Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1189: Weak water 9 points

In the middle of the Changbei and Shahemen, I found a rolling sand dune, and both Sun and Sun Hao fell.

He said: "Agarwood, this position is moderate, and within the scope of my glory, no one should interfere with your cultivation of secrets."

Sun Hao said with a smile: "Then it is troublesome, right, right, what do I need to do to get enough weak water?"

His face is positive: "Agarwood, if you really want to maximize the effect of weak water, then I still say "weak water three thousand, only take a scoop", weak water, weak water, not weak, not water, Its characteristics are a weak, a light, the smaller your scoop, the greater the benefits to you, the agarwood, if you trust me, don't take too much scoop."

Sun Hao has a slight glimpse.

His face was still very serious and said: "In principle, people who take the weak water have only one chance to take a chance. They can't be lost anymore, but Aquilaria here, I can give you two chances."

Seeing the look of a cautious expression, Sun Hao finally began to face his proposal.

After thinking about it, Sun Hao couldn't help but ask: "What is the difference between asking for a scoop and seeking two scoops? What is the difference between a big scoop and a small scoop?"

Looking at Sun Hao, I nodded and gave a thumbs up to Sun Hao: "Agarwood really has something extraordinary. You can see that it is different at a glance. Let's just say, in this world, we must talk about weak water. Understand, I want to say the second, but no one dares to say the first, and the two problems of Agarwood are precisely the idea."

Looking at the small head, I thought about it, and then said: "I explain this to you. I don't know if you can understand. If you have a weak water, it is equivalent to three yuan of heavy water. Two scoops are equivalent to binary, and three scoops are One yuan, if you need four scoops, then congratulations, your four scoops are just ordinary drinking water."

This analogy is very vivid. Sun Hao, who refines and refines a lot of heavy water in the body, understands it immediately.

That is to say, weak water is still a good one.

Even if the scoop is bigger, there is more water, and it is not the weak water of good quality.

Look at it from this point alone. So isn't it better to have a big scoop?

I have only one drink for the weak water three thousand, but I have a big scoop.

This is what Sun Hao thinks now.

However, he said next: "The difference between a big scoop and a small scoop is also very subtle. Let's just say it. No matter how big your scoop is, take a scoop and the weak water is a weight. In principle, then The smaller the scoop, the higher the quality of the weak water, and the better the grade. Moreover, the weak water of a large scoop is more suitable than the two small scoops. Who is more cost-effective. It is hard to say."

When Sun Hao thought about it, he couldn't help but ask: "So, the last resort of weak water, isn't it a drop?"

A drop of weak water?

He blinked his eyes and thought for a long time, then said: "Theor is true in theory, but the monks who have been in history or the predecessors Xiaolong have not been able to ask for only one drop of weak water. Moreover, among the historical records, the smallest is weak. The scoop of water is more than one liter. The weak water of less than one liter seems to be too weak and weak to have no effect."

Sun Hao nodded in sight.

The world's creations have their own characteristics, but their characteristics will have a general scope of action. Then, the scope of the role of weak water is likely to be more than one liter.

Then according to this judgment to reason, Sun Hao could not help but ask: "The meaning of the brother-in-law is that the agarwood uses a liter of scoop, the effect is best?"

I nodded in a moment: "There is a theoretical problem. However, I don't know what the agarwood is. I don't know what level of mystery is cultivated. In my memory, the weak water is born several times, about Two liters or so."

Sun Hao asked in a whim: "If you take a shot down and then only take a little bit into the body, what will happen?"

He smiled and shook his head: "When weak water is born, at most, you will be given time to sip water, use two time, pass five interest, weak water will not become water vapor to dissipate the air, you must not change the water into the sand dunes, But it won't let you have too much time to think about how to use it."

After that, I added another sentence: "I suggest you think about how to use it first, then come to me to find weak water."

Sun Hao fell into meditation. After half a ring, among the minds, Sun Hao whispered: "Master, how much weak water I take is the best."

In the empty tower, the old eyes of the old man swayed openly, looking at the direction of the top of the tower, the face still had no waves in the old well, and the wood was very, but in the eyes, it was flashing, and the mouth sprinkled calmly and without waves. Four words: "less than one liter."

Then, the old man closed his eyes and sank into cultivation again.

Outside the tower, Sun Hao’s heart was suddenly shocked, and the answer given by the old man once again surprised him.

Actually it is less than one liter!

In other words, the statement of 蜃 is correct. In principle, the weaker the weaker, the better.

Moreover, the one-liter that is said to be the minimum use of weak water conditions should be correct.

However, Master gave the answer below one liter, and its intention is very obvious. The old man let him break the limit of ordinary monks, condense the weak water below one liter, and exert the weak characteristics of weak water to the extreme.

Since Master said so, then it means that the weak water below one liter can also make a difference, but it is difficult for ordinary monks to master and it is difficult to do it.

After thinking about it, Sun Hao said slowly: "My brother, Aquilaria wants nine points of weak water."

Nine points?

I sighed a little and then reacted. I was surprised to ask: "Agarwood, do you mean a nine-point liter?"

Sun Hao nodded calmly, then said: "Well, Shen Xiang thinks that the analysis of the brother is very reasonable. The weaker water should be weaker and more distinctive. Then, Shen Xiang feels that the weak water will definitely not appear below one liter. It is difficult to take effect, so Aquilaria decided to seek nine points of weak water."

He looked at his own eyes and looked at Sun Hao. He said sincerely: "Thanks to the incense and trust, I did not expect that Shen Xiang really gave up the big scoop, but only asked for nine points, but Shen Xiang, I think, don't take risks, it is recommended. It is best for Shenxiang to obtain about two liters for the first time, so that weak water can work normally, but if it is not enough for two liters, Agarwood can also obtain a second scoop according to the situation."

The proposal of Zhai was originally Sun Hao’s original idea. There is no doubt that this method is the safest and most reliable, fully combining the experience of predecessors and taking care of his own reality.

Sun Hao flashed a glimmer of light in his eyes, and said in his mouth: "Agarwood has come all the way, and it is impossible for pedestrians to do anything. It is impossible for people to do it. You must not say more, the agaric idea has been set, and it takes nine points." , small chapter, scoop..."

The pink octopus smell appeared on Sun Hao’s shoulder. In the heart of Sun Hao’s heart, the sound of Bao Ketu sounded up: “Boss, it’s only a small scoop, you are a big octopus. It is overused."

Sun Hao knows that Bao Ketu is worried about himself. He said in his heart: "What do you do, how do you do it, I have a few in my heart."

Bao Ketu said in his heart: "Well."

Then the whole pink octopus became a scoop that just fits the next nine points of weak water.

Look at the stern Sun Hao, then look at the small scoop in the hands of Sun Hao, his face is admired, and his mouth says: "Well, you will come nine minutes first, I am near you. If there is not enough scoop, you will come to the second scoop in time."

Sun Hao nodded and smiled and said: "Okay, then there is a brother."

The boy rushed into the air and disappeared into the sand dunes.

Then, Sun Hao discovered that the sand dunes around him were slowly moving, and the speed of movement was getting faster and faster. In less than a moment, the sand dunes around Sun Hao, except for the sand dunes that Sun Hao established, became completely A flowing river.

It seems that there is something behind to catch up, and the speed of quicksand is getting faster and faster.

Sun Hao holds the small chapter Sitting on the knees, waiting for it.

After the quicksand, far away, Sun Hao saw a huge clam shell, which drifted along with the quicksand.

The clam shell floated in, but a long dragon shaped like a big water snake was found on the back of the clam shell.

This should be the real body of the dragon.

Xiaolong is a creature in the ancient legend. Sun Hao is fortunate enough to see his true body today. His appearance is very similar. He has a fork like a deer on his head and a red on his neck to his back. The mane and scales are dark earthy.

With the quicksand, Xiaolong floated from the side, and when passing by Sun Hao, he opened his mouth.

In front of Sun Hao, as it sprayed, a white mist appeared.

Sun Hao did not dare to neglect, his hand stretched out, picked up the small chapter water scoop, and smashed the past.

In a scoop, the mouth is sucking, the white and pure weak water in the scoop has fallen into the mouth, and the nine points of weak water are quickly introduced into Dantian. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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