Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1206: Preparation for the ceremony

(such as the title, the first battle list, seeking support)

Bustling, busy, Qingyun Xianshan, flying quickly for a year.

This year, few monks saw Sun Hao's figure.

However, all Qingyun monks know that their ancestors are now in Qingyunmen, and they should be actively preparing for the Qingyun Lifeng ceremony.

Although Sun Hao did not show up, Qingyun disciple cultivated some special contents according to the requirements of Sun Hao.

For example, the Qingyunmen Jindans were told that they had been buried in the Tianzheng, and they had built the "Fengfeng No." of Qigong. This number is said to be imposing, and the momentum is stunned. Jindan is working hard and the effect is extraordinary.

But there is also a gossip saying: "That is actually a migrant worker's number." It is still a matter of fact. If you don't believe it, listen to it. The number will be the same. I will also: "Golden Dan screams and shakes the earth."嗨; Pangu opened the sky, sang to today; Yugong moved the mountain, spread all over the world..."

No matter what kind of statement, no matter whether it is good or bad, it is a problem. In fact, Shen Xiang is now in Qingyun.

The adult of Shen Xiang also passed the order and asked Qingyun to practice three basic methods, one for three, two for two, three for five.

Since it is an adult's order, Qingyun is up and down, naturally it is a warm response.

The monks of each peak, as long as they belong to Qingyun, when they are three people, they will naturally stand for three talents. When four people are there, they must be four elephants, and five groups, without asking, one is the five elements.

Even if it is in the church to receive the task, naturally, everyone is moving in that way. If they are not in the lineup, they will encounter other monks and eyes, and they will definitely be exposed. This monk must have just returned to the sect. The task is green.

After one year passed, Qingyun Xianshan became more and more vigorous, and Caixia was condensed between Xianshan and between Xianshan. From time to time there are rainbows connected.

The sacred monks who practiced the predictive effects said that this is the symbol of the general trend in the air transport, and it is the sign that Qingyun is about to prosper.

In one year, the monks outside Qingyunmen returned to the mountain. More elite strength, rich variety of resources, have gathered in the mountains.

The Ten Peaks Grand Code, in accordance with the deployment of Zongmen, is in an orderly manner. In the midst of preparations for the heat, progress has been very smooth.

The whole busiest of Qingyun Xianshan, in fact, is still Haoranfeng and 矬 hammer peak disciple.

For example, in the middle of the year, there were many special casting tasks. After the castings were finished, they were sent to the sea of ​​Qingyun Xianshan and delivered to the designated location.

And Hao Ranfeng disciple. However, according to the requirements, in the different peaks of Qingyun Xianshan, different positions, and even on the castings just cast, a special array is described.

Various tasks are emerging, but Qingyun Xianshan disciples are busy and enthusiastic.

A year ago, the peak of the main discussion, Shen Xiang adults called Qingyun, at the time of the Ten Peaks Grand Ceremony. The legislature, not the most common dojo, but headed straight to the South China, and can be compared to one. The Dojo is measured in the millennium.

The decision of Shen Xiang adults is inspiring.

The tasks that the monks have taken are undoubtedly prepared for the dojo.

Legend has it that the dojo is not only a powerful symbol of Zongmen, but also has many special magical effects, which is extremely helpful to the practice of monks.

This is what the Qingyun monk can enjoy in the future, and it is indeed a real benefit. Everyone is naturally more motivated.

There is another characteristic of the busy Haoran Peak and Qiongfeng Peak, that is, their peak lord, the two disciples of Aquilaria adults, the Sakaguchi real person and the Maitreya real person disappeared. The two main events are the deputy peaks, the bloggers, the real people and the leisurely real people. .

According to legend, the two disciples of Shen Xiang’s adults have gone to a very secret place and are stepping up the refining of the core components of the Zongmen Dojo.

Legend has it that it is not a hole in the wind. Daewoo and Zhu Dezheng were recruited by Sun Hao to the Sumiyuki Air Tower. They are now following the Luo charm in the tower, and they are busy day and night with the help of many monks such as Zhizai, Xuanyuanhong and Xiayan sisters. , cast Qingyun Dojo.

It is not easy to make a living in the dojo. Some dojos are several generations of monks who have been completed for hundreds of years.

Some dojos, after standing up, need to be added constantly, and constantly increase the power.

Since Sun Hao chose to dare to say that the Taoist field was measured in the millennium, it was naturally prepared, and there was already a small heart in the heart. Of course, Sun Hao here also proposed a general, and took out a general direction, but the specific implementation was to sit down. Members of the vassals, disciples.

Among them, Zhizai is the chief coordinating general supervisor who does not allow him. Zhizhu is in the state of holding, and Zhizhi has no choice. He has divided the overall design and casting of Sun Hao into thousands of small tasks, and then systematically divides time. Arrange and supervise to ensure that every time period, Qingyun monks have tasks to perform, busy and not chaotic, busy and orderly.

Under the wisdom of the idiot, the big designer, the big founder, the big sorcerer, the big big sewing master is the peerless big beauty Luo charm, as a million years of Jin Dan real human blood, accumulated a lot of miscellaneous abilities, The energy blooms out, and many peerless ideas of the aura flash, let the monks in the condensed towers admire them.

Of course, you have to be prepared for her sometimes confused and confused.

According to the eight-armed chart, "This silly big sister is sometimes a bit silly, but as long as you can compliment her a few words and give her a few high hats, her energy must be leveraged..."

Luo Meigao hat was worn a lot, and I felt very good. I got everyone’s recognition, I got everyone’s trust, I got a great sense of accomplishment that everyone recognized, and I’m really deep in my heart. I really feel like following Sun Hao. It’s really a Good choice, lively, fun, more respectable, the unpleasantness of the point that was accepted as the tower, has long been thrown into the clouds.

The only thing that is uncomfortable is that she is not pleasing to the eye when she sees it. When she sees it, she is nausea. When she sees it, she wants to start her hand. She actually climbs to her head and becomes the general coordination of the general dispatch. It is actually better than her. The position is still high, depressed and beautiful.

Luo Mei forgot a lot of things, but also forgot the specific details of the last stop in the Tianzheng. However, the natural instinct still made her very disgusted with the insults that made her very uncomfortable.

Now I have been crushed by Zhiqi, and the new hatred and old hate have come together. If it is not afraid of breaking Sun Hao’s big event, I can’t say that I’ve already learned the wisdom.

Things are arranged, and Qingyun is busy all over again.

Sun Hao is a lot easier, except for the necessary daily cultivation, and then it is time to look at the casting progress of the dojo, a lot of time, idle.

The heart is in the body, and forced suppression is not the way.

The heart is in the body, and the forced cultivation is not effective.

Sun Hao finally chose Master's suggestion for Yun Ziyan to let it go.

Of course, since Yun Ziyan has suggested it, he has to be responsible for his own suggestions. Sun Hao often finds his own purple smoke master to experience his heart after practicing.

The chilling and simple cloud purple smoke harassed Xiaohao, is to refuse to welcome, a bit timid, but a little expect.

In her fresh and elegant cave house, it is often springy.

As for the extent of development, Sun Hao’s cultivation is naturally not known to outsiders.

It was a cloud-colored shirt, it seems to have found the sister's slightest difference. Once I came to visit, I found that my sister's jade face was spring, and after the glamorous and innocent, I was surprised to say: " You are recently More and more beautiful."

Cloud purple smoked his sister's eyes, no refutation.

Cloud purple shirt stroked a few times on the chest, and said with surprise: "Ziyan, purple smoke, not found before, unconsciously, you are even more majestic than your sister here, isn't it, recently your baby What kind of panacea did the apprentice give you?"

The cloud purple smoke suddenly became shameful, and it was awkward. He called out, "Sister, you are all Yuan Zhen, you are still not big or small..."

Cloud purple shirt smiled a few times, sighed and said: "Ziyan, I don't know, when you let you accept the agarwood, it is right or wrong, under one thought, misunderstanding life, what is this kid? All are good, that is, the brain is not radiant, and the sister is such a flower, I don’t know how to fold it. It’s really anxious to die...”

With her cultivation, she can naturally see at a glance that her sister is still the body of Yu Jie, who is not married by Yunying, and naturally she is in a hurry.

The cloud purple smoke face is flushed. I think of Xiaohao’s sword and arrogance. I can’t help but jump in my heart. I’m glad myself, but Xiaohao’s heart has not lost control to the point where it’s out of control. Otherwise, it will definitely fall into the trap. ...(~^~)

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