscious, and there were some changes that Sun Hao did not anticipate.

If these bloods are within Sun Hao's body, this change will not happen.

But the blood is outside the body, but also bears the boundless pressure of water, the instinct of self-protection, and Sun Hao Aoyu's help, but let them drive, and persisted.

However, it is in the process of this drive.

Under the pressure of great pressure, even Sun Hao did not expect it. These bloods began to merge with the gods unconsciously, forming a peculiar essence between the gods and the blood.

At the beginning, the formation of the fine, so that Sun Hao just felt his different.

But then Hao was pleasantly surprised to recall a very important slogan.

From the Satsuma heritage, relative to Sun Hao's current cultivation realm is still very high-end, Sun Hao has not yet cultivated the intention of the slightest.

That is, the magical law, the practice of three heads and six arms.

The strange and exquisite, after Sun Hao carefully realized, finally confirmed that this is actually the first step of the "three-headed and six-armed" practice of meditation: "the blood and blood."

Blood stasis, sputum into the law.

The law is born, and the strength doubles.

Stable and stable surprise, Sun Hao is very difficult in the heavy water, and began to drive the fine line in accordance with the "three heads and six arms" running route of the magical law, slowly walking.

Among the infinitely speeding vehicles, the monks who have been paying attention to Sun Hao have been surprised to find that the sticky blood halo outside Sun Hao’s body has gradually become a very strange shape.

A strange **** "three heads and six arms" gradually formed in heavy water. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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