Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1190: Weak interpretation

The weak water inlet, a faint warmth poured into Sun Hao's limbs, after rolling the frost and heavy water, Sun Hao, who never felt warm, once again felt the long-lost warmth.

The whole body feels warm and warm.

A warm feeling that is not hot but weak.

It was too late to experience this warmth in the body. Sun Hao, who had already prepared for it, quickly started his own practice of rotating the second water.

The five elements of the wheel drive, the sea king magic drive, the water attribute exercises quickly guide, nine points of weak water into the Dantian, was quickly pulled to the right kidney direction.

The second weak water refining process is slightly different from the second exhaust gas refining process.

When refining the waste gas, you do not need to pass the left lung.

But now it is different, because the right kidney has cold crystals, the first task of weak water is to pass the right kidney, to neutralize the cold, and then to the left kidney to start the rotation.

To be honest, with the huge accumulation of the right kidney, if it is not the advice of the old, Sun Hao will not only take nine points of weak water anyway.

That is really an adventure.

But now, it is already on the string and has to be sent.

Among Sun Hao’s minds, the process of entering the Dantian with nine points of weak water has been rapidly decreasing. It was nine points when he first entered the mouth, and it was less than eight points when he entered Dantian completely.

When Sun Hao pulled the weak water into the right kidney, only seven points remained.

He said that weak water consumption is very fast, and this speed is really outrageous.

Sun Hao did not feel where the weak water disappeared.

The weak water reaches the right kidney, and Sun Hao knows the traction and flows to the cold crystal on the right kidney.

The warmth of the silk is constantly coming from the right kidney. The weak water passes through, and the cold crystal of the right kidney melts rapidly, becoming a warm current and melting into the sea king of Sun Hao.

Sword unparalleled judgment is good, the weak water formed in the desert has been transpiration for thousands of years, and the huge heat energy contained in it can effectively treat the right kidney cold crystal.

But I didn't wait for Sun Hao to be happy for a long time, right away. The situation is very bad.

Weak water can really neutralize melting cold crystals, but the consumption rate of weak water is also too fast.

The cold crystal only neutralized one tenth, while the weak water had already consumed only three points.

Hanjing only neutralized 20%. There are still 80% of the cold crystal waiting for the fusion, the weak water has only one point left.

A huge deficit is placed in front of Sun Hao.

Sun Hao’s heart is not good, is it true that only the second scoop is taken? and also. Zhonghe Hanjing needs a lot of weak water, and then rotates the water root, it is estimated that more needs, then your second scoop is not a big need?

However, why did Master and Master say that the weaker the weaker the better, why?

Sun Hao's control of weak water slowed down a little bit, but he was shocked to find that his speed slowed down, but the consumption rate of weak water still did not change much. Still flying at a low speed.

Irreversibly, weak water becomes a weak stream of water.

Then, the volume is also shrinking at a rapid rate.

Less than a few efforts, Sun Hao's knowledge, the weak water has only one drop left.

Only a drop!

Sun Hao couldn’t help but sigh. It seems that he really needs a second scoop of weak water.

A drop of weak water droplets into a cold crystal, Sun Hao's knowledge can feel the huge cold energy blowing, this weak water is like the fire candle in the wind, crumbling, under the strong cold energy. The volume continues to shrink.

Shrinking and shrinking, seeing that it is too small to be small, will be completely submerged, and Sun Hao is ready to take the second scoop of weak water.

The knowledge is suddenly clear. I felt the warmth of the silk.

Sun Hao terminated his impulse to win the water, and the gods continued to pay attention.

However, it was discovered that the weak water had neutralized the cold crystal, and continued to rush to the second cold crystal under the control of his own knowledge.

At this time, Sun Hao suddenly found a very interesting proposition.

What is after a drop of weak water is weakened?

Actually still a drop of weak water!

Although the size is a lot smaller. But in any case, is he a drop of weak water?

Under the control of the gods, this weak water that has been weakened has continued to rush into the second cold crystal.

A magical thing happened.

The weak water is still weak and the wind is weakened by the strong cold crystal.

The head is still getting smaller.

However, as long as Sun Hao's knowledge can be paid attention to, it is always within the scope of control, control, and command.

In other words, no matter how small he is, he is always a drop of weak water.

At this moment, Sun Hao finally understood what he said. In theory, even if weak water is weak, he is always a drop. As long as the monk can perceive him, he can drive him.

He can weaken the effect.

Moreover, Sun Hao was surprised to find that the weakest to the extreme, weak to the naked eye is difficult to see how much change in the weak water, the effect is still not much worse.

It seems that the effect of a drop of weak water is always balanced.

A drop of weak water does not work well with one liter of weak water.

However, when the volume of a weak water is so low that it can no longer be low, the effect is balanced, the heat is still there, and the mildness remains.

The cold crystal of weak water can be extinguished at any time, but it can only weaken him and cannot destroy him.

In the knowledge of God, Sun Hao did not dare to carelessly, firmly locked in the small weak water, and continued to walk between the right kidney grains, but in the heart, Sun Hao could not help but think of a weak word.

Weak, two feathers are hidden under the two bows, and the small bow is not windy, indicating weakness.

Weak words are often used for derogatory meanings, which means no.

However, in the monk world, this weak word in the weak water gives Sun Hao a very different feeling.

Weak, just a state, weak is only the appearance of weak water.

However, the weak water that can breed the dragon, will it be really weak?

Obviously not, behind the weak, it is true tenacity, a kind of patience, a kind of persistence.

Maybe I am weak, maybe you have the upper hand, I may be destroyed at any time, but I insisted on it tough, and then, in my persistence, you are defeated by the powerful.

This is the real weak water.

Of course, Sun Hao also found that if it wasn't for himself, if another monk came and took nine points of weak water, it must also be a dead end.

Even if the monk can understand the subtleties of weak water, he can interpret the true meaning of weak water, but if his strength is not enough, the gods are not enough to lock and drive the weak water droplets to the extreme. Will lose weight.

Sun Hao’s knowledge of the gods has experienced twists and turns and exercise. It is powerful and exquisite, and it can be called the crown of the contemporary. Even the infinite speed can find a way to drive, but it can always lock the weak water unshakable, and stubbornly drive this drop too small to Smaller, weaker water droplets, and gradually eroded the cold crystals above the right kidney.

In the consciousness of Sun Hao, the cold crystal gradually melted, and above the right kidney, the chill of the cold was gradually warming up.

I don’t know how long it has been, the time should not be short, but it won’t be too long. Sun Hao only feels that the gods are slightly shocked, and the weak water that is so small is already completed and penetrates from the right kidney. The tiny cold crystals that originally spread over the right kidney disappeared completely at this time.

Unknowingly, Han Jing was completely melted.

In Sun Hao’s knowledge, there is still a drop of water.

According to common practice common sense, this weak water should be minimally helpful to cultivation. However, Sun Hao, who is already aware of the weak water, has not hesitated to drive the weak water in the gods to the left kidney.

Under the control of Sun Hao, the weak water quickly left the right kidney and walked to the left kidney.

Let Sun Hao’s unexpected happen again.

With the departure of weak water the weak water is quickly recovering, and at the same time, the warmth in the right kidney is also rapidly subsiding.

When the weak water completely leaves the right kidney and is about to enter the left kidney, the right kidney is already cold. The whole right kidney seems to be a heavy cold pool again, and the weak water in the gods has completely recovered. It is nine points.

I don't have time to think about why this is why Sun Hao's **** knows that weak water has already got into the left kidney.

The round water has never been driven by Sun Hao, and it runs on its own. The left kidney rotates and officially begins.

The five-wheeled wheel drive, the pressure end, and the booster end are fully in place, and Sun Hao began to refine the weak water. The process of refining and chemical refining is also exactly the same. At the beginning, the consumption of weak water is very fast. The instinctual energy of refining warm water sources continuously flows into the left kidney and nourishes the left kidney.

It didn't take long for Sun Hao to complete the basic requirements of the rotation, but only one drop of weak water was left.

With the previous experience, Sun Hao is not in a hurry, and is surrounded by heavy water and relentlessly refining. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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