Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1208: 10 Peak Grand Ceremony (2)

The territory of Qingyunmen has now been greatly expanded. Within the jurisdiction, there are thousands of countries, countless ancestral gates, and affiliated monks who come to observe the ceremony.

Xuanyuan Hongjun did not have a name, but only pointed out more than 20 of the more important sub-classes and large-scale human countries.

The reason why Qingmu Zong ranked first, Xia Guo ranked first, the reason everyone understands.

No one in the Qingyun area will have any objection. After all, everyone knows that it is the mother of the Ancestral ancestor and the motherland. Other sects are not comparable.

The monk who was ordered to be famous, Qi Qi drove the flying sword from the colorful clouds of the residence, and vacated the air. After seeing the ceremony, he floated slowly on the futon in the air.

Among them, some are built by the foundations, some are Jindan Xiu, but today, even though they are not able to use the futon's Jindan monks, they are sitting on the futon.

After the 20th, Xuanyuan Hongyi had a "waiting for 1,200 delegates", and all the remaining representatives were invited up and quickly settled on the futon.

Although there were many representatives, Qingyunmen made arrangements in advance and performed a rehearsal. They were fast, and they were all settled when they didn’t have tea.

Xuanyuan Hongjun smiled and said to them: "Welcome!"

One thousand and two hundred representatives Qi Qi said on the futon: "Congratulations to Shangzong, He Xiqingyun, Shifeng Grand Ceremony, Megatron Shifang..."

Ten thousand Qingyun monks applauded.

Xuanyuan Hongqi Futuan turned gently and faced the direction of Haoran Peak. Lang said: "The Qingyun Grand Ceremony, I also had the honor to invite the major ceremonies of the South China to come to the ceremony. They are, one is going to Muzhenjun, everyone welcomes... Qi Tianzong flies to the heavenly king, everyone welcomes... Baihuamen lead Huazhenjun, everyone welcomes..."

Ten thousand Qingyun monks, the subordinate monks of the thousand and two hundred ceremonies applauded.

However, many monks are thinking, but they are also thinking. did not expect. After returning to the original, Bai Huamen also sent a monk to come to observe the ceremony, and the status of the monk was not low.

More importantly.

It seems that some of the positions to go to Muzhenjun are wrong.

The categorization is the first sect of the South China, and its position in the South China cannot be questioned. Even if Qingyunmen is rising strongly, it is about the overall strength of Zongmen. Qingyunmen is still weak and has more than one.

Then, since the original one appeared in the Qingyunmen ceremony, it is reasonable. The location of going to Muzhenjun should be very high.

To the Changnan mainland Zongmen Grand Ceremony. The ranking of the ones has always been high.

But above the Qingyun Shifeng Grand Ceremony, the monks found out. The location of going to Muzhenjun is only in the second sequence.

That is to say, the height of the second floor of the pyramid stands side by side with Zongmen Zhenjun, who ranks in the top ten of the southern continent, such as Qi Tianzong and Baihuamen.

no doubt. As a result of the arrangement of Qingyunmen, there is a suspicion of degrading one, and many monks are skeptical. Qingyunmen is deliberately arranged in such a way that its intention is to lower the competitors and show their position.

Going to Muzhenjun, sitting in the sky, sinking in the water, but I know in my heart, now I am the object of the attention of the monks who come to watch the monks, the object of ridicule, but it does not matter, if the Qingyunmen eventually If the arrangement is unreasonable, you can stand up and use it to play and stand on the moral point of view.

As long as you are polite and have a good time, even if the Qingyun agarwood is strong again, you will not dare to directly deal with yourself in front of the world.

The top ten sects of the South China are sent to represent the ceremony, and all nine sects are in place.

Xuanyuan Hongyi also read a dozen top rankings of monks with the highest strength, and then a "waiting for 56 representative representatives" was invited to attend the ceremony.

After a burst of cheers and warm applause, the representatives of the Southland are fully in place.

Xuanyuan Hongjun's futon gradually turned to the hammering peak, and Lang said: "Qingyun Grand Ceremony, the mainland event, is very honored, we also invited representatives of the major western gates to come to observe the ceremony, they are, Wan Zongzong, Jianjun Zhen Jun, everyone welcomes..."

The Qingyun monk, as well as the monks and monks in the ceremony, looked at the hearts of the futons in the air, and finally realized that it was not only the monks who came to the South China to come to observe the ceremony, but the other continents actually sent monks, so it was I can understand why there are so many futons.

These spare futons were not originally prepared for Qingyunmen’s own monks, but by representatives of other mainland monks.

The position of the beastmaster in the western continent is very similar to that of the southern continent. Today, the ranking of the army is really far from the real person, not on the top of the pyramid, but also sitting on the first Two sequences.

When I went to Muzhenjun to see the moment when Jianjun Zhenjun was seated, my heart was a little bit clear. I want to take the opportunity to make trouble today. I am afraid it is a bit difficult.

The reason is naturally that the Western mortal beasts are also arranged in this way.

People’s Qingyunmen events have only arranged for their own Zongmen Yuan Ying to sit on the top of the pyramid. Naturally, there is nothing wrong with it. Although it is not appropriate, you cannot say that he is not.

Qingyunmen is a good calculation.

However, Qingyunmen may not be really good. The six futons at the top of the pyramid are just right. Since other sects are not well arranged, then all of them are arranged. Although they are slightly stingy, they are not a good one. Way.

Going to Muzhenjun believes that Qingyunmen’s work is polite and not good.

Unless it is the top cadres of several continents who are arguing about Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang, otherwise there is nothing wrong with the arrangement of Qingyunmen.

The representatives of the Western mainland monks flew one by one.

Compared with the South China, the Westerners have a lot less monks, but the gold content of the monks is not low.

The top ten sects of the Western Continent have arrived, and the monks are also all-in-one, all of them are Yuan Ying Zhenjun.

Next, the Qingyunmen monks and the monks and priests really saw what it was called, and finally knew that Qingyunmen was preparing the influence of Shenxiang adults on the whole continent.

The Quartet mainland, including the central Wang Ting, was ranked in front of the Zongmen.

Originally confident, consciously aggrieved, ready to take the opportunity to go to Mu Zhenjun completely did not find the mind, the reason is very simple, because he found that not only the Eastern Wang Ting, the North Zhongyiyuan Zhenjun can sit like The second sequence.

Even the central Wang Ting Song is actually the second sequence.

We must know that the status of the Central Wang Ting on the mainland has been very lofty, only under the top five strengths of the mainland.

Dare to arrange the central court in the second sequence, Qingyunmen is really courageous.

The top five strengths of the mainland are rarely born. Basically, they will not participate in the celebrations of the mainland. According to the truth, similar to Qingyunmen’s peak ceremony, the representative of the Central Wangting should be the absolute first, and it should be high.

However, Qingyunmen actually arranged him in the second sequence, but there was no reason to speak.

Of course, at this moment, the central king of the world, although he was sitting in his position with a smile, but his heart was slightly dissatisfied.

In other words, in his status, attending the summit of Qingyunmen in the southern continent, it should be the face of Qingyunmen Tianda. Who knows that Qingyunmen will not do things, and actually arranged himself in the second sequence. It was a bit cut off the face of his central Song.

Please go to the mainland of the Quartet, and the hundreds of heroes who came to congratulate the Qing Dynasty, Qingyunmen disciples have been dazzled, can not find the North.

The Qingyunmen disciple first produced the original mainland, and the real monarch is actually not too small.

We must know that the monks on the scene are all representatives. Basically, the Zongmen, who is called the mainland on the mainland, sent a monk to come to observe the ceremony. Naturally, it is almost on the mainland. Nearly 30% of the early real monarchs appeared. Inside the Qingyunmen.

Can you really look a lot more?

Many of Zongmen Zhenjun, who have a little status, have even reached the third stage.

To be honest, they were arranged in the third sequence, which was originally not very convincing. I felt that Qingyunmen was a bit too However, they went to the monks who were in front of them and they had nothing to say. said.

They really can only sit in the third sequence.

Among them, the Zongmen, which used to compete with Qingyunmen for the South China, was also ranked in the third sequence. At this time, the six futons in the air were still in the air.

Unexpectedly, no matter how many years, I can only look to Qingyun monks.

The Quartet’s ceremonial monks returned to their homes, Qingyun Xianshan, and the sea of ​​clouds simmered. The momentum suddenly rose, and a huge cloud of visible eyes began to gather over Qingyunmen.

Its shape is like a huge canopy.

Qingyun Xianshan, with so many cultivation and success, can win the congratulations, the momentum is strong, there is no time, the air transport Yunhai has become the Huagai trend, the imperial emperor, the weather is thousands.

Qingyun disciple, the monk of the ceremony, sighed for a moment.

Qingyunmen, the image of Daxing! (To be continued.) Please search for "" or enter the URL:

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