Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1218: Agarwood shot

In the eyes of Sun Hao's encouragement.

In accordance with the requirements of Sun Hao's heart.

The small fire opened a small mouth and aimed at the main peak of Qingyun.

After the promotion of Yuan Ying.

Swallowing the descendants, the first shot, oh no, it is a mouth.

Open your mouth and swallow it.

Under the main peak of Qingyun, the eight squares of land controlled by the eight Yuan Yingxiu monks, together with the big picture of the gossip they purchased.

There is also a horizontal plane with them, just the main peak of Qingyun with mosaics and arrays.

A large space.

Ten feet high, the square covers the space of the entire gossip map, disappeared instantly.

Sun Hao’s mouth screamed: “Don’t you, don’t you come up?”

In the air, I was prepared, and after more than one time, the eight-digit baby Zhenjun was swaying in the flesh and disappeared into the air.

Once again, they have appeared on the main peak of Qingyun, a little shorter than Sun Hao, still standing in the gossip, together with the futon underneath, moved together and moved up.

A small fire that just swallowed space, a mouth.

The land of the eight parties, together with the platoon, together with the peak of the Qingyun main peak, suddenly appeared directly under the Sun Hao.

Sun Hao knows how to take care of him, knows the sea and shines, and screams in his mouth: "The nine palaces are flying stars, the gossip is standing again, and the buddies are returning to their place..."

100,000 monks, monks and monks.

Lost in an instant.

Everyone is a monk, and I am used to the world of monks who are eccentric, and I am used to the highs and highs, but the scene has been too shocking.

Sun Hao shoulders, the legendary swallowing descendants, seemingly harmless and pure little fire rat, actually so powerful.

Open mouth and swallow, and swallowed a large space outside the two hundred feet.

It is a good horror.

Then, even more bizarre things are coming.

Not just can swallow. Swallowing can also spit.

The little one of the little fire rats spit it out.

Perhaps it is because of the small mouth.

The space that she spit out seems to have been compressed a lot.

The land of the eight parties. The array of gossip, together with the Qingyun peak. All the space is instantly reduced by a hundred times.

Originally, below, the huge earth of eight squares, the huge array of gossip, the huge peak of Qingyun, with a few hundred miles, is a huge formation that is not much smaller than the main peak of Qingyun.

however. After being swallowed by a small fire.

The entire space is instantly compressed to a size of only a few.

However, after the space is spit out, it seems to be a bubble, or the relationship between everyone's sight, and it is quickly returning to normal.

The earth of the eight sides was pushed by the Eight Diagrams and flew to the Quartet, and the volume was also expanding.

And the eight-bit infant monk, Qi Qi stretched out his hand, the real yuan giant palm. Once again, they grabbed the earth of their own position, and the real yuan surged out. The gossip array, which has just been forcibly swallowed up, is centered on a small fire, and like a heart that suddenly stops, it fluctuates again and starts to work.

However, the eye-catching Master, at this time, has clearly seen that the gossip in the air has undergone a wonderful change.

The original gossip array. It’s just a simple gossip, but at this time. Because of the existence of a small fire, the gossip is in the middle. The Jiugong kernel has emerged.

The trick that was just made by the small fire, this swallowing, actually coincides with the game of the Jiugong Feixing, like the famous "flying pace", directly flying the gossip of the gossip.

Ghosts and spirits stood up in the sky, and they couldn’t help but sigh with amazement: "The son is so deep and deep, and the nine palaces are flying, and Linger is stunned..."

Even the Lord of the Kings Temple is stunned, and other monks are even more unheard of.

The cheers of the sky shook the sky.

The monks who watched the ceremony also felt that their minds were swaying. Today, they are truly open-minded and long-sighted.

Awesome Sun Hao Sun Shen Xiang, a strong rumor, a good exquisite construction of the dojo, so the handwriting, but also not Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang can not belong.

Sun Hao in the air, smiled at Linger slightly: "Linger has a reputation, and Shenxiang is just a guide, relying on strength, laughing and laughing..."

After the guest has finished, the space that the small fire spits out is still expanding, and because the space law involving Sun Hao is not very well understood, the Jiugong Eight Diagrams array is also a little swaying, showing signs of collapse.

This arrangement is really against the sky, and there is a counter-attack, but it is reasonable.

Since Sun Hao dared to adopt such a method in the Daoist ceremony, the heart naturally had a small hill, and the right hand waved, and the tongue screamed: "The town."

It seems that there is a general law, Sun Hao is a town word export, in the sky, there is really a golden town.

The town's words flashed, and the golden light burst, and fell to the nine palaces and gossip.

At the tip of the gold tower, Gong Sirius could not help but bow his head and opened his eyes. If he had some enlightenment, he looked at the town word in the air.

Although Sun Hao did not throw his own magic weapon to condense the empty tower, the sky did not see the ghost of the pagoda, but Gong Sirius still recognized it at a glance, this town is not just above the South Ocean, this is good for himself. Does the nephew give him a deep impression of the meeting?

Amazing town word.

I thought that in the past, this kid had just been in the Golden Age, and he could use this thing to suppress himself.

Nowadays, this kid is already a real hero with his own realm. His mother's, if it is really given to the town by this kid, even if he is fully committed, it is not too good.

Think about it, Sirius is always gratifying and emotional.

The feelings of Sun Hao's cultivation are as fast as entering the country. I am grateful that Sun Hao is a descendant of his own family. Otherwise, if he catches such an opponent, he must be sleepy.

Inadvertently, Gong Tianwo knows to sweep past Mu Zhenjun, but finds that the Yuan Ying’s face is very ugly, and he is a dead girl.

Very rare, Sirius Zhenjun's face showed a faint optimistic smile, and his mouth said: "I will say a word, very good..."

In the square of the monk of the ceremony, the voice of Xiaoyu Huaku came out from afar: "Ha ha ha, hahaha, he is obviously two words..."

After laughing for a long time, I suddenly found out that none of the people around me were attached to themselves.

Touching the head, Xiaoyu Huaku said: "Is it that I am wrong when I am wrong?"

Under the golden light of the town, the collapsed formation quickly stabilized, and the space for collapse seemed to have been reinforced and stabilized.

No longer swell, the real, together with the earth of all directions, Jiugong Bagua, Qingyunfeng, are so stable in the air.

The fine-minded monk suddenly discovered it.

There is not much room for stability, just right, it is nine miles.

Jiuli nine, the limit of the dojo.

Measuring the dojo, in terms of Zhang, the full one automatically promoted the dojo.

In the middle of the dojo, the Dojo is full of ten miles and automatically promotes the boundless dojo.

Now is stable in the space above the main peak of Qingyun, the space spit out by the small fire, high three feet, square nine nine.

If Sun Hao builds it into a real dojo, then there is no doubt that this is the limit of the dojo.

However, many monks have another question.

A very important question.

Sun Hao, this is the dojo, what should I do?

It’s good to look at Jiuli. However, the real situation is that this space is not hundreds of miles away.

Nine miles, only compressed.

What is the amount of money?

Still infinite?

Many monks are confused.

Of course, for now, this dojo is still just a prototype. (To be continued.)

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