Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1183: Strange feeling

The two core points are actually the place where the monks gather. This is a bit different from what Sun Hao expected.

Sun Hao thinks that weak water is likely to be hidden at these two core points, otherwise it will not cover such a huge area.

But now it seems that this is not the case.

Although I could not find the true trace of weak water, I inferred from all kinds of clues.

In the desert, there should be weak water to survive, and it is in this area.

More analysis, not as good as the actual view.

Sun Hao told Xiaoyu Feitian, and then rushed to the first suspected location with Xiaoyu Huaku and Mujia brothers.

Sun Hao still can't vacate the body, and it is a waste to find the Jindan monk to lead the way.

In addition, Sun Hao really needs to understand the state of mind of the lower-level monks, and give himself a little more taste. On the way, he is talking and laughing with Xiaoyu Huaku and Mujia brothers, and get along very well.

Among the yellow sands, the four people went to the sword.

In less than a month, I have seen a huge sand dune far away, like a small boat in the desert.

Around the dunes, there was no death, no creatures. Under the scorching sun, the sand on the sand dunes radiated a dazzling golden glow.

“This is the boat”, Xiaoyu Huaku pointed to the huge sand dunes and said: “Original, there used to be some gerbils, sandworms and even tigers that feed on sand. With the development of the monks, the resources here have been collected, and slowly there are few monks to visit..."

Entering the land of the boat, Sun Hao’s heart could not help but move gently. In the right kidney, the grain that had always been a bit faintly painful was completely quiet. It was like a boat on the ground, with an inexplicable heat, in the warmth. Sun Hao. Let the coldness of the right kidney no longer occur.

Then. Does it mean that weak water is on this boat?

But why did the kitten dark blue have no reaction at all?

Gaia has been hugged by Sun Hao, and the small fire has stood on Sun Hao’s shoulder.

The heat of the hot sun made Gaia not very comfortable, but he was born in a small fire in the mountains. It is very pleasant.

In the heart, the small fire also conveyed to Sun Hao a signal: "Nothing found."

The feeling of one's own body cannot be faked. Ke Gaia has no sense at all, but Sun Hao is a bit confused. Why is this so?

Sun Hao thinks about this in his heart. Xiaoyu Chemical Library has organized the Mujia brothers to start exploring the terrain according to Sun Hao’s prior instructions.

Soon after. Xiaoyu Chemical Library said loudly: "Agarwood adults, here are quicksands."

Sun Hao stunned his sword and flew over. But found that on the sand surface of a sand dune. Wood's strong legs have already fallen in, and his entire body has squatted on the sand. Let yourself sink more slowly.

The quicksand in the desert is not a big threat to the foundation-based monks. Wood is so strong that he just wants Sun Hao to see the quicksand.

In the direction of the quicksand, several people began to explore the surroundings quickly, but they actually found a large area of ​​quicksand.

In other words, don't look at the high altitude and the hot sun, but in the sand dunes below, there are still many places where the sand has maintained a considerable amount of water, otherwise the area of ​​the quicksand will not be so large.

However, the data and classics record that in the desert, there is not much rain in the year to come, and where does the water in the quicksand come from?

In the process of exploration, it was like the introduction of the Xiaoyu Chemical Library. They were attacked by sandworms more than once, but these sandworms were directly pinched by the Sun Hao in the sand. Shape is not a threat.

When the land of Qiu, four people explored for four or five days, they could not find anything.

The water that can make sand into sand dunes is amazing, but it is not with the weak water. Sun Hao has not been able to find traces of weak water.

Five days later, Sun Hao said: "Go, let's go to Changbei."

Changbei is a trading house city, which is aimed at the class of the foundation-based monks, and the Xiaoyuhuaku and others are coming from the sword. It does not attract much attention from the market. At most, the bosses of those shops are screaming hard. A few scorpions, I hope that the new monks can patronize their own shop.

Fangzhou City is actually a small sand city built on the back of a sand dune. There are some basic arrays to resist the invasion of sand.

The monks of Changbeisha City may have been operating for a long time. Some desert plants that Sun Hao does not know are planted inside. They are quite lush, so Xiaoyuhuaku said that Changbai is a small oasis.

After entering Changbei, Sun Hao discovered that the strange feeling in his body still exists, that is to say, Sun Hao’s right kidney still has a warm feeling, but does not feel cold.

It is no different from Dangqiu.

Sun Hao has this feeling after preparing to describe the area that should enter the area of ​​Dangqiu.

Among the squares, these things that the Tsukiji monks sell, the kitten dark blue may have been invisible, and there is no baby that is particularly important.

Everything is normal.

There is not much difference between the city and the ordinary square city. It is divided into three areas, the retail area, the free trade area and a small auction house and city resident.

Perhaps it is deep into the desert, the bad weather, the relatively barren desert can not attract more monks, the flow of people in the city is not very large, the free trade area is the cat three or two in the airless and sizzling two .

This is a market that is not prosperous.

The small town is not big, just stroll around and walk around, the four people did not have any gains, and no discovery.

It seems that Changbeifang City is not the target.

Although I was prepared in my heart, I didn’t find anything in two consecutive times, and it still made Sun Hao’s heart feel very bad.

Moreover, the strange reaction on the body tells Sun Hao that there should be some problems here.

But where is the problem, Sun Hao does not understand.

The last point is Huang Ji.

After Sun Hao took the three Zhuji monks to Huang Ji, he suddenly discovered that Huang Ji was actually a small and small Shacheng without a monk who survived and was abandoned.

What surprised Sun Hao was that after this time, the faint pain of his body began to emerge again.

If Sun Hao does not judge the mistake, if the feeling in the body is really caused by weak water, it means that Huang Ji may be the edge of the weak water.

Seeing Huangjisha City collapsed in the ground, Sun Hao asked: "Small library, why is it ridiculous here?"

At this time, a strong wind blew, rolled up the sky and yellow sand, Xiaoyuhuaku opened his mouth, did not dare to speak, and quickly flew back.

At this point, when you open your mouth, you will be given a stomach.

The Mujia brothers are also in common with Xiaoyu Chemical Library. Yujian flies back and avoids the wind and sand.

Sun Hao stood up on the incense sword, and did not move in the wind. The violent wind and sand blew on Sun Hao's body, just like the breeze and the hills, and had no influence on Sun Hao.

The fine sand rolled up and rushed to Sun Hao, but it could not break through the faint golden light of Sun Hao. Together with the wind and sand, he rushed from both sides of Sun Hao's body.

The violent wind and sand seems to be very dissatisfied with Sun Hao, waving, constantly, blowing back and forth, more and more yellow sand accumulated, and the sky is overwhelming, to annihilate Sun Hao.

Wood, who is far from avoiding, said: "Chu Ye, Shen Xiang adults will be fine? This is something that is making a ghost, a big voice."

Xiaoyu Chemical Library: "In the middle of the desert, there are many kinds of sand beasts, but only the sand and the storm can be manipulated at the same time."

As soon as the voice fell, Sun Hao’s golden palm slammed into the raging sand, grabbed a wolf-shaped sand, and smashed it out of the storm.

The sand wolf struggled in the palm of Sun Hao, but he was struggling, but he was caught in the neck, and he couldn’t move at all. The golden light flashed from Sun Hao’s hand, and Sun Hao whispered. With a sigh of relief, the struggle and screams of the wind and sand wolf came to an abrupt end.

The violent sandstorms around him also quieted down and fell into the broken sand city.

Then, let Sun Hao’s strange scene happen.

The sand-sand wolf in his hands turned into real sand, and there was no sand that was full of vitality. He fell from the ground on his hand and rustled.

Why is this?

Sun Hao’s heart is filled with strange feelings.

According to the truth, the sand is a dead object, and it will not launch an attack of this magnitude at all. Isn't it that the body of the wolf is not found?

At this time, the voice of Xiaoyuhuaku was passed over and Lang said: "Huang Ji has this kind of strength, but after the killing, there is no such thing as a different kind of sand beast. Over time, naturally there is no monk." Please come here to discuss life." (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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