Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1181: Deterrence continent

Alone Better Together.

Shu Xiaohua Yu Kulai came to two helpers to help Sun Hao access the information.

The Mujia brothers are naturally willing to serve, Qitian Tibetan Classics, go in once, it is said that it requires a huge amount of contribution, many monks squeeze their heads and want to come still.

Sun Hao was also happy to see his achievements. After explaining the tasks to the three book children, he began to linger in the book of the Tibetan Classics.

Sun Hao has always liked to study.

Along the way, where to go, where to read.

Nowadays, I came to the desert and saw the exotic customs that are quite different from Qingyunmen. Sun Hao was sinking into the sea of ​​books without hesitation.

It is important to find weak water, but it is not urgent.

Need a little bit of slashing, and gradually check, and finally find some suspicious clues.

Sun Hao was sinking his heart and quietly went to study in the Tibetan scriptures of Qi Tianzong.

However, the storm that Sun Hao brought to the Southland was like a huge blue sky, and the entire South China monk was stunned and shocked.

There were many Zongmen who were paying close attention to the trend of Baihuamen and Qi Tianzong.

This is the focus of attention.

All the monks have always felt that the situation of Qi Tianzong is very inappropriate and very unsatisfactory.

Baihuamen joined the vertical and horizontal, recovering not only his own territory, but also the Qitianzong desert.

At this moment, the distant Qingyunmen did not react at all.

However, the one who was returned to Baihuamen was invited to go to the sky.

Just when all the sects believe that Qitian will have a catastrophe.

There was a shocking reversal in the battle.

After the Nanyang War, Sun Haosun, who disappeared from the scene, appeared in Qitiansha City just right.

Then, it is very scary.

Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang did not give the South China the right way to head, and returned to any face, the war did not take long, returning to a crane elder, the middle of the real king, the first fallen on the spot.

According to the news from the Grand Master of the Diandian, he was killed by Sun Haosun and Shen Xiang, and he was killed. It is like a fireworks bloom.

In the midst of the war. The Southern China’s leader, Yinhua Zhenjun, is not convinced that he is willing to bow down and admit defeat.

But at this time, Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang showed unwavering will, the will of the Xianban resolution.

Do not rely on it. No mercy.

Yuhua Zhenjun was on the spot.

Yinhua Zhenjun blew the white Huamen, Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang did not hurt.

Then burst the body of Yuan Ying. I didn’t know how to make Sun Haosun Shenxiang.

In the end, even the hidden secrets of Yuan Ying were also captured by Sun Hao Sun Shen Xiang, let the magic girl around them swallow.

Four yuan baby Zhenjun. In the middle of the two years, a strong four-year-old baby, such as the mid-term, was born in Qi Tianzong. Try to force the sky.

But the results are terrible.

Except for the extravagant, the atmosphere does not dare to breathe, nor dare to flee outside the grandeur of the squad. The other three, none of them escaped. Fallen on the spot.

It can be said that this is another big event that shocked the mainland after the South China Sea after the Nanyang War.

One-time fall of three true monarchs. Shocking the world.

In the end, the Grand Master of the dynasty followed the life of Sun Haosun and sent the battle report to the Quartet.

But on the road of morality, no one can blame Sun Haosun Shen Xiang for being too embarrassed, let alone that he is not a word.

Even after returning to one, there is no such thing as a grandiose stand up to denounce Sun Hao.

The reason is because Sun Haosun Shen Xiang used the lessons of blood here, and told the mainland parties with the fall of Zhenjun, his strong determination and actions to safeguard the interests of the ruins of the Tianzheng.

The Wuyue Cave near Wan Jianzong was brought to the forefront by the Grand Master of the Dianzheng. The original words of Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang: "In a hundred years, no sect can attack the patriarch of the Tianxu heroes. Otherwise, everyone Got it..."

At the beginning, I did not receive the Qitian war report. Wuyuedong did not agree with it. I felt that Sun Hao was too wide.

The grand master of the squadron went with a smile.

Three or five days later, the Qitian battle report was passed to Wuyuedong.

When the Wuyue Cave was up and down, it was a very lucky feeling. Fortunately, Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang went to the desert where he was alone.

If Sun Haosun Shen Xiang ran to Wan Jianzong, maybe the chicken that was killed at this time became a Wuyue Cave.

After carefully checking the accuracy of the battle report.

Wuyuedong issued a solemn statement, resolutely supported the resolution of the Xianban, and implemented the contents of the Xianban resolution without compromise.

And said, please Shen Xiang adults rest assured that the position of Wuyuedong is definitely much more correct than Baihuamen. It will never add to the incense of Shenxiang adults, and will never let Shenxiang adults worry.

In fact, after Bai Huamen was killed by Sun Hao by two true monarchs, the strength plummeted, Wuyuedong is also good, Wan Jianzong is also good, Qi Tianzong is also good, these close to Baihuamen’s sect, swallowing white Huamen’s site is too late, and there is really no need to do it.

Qingyunmen’s position in the South Chinaland was suddenly bullish, and the name of Sun Hao’s Sun Xiangxiang was a threat to southern Xinjiang.

The rise of Qingyunmen is unstoppable. Sun Haosun and Shen Xiang are unknowingly growing up to the point where they can fight against the dust.

Although I don't know who is going to be a dusty person and agarwood, but all the monks know that with the strength of Sun Shenxiang, even if it is the dust, it can get the upper hand, but don't think about how to make Sun Hao.

More crucially, from the perspective of development, the prospect of Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang is brilliant.

You must know that the current Sun Hao is just the beginning of the true king, has been able to sneak in against the dust, once he advanced to the middle, or even after the promotion of the monks?

Presumably, by then, it’s far from being an adversary to go to the dust.

A generation of newcomers have changed old people. Many top monks in the South China are even thinking about it. Is the Southland going from the era of dust removal to the age of agarwood?

More monks are also waiting to see, and there are also expectations.

Sun Hao, who is looking forward to the rapid growth, can go back to the dust and stage a terrible battle.

However, what disappointed the monks was that they had remained silent for this incident. There was no explanation or notification. It seems that returning to the crane is not a monk, but calm.

Of course, the calm appearance of the original, but not calm at this time.

Going back to the field, he went back to the dust and sat down on his knees. He said in his mouth: "The war report is not bad. The crane has indeed fallen into Qitian. His life brand has been completely broken."

His next head, still sitting on a few monks, one of the openings asked: "Sister, do you want to go to the crane to avenge? Brother, a word, I immediately went to encircle Sun Hao, I do not believe that he has three heads and six arms, can Can't stop our brother."

Going to the dust and dusting, he said: "The enemy must be reported. No one can hurt me to belong to a monk and be safe and sound. However, the mystery of this practice has reached a critical moment. In three or five years, I will be able to complete it. Now I can't leave it alone, but the strength of the younger brothers is a bit weaker. The revenge can only be said later."

Several younger brothers looked at each other and said, "I wish the brothers a great success, and I will return to the South China continent."

The dusty people put on a dusty voice and said in their mouths: "Many of the younger brothers and brothers, and the younger brothers, please also explain and constrain the disciples under the door. Don’t fight for the moment. We come to Japan and we owe it to one. of."

The teachers below all said "good" in unison, and then they retire.

Until the teachers and brothers were completely gone, among the smoke, the face that had returned to the dust surface showed a strange smile. A black line slowly spread from the forehead and slowly penetrated into the snowy white. Inside.

Sun Hao, who concentrated on accessing information, also received various information from Qi Tianzong.

Sure enough, as expected, there was no monk who smothered the three Yuan Ying Zhenjun and pointed himself. He stood on the moral and blocked the long mouth, and the strength of those who did not obey was also well-behaved. Wuyuedong even quietly evacuated the occupied territory.

These are all expected by Sun However, here, what makes Sun Hao feel a little surprised is the attitude of returning to one.

It is normal for a singer to stand up and blame Sun Hao, or to stand up and clear up the relationship, but nothing has been done, which makes Sun Hao’s heart vigilant.

As the saying goes, the dog that is not called is the dog that bites people. It is such a state that Sun Hao’s heart is slightly uneasy.

However, the amount of information in the hands is too small, and Sun Hao can't judge the dynamics of one.

Soon, some traces of weak water were sorted out, and Sun Hao needed to start checking the suspicious terrain one by one.

There are three types of suspicious terrain, one has large quicksand, the other has mirages, and the other is both.

Sun Hao believes that the terrain that should be both is the area where the weakest water is most likely to occur.

However, after half a year of investigation, I did not find a geographical area that both have. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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