Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1157: Can’t stop

Strange bloody, three heads and six arms.

Of course, on the three heads, the five senses are not clear, the six arms are formed, but the size is not very regular.

The white elder pointed at the blood very strangely and said, "What is this?"

With the accumulation of the Ice and Snow Palace, there is no record of Sun Hao’s current state.

Of course, the mainland has been inherited for thousands of years, and various cultivation systems have emerged in an endless stream. The mystery is more numerous, and it is normal to recognize Sun Hao.

It is unscrupulous and long, watching Sun Hao's bloody, his face is cloudy and uncertain, as if he remembered something, but it seems that he is not sure, shaking his head from time to time.

The white elders could not recognize it, and other monks could not recognize it.

However, when Sun Hao’s three-headed and six-armed blood came out, the speed of sucking heavy water increased suddenly, and after sucking heavy water, there was no more blood and blood splash.

In other words, the bloodyness of these three heads and six arms should have a powerful function beyond everyone's cognition.

Can make Sun Hao in the frosty heavy water of the Wan Gutian silkworm, the more powerful and secretive technique, Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang really is the chance.

Wei Xinbing also couldn't recognize this, but Hao Anyi recognized it with great horror.

Wei Bing only heard Hao Anyi screaming loudly: "Faith magical powers, it is actually a magical power of the Fa, relying on this, there is actually a magical inheritance of the Fas in this world, actually still in the world, is there a mistake?"

Wei Bing curiously asked: "Boss, what is the magical power of the Fa? Is it very powerful?"

Hao Anyi: "I don't know if you said it. Let's talk to you. After Yuan Ying, go up two major steps and refine the gods. You can cultivate the magical law."

Wei Xinbing really didn't understand it, but it didn't hinder his performance. He coughed and saw all the monks in the car looked at himself. Wei Xinbing said slowly and deeply: "After careful thinking, combined with various classical I think. Aquilaria is now cultivated, it is likely to be in the ancient legends, lost, the extremely rare supernatural powers in this world.

Compared with Wei Xinbing, who really knows nothing, within the Holy Palace. However, there are indeed the scales of the magical law. The snow frown is wrinkled and said with no mercy: "No. The records of the classics are only ancient and powerful. The world has long since disappeared..."

Wei Bing smiled and didn't speak, but he asked: "Boss, do you judge this?" Give me reason to shock my little boy..."

Did not wait for Hao Anyi to Wei Wei to find reasons. The unscrupulous leader has already spoken, and the character is Hu Yiqiao. The unscrupulous leader said: "Wei Daoyou said that the secret technique of agarwood cultivation is indeed the magical law. You see, among the three heads and six arms, blood and blood, like blood, the three heads are gradually forming, and the mighty King Kong This is the basic criterion for the magical law..."

Among the infinite speed cars, the birds are silent.

The mainland monk, on behalf of someone.

Each has been in the air for hundreds of years.

Undoubtedly, among the monks of this generation, Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang is the leader who has no objection and is the leader.

When everyone was still sighing for the strong fighting power of Sun Hao Sun Shen Xiang, he found that he actually cultivated the inheritance that has gone far beyond everyone's cognition.

The magical law, the law and the world.

When the law comes out, who is fighting.

After a half-sound, the unscrupulous leader continued: "From the current point of view, the agarwood is unclear, only the outline, the size of the six arms is different, that is, I do not know how many weapons can increase the effect, I do not know what some magical ability... ..."

The scene is still silent.

After half a ring, Xue Rujie said everyone's voice: "In any case, Shen Xiang adults can cultivate into the unique magical law of this world. In the future, the strength will inevitably surpass the same level. I now feel that perhaps, Shen Xiang adults will one day , will become the peerless power of 'five no repairs'!"

The scene is calm again.

Wei Bing said to himself, "I think it is that Shen Xiang’s achievements in the future may be beyond the five."

Sun Hao, who has been immersed in cultivation, does not know that his own magical law has already shocked the monks within the speeding car.

At this time, Sun Hao’s cultivation also entered a critical moment.

At the same time that the magical law is in the first place, and the bloodyness shows three heads and six arms, Sun Hao’s overall strength has increased by 30%.

With the accumulation of Sun Hao, 30% improvement, extraordinary, and the pressure of heavy water is no longer a problem for Sun Hao, and the speed of heavy water is greatly increased.

The power of Shen Xiangjian has increased greatly, and the amount of heavy water that has collapsed has also increased.

The water turns into a fast rotation digestion.

The frosty heavy water accumulated in the Wan Gutian silkworm in thousands of years has been swallowed by Sun Hao whales and turned into Sun Hao’s chance.

The five-element refining method absorbs the infuriating gas after heavy water refining and refining, and grows rapidly.

Sun Hao, who had no bottleneck in the initial training of Yuan Ying, refines his temper.

A month has passed.

The number of heavy ice water has been going down more than half. Everyone has been able to see the bottom of heavy water. When you can see the white silk of the ancient silkworms, Sun Hao’s body, the five attributes of the real yuan have been Qi Qi from the beginning of Zhenjun, and entered the early stage of great perfection.

In other words, Sun Hao reached the peak of the early Yuan Ying, and only need to continue to promote his own refining, and he can step into the sky and cross the early stage.

Only at this time, Sun Hao’s refinement of the waters began to appear a problem.

Because of the advice of Qinglao, Sun Hao turned to heavy water and only rounded the right kidney.

In the Wan Gutian silkworm body, after Sun Hao absorbed a large amount of heavy water, the origin of the water property of the right kidney has almost reached its apex. The whole right kidney is blue and crystal clear, like a glass, and the five elements of the wheel are also a little uncontrollable to generate water spirit. Roots.

The pressure of the wooden heart stone is extremely strong, but it is also a bit of a strong source of water properties.

It’s a bit of a real feeling.

The promotion of the five elements of the wheel has also met the needs of the rotation of the water.

Sun Hao even has the feeling that if he is now driving the five elements of the wheel, even if only the accumulation of the right kidney, the water roots that he turns into should not be too bad, and it is very likely that he can have a level with his own soil.

Of course, in this case, Sun Hao’s left kidney is naturally affected by heavy water, assimilated by the heavy water source of the right kidney, and the two kidneys produce the same characteristics.

There is a deviation from the original intention of Qinglao, which is slightly different.

Turning to such a degree, Sun Hao can actually start working.

However, when Sun Hao was ready to work, he found that he could not stop.

The **** blood around him is also the initial manifestation of the magical law. It is entangled with the heavy water in the silkworm, and it is difficult to peel off.

Moreover, without the use of Sun Hao, the supernatural power system still ingests some heavy water into the Dantian of Sun Hao at a slow speed, and has the posture of not digesting the heavy water in the ancient silkworm.

The water attribute is constantly flowing into the right kidney.

Sun Hao has tried his best to drive the real yuan in the body and desperately suppress it.

However, the more the frosty water reaches the bottom, the more abundant the energy, the more pure the water attribute is. The grandson looks at his right kidney constantly, as if it is a heart, shivering, every trembling, Unleashed a cold breath, the atmosphere is getting stronger and stronger, and it is necessary to break through the blockade of the real yuan and automatically complete the round water decision.

The old man has to turn his own kidneys into a different kind of water, which is inevitable.

Just like the two lungs, two different generations, the feeling will make Sun Hao more means, although the role of the magnetic gold lung has not yet been developed, but after all, it will shine a day.

But now, Sun Hao can only regret a little.

There are too many heavy waters, and I can’t withdraw myself. I’m afraid that I have to live and reproduce to create a spiritual root.

The monk practice is really ridiculous.

The cold breath is more and more from the right kidney, and the whole right kidney is filled. Even the fire attribute method is also mobilized by Sun Hao to form a pressure end and increase the suppression force.

But still can't suppress it.

Seeing the cold atmosphere will break through, and when the rotation produces the water root, the voice of the old man is again heard: "Xiao Hao, Yuan Ying shot, fighting against the sky, can be the foundation of the world."

In the heart of Sun Hao’s heart, knowing the sea, Yuan Ying, who is sitting cross-legged, swayed his body, and his mind was everywhere, and he had already arrived in the right kidney.

Yuan Ying is the embodiment of Sun Hao's spirit. In the body of Sun Hao, if there is nothing, it can be obtained anywhere.

After arriving at the right kidney, he said nothing, the stick in his hand, the stick of the **** sticks condensed on the Yuan Ying, and went straight to the top, inserted into the right kidney.

Like the twisting sea, the needle of the sea is inserted. The right kidney of Sun Hao is violently slammed, and the water property of the hair is coming back, crouching in the right kidney and calming down. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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