Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1184: Weird and inexplicable

In Huang Yi’s turn, there is still no discovery.

He also killed a few strange sand-sand wolves. Sun Hao felt that the body's foreign body sensation, the more he left Huang, the more intense, if Sun Hao judged not to make mistakes, then the more he left Huang, he was getting weaker and weaker. far.

Unsettled, three days before, and killed a few long-skinned sand beasts, Sun Hao began to return with three Zhuji monks.

At the three most critical points, Sun Hao found nothing and failed to perceive any anomalies.

But what is more unusual is that with the return of Sun Hao, the comfort of the right kidney reappears, just as Sun Hao is bathed in a warm warmth.

The strange thing is that this kind of bathing ordinary monk can't be perceived at all.

If it is not the right kidney abnormality, Sun Hao will not feel this way.

What kind of warmth is so quiet?

The answer is ready, Sun Hao can be 100% determined that the weak water is near three points, and the energy source is constantly changing, affecting the nearby desert climate.

The key is to see if the monk has the ability to see his existence.

Sun Hao once again carefully checked along the way, stayed near the three points for a few months, still found nothing, a little disappointed, but also mentally prepared.

The weak water hides in the desert, and the transpiration essence of hundreds of millions of years is gradually formed. Naturally, it is extremely strange. For thousands of years, the monks rarely see the weak water, so if it is so good to find, it is really strange.

In a few months, Sun Hao did not have any achievements. The three foundation-based monks had been completely disappointed. Xiaoyuhua could not help but say: "Agarwood, perhaps the weak water in other parts of the desert, are we going to change our minds and go again? Looking for it?"

Change your mind? Go find it again?

Sun Hao couldn’t help but move.

Different from Xiaoyu Huaku, Sun Hao can be sure that weak water is nearby, but he can't find it.

So now, can you think of a way like the Xiaoyu Chemical Library?

The weak water is here. Sun Hao does not believe that he has never revealed some clues.

Then. Change your mind, no longer look for yourself, but find those who live here to understand and ask. Some clues should be discovered right away.

There are always some details that should reveal the presence of weak water.

Thinking of this truth, Sun Hao patted the shoulders of Xiaoyu Chemical Library. Haha laughed, and gave him a thumbs up: "Chu Ye, good. Agarwood is optimistic about you, you have helped me a lot. In this way, Yusha and you are strong and go to Changbei, and those small merchants and hawkers are asked about Changbai. The history. Pay special attention to the direction of some quicksands, the chemical library. You will come with me to visit the Shahe Gate."

With the approval of Sun Hao, Xiao Yuhua was very happy. Drinking a "good" in his mouth, playing the snake with the stick, Xiaoyu Huaku said, "Agarwood boss, that mountain wild spirits, can you enjoy two?"

Muyusha and Muqiang are very solemnly hand-in-hand: "Agarwood is reassuring and resolutely completes the task."

The four people were divided into two dials, one went to the Shahe Gate and went to Long Bay.

On the way, Sun Hao was very casual and threw it to Xiaoyu Chemical Library, a pot of spirits, and said: "Chemical library, we said while driving, you first tell me about the basic situation of Shahemen."

Xiao Yuhua’s fart was taken over by the hip flask, and his face burst into excitement. He poured a strong drink into his mouth and said “comfortable”, so he said Shahe without hesitation. Gate: "About more than a thousand years ago, the rare desert cultivation resources in Changbei attracted some low-level monks, and gradually built a square market. Soon after, several well-established monks built the Shahe Gate, which was included. I am in the jurisdiction of Qi Tianzong..."

More than a thousand years ago?

Sun Hao thought about it and asked: "Is it before or after the Changbeihai City?"

Xiaoyu Chemical said casually: "That should be after that, the information on the classification was not written, it is the next intelligence."

Sun Hao nodded and asked: "What is the current situation of Shahemen?"

Xiaoyu Chemical Bank puts its hands on it: "You know when you look at Changbei and Huangji. Now the resources in this area are already very poor. There are very few fresh blood injections. The Shahe Gate is getting worse and worse. It seems to have been in the last hundred years. I didn’t recruit my disciples, and I don’t know that there are still a few kittens and small fish. I have never asked him about Qitian.”

There is no such thing as a history of the last martial art.

If it is over a hundred years, it may naturally be submerged in the long yellow sand.

Xiaoyu Chemical Library has not been to Shahemen, but the natural deserter, who is also a monk, Xiaoyu Chemical Library has shown extremely good path-finding ability. After five days, take Sun Hao to a sand dune, to the bottom. The small sand dunes surrounded by several sand dunes are like a small sand city in the basin. Xiaoyu Huaku said: "Agarwood is the big man, and the bottom should be the Shahe Gate."

Sun Hao nodded.

Xiaoyu Huaku Yangsheng said: "Qi Tianzong, Xiaoyu Chemical Library visited."

The Shacheng Basin was dead and there was no big bang open, but it was still relatively clean and there should be monks living there.

At this time, Xiaoyu Huaku and Sun Hao Qiqi appeared on the sand dunes, and there was still no one in the Shacheng. The strength of the Shacheng monks may be just as normal.

"Come, come..." In the sand city, a monk stepped on a wooden flying sword and flew obliquely. The mouth said loudly: "Shahemen, the deputy head of the long day, meets Zong..."

Standing on the wooden sword, the Changtian monk respectfully respected Xiaoyu Huaku, and Xiaoyu Huaku looked at Sun Hao.

Sun Hao is watching the long-term monk, and his heart is picking up the waves. If it is not repaired, if Sun is not self-reported, Sun Hao thinks that he has seen a friend Jian Bai Forging.

Whether it is identity, or temperament, even the swords on the back are somewhat similar to the sword.

This is also the most similar two monks since Sun Hao practiced.

Its similar fidelity is almost comparable to the mirroring method of 斓曦.

Although the heart is shocked, but Sun Hao is still quiet.

Bai Forging has been sleeping in the burial sky market, but the spirit is gone, but it is not going to resurrect. The long-day monk in front of him is just like a hundred forging.

Deeply breathed a sigh of relief, Sun Hao slowly shook his head against Xiaoyu Chemical Library, indicating that he would not reveal his identity. Sun Hao came here, just want to ask some basic information, and check some information.

However, there is no need to use the true identity to frighten ordinary Zhuji monks.

Xiaoyu Chemical Library nodded intently, and then did not introduce Sun Hao. He said loudly to himself: "The long days of friends, the chemical library, but there are some things that you need to help."

Changtian’s face showed a kind of sword-like forging, very sincere expression: “The two Shangdao’s friends, who were originally guests, also invited to sit down and drink tea. If there is something to be done, Changtian will do his best. Full force."

Sun Hao nodded and agreed that the two men would soon enter Xiaosha City under the leadership of Changtian monks.

The area of ​​Shacheng is not large, that is, the courtyard of Sanjin. After a brief introduction of the composition of Shacheng, Changyu introduced Sun Hao and Xiaoyu Chemical Library into the reception room, and went to the teahouse to pay tribute to Sun Hao and Xiao. The Yuhua library was soaked up, and Fang said with a loud voice: "If the two top priests are sent, they will not be killed."

Sun Hao took the teacup and went to drink tea.

According to Sun Hao’s account, Xiaoyu Chemical Library said: “Changtiandaoyou, is there a record of large and small regional landscapes and large and small events?”

Sun Hao gently took a sip of A warm and jade-like warmth seemed to flow down his throat, and there was a feeling of warmth in the whole body. God’s knowledge was also very comfortable. Feeling, and the fine grains above the right kidney, there is such an unconscious start to melt.

Sun Hao’s heart was slightly stunned, and the hand of the tea was gently touched, and a faint smile appeared on his face.

Long day nodded: "Yes, I will pick it up."

Xiaoyu Huaku said: "Well, I’m in trouble."

Changtian quickly took a lot of bamboo slips and ran in. He smiled and said to Xiaoyu Huaku: "Chemical library friends, all the information is here, need me to help?"

Xiaoyu Huaku said with a smile: "Well, you need to have trouble helping your friends to find the distribution of quicksand in the area of ​​Changbei and Shahe. It is best to have a record of a small mirage. I am useful."

Long days glimpsed, then smiled and said: "Long days understand, I hope that the two friends can get what they want, find some useful information, come and come, everyone to find, I Shahemen small door small pie, the information is like this More, it doesn't take much effort..." (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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