Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1211: 10 peaks

PS. Presenting today's update, by the way, pull the ticket to the "Starting Point" 515 Fan Festival. Everyone has 8 tickets, and the voting also sends the starting currency. I beg you to support it!

Yao Sheng, there are bears in the ancestral period, legendary, rare in this world, the peak of the alchemy master, there is a bear ancestor, but not Qingyunmen monk.

It seems that at the time, even if he was not a Qingyun monk, he had practiced for a while in Qingyun Lifeng.

The "medicine holy peak" should be the mountain that he once cultivated and then quiet.

If the word "medicine holy" does not appear, the monks did not feel abnormal.

However, after the word "medicine holy" appeared in the world, the monks suddenly discovered that the four slightly insignificant side peaks of the drug Shengfeng, its real shape is very similar to the four ears of Yao Ding.

Most of the monks on the scene, including the monks and monks, did not know the medicine.

However, the tip of the pyramid, the one who closed up, the old **** is in the Xianban Sirius Zhenjun, actually open the mouth, then, although I do not understand, but this medicine Shengfeng must be very powerful.

Unexpectedly, the seemingly sloppy, loose-sounding singer, really found the super-best holy peak, and, I did not expect the usual seemingly wretched slang, now, it seems so wise and confident.

The Qingyun monk is also good, and the monk is watching the ceremony. At this time, I think that in the past, everyone was not optimistic about the free man, but he took the appearance and looked away.

However, everyone has neglected one of the most basic problems. The free-spirited man is the three disciples who have long been accepted by the incense adult. With the eyes of the incense adult, the monk he is looking at will be simple?

If you don't say anything else, you can say that you are a sinister with the singer and the singer. If you are a real person, you have not revealed a hand in the burial sky in the past few years. Has the mystery of the book's aroma has become a must?

It seems that the monks around Shen Xiang adults are not simple.

If you think he is simple. That's just that you can't see his magic.

only. Although the free man is not very simple, but if the drug Shengfeng is really a super-best holy peak, then. Whether he can set up this mountain, it is really hard to say.

Wu Xianlang has not yet begun to establish a peak. Instead, he is still respectfully bowing to the mountain below, expressing his respect and at the same time. Above his golden dan, he also kept a faint golden glow. Communicate the word medicine.

In the sky, Sun Hao smiled and nodded slowly.

Wu Xianlang did this. However, the node has been basically found, and the super-perfect holy peak is to be established. It is slightly different from other holy peaks.

I don’t know if I can finally help myself without helping myself.

The super-excellent peak of the world must be established. First of all, it is necessary to communicate. It is necessary for the monk to establish the basic recognition of the holy peak. Then there is the possibility of standing up.

Jin Dan of Wu Xianlang, echoing the word of medicine, is in communication.

The drug Shengfeng is in the world, but it is stimulated by Wu Xianlang, but after the present, it is like a high-ranking person, and dismissive of Wu Xianlang.

Wu Xianlang's Jin Dan Jinguang flickered, and a yellow flame flew out from Jindan, and shook it a little before the word Sheng San.

The sacred word of the medicine sanshes, and the font drifts to Jindan.

Wu Xian Lang haha ​​laughed, and a hand-printed decision in his hand hit Jin Dan.

Jin Dan spurred, and it produced a sigh of momentum, like a mountain.

The word "medicine holy" seems to be stimulated by the imposing manner of Jin Dan. The milky white brilliance masterpiece is intertwined with Jin Dan's golden light, and they meet each other and touch each other.

In the air, Sun Hao’s clear voice spread throughout the audience: “Dan fire is more orderly, Dan seals the furnace, and the free man, at this time, not waiting, when is it?”

Wu Xiaolang’s spirit was revamped and he said, “Yes, Master,” and then surrounded the scene, and said with aloud: “You friends help me.”

Hao Ranfeng and the squad leader Jin Dan first reacted, and the horn figure screamed loudly: "Golden Dan screams..."

The 100,000 Qingyun monks were driven, and Qi Qi Yang shouted, and the peak of the peak was higher than a wave, and it was resounding.

Wu Xianlang's Jin Dan, in the extraordinary momentum of the peak, the strength of the great vibration, and the three Jin Dan with his help sitting in the air, according to the rhythm of the peak, Dan Li fully open, with Wu Xianlang, began to pull the peak.

The word "medicine holy" is connected with the golden light of Wu Xianlang Jin Dan.

The huge mountain peaks, in the sound of the plucking of the Fengfeng, gradually flew up to Qingyun Xianshan.

At the tip of the pyramid, the weak voice of the Lord of the Temple of the Pluto was passed down: "The will is welcoming, and the force is strong, and it is really the super-excellent peak. The singer is a powerful and powerful alchemy. Qingyun really is a talented person."

Her side, the mermaid princess also smiled and said: "Yes, the super-singapore holy peak non-master can not pull out, I did not expect, I am also a master of alchemy, admire admire..."

Although the voices of the two were not big, they were spread throughout the audience.

The spirit of the Qingyun monk was alive, and the momentum of the peak was suddenly a bit more prosperous.

Actually it is the alchemy master!

Unexpectedly, Idang, who looks very cumbersome and has no temperament, is actually a master of alchemy.

Wu Xianlang's hands continued to play down the three-type furnace, but his mouth said loudly: "The two young masters have won the prize, and the slang is a little bit of alchemy, but it is not even half of the skills of the family." The teacher went out and said that the drug peak could not be pulled up, and he rose up..."

Sun Hao smiled slightly.

My own two confidantes are growing up for Qingyunmen.

However, the technique of the alchemy of the free slang has indeed not fallen. Perhaps, there is still a gap between the real masters of alchemy, but absolutely, there is already a preliminary refinement of the fourth grade, which is the spirit of the Yuan Ying period. Qualifications, otherwise, it is impossible for the drug peak to pull up such a height.

However, the super peerless peak is not so good.

With the power of Golden Dan, it is difficult to really pull the peak to the corresponding height. Although the free slang is good, it is also weak.

When Sun Hao was moved, his heart screamed: "Charming."

Within the main peak of Qingyun, Luo Mei’s eyes stunned and said with excitement: “The charm is manifested.”

Mixed among the 100,000 Qingyun monks, Luo Mei also screamed: "Golden Dan screams..."

A fascinating charm, passed from the voice of Luo Mei.

The word "Zheng Er", which is entangled with Wu Xianlang Jin Dan, seems to have heard the abnormality of the silk, and stayed a little.

Wu Xiaolang and three Jin Dan, at this moment, is a fierce spirit, like eating aphrodisiac, Dan Li increased.

The momentum of the 100,000 Qingyun monks is also in vain.

At this moment, Jin Dan made a force, and the momentum was very strong, and the drug Shengfeng was instantly lost.

Just listen to the jingle, the original want to hold on to the restraint, increase the difficulty of the peak of the drug Shengfeng, has inexplicably discovered that he has been pulled up by the sky, returning to the Qingyun Shifeng big array, and began to slow down with the big battle run.

Wu Xianlang was also slightly surprised, but did not feel any abnormality, that is, the peaking seems to be exceptionally smooth.

After a little shock, Wu Xianlang slammed into the grandson of Sun Hao, and said with aloud: "The disciple is fortunate not to be insulted, the tenth drug holy peak, returning."

Just after the words, there was a sinister eye on the drug Shengfeng. Look at Wu Xianlang and glance at the main peak of Qingyun. Above the sky, there are eight characters: "The medicine is passed down, and Ze is born..." ”

Then, the old man disappeared, and the drug peak became a transparent mountain, standing above the tenth peak.

In the sky, Sun Hao smiled and nodded: "Well, very good, gossip and go to rest, after the ceremony, the drug Shengfeng can open the mountain, but remember, the medicine holy alchemy, the most important monk character, when Izawa was Cangsheng is his duty."

Wu Xianlang said: "The disciple understands, the teacher respects the mind, and the disciple should remember to teach the teacher, for me, and for the world."

Sun Hao nodded and then looked at Xuanyuan Hongjun.

Xuanyuan Hongjun will stand up and say, "Congratulations to the leisure, happy and happy, let us once again give a warm applause, celebrate the lively and lively, and pull up the super-best peak..."

Thunderous applause, banging, for a long time.

Qingyun Shifeng Grand Ceremony, but won a good start.

The tenth peak of Qingyun is in place.

The super-best holy peak homing Lifeng Grand Ceremony, the first step was successfully completed.

Wu Xiaolang once again stunned the air, then spread his arms and led the three Jindan real people. Qi Qi flew to the newly established medicine Shengfeng.

In the direction of the main peak of Qingyun, a team of monks also flew neatly from the sword. A total of 10,000 monks who practiced for a long time, less than tea, also stood in full.

They themselves are the main peaks of Qingyun, and now they are calling the new tenth peak.

The drug Shengfeng disciple, but only waiting for the peak of the ceremony, and then recruit.

Ten peaks are established.

The clouds between the ten peaks of Qingyunmen are faintly thick, and as usual, there are bursts of white clouds, rainbows and clouds, and the weather is tens of thousands.

[Immediately 515, I hope to continue to impact the 515 red envelope list, until May 15th, the red envelope rain can give back to readers plus promotional works. One piece is also love, definitely better! 】(To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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