Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1180: Weak water trail

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Within the hall, Sun Hao was not in a hurry and took out his third gift: "The third ceremony, an iceberg snow lotus."

In a box, a white lotus flower is placed.

Seeing this lotus flower, the body of Xiaoyu Feitian could not help but shake it gently. His hands were arched to Sun Hao, and he once again sighed and said loudly: "Agarwood has a heart, thank you for the incense."

Sun Hao smiled as if, and his hands slowly pushed forward: "Please also fly the Tiandao friends to laugh."

Xiaoyu Feitian stretched out his hands, and if he got the treasure, he gently took the brocade box and took a long breath. Then he solemnly said to Sun Hao: "Agarwood is great, and the heavens are full of feelings." heart."

In the empty tower of the condensate, Luo Xiaoxiao’s mouth whispered again: “A snow lotus is only there, there are more in the owner’s tower. What happened to this old man? It seems that the little flower is worth more than my terror vest.”

Eight-armed Bao Ketu smiled and said: "As the saying goes, things are rare, you don't look at where Qi Tianzong is? This is the desert, the desert that can heat people, and the practice of their cultivation is mostly masculine. However, it is urgently needed to reconcile things with ice and cold, but where do you let them go to find the cold stuff? The boss of this iceberg snow lotus is coming at the right time, although the leather vestments are good, but for them, there is absolutely no iceberg. Snow Lotus can see direct benefits like this..."

Luo charm nosed a tower: "Speaking, or not knowing the goods."

After accepting the three values ​​of Sun Hao, even the guest can not say the gift, the Qitian Hall, the atmosphere is much better.

After Qi Tianzong took away his three gifts, Sun Hao said that he did not panic and talked about his own needs: "Flying Heavenly Friends, Aquilaria came here, but there are two goals, and it may be necessary. Friends help."

Xiaoyu Feitian said with a smile: "Agarwood, although said, is within the scope of ability. It is incumbent."

Sun Hao nodded: "The first goal of Shen Xiang to the desert is to ask Da Yu for a kiss. Now it has been approved by Gui Guizong. Thank you. Shen Xiang came to the desert this time, and one more thing is to find the legend in the desert. Weak water. To complete the cultivation of a mystery, I don’t know if there are records of weak waters, and how to collect them. If so, can you let Aquilaria look?"

Weak water?

The Qitian monks looked at each other and could see the surprise in each other's eyes. Many Jindan real people even thought that they could find a big desert by looking for water. Have you made a mistake?

Don't know if the desert is short of water?

However, the expressions of the three true emperors of the sects tell them that Sun Haosun and Shen Xiang are really not mistaken. The legendary weak water, maybe it is not necessarily from the desert.

Qi Tian can gently say: "I have a classic record of 'eight hundred streams of sand. Three thousand weak water depth'. In the past, my ancestors did appear to have been recorded by weak water. However, it is already a very long time. Whether the legend is true or not is really difficult to study."

Xiaoyu’s tiger also whispered: “I have seen Zongmen’s related records. The captain’s guided the weak water to Heli, and the ripples into the quicksand’. However, it is also a far-off classical, some of which are now It is not known where the reference is made, but according to the records of the classics, the place where the weak water is born is afraid of being associated with the quicksand."

Sun Hao has just rescued Qi Tianzong, and he has already admired Qi Tian. When he was invited to the ceremony, he let Qi Tian’s monks see Sun Hao’s arrogance. At this moment, they did not hide their own secrets. Sun Hao analyzed and looked for clues to weak water.

Xiaoyu Feitian also said: "I have seen such a phrase 'weak water out of Zhangye', it should be named the source of weak water, and I have seen the 'weak water three thousand records recorded by classical books. I only take one drink. 'That means that at that time, there were really monks who found three thousand weak waters, but this monk only took a scoop for various reasons, that is to say, there should be a lot of weak water residue."

According to various indications, there is indeed a record of weak water in the vast desert of Qitian area, and the number should be quite large.

Moreover, the region in which it appears is also somewhat characteristic. Although ancient place names are no longer testable, several times of weak water will be accompanied by quicksand, but it gives Sun Hao a general direction for exploration.

From the sword unparalleled, Sun Hao has found a direction to explore the weak water "mirage", now, in Qi Tianzong, Sun Hao once again found a direction of exploration: "sand."

In other words, as long as Sun Hao finds the desert sands that often appear in the mirage, it is really possible to find where the weak water is.

After thinking about it, Sun Hao said with a hand: "Flying Heavenly Friends, Shen Xiang wants to enter the Tibetan Buddhist Scriptures, and check some terrain information. I wonder if it is appropriate?"

Xiaoyu Feitian laughed: "This is naturally no problem. Agarwood needs to check what, even if it is to see, chemical library, chemical library, you come up..."

Inside the room, Xiaoyu Huaku said to the Mujia brothers in a spirited manner: "The old man is recruiting, I am going up."

"Come on, come, grandfather, dear grandfather, you finally think of the small library." Xiaoyu Huakui drove the flying sword into the living room, and screamed in his mouth: "Small library is very moving!" ”

Xiaoyu Feitian’s face was slightly sunk, and he said awkwardly: “Small library, not rude, don’t you soon see Shenxiang adults?”

After that, Xiaoyu Feitian said to Sun Hao slightly: "Agarwood wants to go to the Tibetan Classics to study, let this kid give you a book boy, help you find a book, run errands, it should be very suitable."

Although the time is not long, Xiaoyu Feitian and other Qitian monks have basically figured out how Sun Hao came to the desert. He also knows that Sun Hao and Xiao Yuhua have come together all the way, and the relationship is still good. At the time, I intended to arrange the Xiaoyu Chemical Library to Sun Hao, but I hope he can make a good relationship with Sun Hao.

Xiaoyu Chemical Library looked at Sun Hao very exaggeratedly, and said loudly in his mouth: "Hey, Zhong Xiaohao, how do you run up yourself, this is not to let you wait more?"

Xiaoyu Feitian’s face sank: “No rude, nonsense, this is Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang, I have never seen Shen Xiang adults.”

Xiaoyu Chemical Library seems to reflect this in general, and he salutes Sun Hao, and cries in his mouth: "Small Kui sees Shen Xiang adults."

Sun Hao smiled lightly: "You don't have to be polite, along the way, thanks to the small library, afterwards, you need a small library to help me access some information, and I have to trouble you."

Seeing the familiar smile on Sun Hao’s face, Xiao Yuhua suddenly forgot the grandeur of Sun Hao’s fight against Yuan Ying Zhenjun. He said to Sun Hao with a smile on his hippie: “No trouble, no trouble. However, if you say that Aquila is the first person, Xiaoku will not meet each other for the first time."

Sun Hao has a slight glimpse, this guy, daring is not small.

Xiaoyu Feitian laughed and laughed. He flew up and kicked Xiaoyuhuaku directly. His face said a little red to Sun Hao: "The discipline is not strict, I laughed."

Sun Hao’s face showed a look of recollection, but his mouth said: “The flying buddies don’t have to care. The small library seems to let me see the grandfather, true love, but it’s not necessarily a good thing.”

Xiaoyu Feitian laughed: "Agarwood is really a lot of adults, and I know the beads, hahaha, well, let's go to the incense, the kid has gone to the Tibetan Classics, I will accompany you to check the information to see if you can roughly locate The location of the weak water, Agarwood, please."

"There are Laofeitiandao friends, please", Sun Hao smiled, followed Xiaoyu Feitian, and went directly to the ninth floor of Shacheng. The first floor was the place of Qitianzong's Tibetan Classics.

In the Tibetan Classical Court, not only is there a variety of cultivation practices of Qi Tianzong, but there are also many far-class classical books that record the changes and development of the Saokou Great Desert.

The purpose of Sun Hao is to find clues to weak water from these materials, and then find out enough weak water to complete his own round of water cultivation.

A few years ago, after Sun Hao turned to the right kidney and heavy water, cultivation suffered a bottleneck.

Right kidney frost cold ~ ~ refining repair can not be stuck.

The soul of the ancient silkworm has been turned into a soul bead, and the fourth soul can be turned, but because the whole body is not very good, and no suitable time for the soul is found.

Sanweiyuan baby fire's second big medicine, not the second taste, black dragon really inflammation, has also been suppressed in the Sui condensing empty tower, just wait for Sun Hao to complete the water, after the promotion, and then refining.

In other words, Sun Hao’s several major practices, on the occasion, were stuck in the weak water.

If you can find weak water and truly complete the round water decision, then waiting for Sun Hao will inevitably be a huge improvement in overall strength.

In the vast Tibetan Buddhist scriptures, it is not easy to find useful information for yourself. Sun Haojing came to the heart and, with the help of Xiaoyu Chemical and Mujia brothers, began to investigate one by one.

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