Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1207: 10 peak ceremony

The heart and soul are everywhere.

When Xiaoyan came back and Yingying saw it, Sun Hao could even perceive that the two kidneys were undulating in the water, just like the feeling of a small flame when they saw the orchid.

Xiaoxuan confided to Sun Hao about lovesickness, but it is a very rare body. When he met Sun Hao, he was a grievance, but for many years, Xiaoyan has become more and more mature, full body, full of Inexplicable attraction.

Sun Hao feels that his heart and soul are making a big effort.

There are snacks in the audience to listen to the information of Xiaoyan, Sun Hao with great perseverance, restrained his own idiots, let Xiaoxi live in Caiyunfeng, observe the ceremony of the Ten Peaks.

After sending away Xiaoyan, Sun Hao seriously realized his own heart, but it summed up some rules.

The reason why the heart and soul of the heart is called the heart and soul, is also related to the word "spirit".

The foundation of the heart is the word of the rhythm.

At present, Sun Hao can unconsciously feel the emotions of the other party to himself, and the deeper the feelings of the other party, the deeper the thoughts, the more natural the heart will follow.

The strength of palpitations depends on two aspects. One is physicality; the other is emotion. For example, Xiao Yan and Chen Juan, the two of them are in a good position, but after Xiao Xiao came, the heart that was triggered was fierce and I don’t know how many times.

Sun Hao can even feel if he is ignorant, Xiaoyan is hidden under a calm appearance, and he has a strong thought and thirst for himself. Sun Hao dares to bet, maybe Xiaoyan often calls his name to fall asleep. of.

Among the female practitioners Sun Hao is exposed to, it is very likely that only Xiao Xiao is the one who came over. Therefore, in Xiao Xiao, Sun Hao’s heart and soul also felt a different instinct, and Sun Hao also felt. The body of Otaru itself has long suppressed this desire and actually cultivated. For the state of mind. There is no benefit.

The reason why Sun Hao’s own heart is so mad is that there are various reasons for Sun Hao to feel that he should go with the flow, help others and help others.

After sending away the small shackles, the grandson of the heart of the horse is a last resort. He ran to Ziyan Dongfu and harassed a purple smoke master who had become accustomed to his harassment.

The reason why Sun Hao harassed purple smoke. That is because the heart can feel a quiet, pure in the purple smoke here. Without the slightest impurities, he can gradually calm down. Not to break through the last step of the rhythm.

Time flies through the various sacred feelings of Sun Hao, and the 10th peak ceremony of Qingyunmen is gradually approaching.

The rainbow is like an arch bridge. Arched between the Qingyun Xianshan.

Between the clouds of the mountains, there seems to be a fairy voice. A hundred birds sing, the grand ceremony has not arrived, it is already a sigh of anger. Immortality is pervasive.

The VIP Dongfu, which was temporarily set up at each peak, gradually began to check in to guests who came to see the ceremony.

Beyond Qingyun Xianshan, it is completely lively.

Every other time, there were five different facts, and there were foreign monks who came to visit and stayed.

Qingyun monk, before the ceremony, almost everyone got the task, busy, but the entire Qingyun under the scheduling of the Zongmen, busy and not chaotic, busy and orderly.

The days of the Grand Ceremony are in this busy state, and the flight is coming.

On this day, the sunrise rose.

The flaming round wheel slowly exposed half of the face, the sky was golden, and the golden light sprinkled, giving the main peak of Qingyun a golden glow. The sea of ​​clouds was illuminated by golden light, and the blue sky was highlighted.

Above the main peak, there was a melodious bell.

Qingyun Jiufeng, as if waking up in the bell, a team of monks driving the flying sword, slowly vacated, like soldiers, arranged in a neat square array, floating between the clouds.

Ten thousand Qingyun monks, unified dress, unified standard flying sword, unified headwear hairstyle, silently stand.

Among the teams, the flags embroidered with the Qingyun logo fluttered and fluttered in the clouds.

Ten thousand monks over the sky, the arches shaped like rainbows rose, and the futons floated up and down on the arches, like a seat.

Qingyun Jiufeng takes the main peak as the core, and the eight sides are evenly arranged, slowly floating and moving, and the middle is connected by large arrays and bursting into the sea of ​​clouds.

The Ten Peaks Grand Ceremony, with the Yunhai as the venue.

The 100,000 monks square is in the middle of the sea.

The entire Yunhai venue is centered on the main peak of Qingyun. Above the rainbow, the floating futon is like a huge pyramid. There are more futons below. The more the top, the fewer the futons, and the most empty, the peak of Qingyun main peak, only six The futon floated side by side.

When the last bell fell.

Above the main peak of Qingyun, Xuanyuan Hongjun fleshed out and flew out.

A flying up, flew to the position of the main peak of the Qingyun peak, a special position above the futon, standing quite upright.

Stepping on the foot, the futon began to rotate around the main peak of Qingyun.

Every time he turned to a position, Xuanyuan Hongyi was slightly stunned and said: "I have seen you."

In the clouds below, the monks will also replied in a loud voice: "I have seen the sovereign."

The futon turned around and Xuanyuan Hongyi returned to the original point again. He was a little silent and the scene was quiet.

Then, Xuanyuan Hongjun's clear voice, in the sea of ​​clouds, raised high: "The ceremony is coming, Ruiqi Yangyang, Yunhai Jinguang, jubilant auspicious, millennium development, today's exhibition Qingyun Xiongguang, Shifeng Grand Ceremony, now start... ..."

The words "now start" are falling, and the sun just jumps up to the sea of ​​clouds, and there is a golden light in the sea of ​​clouds.

On the top of the nine fairy mountains, Qiqi flew up the colorful fireworks, and went straight to the sky, Xianle Qiming, Wan Xiutong said: "Qingyun, Qingyun..."

Cheers, Xianyin Xianle, for a long time.

After the monks fully praised their passion, Xuanyuan Hongjun’s hands were slightly pressed, and the monks were quiet.

On the top of the futon, Xuanyuan Hongyi said again: "Qingyun Chanhan, 乣缦缦兮; tomorrow tomorrow, rotten stars; Sun and Moon Guanghua, Dan Fudan 兮..."

At the scene, 100,000 monks, along with Xuanyuan Hongjun, Lang Ransheng, bloody, singing the Qingyun battle song.

After the battle song was over, Xuanyuan Hongwei asked: "Where is the Rising Sun?"

Ten thousand Rising Sun Peak monks, Qi Qi flying three feet, highlighting out, battles a reminder, above the square, there is a huge sun, the monks Qi Qi shouted: "Qingyun Zhongjian, Rising Sun Dongsheng; Qingyun Zhongjian, Rising Sun Dongsheng..."

After the appearance of the Rising Sun Peak, the 10,000 monks were neatly tidy, sinking into the sea of ​​clouds and returning to the square.

Xuanyuan Hongyi once again asked: "Where is the falling peak?"

The 10,000-year-old Xiafeng monk swelled in the air, and the battlefield was over the sky. It turned into a sunset sky, and the monks shouted: "The falling clouds don't fall, the Qingyun Yongchang; the falling clouds don't fall, the Qingyun Yongchang..."

Where is Caiyunfeng?

"Color cloud cloud, wing of Qingyun..."

"The hybrid is infinite, the wall of Qingyun..."


Qingyun Jiufeng monks appeared one by one, showing themselves and welcoming the review.

This is the tenth peak ceremony, the first agenda.

It is also a necessary means for Qingyunmen to show the quality of its own monks and to condense the centripetal force inward.

After the show, Xuanyuan Hongjun began to introduce the VIPs who participated in the Qingyun Shifeng Grand Ceremony.

This is an indispensable agenda for the Ten Peaks, and it is also an agenda that is related to the size of the Qingyun door.

There are not many Zongmen who came to observe the ceremony, and the weight of the Zongmen who came to observe the ceremony was not heavy.

There are not many monks who come to observe the ceremony, and the monks who come to observe the ceremony are not heavy.

These will be fully displayed in front of the world's monks.

The position of Qingyunmen in the hearts of the monks in the world is clear from the perspective of the cultivation of the rites and the monks and the status of the monks.

Each of Qingyun’s peaks received a large number of monks and monks, but Qingyun Jiufeng’s monks did not know the composition of the monks and monks. I don’t know if there are some important sects coming to observe the ceremony, but I don’t know, the last six On top of the futon, which monks will sit.

But I want to come to several ancestors in Zongmen, there should be a few, sit on the six futons.

The incense ancestors are undoubtedly one of them, that is, under the ancestors of Shenxiang, there will be several who can sit at the highest point.

Xuanyuan Hongjun began to introduce the guests at the ceremony, and said to the side of the party, "The monks sitting in the direction of the sun, they are from the various territories of Qingyunmen, representatives of monks in various places, they are, Qingmu sects Huang Wenmao, Xia Guoguo Lord Xia Huayu... Qingyun Port One Eye Hao..."

On the Qingyun Peak, Sun Hao, who stood quietly and silently, was shocked when he heard the name of Xia Guoyu, Xia Guoguo.

Unconsciously, did the Xia Guoguo change again?

Think about it, it is also true!

Unconsciously, it’s been decades. In those days, the group of monks who had been together with themselves in the mystery of the dragon’s wonders, if they couldn’t bear the knot, feared that they all faced the limits of Shouyuan, like the mature crops. When harvesting, they are also at the end of the day. (To be continued.) Please search for "" or enter the URL:

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