Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1212: Power of the whole

PS. Presenting today's update, by the way, pull the ticket to the "Starting Point" 515 Fan Festival. Everyone has 8 tickets, and the voting also sends the starting currency. I beg you to support it!

Shifeng Lishi, the first step of the ceremony, perfect ending.

Xuanyuan Hongjun’s face, with a bright smile, said in his mouth: "I have Daezhen real person, Dezheng real person, purple smoke fairy..."

At every point of a monk, above the Qingyun peaks, the monks will rise up and stand by Xuanyuan Hongjun, with a smile to see the ceremony.

Correspondingly, the monk of the Jindan real person will burst into a shocking celebration to celebrate their own peak or elders.

After a while, Xuanyuan Hongjun has already invited most of the Jindan real people in Qingyunmen, which has reached half a hundred.

Among them, it also includes Xia Xia Xia Jing sisters, Jia Rudao, Gu Yunbai, and so on, even Shen Shen, also stood in the ranks.

The only thing that didn't appear was the big boy, because Xiao Xiao was there, he didn't want to know that he was still alive.

Sun Hao did not force him to go with him.

Qingyunmen has developed rapidly in the past 100 years.

Especially the monks around Sun Hao, there are many more.

When Qingyun Qifeng was founded, the total number of Jindan in Qingyunmen was less than 30. Nowadays, the total number of Jindan in Qingyunmen has doubled to more than 80.

The growth of Qingyunmen’s strength is evident.

Among the more than 50 new Jindans, there are as many as 40 monks directly or indirectly related to Sun Hao.

The so-called one person has a good way to get to the sky, but nothing more.

Among them, the most beneficial are the three peaks of Caiyun, Haoran and Hammer, and the high-quality knots that Sun Hao occasionally released, can often directly create a Jindan real person.

Together with Xuanyuan Hongjun, 50 representatives of Jindan stood in the air.

With Xuanyuan Hongjun a height, around the center of the Qingyun main peak a circle. Evenly distributed, fifty Jindan real people are in the direction of the main peak of Qingyun, that is, the tip of the pyramid, all in one.

Xuanyuan Hongyi said with aloud: "Ten Feng Dadian. The second step, please also invite the real people to accompany me, and promote my Qingyun Xianshan, overall, more than ten feet."

Fifty Jindan real people have long been aware of it. And the rehearsal has been for a long time, Xuanyuan Hongjun finished, fifty Jindan real people said Qi Qi: "I will follow the lord's order."

Xuanyuan Hongjun also said to the ten monks in the cloud sea below, and said with aloud: "Qingyun Daxing, everyone is responsible, and you are also asked to work together."

Below, beside the ten peaks, the ten squadrons of the squadrons sang in unison: "I will follow the lord's order."

Qingyun Xianshan, 90 feet off the ground.

If you want to establish a dojo, you need at least a hundred feet or more.

Baizhang. It is not only a small ridge of the height of Xianshan, but also the basic requirement for establishing a dojo.

Pull up the Qingyun Xianshan, you can use the power of Yuan Ying, you can also use the power of Jin Dan.

In principle, the power of Yuan Ying may be easier.

However, in the plan, Sun Hao wrote a paragraph with a stroke: "The Xianshan Grand Code, repairing and blaming, with Qingyun 100,000 foundations, 50 Jindan. Qi Li pulls the mountain..."

To this end, Sun Hao also passed a series of battles, and Qingyun monks practiced.

At this point, it is time to show the results of the drill.

Above the main peak of Qingyun. I didn’t sit at the venue, I was waiting for it. I was preparing for the establishment of the dojo. I saw Jin Xiaolan and Xuanyuan Yaqin sitting on my own side. I couldn’t help but ask: “Sister, Jin Jie. Say, we want to Secretly make a point?"

Xuanyuan Yaqin rolled his eyes and said in his mouth: "You know how to make small moves."

Shuguang Zhenjun aimed a few times in front of the Luo charm, said in his mouth: "Agarwood is not doing small moves?"

Xuanyuan Yaqin said with a sigh of relief: "What are you talking about? What are you talking about? Where is Xiaohao's little action? People are called strategies..."

Shuguang Zhenjun pouted: "Older sister, you are not good, co-author, my shot is a small action, Shenxiang shot is called strategy, can you favor some?"

On the main peak, a few Yuan Yingzhen are still entangled in the skin.

Outside, Xuanyuan Hongjun has begun to pull the mountain.

There was a violent mouth in his mouth: "Spit."

Fifty Jindan real people sit in the air with their knees, spit out their own golden dragon, radiate golden light, and shine on the main peak of Qingyun.

At the same time, in front of each square, there is also a real person who spits out Jin Dan, and the force of the monks who are in the square is shining on their respective peaks.

In the sky, Sun Hao smiled slightly, and the knowledge spread out, covering the entire Yunhai venue.

The gods reflected the picture, and the monks at the meeting were printed in their minds.

With the knowledge of the gods, the 100,000 monks were immersed in the whole body.

On the face of Xuanyuan Hongjun, there was a surprise.

At this moment, he clearly perceives that, just as he is preparing to start the mountain, the entire Qingyun Xianshan, the entire Qingyun monk seems to be a part of his body at this moment, feeling very clear.

The feeling is that at this moment, the entire Qingyun monk has become a general body, and his own consciousness refers to the force.

The spirit of great vigour, Xuanyuan Hongyi could not help but scream: "Golden Dan screams, Xianshan shakes three shaking..."

Fifty Jindan, it seems that 50 gold ropes were released, and the main peak of Qingyun was pulled.

The nine sub-peaks seem to be connected by nine ropes, which are connected to the main peak of Qingyun.

With Xuanyuan Hongyu screaming, Qingyun up and down, 100,000 monks are working together, and Zhenyuan is rushing into the battlefield.

Nine long dragons, coming out from the vice peak, shaking their heads and plunging into the main peak.

Fifty ropes were instantly golden, and they were pulled up.

Nine long dragons rose upwards.

In the sound of the boom, under the main peak of Qingyun, the peak of Qingyun Shifeng rises slowly.

The inverted mountain peak, less than a fragrant martial arts, has risen above the height of the cloud sea five or six feet, hanging over the clouds.

As soon as I got up, I was vacated.

The monks of the ceremony, especially the monks and priests of Qingyunmen, cheered out.

Among them, many monks were the first to see Qingyun Xianshan. Originally, they had a lot of awe in their hearts when they first saw Qingyun Xianshan.

Nowadays, goodbye to the sect of the tycoon Jindan strong mountain, which is spectacular, which is magnificent, has already let them admire, worship for it, shouting loudly.

The monks of other mainland ceremonies did not nod.

At this time, Qingyunmen’s display should be the comprehensive strength of Zongmen.

Fifty Jin Dan, each is not weak.

Ten thousand foundations, one heart and one heart.

After picking up and pulling out, Xianshan vacated, but they also quite sighed.

The Qingyunmen Shifeng Grand Ceremony has already reached the second step, and the Qingyunmen’s Yuan Ying Zhenjun, but none of them appear, completely recharged, and Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang is a good arrangement, good design.

I don't know if he can really build a doctrine for the millennium. If it is really built, even if it works with a single point, the effect is a little weaker, and it is also a feat.

It seems that Qingyunmen is preparing for the establishment of the dojo in order to establish a grand ceremony.

The monks cheered and tried to figure out this. Xuanyuan Hongjun continued to work hard, pulling out the mountain, urging nine long dragons and fifty trainings, and constantly pulling up the Qingyun Xianshan.

The futons floating around the main peak of Qingyun are also flying upwards, and the overall rise is higher.

Ten thousand Qingyun monks, Qi Qi stood above the flying sword, surging the real yuan, watching the fairy mountain flying, the heart is filled with infinite pride.

Qingyun Daxing also has its own.

Xianshan vacated and also had its own credit.

Effortlessly, Qingyun Xianshan was taken in place and then raised by ten feet to reach a height of 100 feet.

The cloud sea below, at this time seems to react to the general, transpiration up, rolling and flowing, rushed up, reappeared between the main peak of Qingyun and other secondary peaks.

Xuanyuan Hongjun’s enthusiasm and enthusiasm, said: “The Qingyun is exhausted, the people are united, the ten squads are empty, and the merits are complete.”

At the tip of the pyramid, Sun Hao’s voice was gently passed down: “You Qingyun Daoyou, please continue to work hard and pull me out of Qingyun Xianshan.”

Ten thousand Qingyun monks, Qi Qi spirits.

Xuanyuan Hongjun was slightly in the face, facing Sun Hao, and said with aloud: "I am obsessed with the adults."

Hundreds of thousands of monks followed closely Qi Qi was on the flying sword, and slightly bowed to the ceremony: "I am obsessed with the adults."

Sun Hao smiled slightly, still sitting cross-legged, but his hands were slightly arched forward: "You friends, please."

Xuanyuan Hongjun's knowledge of the gods, once again contacted Jindan real people.

When the real yuan spits, the mouth screams: "Get up."

One hundred thousand monks, Qi Qi said: "Golden Dan screams, Xianshan shakes three shakes..."

Qingyun Shifeng, broke the barrier of the height of Baizhang, and once again rose strongly and slowly lifted off.

Hundreds of thousands of monks, all in one heart, enthusiasm and enthusiasm, concentrating on the power, the monk watching the ceremony all said: "Qingyun atmosphere has become, the backbone has been solid, so spirit, so imposing, so centripetal force, as long as the top monk is energetic, guided, hundreds During the year, it is bound to usher in a rapid development period."

[Immediately 515, I hope to continue to impact the 515 red envelope list, until May 15th, the red envelope rain can give back to readers plus promotional works. One piece is also love, definitely better! 】(~^~)

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